Ice Run for Planet Tiki

Story by Kodyax on SoFurry

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Ice Run for Planet Tiki

Tentacles writhe in the darkness within stone walls that drip orange slime from ceiling to floor cascading down almost like a psychedelic waterfall. A trio of adventurers meanders near. One is wolf-bear black furred with red hair and blue eyes in black leather armor featuring a crimson octopus as its emblem is in the lead with his bow drawn and the two females close behind.

One of the two females is a near perfect mixture of wolf and fox with black fur dominating her body even if white dots seem to twinkle like stairs as she gazes through solid white eyes to view the world and pink hair over the same black leather as the male. The other female is a skunk in the same attire of the other two but she carries a musket gingerly in her hands. All three wear silver cloaks that shimmer in the near light.

The folf bitch raises a heavy crossbow to bear as they all take aim at a figure approaching that for the moment is a heavy robed humanoid of indeterminate race or gender. Feelings of pure dread emanate from the thing as it comes forward. None of the animal people hesitate as they fire as one.

Arrow, bolt and bullet hit home hard as a mass of tentacles in a roughly humanoid shape escapes the robe and slithers towards them undaunted by the holes in its body. The air ripples as it launches a psychic attack that knocks out the skunk. The folf channels a ray of lightning at the thing as the wolf-bear bring a pair of daggers of pure energy into being in his massive hands.

It lashes out with its tentacles but is repulsed by the wolf-bear as eyes of baleful energy glare at him for doing so. Waves of dark emotion rush forth from the thing like the blast of a psychic cannon that pushes him back but not out as the folf faints on top of him. Then the thing finally gets through his defenses to batter him senseless with destructive force delivered with a touch of its tentacles.

"What a weird dream," the wolf-bear says as he rises from his bed with the two females that were with him in it lying naked besides him.

"Did you have the same dream as me, Math?" The folf asks as she presses her breasts against his side. "Fighting some tentacle monster in a slime filled dungeon?"

"If it was, Rory, I had the same dream," the skunk girl states with a twinge of fear in her eyes.

"Alright, Artemis, Aurora," Math-Mathetecht says with a heavy sigh. "That's enough of that. Unless we start exhibiting psychic powers..."

"That's silly, Math," Artemis says and rubs his scrotum before getting out of bed and walking towards the laboratory of their home under the waters of planet Tiki. "I have some ideas on something new to add to my book of formulae, a more powerful healing potion than I have ever produced. We may need to go topside to test it out."

"Alright," Math says with a smirk as he blows hair out of his eyes that won't stay out before manifesting a knife of pure energy to cut it so his vision remains unimpaired which startles all three.

"Math," Art says fearfully. "Did you just do what I thought you just did?"

"I saw it too, Art," Aurora states as she looks to find someplace to run to and does so at greater speed. "Oh kay, that should not have happened."

"Not to state the obvious," Math says. "But I think that dream was a little more than just a dream."

"We all got a little stronger, a little more advanced or so it seems," Artemis observes. "Let me get those potions started and I think I want some quality time with your cock between my legs."

"Not if I get it started!" Aurora yells in a mocking challenge as she runs back to the bed and leaps onto Math's stomach. "Wanna try and get me pregnant?"

"No fair!" Artemis mockingly thunders, "Your body is more conducive to getting pregnant with Kody than mine!"

Kodyax sighs and shakes his head as Aurora starts to lick at his scrotum to get him member to peek out of its sheath. Artemis is humming to herself as she prepares the potions in the lab the three of them share. Aurora is busy riding Math's pole when Art joins them and announces they need to go shopping.

Aurora crosses her arms across her chest as she bounces herself as if to silently ask: "Right now?" to which Artemis just rolls her eyes and sighs. The lady skunk decides to tease her sometimes sexual playmate by sitting in a chair nearby with a black rubber facsimile of his own erect cock and proceeds to masturbate with it. This in turn annoys Aurora into rushing things a little but not before making sure Math climaxes inside of her.

When his knot deflates after their quickie all three get dressed and go topside to the bazaar on the metal and concrete island that is Pirate Central on Planet Tiki. Artemis is buying the herbs she knows she will need to make healing potions along with the fruits whose juices will be mixed in to make the potions enjoyable to drink. Near the docks a mermaid calls over Kodyax to the area where her people and folks like Kodyax interact and conduct business.

