A night out hunting

Story by Silver Husky on SoFurry

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The bright sun in the sky was declining in the heavens rather fast as the hours went by in vain capture of this wolf's prey. His proud silverous furred nose swept from side to side over the slightly moistened dirt of the ground. The great timber wolf was just under four years of age and with plenty of hunts under his belt he was great at tracking and capturing animals his master wished of him.

Lately the farmer that was his master was very angry, mainly because a vixen kept stoleing away in the hen house, not only eating the eggs the hens would lay and even a few of the birds, but she would often wake him up with the racket at night. When ever the man would run out to the small house with his shotgun to kill her she would be under the cloak of darkness and would slip away. All of this was where the farmer took out his prized wolf, a pet he had raised since he was a pup and trained him for hunting of several different types of other animals. This time the farmer could practically care less if the wolf brought this vixen back alive or dead, the outcome was still going to be the same.

To make the huge lupine more aggressive and bent on finding her was that the farmer had starved him for a single day, giving him the hopeful appetite to take her down. The canine's lumbering body easily pushed past brush and branches alike as he walked along. His nose inhaling all the earthy scents that where present all around. His nose flipped over a large green leaf, making a group of insects scurry around to avoid the big canine. He was working with a scent that the farmer had given him in the beginning of his hunt, just when the sun was coming up from the hills to begin the day. Now with the sun going down and with it the temperatures, he didn't like it so much that he wasn't finding anything. Around the large neck was a scarlet red collar that had a small golden metal triangle dangling down the front with the name "Jasper," dented into it.

Jasper was very loyal to his master, and never really did like to see him angry or sad, and the problem with the hens and the eggs got him really upset. The wind shifted around his body, making the thick fur coat stand on end and a chill went up and down his spine. The scent of the vixen hit him harder now, giving him a slight break in his travels. It was rather lucky for Jasper that the vixen was also in heat, without that factor he would have lost track of her long ago. His body rippled with burly muscle, standing at three feet from his shoulders he was easily more then a match for another of his own kind, let alone a fox, put with the factor it was a female.

His large paws made prints in the black soil when he continued his way. Instead of his nose being glued to the ground it was up in the air and his pace was quickened. The very idea of having a nice warm meal made his jowls drool, the taste of her fur and feel of her body in his mouth was just something he couldn't go along at a slow pace to get. It hit him again, another strong waft of the scent by the wind. His paws clashed to the ground putting up bits of soil and leaves as he went along, his fluffed up tail wagged furiously behind him as he trotted around, his mouth wide open with his long tongue lolled from between his rows of sharp glinting white teeth. It kept getting stronger and stronger with each passing moment, and with it came the coupled scent of an avian from the hen house.

She must have dragged one of the poor defenseless birds here so far away to eat in peace. Slobber dripped down from his tongue as he made his way up the side of a hill, trees lining the sides with tall vegetation all around. It had been like this all the way from the farmhouse to the forest. In the not so far off distance he heard the snap of bones and the lip slapping noise of food being chewed.

Jasper slowed down considerably and stopped right at a boundary of underbrush and crouched down, poking his nose gingerly past the green leaves to watch. Past the vegetation line there was a small meadow, right in the middle of an arena of trees. Here the vixen was lying, her nose reddened with the blood of the dead bird in front of her, its rib cage broken through and its stomach torn open showing where she had just about completely eaten out the organs and meat around the bones. Feathers where lying all around her as well giving further scenery to this gruesome picture. The vixen was an obvious adult, her bright orange fur reflecting the last rays of light from the sun around the boundaries of the small spot.

Jasper licked his lips wetly and slowly crouched down to the ground. Luckily he was downwind of the fox so he wouldn't be found. She was way too busy chewing on her easy meal to notice the sounds he had made on his approach, no matter, it was all working for him in the least. The wolf pulled his front paws down up in front of him with his tail raising into the air as he got ready to jump. The vixen leaned down and took a big chunk of meat from the hen's thigh and chewed on it noisily. Jasper took this single moment to spring.

His muscles contracted, mashing his feet into the ground and propelling him up and through the air with a rapid succession. Before the vixen even knew it, Jasper's body crashed into hers, the force making her roll over the ground. The female struggled to get up as fast as she could but the lupine was faster and slammed his front paw against her back and sent her to the ground again. She began to bark and growl furiously, even snarling at times for him to stop. Jasper only retorted with his own volley of snarls and growls. His lips pulled back to show his teeth. His jaws opened widely and his head craned down fast, aimed for the female's neck to end her life. Since Jasper's paw pads where wet from the ground the vulpine took a leap as fast as she could foreword to try and get out of danger but fell back down with the pressure of his paw.

