U.C.O.D. Scorn of The Lost: Chapter 11

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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#13 of U.C.O.D: Scorn of The Lost


                "So who is this guy again?" Kane asked as th...

"So who is this guy again?" Kane asked as they flew over the darkening city lights. The four of them had been flying over the city for almost forty-five minutes; they were beginning to become restless.

"An old friend of mine, I saved his shop a few years back. After I left the Omaki but before I met you, Kane," Eve called back. "He's an artificer; he can fix, identify, or take apart anything you put in front of him that ticks! The guy's a natural born metal-crafter."

"And he lives all the way out in the sticks?" Teya asked as she zoomed up on her scaly wings. Eve looked down; they were beginning to pass out of the city and into the forests just on the outlay.

"Yea, his shop's in the city, but he lives out here. Much quieter, less nosy people around to sniff around he said," Eve chuckled. He looked down again and saw a small cottage with smoke pouring from a long chimney. About ten feet from the house there was another chimney-looking object that appeared to jut straight from the ground! Odd. There was a light on in the house.

"This is it!" Eve called back to everyone, including Dameon who had insisted on flying regardless of Holi's wishes. They circled down and arced into a nice little descent which placed them directly in front of the house. Eve walked up first.

He knocked twice, then once more after about thirty seconds. The door swung open and orange candle-light spilled forth from inside the house. Then in an instant, Eve had two arms around his neck!

"Eveser! It's been too long!" the source of the arms said happily as they squeezed him for a second. Eve looked taken aback, then smiled and hugged back with one paw.

"Nice to see you too Bezimen," he said warmly. When they parted, Eve stepped back to reveal a mid-height, shirtless insectoid creature. He had a worn, brown-colored pair of pants on made of what appeared to be burlap, and a pair of purple-tinted goggles on the top of his head. When he lifted his arm to wave to the others, they could all see another smaller pair of arms beneath those! What an odd creature, they thought...

"Guys, this is Bezimen," Eve said as the insect-like thing waved.

"Oh please, come in! Where are my manners? Any friend of Eveser's is a friend of mine!" the bug clicked happily!

The group shook their heads as if to shake themselves out of shock, then smiled and walked in. They were almost a little unsure if the small cottage could contain them all!

They walked up to the door and Bezimen took a step aside to let them all pass. They looked around and saw the interior of a pleasant, homey cottage, a fireplace going and the sweet smells of homemade candles and other delightful scents wafting to and fro. They looked a little surprised!

"Can Bezimen offer you ladies and gentlemen anything? Bezimen is sure the flight over here was arduous at best," Bezimen asked, acting almost grandmotherly in contrast to his appearance! "Bezimen does hope you'll forgive my abode, it isn't at its best unfortunately, a product of my own inability to separate myself from my work."

"No, thank you," Eve said gratefully. "Not to be outspoken, my friend, but like I said on the phone we are in serious times. I would greatly appreciate if we could do business first and pleasantries after, if you don't mind?"

"Oh certainly not! Please! Follow me," Bezimen motioned for the group to follow as he walked over to a wall covered in spice jars. Cyllea was actually hugely impressed! She had NEVER heard Eve talk that professionally before! Like...ever!

"Well well! I had no idea you were such a wordsmith Mr. Eveser," she cooed as she walked up next to him. Eve chuckled.

"Bezimen's species is founded on politeness, respect, and honor especially when being invited into a home! He treats us with the utmost respect and I do the same for him. Besides, it would be a huge insult to demand things without being polite and Bezimen is one guy I'd rather not insult...you wanna know the reason I had to save his shop? Some naggy little prick came in one day and disrespected Bezimen. That naggy little prick is now in intensive treatment where he has been since last year. His friends didn't find it so funny and decided it would be good revenge to trash Bez's store while he was away," Eve said with a nostalgic smile. Cyllea gave a snorty giggle as well and then looked him over once and nuzzled her head against his shoulder.

"Why does he talk like that? He's not speaking in third person, he's only replacing "I" with his own name. Is that something cultural too?" she asked.

