An old love, rekindled.

Story by Vyktor on SoFurry

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It was happening.

As I stared at the girl whom my heart belonged to so thoroughly, I gave a soft whimper. She was leaving. We were most likely never going to see eachother again, and that thought pained me greatly.

I took her paw in mine, and kissed it affectionately, as we parted ways. I would eventually move on, and she would find herself a mate, other than myself. The thought hurt me deeply. I would miss her, and little did I know that the first few months would be the worst. I would become lethargic, depressed. I would eventually get over her, and move on with my life, making my own mistakes, and my own choices. These choices would develop me into the Anthro I am today, strong willed, strong in mind and body. During the time we were separated, I carved my own path, carving myself as well, making myself into who I am now. I am no longer just a boy, but I am a man, fully capable of making my own decisions, and affronting my own actions. Most thoughts of her were long since gone. Every now and then I would remember, and wonder how she was, but I would soon forget, and continue with my life.

*nearly a year and a half passes*

It happened.

We met again. Out of the blue, random contact, we happen to bump into eachother. We're both startled, taken aback and slightly nervous. We knew eachother right away, this woman who had captured my heart what seemed a lifetime ago. She smiled brightly at me, showing shiny white teeth underneath her muzzle as she called my name. Her voice was chipper, and betrayed nothing but sheer joy of seeing me again after so long.

I stood still, unsure how to react as my heart beat quickly. I still had feelings for her, buried so deeply that I had forgotten they existed. But here they were now, my mind raced, my heart sped out of control, and my throat caught as I was unable to speak. Her beauty struck me, as I ran my eyes down her slender frame through my sunglasses. She was still small, and average in build, but the proper word for her would have been petite.

Her name raced through my mind as I groped for something to say.


Finally she stepped forward and hugged me, squeezing me tight as she buried her face in my chest. Her warmth against mine felt marvelous, as I slowly loosened up and wrapped my large arms around her shoulders, embracing her tightly with the pain and misery of all those years that I had not had her. Many failed relationships, many failed dates, many failures in general. And yet now here stood the one opportunity to make them all ok.

She spoke again, asking if I wanted to get something to eat together so we could catch up. I silently nod my assent, and she grabs me by the wrist to take me to an eatery of her choosing. I don't care, her hand next to mine sets my mind racing again, eager to learn about the missing 2 years between our lives.

She takes me to a simple burger joint. Nothing fancy, but then again, it was refreshing from the usual ex girlfriends who had always expected me to take them out to class establishments, and spend my entire paycheck on them weekly. We take out food to the back of the dining area, in a quiet booth, where we can talk.

Its here, that I learn much has happened to her. None too good, as she told me tales of her most recent breakup. The spineless man she had called her boyfriend used to let his mother mistreat and abuse her, and he wouldn't stand up to his mom, even if she was hurting her.

My heart broke as I learned she had almost had a child. An unexpected, and I believe an unwanted child, though she wasn't entirely clear on that subject. It hurt to think of how close it would have been to the end, of never having another chance with her again, if she had that child.

As we ate our food slowly, I also explained about my life. The several failed relationships that ended badly, due to me being used as a sexual toy. I had always been a pushover when I was younger. To some degree, I still am. If I find myself liking a woman, I become a soft, and tender man. These women wanted the "bad boy" that they had seen in me at the beginning. Little did they know that, that part of me was just a ploy. An outer shell used to trick people into thinking I was more dangerous than I actually was. Which isn't to say I'm not dangerous. At 6 foot 2 inches, weighing nearly 250 pounds, I have size and weight on my side, as well as my sharp fangs which come naturally for a canine such as myself. Add to that the combined years of mixed martial arts that I had been taking, and I knew how to effectively fight, if needed...but I never actively sought one out.

She reached over and put her hand on top of mine, as I looked over at her. She had that spark in her eye. That undeniable spark that meant she wanted me as badly as I wanted her, if not more so. We stood up, leaving out food half finished on the table, and she grabbed me by the hand this time, pulling me along the streets back to her humble home.

We reached her apartment, and she unlocked the door in silence, closing it behind her as she wrapped her tail around my leg as much as she could, gently pulling me inside with her before locking the door.

As if it was a switch, the clicking of the lock set her upon me quickly, pressing her muzzle against mine in a heated kiss which I returned just as heatedly. Her hands wrapped around my waist as I threw mine around her shoulders again, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss.

She leaned against me, pushing me backwards until my back was to the wall as she groped me eagerly, her soft paw gently rubbing my crotch, setting my loins afire as my manhood began to twitch in its sheath.