"Hey, Marina, how are you?" Kodyax says pleasantly to address the mermaid.

"Hi, Kody, I wish this was under better circumstances but I need your help," Marina says with a faded smile. "You I'm one of the owners of the Sultry Siren right?"

"Yup," Kodyax says with a lusty smirk and then he gets a little more serious, "What seems to be the problem?"

"The Freezer Burner is a week late getting back from Snowball." Marina states. "You know what that means."

"Yeah, I do," Kodyax says dejectedly. "I'll see if Jose still has the Snow Bug in storage and I'll get an extra pilot, for the Freezer Burner. What was the last communication like?"

"Nothing unusual," Marina states, "Although they did something about mist."

"Could be nothing," Kodyax says, "Could be a star vamp. I'll check it out. You know my fees; our usual arrangement?"

"If you would," Marina says with a smirk.

"Let me grab the girls and I'll get right on it." Kodyax promises.

As luck would have it, Artemis is just finishing up when Kody comes to fetch her and Aurora is looking at jewelry that she knows they can't afford. The skunk and the lupursyn drag the folf back home where she pouts as the alchemist goes to work on her potions. The ranger is off to see the smuggler turtle Jose Mayonnaise and offers to let Rory tag along if she promises to behave herself and she does provided Kody makes sure that the lecherous Latin turtle behaves himself.

Along the way to Jose's hangar Kody informs Rory of their new assignment and she is almost sorry she came. Jose specializes in trilobite ships with one in particular fitted to travel the arctic moon of Snowball and come back in one piece. He insists on being the one that pilots the Snow Bug up and back but among those hanging around Jose's hangar is Johnny Muppet, a rogue rabbit with a horny streak a mile wide and no preference on which gender he sticks his joy stick into, but a hot shot pilot that owes Marina money.

Convincing Johnny to pilot the Freezer Burner is easier than expected as the rabbit has been itching to get into Marina's good graces among other things and he knows this will go a long way to paying her back some of what he owes her and maybe earning a favor in return. Artemis is looking for them as they close the deal and is not happy that they are at Jose's hangar. Both Johnny and Jose look at Artemis like a side of beef and lick their muzzles which gives the skunk cause to glare at Kodyax until he explains the situation and then she just sighs and shrugs her shoulders as she knows this is the best way to help out their friend even if she doesn't like it.

Kodyax is not exactly pleased either as he knows either Johnny or Jose will try to pull whatever dirty trick they think will get them between the legs of his ladies, including killing him. But they're tried that already and he would have killed them if he didn't need them and while the two lotharios knows this neither one is anxious to press their luck with him a second time.

The snow bug is vessel of enchanted wood and ceramics painted white and looks for the most part like a mechanical version of the prehistoric anthropod called a trilobite blown up to a size that will easily accommodate all five of the furs present plus a few more for the short trips that Jose uses it or allows it to be used for. Jose keeps in space worthy shape at all times just in case he should need it. Math-Mathetecht goes over what supplies they need and makes sure they are in his enchanted rucksacks before he tells Jose they are ready anytime he is.

Early the next morning the snow bug submerges from the base the pirates keep on Planet Tiki and takes off for the void of the Tropisphere. They timed their launch to coincide with one of the times Snowball zips past the planet in its orbit, which is to say as it is moving through the void and not in the tentacles of the celestial monsters of the system which in the case of Tropisphere are twin octopi that juggle not only Snowball between them but Slimeball and Fireball as well with Planet Tiki smack dab in the middle of the orbits. Once they land, without incident, they have about a week before the tremors start rumbling on the planet as it is caught by an arm and then thrown back at the other octopus.

Upon landing on Snowball the temperature drops dramatically as Jose refuses to leave his ship. Johnny comes with them only until they reach Freezer Burner and then for his own safety he does not want to leave. As for the Freezer Burner itself it is a large, fish shaped ship able to carry over a hundred tons of ice in its hold, although it does look as if it took some damage recently.

While the damage done to the Freezer Burner is extensive she's still space worthy and fully loaded. But she has no crew, the furs that would have manned her have vanished although a pool of brown snow hints that something sinister happened here. Johnny and Artemis busy themselves with repairs to the Freezer Burner while Math examines the pool at length.