"The Belphexians don't have any concept of the meaning of "I" like there is here. They understand "mine" or "my" because that's just a possessive, but when they reference themselves they always use their own names. Their identities are a big part of their honor code," Eve said suavely.

"Well! I had no idea you were so knowledgeable on the subject of Balpraxian culture!" Cyllea smirked sarcastically.

"Belphexian, babe," he corrected. She scoffed and turned away after playfully shunting him.

Bezimen looked on the wall; he reached out with one of his claws and gripped a small jar. He pulled it outwards and there was a small click. In an instant, there was a low rumbling and the wall began to lower downwards into the floor. Behind it was a stocky staircase that led to a stonework floor. He turned around.

"Ladies first!" he said with a gesture of entrance. Holi, Cyllea, and Teya walked forwards and through the door. Teya gave a small curtsy as she walked through, to which Bezimen responded with a regal bow and what can only be interpreted as a pleasant smile. Eve stepped down into the underground chamber and had to blink a few times actually to make himself believe what he was seeing!

The chamber was enormous! It must have stretched at least a mile long and all completely underground! This must have been the source of the chimney that jutted from the yard they had noticed. There were all sorts of tools from wrenches to things Eve couldn't even fathom the practical use for!

A large furnace glowed from the middle of the room, sending off shots off steam every which way.

"Now, then. What is it that Bezimen may do for you?" the bug rubbed his other pair of hands together eagerly. "You have brought me something?"

"Something interesting," Eve stepped forward. He pointed to Dameon. "On him."

Bezimen's compound, wasp-like eyes turned to Dameon with anticipation. He clicked loudly and excitedly when Dameon lifted his head and his shiny metal skull glinted in the overhead lights.

"Eveser! This is quite an interesting thing indeed!" he said and zipped over to Dameon. He lifted one arm, then dropped it, then poked him here and there, prodding his chest curiously. Bezimen pulled Dameon's hood off then started fiddling with his jaw. Dameon was welling up with rage; you could see it in his eyes which the insect was to beginning to fiddle with.

"No, no Bezimen! HE isn't the artifact, he's WEARING the artifact!" Eve said, using all of his might to hold back roars of laughter. Bezimen looked at Eve then back at Dameon.

"He is not artifact?" he said, cocking his head slightly. He looked back at Dameon, and then bowed so low to the floor he could have licked it if he had had a tongue. "Forgive my rudeness, my friend, that invasion of your privacy was most unbecoming of me."

"Ahhh, just like the good ol' days when I was important," Dameon said to the others, who laughed. Eve feverishly gestured for Dameon to bow as well. Dameon looked confused for a moment, then spun his pupils and bowed. Bezimen stood up when Dameon did.

"Now then, where is artifact?" his shiny exoskeletal plates reflected the nearby orange light from the furnace. Dameon held up his wrist and pulled back his sleeve to reveal the glowing green amulet. Bezimen clicked in great intrigue and reached out, wrapping one of his claws around Dameon's wrist and gazing upon the interesting little trinket. He performed a number of simple tests on it, flicking it, smelling it, squeezing the gemstone, even going so far as to try picking at it with his nail.

"Bezimen is no geologist. The stone Bezimen has never seen before, but the bracelet is Carnian design. Words on underside, but Bezimen cannot read Carnian. That is key. The bracelet is a simple band of platinum-iron alloy; there are no mechanics to it. This is magic, not machine," Bezimen explained, his mandibles clicking as they occasionally touched together. Dameon looked at the bracelet; he ran it through his gaze over and over again.

"Where are the words?" he asked. Bezimen pointed at the underside of the bracelet. Dameon looked between his wrist and the metal, trying his best to see the inscription. "'Power born of wicked will, let fear this gem in you instill. For now until the day you die, your might is sealed inside the Eye. Let one who loves you be your light, for now your weakness is your plight.' The Carnians were never big on fair game."

"What does that even mean?" Teya asked.

"Perhaps we should do this in a more thought-provoking environment?" Bezimen asked. "Upstairs is a much more comfortable thinking area then this nasty old workshop."

