I Spy Something Growing

Story by Komatose on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This is a fictional, adult-orientated furry story and is not appropriate for readers under the age of 18. The following story contains matter of M/M sexual encounters. If you do not like M/M, furry, or any kind of sex, do not read this. I do not own the rights for brand names used in the story, but the characters, town names, and story titles belong to me and me only.

Thanks for choosing to read my story! Please enjoy it. If you have any comments, feel free to post them or e-mail me at [email protected]

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I Spy Something Growing

By Komatose © 2011

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"...What do you mean...I am PREGNANT?!" Liam screamed as the otter slammed his webbed paws balled into fists on the stained sheets of the bed. His little body was trembling as he looked down to see the swollen belly he had been given from having sex with the hulking draft stallion the night before. Brad just calmly strolled over to his dresser to begin putting some clothes on, since he was still nude from exiting the shower.

"I know, Liam...It is really hard to explain, but..." He sighed as he reached in to pluck out a nice sky blue jockstrap to cover his low dangling balls and impressive leathery sheath. He took a deep breath as he dropped the jock to the floor and slowly stepped into it with those massive, heavy hooves.

"It all started the night you saw me in the shower...girlfriend broke up with me, said she was sick of how I look at other girls...guys...jealous bitch. She had nice tits, no brain, and dramatic as Hell..."

He said as he tucked his endowment into the nice cup of his jock, turning around to show Liam his asscheeks as he looked for a pair of pants to slip over them, the otter, rolling his eyes to the story.

"And?..." He added impatiently, the horse continuing. "Well, I kinda liked havin' sex with her, so I got real desperate, felt kinda buzzed since I was drinkin' that, night, jacked off in the shower. I knew you were there and watching me, by the way." He said with a snort as he chose a nice pair of snug shorts. Liam blushed furiously and balled his fists again, damn it! He did know!

He sighed and shook his head. "Why is your dorm a mess and why did you take advantage of me?" Brad sighed back to him, so many questions! One at a time, please. "Well, I kinda got into a rut, just stopped carin' about keepin' the place clean for a few days...but I was hopin' you would call soon, I was so damn horny, waitin' for you to take a load, which that was a three day load, by the way." left like he was listening to a girl, if the otter wanted love, he should not have come over to see a horny stud stallion.

"Sorry 'bout that, I was really buzzed and horny as hell, kinda sure you wanted sex since, you know the whole shower room thing." He said getting the silky loose shorts around his swollen thighs and going for a tank top now, it was summer, and getting pretty hot after all.

Liam just shook his head and rubbed his temples, groaning while wondering how this explained his unborn child he was about to have. "Yeah, thanks a lot for that, Brad. Now, I want to know...WHY am I pregnant, and HOW?" He stated with clear emphasis on the words to make himself seem really impatient to the horse.

Brad finally slipped the tank top over his huge body, still showing off plenty of equine beef. "That is somethin' I still can't explain...But...You aren't pregnant, Liam, it just really looks like it. Heh, wanted to, y'know, make light of the whole thing."

Liam's jaw dropped as he felt relieved, but still dumbfounded. He was not pregnant, but this swollen, fat looking balloon in his belly...what was it and why was it still there? "Well, that is the best news you can give me, Brad. But do you want to explain THIS?" He said placing his paws on his belly and slapping it, making it jiggle as he still lay nude on the bed they slept in, the sheets covering himself up around the crotch. Brad slowly stepped over, curious himself as to why the otter was still so bulged out.

"Well, you should go into the bathroom and try to...y'know...push it out? Get a shower too, heh...We really made a big mess last night." He said feeling a bit proud, but Liam was far from that. "Fine...I will do that, but don't run off on me!" He said as he groaned, feeling pregnant as the seed still inside from last night sloshed around noisily, making the horse bite his lower lip...knowing he did that made him pretty horny all over again as he would not mind adding to what was in there. But still...he knew something about his own seed, it was...different from other horses semen. It was like super-seed, loaded with protein and raw equine power, perfect for creating colts, many of them.

