Feeling Better

Story by Zune on SoFurry

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I was sitting in the coffee house for some time now just reading my book and drinking my 3rd cup of coffee. Feeling the buzz of the coffee kicking in I decided to head to work. It was about 10 o' clock anyways and I would be late if I didn't leave then.

My name is Zune and I live in long beach, CA. I am a lion with a normal mane and a normal personality. All my friends say I'm weird and unnatural but that's them and I don't care what they think..... usually.

As I headed over to my car I noticed a big yellow clamp attached to my wheel.

"Oh crap!" I said while running over to it to try to pry it off. I knew I couldn't but I am just the kind of guy who would do it anyways. I pulled out my cell and called my friend Sean the fox to see if he could give me a ride. To my luck he had just finished up a test at school and was heading to our apartment anyways. Sean had been my friend for years and I had just moved in with him and his girlfriend, Janna, at the beginning of the school year. He had been supportive of me throughout our entire friendship. When I told him I was gay he said it made no different in our friendship.

About 15 minutes later Sean pulled up in his old Honda and I jumped in.

"Oh thanks man maybe ill only be a little late if we hurry."

"No problem" he said while racing off right through a stop sign with honks trailing behind us. He had never been the best driver. He ended up crashing my jeep while I was teaching him how to drive a stick.

I got to Pranser's bookstore at about 10:30 and ran in and punched my card in the time stamp. Luckily I hadn't been noticed. I put on my little badge and started checking around the isles for John the bobcat. He was late as usual. John was my "friend with benefits" as he called it. He had a boyfriend named Scott that every now and again would also fool around with me. We never had sex but it was always on my mind. His boyfriend was quite mean. I didn't like hat cause he was a jerk with a dominatrix fetish. I usually just slipped in the back and pretended to be restocking the books or checking something that probably didn't need to be checked.

I found John hiding in the back crying with a black eye and a cut above his lip. I quickly ran over to him and looked at his wounds.

"What happened!?" I said to him as he crawled into my arms.

"Scott," he said blubbering away," I broke up with him and he punched me in the face and threw me to the ground. I got out of the house as soon as I could. It was almost time for work so I decided to come here. I called the cops already and they came and talked to me. They said they would get him and keep him away from me. I just hope they do."

"Why did you break up?" I ask still shocked and feeling kind of stupid for asking that question.

"Why do you think!" he said while wiping his nose on his sleeve, "he was a controlling bastard! And I never want to see him again." I sat there holding him slightly rocking him back and forth all while enjoying the thought that the rotten fur who did this is probably now in jail.

I heard the boss call John's name. John and me looked at each other and then looked out the door to where the bosses voice was coming. "Don't worry, ill keep him occupied." I sat him up and ran into the store's front and asked the boss what was happening. He said that the police were here and wanted to see him.

"He doesn't want to come out here right now, is there anything I can do?" I asked in a sad tone.

"Are you his boyfriend?" the officer asked.

"Umm....yes I am" I said quickly astonished at what I had just said.

"Well I'm sure you know about John and his attacker this morning." I nodded yes. "Well this......Scott has been caught and he will be in the county jail until his hearing. We will call you when the hearing is."

I was so relieved when I heard this. I gave the officer a quick thank you as I darted back into the back room.

"What happened?" my boss asked and I ran past. "John had a bad morning," I said

I got back to the room and told john the good news. He was very greatful but he still was crying. I cradled him again.

"It's ok, he's gone now. You don't have to worry."

"I know, I-I-I know but I'm just still scared."

"You know what, your gonna stay with me tonight. You can stay as long as you want. I'm sure Sean and Janna wont mind."

"No no I couldn't possibly! I cant!"

"Ill stay on the couch, you can stay in my bed."

I could tell he did not want to miss this offer. Scott didn't know where I lived.

"Well I guess so. But only for one or two nights. No more"

"Fine fine" I said with a swift kiss on his forehead. That cat was one pretty bobcat. He was short, defined, and well rounded....everywhere (you had to have gotten that). He was spotted all over and had 3 stripes on his head. I had a crush on him went I first met him. That's how we got to be "friends with benefits."


After work I called Sean and asked him if John staying was ok. He said he was welcome to stay. He also said that my car had been towed and that I could pick it up at any time. That was just great because right now I was broke! I just had to buy those new seats for my jeep! God.

