Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 1.1. Shrad

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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Zion - Light of the New Moon Chapter 1.1

Shrad When the Going Gets Tough

The Shrad group contributing readers had a chance to vote for their own Event Arc this time. Since nobody completed the challenge there will be no further bonus.

The Shradian caravan traveled for two days across the rocky ground of the north. It was late enough in the year that the snowfall was sparse and it didn't cause any great problems; the land surrounding Shrad was interrupted by hills, dales, and occasional clumps of trees which provided shelter from the worst of the spring storms. When the wagons reached sections of road where the snowfall came down uninterrupted the travel was slow.

On the evening of the third day, after a particularly bad stretch of open ground, the wagon train stopped beneath a thick copse of trees, protected from the newest dusting of snow and an unseasonably harsh wind. Nori Bahn, the group's young Wild Lander guide warned them that they were beyond the Periphery of Shrad and, at his suggestion the caravan circled, placing the wagons between the camp and the land beyond. The little ferret with the big hammer spent the first part of evening on watch, making it a point to casually insult every single guard stationed by the wagons.

"No... the fire needs to stay at your back or you lose your night vision." he'd tell one, "I don't care if being up high gives you a better field of view-- Night Rooks'll pick you right off the wagon." he stated flatly to another. "If you want to die be my guest, but in these trees you're better off with a blade than a bow." he casually told-off a third. The ferret continued walking around the outskirts of the camp providing advice thusly... until he reached Gaerid.

The rottweiler was seated on a small boulder, feet up on a wagon hitch. He was idly folding a small square of hemp paper, a collection of dried herbs and grasses lumped in the center.

"Don't tell me you smoke?" Nori questioned with a scowl, "The beasts out here can smell for miles and, believe me, you don't want to get their attention." The ferret put his paws on his hips, "Not even a City Dweller can be that stup--" but Nori's voice left him when Gaerid rose his gaze, locking it to the ferret's.

Still staring at the young Wild Lander, the rottweiler lifted the little bundle of herbs to his nose and inhaled deeply. Without saying a word, Gaerid threw the infusion into a nearby fire. It popped, crackled, and fizzled, releasing an oily, greenish smoke.

Nori's ears went up, nose sniffing gingerly, "That's Adbae Smoke." he announced, glancing at the burning hemp. Gaerid grunted affirmatively. "How did a city dweller learn how to make a Wild Lander beast deterant?"

"Perception is a funny thing." the rottweiler commented casually, pulling out a knife. He began trimming his claws or, rather, sharpening them. "What you call a Wild Lander creation was around long before your kind."

"Whadda ya mean?" the ferret challenged.

"It means whatever you think it means." Gaerid responded cryptically, "That's the point of perception."

Nori opened his muzzle to challenge further but he spun around quickly at the sound of movement from beyond the wagons. The ferret's paw went to his hammer. Glimmering green light reflected off of feral eyes as a large, four-legged rottweiler emerged from the shadows, growling faintly.

"Wyse doesn't respond well to threats." Gaerid noted simply, "Do not draw your weapon."

"Is that YOUR pet?" the ferret inquired, staring at the dog as it climbed out from beneath the wagon.

"That IS one way to put it." Gaerid responded, motioning to the dog with a paw. Weiss trotted around Nori and came obediently to Gaerid's side and sat down, facing the ferret. "Hmm..." the bounty hunter observed, "He likes you."

"That's good, I suppose." Nori shrugged.

"Perception is a funny thing." Gaerid repeated his earlier statement. Not exactly sure how to respond to that, Nori watched as the feral dog continued staring at him, licking his chops. The ferret quickly took his leave.

Once everyone in the camp had settled and watch had been established things started to calm. Although most of the wagons ringed the camp, a few select carriages were positioned at the center of the circle; the temple representatives were obviously not expected to sleep on the ground. In one of the wagons, the two inhabitants were settling down for the night, their preparations interrupted by a visitor.