Liam sighed as he gazed into the mirror in the messy bathroom...it was clear a male lived here. Body sprays, deodorant, soap, bodybuilding supplements on an unorganized shelf...He got curious and reached over to an unlabeled bottle containing some sort of liquid...he sniffed it...wow, sure smelled sweet and kind of good. The door was closed, so he gave it a sip and gulped...ugh, it felt kind of sour going down, making him stick his tongue out and gag as he put the bottle back and went to sit on the toilet and start pushing.

Brad, meanwhile, was busy getting his dorm back into shape. He figured he should now, since he realized this whole drinking and fucking random people was a bad idea, and he did want to impress Liam with how clean he could make it, after all, he did like how cute the little guy was.

Liam was getting frustrated, nothing was coming out! The huge bulge in his belly did not budge, it was stuck inside of him! Gooey and soft, not solid at least, but still, he felt fat and gross! He sighed and stood up angrily, stepping into the shower and starting the hot water to get washed off...there had to be something wrong, or some way to get this massive load of a gallon of horse cum out of him...

Halfway through the shower, he felt a deep, groaning rumble in his gut...yes! This must be it! He grabbed his belly and felt a shift of sorts, groaning as he did so...suddenly, his heart began to race, he was hyperventilating...the room was beginning to spin as if he was lost in a rainstorm, but all of it taking place inside of a shower stall. He wanted to call for help, but nothing came out as his entire body began to burn...his bulging belly groaning and gurgling as he held onto it and leaned against the tiled wall of the shower.

He pinched his eyes shut and groaned, huffing heavily as suddenly he felt his belly slowly deflating...it was getting smaller, almost like a huge pressure being relieved from him. Finally! Though...he felt nothing coming out of his tailhole, no rush of horse seed or anything...where was it going? He opened one eye, groaning and watching the gut slowly shrink and deflate as if it was almost soaking into his body...but how? So fast? It was taking a toll on him for sure as he felt his head start to throb, his muscles in his toned body burned hotly as his joints felt sore, as if Brad had tripped and fallen on him.

But as his belly completely vanished back to his slim and toned self...the pain and discomfort melted away...leaving a blissful numbing feeling as he gasped and opened his eyes, looking down and seeing his normal self again. "Wow..." He said as he rubbed over his toned, creamy colored belly in contrast to the chocolate outer color of his fur. Confused, but not wanting to think about what happened, he finished up his shower, scrubbing himself clean of crusted semen and finally finishing up and getting out to comb and use some of Brad's deodorant...damn it smelled nice...he felt himself becoming aroused thinking about Brad...why? He basically raped him? But there was something so alluring and attractive about the stallion...

Brad had his dorm back to a nice clean state, books in their place, garbage gone, clothes in a hamper, he did need to do some laundry...he wondered if Liam would stick around? It was Saturday after all, summer break just began...maybe he could make up for it all by taking him out somewhere nice? Nah, the little guy probably wanted to leave and not see him again.

Liam finally stepped out of the steamy bathroom and into the bedroom, the sheets taken off the bed and the clothes in the room gathered into a big hamper, the trash was gone...perhaps the horse was trying to impress him? Well, he needed to try really hard to! "Brad? Where are you?" He said looking around the bedroom with just a towel around his waist.

The horse stuck his head back into the bedroom from the main room and smiled, seeing no more belly bulge. Whew! He did push it out, that was good because he did not want the little guy to REALLY end up pregnant...Now that would have been scary if that happened again.

"Liam, you manage to get my gift out?" He said with a silly snicker and snort as Liam crossed his arms...wondering what really DID happen to it all. "Sure. It's all gone but I do feel really funny...my arms and legs burn...my whole body does like I was swimming all day..." Brad tilted his head as he came into the room to check Liam out, he was so cute! But maybe the sex really did take it out of his fragile body...not to mention that nice tight pucker.

"You should rest here, unless you want to go or something...Um...we can...see a movie later or get lunch..." He said rubbing the back of his head, the nine foot tall horse looking down at the five and a half foot tall otter that probably weighed a tenth of what he did. Liam figured Brad was trying to make up for it, but he did not feel it, what he wanted to do was rest up. But...the offer was kind of nice as he could not help but smile a little.