The glinting teeth crashed down against her back making her give a yelp and struggle more. Jasper's mouth constricted powerfully around her spine, the sharp edges scything through her fur and skin, biting down through the precious nerve. The vixen growled and snarled loudly, screaming even as the pain exploded through her body. Her back legs went limp as soon as the nerve was cut in two, disabling her permanently and leaving her to the mercy of the canine lumbering over her tiny frame.

Jasper pulled his paw from her back and took a few steps off to the side, casually watching her as her front paws scrapped against the ground, her mouth still giving out those horrid screams of agony. With her back broken she couldn't move at all. The wolf slowly began to walk foreword, stepping around her body so that he was right in front of her. His bright yellow eyes catching the few remaining rays of the sun, making them glow like embers from a fire. The vixen looked up at him, growling and snarling more and more, blood leaking down her sides and mixing in with the ground. Jasper's stomach tightened and grumbled for food as he continued to watch her. Occasionally she would try her best at a leap to bite his paw, but her sluggish movements gave way to what she intended so he easily back peddled away from her.

Minutes passed quickly, and with them his amusement died. Her blood lose and pain made her sluggish, not wanting to live anymore she simply stopped and waited for darkness to close around her. Jasper gave a huff and leaned his head down, closer to her own. His long pink tongue slinked out and licked across her nose. She did nothing but stir and squeeze her eyes. He was sure that she would start to struggle again, but his stomach urged him foreword to feed.

His huge mouth opened up wide and eased foreword, picking up the fox's head from the ground and began to pull it all into his big mouth. It felt rather easily, which was a bit surprising, though there was a major size factor in it. Her eyes where wide open when he began to eat her, but she had lost all the strength to fight so she only whined and whimpered, the scent of fear all around. Her head began to fit down his throat as his esophagus constricted and pulled hard.

She was still whimpering and whining as she slowly slid down the canine's throat. Her shoulders where next, but they didn't do much. Jasper gagged a few times as his mouth got to the half way mark down on her small body. His teeth dug into her skin and fur, drawing rivulets of blood that soaked her fur more. It was very clear now that she was dead, her fluffy tail no longer moved or twitched. The small delicate front paws eased into his mouth, taking a few moments to pull his head up to take a few deep breaths before he began to swallow and chug her down. With her fur being wet it added some very interesting tastes to the whole thing, but those where for a later time when he could enjoy his happy stomach when it was full.

When his mouth got down to her hips he began to struggle a bit. He couldn't get those into his mouth so he began to chew and crush down that part of her body. His jaws mashing closed and breaking the small thin bones on her insides. It wasn't long before he finally got her rear end into his mouth. Her back fur damp with her own urine, she had gotten so scared that she had wet herself in the beginning. It only added some more flavor to his catch, which he took in very generously.

Nothing of this vixen went to waist to the big wolf. Finally it was only her tail and back foot paws that dangled out from his mouth as he continued to swallow and take down the mammal. The wolf gave a few loud gulping sounds and the body began to move down his throat faster. Her feet went into his mouth, having a few pieces of dirt on the pads of them but that didn't matter, he wasn't going to back out of this just because of some minerals. Her big fluffy tail stuck from his mouth now, swaying silently when ever the wind would pick it up and move it around. Jasper began to gag a bit, this was where allot of her fur was on her body, and it was just so thick and fluffed he couldn't really keep without gagging.

Minutes passed and he finally had only a few more inches to go. He shook his head powerfully from side to side and growled deeply in pleasure as the tail end went down his throat and her entire body slid down into his awaiting belly. Now with his gullet completely full with the contents of the fox, Jasper slowly eased down into a laying position on his side. Panting with satisfaction as air rushed into his lungs and brining with it the tasty fox scents that still lingered in the air.

The natural spices the vulpine presented and gave Jasper where still on his tongue, letting him suckle the organ free of the goodness. He was completely content. Not only was his big rather plump belly full now from his recent meal, but the problem for his master was gone as well. His soft eyes gazed up to the heavens once again. The sun was completely gone and in its place was the bright lunar moon. Bright celestial specks where scattered among the huge black blanket.

His chest swelled up and deflated every time he breathed. It was true that he was in utter paradise, but just how long was it going to last? His eyelids began to get rather heavy; he was surprised how much energy it took for him to swallow down the animal without chewing first, not to mention the entire journey had taken quite a bit out of him as well. The lights in the sky began to swirl around his head, brining him rapidly down to earth. Eyes gently closing, his body stretching out as the fox settled better in his stomach, just one big bunched up ball of food. His breathing slowed down, his heart doing the same as his breath returned back to normal. A low murr escaped his throat in a dulled moan as the darkness crept all around him, pulling the lupine to a world of silent happy dreams.