Sean picked me and John up and the three of us headed out to get some food. I hadn't eaten since the coffee house and my stomach was growling. Since I was a vegetarian it made it hard to find food. Yes you heard correctly. I am a lion who hates meat. Scary no? Anyways we finally decided on this place called Open Sesame. It was an Indian place that was usually packed but luckily we beat the crowd. Having one of their weird drinks and great hummus really cheered us all up. Except for Sean who nearly choked on a pine nut that was in his drink. The scary thing was that the pine nuts were supposed to be in there!

After we ate we headed home were Janna greeted Sean with a swift kiss and me and John with a hug. She had met him before a few times so she knew him rather well. I showed John his room and he flopped down on the bed. He was very messy. The only thing that made him gay was what mess he liked.

He disrobed down to his briefs and threw the close into a pile on the floor. I did the same but threw mine in the hamper.

"Wow for being gay you sure are messy." I joked. He giggled

"Thank you so much Zune," he told me as he covered himself with the covers. "Anything at all" I said as I kissed his cheek good night. To my surprise he grabbed my head and pulled me into a deep, hard kiss. We kissed for a good 10 seconds before he broke the lock and said good night. I walked out of the room with the biggest smile I've ever had in my life.

I walked out of the room with a huge smile on my face and a face on my mind. I had unfolded the couch mattress and gotten in. I turned on the TV and muted it to help me get to sleep. I couldn't though. I tried and tried for an hour but all I could think about was that sexy bobcat in the other room. I got up and went to the bathroom to try to clear my thoughts. On my way back I peeked into my room to see if he was asleep. I couldn't very well see but I assumed he was. I crept inside and shut the door, looking over to the sleeping bobcat. I lifted the covers and slid in next to him. I suddenly felt a hand grab my mane.

"So you are awake." I said with a smile

"Yea well I couldn't sleep. I was thinking to much about something," he said while reaching under the covers and fondling my sheath. I gasped at this but he pulled me into another hard kiss. Our tongues dancing about my mouth. I quickly put my paw on his already growing cock. He broke the kiss and slid beneath the covers and I felt my briefs get pulled down and my already hard cock slide into his mouth. His ruff tongue lolling my penis around his mouth. I moaned as he did this. Feeling my pre drip into his mouth. I grasped his head and made him pump harder. I felt him stop and come back up to greet me.

"Wow your good at this" I said as licked my neck.

"Wanna see what else I'm good at" he said as he rolled me over. I got up on my knees ripped the covers off us. He started to lick around my tailhole and fondle my sack. I moaned even harder as my pre dripped onto my bed making a large wet spot. Pretty soon I felt him stop.

"Are you ready for this?" he said as he straddled my wet tail hole.

Let me just say this bobcat was not in proportion. He was very big as his shining black cock waited for queue to enter my backside.

I groaned and I said yes as I felt his tip touch my opening. Then with one quick thrust he plowed in my hole with ease. I squinted in pain but the pain was over taken by pure pleaser. He started rocking our hips and pumping his cat toy deep in me. I started stroking my own manhood and he began thrusting faster and faster. My pre had soaked through to the mattress. I was sure of it. He kept thrusting deep inside my bowels as I rocked my own cock in unison. The air filled with the sent of sex and we each began pumping harder

His penis was pushing so far In that I couldn't control myself. I yelled out in pleasure as my climax grew near. I could feel moisture on my back as I looked up to see him drooling from the intimate rocking of our bodies. Suddenly he had bitten the back of my neck in a playful, uncontrollable manner. This further made the experience more pleasurable.

Suddenly I felt him come hard in my backside as he pumped and hard as he could.

My own seed shot out onto my pillow and face. He told me too keep it there as I obeyed. He slowly pulled his still hard cock out of my ass and turned me over. He licked my face clean and then moved down to my dick. He sucked slightly as he rocked his mouth over my rehardening cock. He stopped as he started to clean everything of my cum including the pillow. I yanked him up and kissed him hard as I tasted my own cum flow into my mouth. We fell back onto the bed. I moved into the spooning position as we drifted off into a deep sleep that could have only been brought by each other.


In the morning Sean woke me up with a "ahem" at the door.

"I see you didn't stay on the couch last night." He laughed as he walked out and kissed Janna. We rose to the smell of potatoes, eggs, and pancakes. It was Saturday and Janna had started making breakfast.

John creeped out of bed and closed the door and slid back in next to me.

"It'll be there in an hour or to." He said as I got up and put on my robe. "Go ahead and stay, I'm off to the shower," I said as I kissed his muzzle and headed off to the bathroom. Last night was the start of something and I knew it. He must feel better about what happened between him and Scott. Maybe we could start things up. Who knows?