The fact that the snow is dried blood is a bit obvious as the ranger examines the surrounding area and finds some interesting clues as to what might have been here. Indentations in the snow suggestion an ice kraken may have been here but unless it has strayed into other things, an ice kraken can't damage a ship like the Freezer Burner was damaged. Artemis informs Mathetecht that the damage was cause ice boulders created by magic, which gives the ranger new insights as to what he's dealing with and not all that good as magic use is sometimes known in older kraken.

As Artemis works on the ship a huge boulder of solid ice hurtles towards them that is deflected at the last moment by Math who tries to figure out from whence it came. Inside the craft Johnny just wants to pilot the ship back to Planet Tiki as the attack makes him nervous but Artemis reminds him that not dealing with the problem may lead to them crashing as whatever is chuck these miniature weaponized glaciers at them probably won't stop once they've taken off for home. Math catches a glimpse of waving tentacles before the next boulder almost hits and has a confirmation of sorts that there is an ice kraken at work here.

Johnny spots something that really makes him nervous as something is throwing up a huge trail of snow as if it was burrowing its way towards the ship at a high rate of speed. Math gets a weird feeling and puts his hands together as he recites a chanting prayer that both Artemis and Aurora can sense channels mystic energy into him as if powering a spell. He opens his eyes and glares at the incoming monster before issuing a dangerous growl that all three of his companions know is never good as it means a type of monster that Math hates is around which sets him off.

A gigantic octopus head, as white as the snow around it surfaces in front of the ship with solid blue eyes that just glare at everyone balefully. Inside the ship, Johnny loses all bowel control before fainting dead away. Outside the ship Math notches an arrow to his bow before enacting a mournful howl.

Vapors of a sanguineous hue envelopes the ship as the ice kraken moans frightfully. Artemis and Aurora cling to each other in fear as a lethal calm comes over Math-Mathetecht while he takes his time to effect a deadly aim with his bow, chanting again to imbue his weapon with divine wrath. The eldritch ice kraken must suspect something is up as it starts to lower itself into the snow for its own protection.

Unfortunately for the monster, the ranger's aim is straight and true, its destructive power tremendous as it plows between the eyes of its prey with thunderous fury splintering the shaft to bury its head into the monster's brain. It shudders in pain and then glares at the ranger before lashing out with its tentacles. Math defends himself with his bow while forming his energy blade in his off hand to slice off a tentacle that bruised him.

Aurora recovers her composure first and manifest a ray of flames that shoots forth from her outstretched hand to rake the frozen monster mercilessly. Artemis whips up a quick potion for herself and drinks its before creating a bomb and throwing it at the creature. The ice kraken shrieks and becomes a burnt out husk as it turns out that it was an afflicted mutant of its kind, but none the less infused with the energies of madness as if it turned to the dark elder gods to replace at leas some of the power it lost.

Johnny recovers soon after the monster is defeated and uses some materials from the Freezer Burner to clean himself up before coming back as Artemis is prepping the ship for launch.

"Math, what the yiff was that thing!?!" Johnny demands to know.

"An accursed eldritch ice kraken near as I can tell," math reports honestly. "Just make sure we get home alright or we may have to deal with another one." Then a mournful howl is heard and Math turns to Artemis. "Art, honey, if you wouldn't mind hurrying it up a bit, I'd appreciate it."

"I'm going as fast as I can, Math, why?" Artemis replies.

"If that howl belongs to what I think it does," Math cautions, "We really want to be in the void when it gets to where we are."

"That was a frost linnorm howling wasn't it?" Aurora asks to which Math just nods, "I see, Art..."

"Redoubling my efforts!" Artemis cries. "I do not want to take on any dragon-kin today! The kraken was enough monsters for one work day thank you very much!"

A creature fades into view that is almost as disturbing to the viewers as any dragon but looks like undead griffon sans wings that gets Math's dander up as he gazes at it intently. Motes of light surround him and seem to whisper in his ears what the thing is and his eyes go wide. His stare intensifies as he grabs his bow and notches an arrow to the string.