"Agreed," Eve said. The group turned around and then headed upstairs to the main room of the cottage.

About an hour later, the group was only a little bit closer in deciphering the riddle then they were when they started! Regardless of Bezimen's fantastic tea and some odd-looking pastries that looked like they might have been alive at some point...

"So what do we already know?" Cyllea asked.

"Well the first part is self-explanatory: the bracelet only seals evil people's powers," Eveser said. Dameon objected.

"I would hardly say I'm evil anymore, why does it still work on me?" he asked.

"Well, maybe it doesn't work based on the particular person. Maybe it only works based on the type of powers they have? Evil people have dark powers and the Behaku certainly delve into the darker side of things, Dameon," Eve suggested.

"Ok, ok. We'll say that its judging me based on my power's aura, but then where is it all going? It can't be just destroying all my beautiful powers...can it?" Dameon asked hopefully.

"It did say that your powers would be sealed, but it didn't say how. And what did it mean, 'inside the Eye'?" Teya asked. Dameon shrugged.

"Oh!!! Oh oh oh I get it!" Kane said, raising a paw. "The Eye must be that green gem in the center! That must be where your powers are going!"

"Good job kiddo!" Dameon pointed at him happily.

"So my powers are ok, they're just inside this Eye thing?" Dameon asked. Everyone kinda half-nodded and half-shrugged at the same time. Dameon stood up and threw his arms down.

"Some big help you all are," he said angrily and looked out the window of the cottage.

"Hey, at least we're trying to help. None of us know anything about Carnian technology! You know more about that thing than we do and you're coming to us for help?" Cyllea said.

"While we're on the topic...we need some info Dameon. This word 'Carnian' has been thrown around all over the place over the past few days and I want to know why...who were the Carnians and what the hell was the big deal anyway?" Eve asked, standing up from his comfortable pillow on the ground. Dameon turned around and looked almost exhausted. He looked tired, tired of his past, of his future, of his life...

"Around the same time that the Behaku and the Omaki were beginning to go to war, there were conflicts even within their own factions. The Carnians were a race of creatures that had joined forces with the Behaku against the Omaki, they agreed on complete and utter destruction of all things that currently were, highly productive to the Behaku mindset. The Behaku wanted to make the world a world ruled by them, and the Omaki wanted the world to stay as it was, but the Carnians wanted the extermination of all life except for their own and their allies'. Their systematic cruelty on the battlefield proved to be too much for the previous Behaku Lord to control and he was forced to issue an extermination warrant for all Carnians. I...I was one of those Carnians. When the Behaku came around looking for me, I was sure my life was forfeit. But it was just a stroke of luck that an Omaki Squad was passing by and attacked the Behaku Faction that was searching for me. It was also in this battle that I...lost myself. An explosion caused by an Omaki obliterated my body, but I managed to cling on long enough for a Behaku patrol to find me. When they asked me my name, I told them I couldn't remember. They couldn't recognize me as Carnian and brought me back to be built again. The rest is history. I killed the last Behaku Lord and now I'm Dameon Swade, ex-Behaku Lord, ex-Skeleton King of The Behaku, ex-everything," He finished and flopped down in his cushiony chair unceremoniously. The room was silent.

"So...you weren't destroyed in a fight with Hibarro Arronix?" Teya asked, she looked deeply shaken. "I...I had always heard that you gave up your throne in the darkest corner of Hell so you could lead the Behaku to victory. They told me your body was made of the swords of all of your fallen enemies...I was raised on the stories of how your pride and your adamant support of the Behaku ways carried us through every battle..."

"My birth doesn't make me any less Behaku," Dameon said to her. "When I lost my body, I told myself that, on that day, all of the Carnian blood in me was drained out."

"You were never meant to be our leader. You're just a man who cheated death by terrorizing us, by commanding us, by KILLING us whenever it suited your needs! Hundred of Behaku died for you, and why?! They died for nothing!"Teya got up and slithered out of the room as quickly as she could.

