Transformation at Hogwarts: Part 12

Story by Canis90 on SoFurry

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#12 of Harry Potter

I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER. ALL CHARACTERS AND LOCATIONS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. Please read and comment. I'm always looking for ways to improve!

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny met up with each other in the Gryffindor Common Room after their last class. They headed to Dumbledore's office together, each wondering what Dumbledore had discovered. As they rounded the final corner, they were surprised to see that Dumbledore was not alone. A short, plump, middle-aged wizard was quietly talking to the Headmaster. He was wearing the robes of a St. Mungo's Healer.

Dumbledore spotted the four students and beckoned for them to come closer. "This is Healer Donovan. He's going to explain the situation and what you four will have to do." Dumbledore then gave the password and the stone gargoyle stepped aside. They rode the spiral staircase to the door, which opened on its own. Dumbledore conjured five extra chairs and sat behind his desk.

"Before we get started," said Dumbledore, "I want to tell you that no cure has been found yet. I'm still working on it. However, Healer Donovan has a very important favor to ask of you four." Dumbledore nodded toward the Healer to begin.

"We at St. Mungo's would like to take this incredibly rare opportunity in order to study what you have become. This has never happened in recorded wizard history, and we would like to document the research we conduct. Before we do anything, however, we will ask your parents for permission to do this. Mr. Potter, in your case, we will be asking your guardians. I will give you one week to decide if you would like to partake in this research. When you've made your decision, please tell Professor Dumbledore and he will send me an owl." The four students just nodded their heads. None of them really wanted to be researched and were about to say so when Dumbledore cleared his throat.

"I will be expecting your answer after you have given a great deal of thought to this. Now, I believe dinner will be starting soon, and I'm sure each of you have homework to do tonight. Chop, chop!" The hybrids stood up and walked out of the office together. They didn't say a word during dinner, nor on their way back to the Common Room. Each were thinking about what the Healer had suggested.

When they returned to the Common Room, they grabbed their bags and began working. Three hours later, their books were back in their bags and their bags were back in their rooms. They all took a seat around the fire. Ron was the first to say something.

"What a dick!" The other three looked at him.

"Ron," exclaimed Hermione. Ron just looked at her.

"What, Hermione? Weren't you listening in Dumbledore's office? That bloody Healer wants to research us like were some common, dirty animal! We may look like animals, but we think and feel and act like humans!" Harry couldn't help but agree. The guy seemed to have treated them, not as human students, but as animals who couldn't think for themselves.

"That gives you no reason to use language like that," said Hermione. "Just imagine if Percy heard you! I agree, though. He didn't seem to treat us very well. I'm not sure about being studied." The other three just nodded. Finally, after ten minutes of silence, they drifted off to their rooms.


Luna Lovegood watched the four Gryffindors during dinner. They had seemed down. Luna decided that she would help them feel better. She waited until they were well out of the Great Hall before getting up to follow them. She had been to the Gryffindor entrance a few times before, just to wait for Ginny. She quickly caught up to the group so that she could hear what the password was. She knew they had homework to do, so she decided to come back later that night. She heard Hermione give the password, smiled to herself, and headed toward the Ravenclaw Common Room. She would make tonight a night to remember.


Luna quietly made her way to through the castle toward the Gryffindor Tower. She hid from ghosts as they passed, and had to dodge Filch and his cat a couple times. She finally made it to the portrait of the Fat Lady and gave the password. The Fat Lady mumbled and didn't open her eyes, but still swung forward to admit Luna in.

Quietly, Luna made her way toward Hermione and Ginny's room. She found that the door was unlocked and opened it. Stepping into the room, closing the door behind her, she noticed two beds in opposite sides of the room. The privacy curtains were not closed, and she could see a lump on each bed, indicating that Hermione and Ginny were sleeping, or so she thought. She crept up to what she assumed was Ginny's bed and looked upon the still form. The person in the bed had beep black fur covering their body. Luna knew that, instead of Ginny, she had found Hermione. Sneaking away to the other bed, Luna didn't notice Hermiones' ears twitch.

The older girl opened her eyes at the small sound she had heard next to her bed. She looked around in the dark room and noticed a figure walking toward Ginny's bed. With her increased night vision, Hermione could tell that it was Luna Lovegood creeping around their room. She decided to wait and see what the second year Ravenclaw was up to before climbing out of bed.

Meanwhile, Luna snuck up to Ginny's bed and gazed down at her sleeping form. Her bright orange fur was easy to spot, even in the darkness. She stood there for five minutes just watching her friend sleep. She felt a chill run down her spine and turned toward Hermione. Luna was not surprised to find the older girl sitting up in her bed, watching her. Luna waved before quietly moving towards Hermione.

"Luna, what are you doing in our room," whispered Hermione. "And how did you even get into the Gryffindor Tower?"

"I followed you four after dinner and heard you give the password. You guys looked really depressed during dinner, so I thought I would come back tonight to help you feel better." Hermione could see the sincerity in Luna's eyes. She smiled at the young girl.

"Thank you, Luna. That's really thoughtful. But I don't know what you could do to help us." Hermione saw Luna smile. Chills went up and down her spine.

"Oh, I think I know of a way. But it wouldn't be fair to leave Ginny out of it. Maybe we should wake her up." Luna skipped over to Ginny's bed before jumping on next to her. Ginny bolted up and spun to the intruder. "Hi, Ginny."

"Hi, Luna," Ginny said uncertainly. "Um, I don't mean to be rude, but what are you doing here?"

"Like I told Hermione, you guys seemed really depressed at dinner, so I thought I would cheer you up." Luna moved in closer to Ginny. "Just relax."

Transformation at Hogwarts: Part 13

**I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER. ALL CHARACTERS AND LOCATIONS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. ** Luna moved in closer, not waiting for Ginny to make a move. Their lips met, and Luna gave a soft moan. Her hand came up behind Ginny's head to hold it...

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Transformation at Hogwarts: Part 11

**I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER. ALL CHARACTERS AND LOCATIONS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. I AM NOT MAKING ANY MONEY OFF OF THIS.** After climbing into bed, Ginny tried desperately to fall asleep. No matter how hard she tried, sleep evaded her....

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Transformation at Hogwarts: Part 10

**I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER. ALL CHARACTERS AND LOCATIONS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. I AM NOT MAKING ANY MONEY FROM DOING THIS STORY.** Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had just finished speaking to Professor Dumbledore in his office. He...

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