"Maybe...I want to just rest and...and...UGHH!!" He screamed as he grabbed his belly and lurched forward, his face going red and his heart racing once more like a heart attack, his lungs heaving and his body starting to convulse. "Holy fuck! Liam!" Shouted Brad in his room shuddering voice as he could go over to the otter and place a giant hand on his back to keep him up. "Liam?" He said as the otter felt his body burn all over.

"B-brad...I feel...hot...sore..." He said as he huffed between each word, his muscles starting to flex and contort under his creamy fur as Brad stepped back and watched...it was like he was spasming all over...he needed to call for help! Shit, his cell phone was in one of the pair of pants in the hamper! He snorted and neighed, going to the hamper to find the pants with his phone as Liam stumbled into the center of the room, looking at his webbed hands as he threw his head back and let out almost a roar, otters naturally don't roar so it was very strange to hear as it caught Brad's attention once more.

Liam looked at his arms...his biceps were bulging...flexing outwards as the veins under his flesh pumped...he felt his bones creaking, his muscle spasming and thickening before his very eyes...what the HELL did he drink? He could only watch as his body was frozen, his muscles almost cramped as they began to grow. His thighs thickened, his tail shuddered as it plumped up, his neck, chest, and his toned belly turning into a six pack of abs before their very eyes, Brad's going wide as he figured what it must be...his semen...it was the ultimate body building fluid...but what caused it to do this? Liam knew, that damn supplement he took was supposed to be mixed into another liquid, it was concentrated muscle growth stimulant for species larger than himself, one normally cramped up painfully from drinking it...but it was mixing with the draft horses semen and having a seemingly devastating effect.

Brad could only watch as the otter grew in height as well, the towel falling off to show his balls and sheath filling out as well, reaching six feet...soon six and a half as his body grew an eight pack forcing from his torso. Liam's neck became corded and thick, thicker than his head, the muscles on his back pulsing and forming all the way down his tail and ass, his limbs inflating with solid packed muscle under his chocolate and cream fur. Brad's heart started to race as his sheath began to stiffen and push out his cock, getting heavily aroused from watching the otter swell up in muscle mass, the horse already sweating from the sight as Liam reached seven feet tall, and not stopping yet. Liam growled through clenched teeth, his arms finally moving to open out further, arching his back as his cock sprung from his sheath and started to grow...the pain and soreness was turning into an indescribable pleasure that he could not comprehend as his face went darker red than it already was.

Liam was becoming more limber as his puffed out chest heaved, the growing slowing down as his body began to twist about some more, his surprised eyes looking over his new form, his thick tail swishing about and his legs swollen to resemble the horse's in front of him. He panted from his thick lips, feeling his body slowly begin to rest from its intense growth spurt, his heart not feeling like it was going to jump from the solid cage his muscular chest and solid eight pack had become. Liam closed his eyes, stopping at damn near eight feet tall, still shorter than the horse, but considering he grew over two feet?

Liam's body hunched as his dick pulsed, fat with veins and much thicker and longer than it was, his balls swollen like two grapefruits inside of a furry sac as his body began to sweat, his musk potent and making Brad even hornier as his two foot horse cock finally snaked from the bottom of his shorts and precum ran down his leg.

"Liam...are you..." The otter opened his eyes, inhaling deeply and feeling his body pulse, his muscles swollen out like a professional bodybuilder's, he looked like Brad, but smaller, and an otter of course. "Brad..." He said as his voice was a bit deeper, but not monstrous sounding or anything, like some sort of horror movie.

The horse's flesh pole was throbbing, and so was Liam's as they both began drooling preseed onto the carpet to make a mess once again. The otter's huge webbed paws clenched as he looked over his new body...was this permanent? Was this real? How did semen and supplement make all of this...but one thing was for sure...

He was happy.

He had been bullied about how small he was back in the day by his brothers and bullies at school, he was always small, fast metabolism, never could gain weight or muscle but now he had it all...He was powerful and he wanted to thank the one that made him that way. Brad snorted and watched the otter step closer, his thick legs rippling, his chest tensing up with hard pink nipples, the wide, well veined neck holding his still cute face as Liam stood on the tips of his toes and kissed the horse right on the lips, this time, making the Percheron do the blushing!