"Teya!" Dameon called after her. Kane stood up angrily.

"See what you've done?" he asked in a rage. "All you do is bring misery, wherever you go!"

Kane stormed out as well, following the cobra. Dameon slumped back in his chair and ground his teeth...

"Teya?" Kane asked as he walked outside to try and find her. He looked around the cottage, behind bushes, until he finally heard a soft weeping. "Teya?"

"What do you want?" came a small voice from inside one of the nearby groves of bushes.

"I...wanted to make sure you were ok?" he asked as he sat down next to her. She looked at him with a slight glare.

"You're the last person I need or want to see right now...go back inside," she said through the tears and waved him off, then buried her face in her hands once again. Kane's ears flattened. He looked over at her and opened his mouth to try and say something, but finally just looked down and turned to walk away, head bowed. Teya looked at him as he walked away. He looked crushed.

"Hey," she called. "Did...did you really come out her just to check up on me?"

He turned around slightly. "That was the plan."

She smiled involuntarily, a joyful smile that she couldn't help but release. This was probably the nicest thing someone had done for her in so many years...and he did it of his own free will with no reward involved! Kane turned to walk away again, thinking she was laughing at him.

"No no wait! Come back?" she asked. He turned around again, this time with a semi-smile on his own face! He walked back to the grove and sat down next to her again. "Is that really the only reason you came out here?"

"Well, I was hoping that maybe I'd get a chance to get to know you a little bit better? I mean, we ARE working for the same team and all, we do need to know eachother's strengths and weaknesses," Kane reasoned. Teya looked insulted!

"Oh please! I have no weaknesses!" she scoffed and turned her head. Kane laughed.

"C'mon! Nobody's perfect! Here, I'll tell you some of mine," Kane said with a smile and then thought for a moment. "Sometimes I can be a little bit airheaded, I've never been good at concentrating for long periods of time, I certainly can't multitask, and I have poor coordination..."

Teya laughed as he finished. "That was quite a list..."

"Now you?" Kane asked with a smile. Teya smiled and blushed.

"Well, I...I've always been a little bit..." she blushed a bright red under her eyes and then she quickly buried her head in her arms and mumbled loudly.

"What?" Kane asked with a slight smile.

"Shy!" Teya blurted out, raising her head up rapidly. Her head rose so quickly, she actually didn't quite see where her head would end up...as it turned out it ended up right in front of Kane's beak...

Teya and Kane stared at eachother for what seemed like hours...locked in eachother's gaze as they eagerly anticipated the other to move first. Kane and Teya hesitantly inched forwards, Teya's rubbery lips meeting with Kane's solid beak and parting around it. The both of them closed their eyes as Teya's hand came up and lay gently on his cheek. Teya's long, forked tongue flicked in and out of Kane's beak, playing with his own. Their tongues fenced and teased and they were both completely absorbed with the other, unaware of worry or regret.

One of Kane's paws nervously hovered just above Teya's breasts, as if unsure as to whether or not she would be ok with his caresses. Teya looked down for a second and then reached up, grabbing Kane's paw and guiding it to its destination. When his claws gripped its bodacious prize, Kane let out a small squeak and Teya hummed softly. She continued to play with his tongue, catching it in the space between her two forks and tenderly squeezing it. Kane tried his best to stay his shaking paw as it rested on the gorgeous reptile's perky breast, making Teya groan in annoyance and grip it tightly. She began to rub it in a circular motion around her stiffening nipple, giving a little giggle. His shaking paw actually added an extra sensation to the mix!

"Mmm, here let me help you," Teya said with a smile and unbuttoned the front of her shirt, revealing her large bust and rather tight bra that did its best to contain it. She unfastened the clasp that held the two cups together and shivered slightly as the cool night air billowed across her now exposed chest. She looked Kane dead in the eyes as she brought his hand up to her naked breast and placed it gently with his palm directly over her nipple!