Majh's paw rapped on the carriage door three times; nothing but her courteousy stopped her from entering-- it was within her right, but certain situations favored subtlety and a hint of manners. "Enter." came the reply. Opening the door, the hyena climbed up into the carriage. Her eyes adjusted quickly, revealing one form per bench seat covered in blankets. The size difference in the covered bodies made it easy for Majh to tell who was who.

"Why are you not with the High Priest?" she asked the larger of the two.

"He dismissed me for the night, Captain." Shadow responded.

"The High Priest always did like his secrets." Majh responded casually, pulling the blind away from the carriage window to gaze across the camp to the High Priest's large pavillion; unlike the rest of them, Armenius Tenge had full accomidations... as was his right by station.

A comment came from the other side of the carriage, the soft voice almost inaudible.

"Hmm? What was that?" Majh questioned.

"He's meeting with Lord Kriabnish tonight." Tolenh spoke up from amidst his collection of blankets and coats.

"Oh really now?" the hyena inquired, perking.

"I was treating one of Lord Kriabnish's men-at-arms earlier today... he had a sprain." the arctic fox elaborated, "While I was wrapping his ankle he mentioned that his master had arranged to talk to High Priest Tenge this evening."

"I had no idea having a healer available provided so many extra benefits." Majh cackled as only a hyena could, "Thank you, my dear... you've been incredibly helpful yet again." she patted the bundled form of the arctic fox before heading back to the door, "Guardsman Darkfang... I will make use of your services tomorrow."

"You'll have them, Captain." the wolf confirmed without hesitation. Majh always enjoyed hearing suitable loyalty; even if Shadow Darkfang wasn't one of the High Priest's twelve she was certain he'd be useful regardless... in fact, she preferred him that way. The hyena walked away from the carriage; an unexpected opportunity had presented itself.

Majh strode toward the High Priest's tent, heading straight to the entrance, but was stopped unexpectedly by two temple guards who crossed their pikes across the tent flap in front of her, "The High Priest requested no interruption." noted the guard on the left. Several other guards bearing the Kriabnish crest on their tabards stood off to the side; they said nothing.

"I am not an interruption." the hyena responded, flashing a confident smile, "I am Majh Blackpaw."

"The High Priest said no visitors." the guard on the right explained.

"I am not a visitor." Majh countered, "I am a priestess of Tah'aveen, and I have business with the High Priest."

"You may not pass." the first guard reiterated.

The hyena stepped closer to the guard and slid her paw up under his helm and around his neck, "Listen to me... and listen closely." she growled, "I am a Captain of Shrad's military. I am a Priestess in deed and name to the clergy of Shrad. I am Majh Blackpaw, and you know what defying me will mean for you." her words came out simply, without anger or malice-- she was not threatening... Majh did not threaten... she left open-ended promises and let everyone else fill in the blanks.

The guard tried to swallow but her grip made it difficult, "I... we... cannot defy the High Priest..."

Majh let the guard go; she realized he was going to be reasonable... he just needed the right thought processes, and she'd be able to provide that. "The High Priest's personal chambers are within the Temple City's inner cloister, yes?"

"Yes, Captain." both guards confirmed without hesitation.

"And all other places the High Priest inhabits are deemed holy ground." the hyena added casually.

"Yes, Captain." they both confirmed.

"And it is the duty of any soldier of Shrad to escort a member of the clergy to holy ground so that suitable prayers for the faithful may be conducted..." she took a moment to let the line of logic sink in, "correct?" she pressed. Majh saw the defeat quickly flood over the guard's face, a hint of pure dread filling his eyes that no amount of choking could accomplish; he realized she was going to get her way. He should have, of course, realized it from the very beginning. The guards removed their pikes from barring her path. Majh nodded courteously to each guard and showed herself in.