"Brad...Thanks...now turn around..." Liam said with a grin as it was time to show Brad how it felt. He wanted to plow that big horses ass since he saw it in the locker room, sure, he was mostly a bottom, but now that he was big, oh, he wanted to fuck something so bad...must be all that testosterone flowing through him. Brad nodded nervously and turned around slowly, showing off his impressive backside as Liam grabbed the shorts and jockstrap by the bands and yanked them right down, Brad's two footer flopping out into the open and splashing an arc of precum across the room and onto the wall in front of them.

"Liam are you...going to..." The otter grinned and bit gently onto the shoulder of the other male. "Oh yeah, Brad..." He said as his large, now strong webbed paws spread the Percheron's big asscheeks apart to see the large ebon hole down there, the tail easily pushed up as Liam shoved his cock between the muscular, yet still fat asscheeks and prodded the hole, making Brad neigh and snort. Liam's cock had gone from seven inches to at least fourteen, doubling in length and as thick as a soda can as his cockhead slipped right in from how copiously he was leaking and the sheer size of Brad's asshole, making the horse neigh and grunt and bend forward a bit. It was some time since Brad took it in the ass, but he secretly loved it but never wanted anyone to know.

"Liam, fuck me hard..." Brad begged, blushing hard from his spotty grey cheeks as he was about to be taken as he took the otter last night. Liam wasted no time, shoving his pulsing pink dick up into the horse and hilting, his now swollen balls slapping the muscular, huge ass the horse had as his now massive arms came to wrap around the horse and squeeze, him, Brad surprised to almost feel the air leaving his lungs completely from the backwards hug.

"Oh, you want it? Lets see how good you can take it..." He grinned wide, starting to thrust his now powerful hips and slap them against the horses ass over and over, beginning to jackhammer with all the power he had built up inside of him. Brad was furiously jacking off his massive horse dick again, squeezing the flare, the median ring, running his fist all along his soaked shaft as his ass was taken by someone he basically helped create, his loins burned as all of this excitement was almost becoming too much for him.

Brad's teeth chattered, his muscles tensed up as once more, his flared head fanned out and dozens of thick ropes of seed flew out in an arc, splattering the wall in front of him as well as soaking into the carpet as his prostate was nudged over and over by the massive otter cock inside of his huge black asshole. The horse moaned like a bitch as he was taken, his body shuddering as he felt so good to be fucked again by someone who was just as muscular as he was. Liam snickered as he smelled the cum in front of him, feeling the horses fuckhole tense up as he came.

"Cumming without me? Naughty..." He said leaning against the horse to bite him on the back of the neck and really slam his hips against him, making the horse lunge forward each time and moan out in bliss as soon he felt his balls tingle once more and shoot a second load, not as heavy but still making another puddle on the carpet as it oozed out rather than shot. Finally, Liam gave a few hard thrusts and stopped, his newly huge and muscular body tensing up as he bit harder onto the neck of the horse and came like he never had before. The feeling was so euphoric that he almost felt like he was going to pass out, his cock shooting forth a load that could rival Brad's as he ejected a solid load right into the anal canal of the stallion, making a small bump from behind the horses abs in front to show how much he gave him.

The two finally leaned forward against the wall and rested, bodies heavy and swollen, sweaty and musky, their chests heaving as the otter kissed the back of the horses neck and made him moan out once more as Brad was teased beyond belief. Watching Liam grow like that and getting fucked so hard in the ass was really different for him, but he would not mind keeping the otter around now...

"B-brad..." Said the otter as big webbed paws with thick fingers rubbed over the abs of the horse and the small bump behind that solid wall he had. Brad looked back with a blissful expression, his lips hanging open as he panted and snorted from his large nostrils.

"Y-yeah, Liam?.." He asked in a dazed manner.

The otter smiled and wink at him as their faces met, much easier now since the otter was closer to the horse's size.

"You're pregnant..." He said as they both started to snicker and burst into a laugh before sharing a good, solid kiss.

Now the next thing on Liam's mind was getting a new wardrobe...Probably staying with Brad a lot more...and what his parents were going to do when he came back home...