She stripped out of her clothes quickly in front of me, baring herself as she smiled up at me, raising her arms above her head, showing me all of her.

My eyes ran hungrily down her grey fur, which ran all down her back, stretching across her stomach where it turned pearl white, stretching up to her muzzle, and all the way down to between her thighs. My eyes stopped at her breasts, lightly furred, which had two pink nipples sticking out, making it obvious she was aroused.

As if I couldn't already tell by the scent. I could smell her juices, slowly leaking out between her legs and soaking the fur on her inner thighs as she kneeled in front of me, unbuttoning my pants and quickly pulling them down around my ankles, before reaching in through my boxers and gripping my now fully erect and unsheathed penis. She began to stroke it lovingly, with skilled hands as I growled low in my throat, the pleasure almost making me shoot my load already.

She murred softly, in a reassuring sound as she pulled me through my boxers, letting my balls hang free from their confines as she massaged them gently with her free hand, her other hand still working up and down my shaft in a steady rythm. I pressed my back to the wall, my tongue lolling out as I began to pant, my ears flat against my head now as I began to thrust into her hand. She smiled up at me naughtily, before she closed her muzzle around my throbbing member, sucking hard and fast as her other hand still gently massaged my testicles, spurring me onto climax, as I finally came into her mouth with a loud yelp. It was like a floodgate that I couldn't stop, as I spazmodically thrust myself deeper into her mouth on instinct, pouring more of my hot seed down her throat. He hand gently squeezed my balls, as if to milk more from me as I finally began to wind down, finishing my orgasm with a few last spurts, which she pulled back and let them fly out into the cool air onto the floor, with a grin.

She then pulled me over to the couch and sat back, spreading her legs and holding her arms out for me. I glanced down at my penis, still amazed at how hard I still was, as I climbed on top of her. My heart was racing unbelievably fast as she gripped my shaft, helping to put it at the entrance of her unprotected sex.

I spoke up quietly, about my concerns of pregnancy, but she told me she wasn't in season, so it was ok to take her naturally. She then leaned up and whispered into my ear seductively that I could cum inside her, and that if I wouldn't, she would make me do it anyway.

I swallowed nervously as I propped myself up above her on my hands, pushing into her wet folds slowly. She was a tight fit...either her small frame making her insides even smaller than normal, or I was just too big for her. Either way, it was a challenge not to pop right then and there, as she leaned her head back and gasped loudly.

Her insides were hot, and felt absolutely marvelous as they convulsed around me, seeming to want to pull more of me in as I buried myself completely inside of her. She gasped and trembled under me as she hit an orgasm, just from me pushing myself in! She must have been more aroused than I thought at this moment. I began to make short, quick thrusts into her as I warmed us both up, her sensual moans under me spurring me into action. After a short while, she wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me, which made me pick up the pace, sliding the entire length of my shaft in, and out, and back in again as I took joy in her moans of pleasure. It was unreal that I could cause her this much intense pleasure, and it made me want to give her more, just to hear her whine and whimper under me.

It went on like that for nearly an hour, as she built up and came several more times, before I finally neared my second orgasm. My knot began to swell out as I prepared to cum, and I slowly began to pull out, to cum elsewhere. She had apparently felt my knot beginning to form, and she quickly wrapped her legs around my waist, linking her ankles behind my buttocks as she pulled me back into her, staring into my eyes. I blinked down at her, obviously a look of worry on my face, but she nodded once and reassured me that it was ok, that she wanted it.

By this time it would have been too late to do anything, as my knot had fully stretched out inside her, locking us together in a love bond as my swollen member twitched and danced, before unleashing another torrent of my hot love into her unprotected pussy. She gasped and moaned loudly as she clawed at my back, biting my neck and clinging to me as my hot sperm set her off into another, more intense orgasm. I growled low in my throat, too...the pleasure was unbearable, and I was sure I would pass out.

After several minutes, as I slowly emptied the remains of my balls into her tight womb, I finall collapsed onto her, my member still swollen and linked inside of her, as I made a few last twitches, attempting to find more sperm inside with which to expell into her. We cuddled, kissing eachother passionately, and all around our necks, ears, noses, and lips as we waited for my knot to finally recede. After nearly an hour, it finally did, and I gingerly pulled out of her with a wet pop, but none of my cum came out. I had gotten all of it too deep inside her.

But we did not stop cuddling. We fell asleep in eachothers arms, and as I drifted off into the land of slumber, I could have sworn I heard her say, "I love you".