Thanks to the brass brasier lit in the center of the tent it was much warmer within than the chilled air outside. The faint scent of incense and alcohol filled her nostrils as she entered, but it didn't quite completely hide the musky scent of sex. It seemed typical of the High Priest, and Majh was hardly surprised. Several mostly-naked servants were strewn about the ground amidst pillows. Some of them Majh recognized from the temple, but the majority, she suspected, were probably accompanying Loric.

"Good evening." the hyena stated casually to the dozen black figures spaced evenly around the tent; as expected, Armenius Tenge's loyal twelve were present. She didn't envy them the activities they endured to remain so close to the High Priest, "And where can I find the bear?" Majh questioned them blandly.

They all looked in unison to a section of tent cordoned off by large walls of draped silk. Inviting herself in, Majh walked across the distance, relying on the prone forms on the ground to make way for her; like good servants they did. Rounding the draped cloth, Majh came upon the scene of a wooden table vobrtrf with maps. On one side, Armenius Tenge was reclining in a large arm chair. Despite his casual slump the look in his eyes revealed that he was intently following the words of Loric Kriabnish.

The Arctic Fox noble was going over travel routes, tracing lines on the map the High Priest could follow visually. Despite the complexity of the conversation, Majh couldn't help but notice that neither was dressed for the occasion; Armenius was completely naked, body relaxed from what were most likely 'recent activities'. Lord Kriabnish had britches on, but no tunic. He also wore leather bracers with loose leather straps hanging from either side. The fact that Loric still had a leather collar on with a short leash trailing down his sternum finished painting the picture for her. The hyena idly wondered how long the fox had been bound before the straps on his bracers were untied.

"I asked not to be disturbed." Armenius grumbled once Majh was finally sighted.

"Pardon my impertinence, your Emminence," Majh bowed her head so the visiting arctic fox couldn't see her grin, "but you told the guards that you did not want any visitors or interruptions. I explained to them that I would not interrupt, and that a priestess does not count as a visitor."

The bear sighed, rubbing his forehead with a big paw, "Why did you become a priestess, Blackpaw? You are better suited as a barrister."

Majh didn't bother hiding her grin that time, "I am a legal advocate as well, High Priest, when it suits me."

Loric took the opportunity to sit, but winced as his tail touched the chair, and stood back up, "High Priest... Priestess..." he nodded to each, "If we need to reschedule, Master Tenge...?"

"No." the polar bear waved the suggestion away, "By all means continue."

Lord Kriabnish nodded, the metal on his collar and leash jingling faintly, "Yes... of course..." he noted, and quickly reached up to remove them before going over the options for passing a trecherous section of highway.

Majh casually glanced at the left side of the fox's rump as he bent over the map. Faint red blotches in the rough crescent shape of a gripping claw were starting to bleed through his breeches. The hyena was willing to overlook Lord Kriabnish's idiocyncracies since he included her in the planning. Majh truly enjoyed it when things worked out in her favor. It certainly didn't hurt to have the right plan... in more ways than one.

* * * * *

| The Shrad Caravan is on its way to Zion!

The first part of Chapter 1 presents the group's first of many decisions.

Contributing readers now get to choose the way the party will face this situation. Shradian Contributing Readers each get 1 vote on how to proceed. Anyone may spend 1 Willpower to get a second vote (with a successful social roll, Target number of 20). The following options are available:

Continue across the open Highway. (description hidden). Take the steep mountain pass. (description hidden). Journey through the frozen gorge. (description hidden). Cut through the ice caverns. (description hidden).

Contributing readers may spend a Willpower point to get a chance to understand the significance of the paths. A description of each will be added to the choices above. A roll of Skill + Survival is made (target 20). Failure expends the Willpower with no information provided. One successful roll is needed to reveal information on the above options.

Please remember that you cannot change your vote once it is made... so a combination of patience, trust, and attention must be exercised.

Contributing Readers, make sure you make your vote before midnight (pst) on Friday, June 3rd. |