Aurora looks at the creature funny for a moment and then gets a flash of inspiration as to what it is and goes hunting to see if she has anything to help destroy it. Artemis has just gotten all the dings worked out and is coming to tell the rest that they are clear to go when she sees the thing. The lady skunk sighs and starts making up a special bomb for the creature thinking it's something magical.

Math's bow glows slightly as he targets the monster with his aim and fires a shot that catches the thing in the shoulder. It reels from the blow and screams at Math as it locks its gaze with him. The ranger can feel the beast try to rip his mind out of its body but with savage determination his righteous anger against all things unnatural ensures its failure to slay him with such a psychic attack.

Aurora and Artemis attack the thing as one and while the bomb does nothing the scorching ray launched from the folf's outstretched hand gives it something else to think about as Math fires another arrow into its desiccated torso as Artemis breaks out her musket to take a crack shot that barely hits but still manages to do some damage as the thing screams it's displeasure. The psychic monster charges the ship bellowing it's displeasure as Math just calmly notches another arrow and Artemis tosses a bomb short of the target that seems like a dud before taking aim at the thing. Eight pointed stars of black and red hue orbit Aurora's head before she sends them out to attack the thing in flurry of magical fury.

The monster bounds over Art's unexploded bomb as the stars collide with its body and Math gets a head shot as the bomb itself suddenly goes off. It is blown into the air where Artemis's musket shot hits it easily while Math gets in a power shot with his bow to finish it off. Johnny orders them to close the damned door of the ship so he can take off as the three look at each other and smirk.

It took all of a day to find and get the ship off Snowball and back towards Planet Tiki with the Snow Bug not far behind. Beyond the fighting the pirates engaged in the trip was uneventful. A desiccated human in a Nazi like uniform drifts into the sphere unnoticed by the furs as he hungers for their blood. He might have landed on one of their vessels too if he didn't fall into the swamp like atmosphere of Slimeball which conveniently passed overhead on the other side of Planet Tiki.

Johnny Muppet easily pilots the Freezer Burner back to the docks in front of the Sultry Siren where Marina's worker golems transport the ice inside quickly and efficiently. All three pirates go inside but the girls get taken aside by Marina who wants to do something special for Math. Ten minutes later Math is pants less at the bar as per Marina's instructions as a special show begins.

A folf and a lady skunk in the veils of harem girls come out from behind the curtain to dance tantalizingly on the stripper poles on the bar as Marina swims over to Math-Mathetecht and licks at his scrotum. Math enjoys the blow job from the mermaid as he watches what he can only guess is Aurora and Artemis doing a strip tease for the whole place to see. Johnny puts his hand down his pants to masturbate as Math just watches while he lets Marian do what she wants to him.

The females strip for the audience of all their veils save the ones across their faces, which neither one remove as a means of anonymity as everyone in the place except Math is too dazzled to pierce the veils or even care to know who is entertaining them. Math knows both females well enough to know even without the veils the dancers on stage are the same ones that share his home and his bed, but he is the mate of neither female as per their own agreement so each may do what they wish and who they wish. Marina for her part gives Math a special show as she opens up her scales to let his cock in as the two females on stage look askance of her for doing so but the folf none the less gets into a bondage harness that exposes her nethers for all to see as she hangs from the ceiling while the skunk girl dons a strap-on harness.

Artemis takes Aurora with the same faux phallus she used on herself earlier as Aurora moans in sheer pleasure. However, as skunk takes folf, she gets a notion in her head for later that she shares with her erstwhile partner in crime. Moaning giggles abound as the plan is set.

Math makes his own way back to the tower they share but once there he finds Aurora on the bed waiting for him, buck naked and spread eagle. While in the back of his mind the question of where the heck Artemis is does float around, Math gets undressed and joins his lady folf in bed as she attaches a wing to his scrotum that gets him instantly hard. Aurora moans as Math goes to town ramrodding his shaft in her cavity as Artemis sneaks up behind them.

If Artemis thought she was going to make Math squirm when the dildo in her harness gets shoved in his tail hole she is disappointed. Aurora smirks at Artemis as the lady skunk frowns that Mathetecht moaned in pleasure as she initially entered him but then she remembered that Math has had this done to him before and whaps herself upside the head. Aurora giggles as Math just keeps on fucking her while Artemis fucks him with the strap-on.

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