"Don't have a heart attack on me now, dear," she cooed with a giggle and took her hand away from Kane's. Bravely, Kane gently rolled her nipple between his claws, drawing heavy pants and a small moan from the green cobra. She smiled and used her arms to squeeze her breasts together, making them look bigger and even more appealing...if the latter was possible!

Kane gulped and continued, looking at her every now and again as if to ensure that what he was doing was ok...

"And I thought I was shy..." Teya giggled. Kane gave a nervous chuckle and looked up at her again. "Maybe we should take it up a notch..."

Teya gripped his paw again and brought it down her body slowly...

Kane's paw quivered as the female snake drew his paw down her belly and over her belly button. As Kane's eyes closed, he felt his paw slip between her soft scales and down below the buttons of her white lab coat. Teya gave a slight moan as his paw ran over her sensitive lips and came to rest directly over her aroused clit.

"Teya I-" Kane stuttered as Teya smiled and giggled. She leaned in and kissed him again, taking her paw off of his. Kane hesitantly moved his paw around as best he could, awkwardly doing his best while hoping that his reptilian partner would take control again and assure that he wouldn't mess up.

"You're doing good," she moaned in his ear. Kane was possessed suddenly, he was taken by the heat of the moment and overcome with lust. He slipped a finger inside of her, gently stroking her clit with his thumb and teasing her. Teya tightened for a second and squealed, then wrapped her arms around him and held loosely as her cheeks reddened. Her eyes were half-open, looking downwards at the source of the intense pleasure she was feeling.

Kane's paw moved deftly, expertly, and neither of them had any idea how! It was like he wasn't in control of his hand anymore, as though it were a separate entity entirely!

"Oh god...I...I'm..." Teya whispered, her voice breaking slightly as Kane's entire hand was soaked with her juices. She inhaled sharply and bit her index finger to keep the scream in as she came hard, further drenching the fur of Kane's paw with her arousal. When they finally relaxed, Teya was leaning against Kane with her eyes closed, panting heavily.

"God...that was good...that was really good," she whispered. Kane smiled down at her.

"I do my best," came another voice from between the both of them! Teya and Kane's eyes shot open and they both leapt away from eachother, looking back at the source of the voice. Teya quickly clasped her bra back together and buttoned her shirt as quickly as she could; modesty is, after all, the greatest virtue.

There was nothing behind them though, they were awestricken! There was absolutely a voice that came from that area, but there was no source!

"My apologies about the surprise, but I couldn't help myself," the voice said again. It appeared to be right in both of their ears, but there was clearly nothing there...

Teya and Kane stood back to back from eachother aggressively.

"Show yourself!" Kane shouted. Teya reached into her pocket and pulled out a small vial full of purple liquid.

"Cover your eyes!" she shouted and jumped over Kane's head to cover his face as she smashed the vial on a nearby fallen tree. There was a grey flash and the two of them saw an outline near the clearing they had just had their escapade in. It was crouched, but otherwise unmoving.

"How rude of me! No introduction," the figure said as it rose. It faded into a shape and there, standing before them was a terrifying creature indeed.

It wore a black, flowing cape that covered its entire body from the neck down while a hood covered the rest. It's piercing green eyes seemed to penetrate even the darkness of the night with an eerie glow.

"My name is Grimlock," it said as it pulled its hood down and flung its cloak open in the center, revealing the glowing pockets of red liquid and the battle-ready chest armor. His frill flattened to curve along his skull and his green tongue lolled out for a moment then zipped back into his mouth. "Now then, I don't believe I've had the pleasure of learning your names yet."

Teya and Kane looked at eachother. Was this guy for real? They couldn't tell if he was hostile or friendly!

"Tell us what you want and we'll tell you our names," Kane called out. Grimlock chuckled quietly.

"Not to be extend my rudeness to an even greater level, but you two are certainly in no position to bargain. Now then, either tell me your names or run inside and get Mr. Swade out her for me?" he said with a smile.

"You go get the others," Teya said. "I'll keep him busy."

"I will NOT leave you out here," Kane whispered forcefully. Teya smiled.

"Go," she said. "He seems agreeable."

Kane gave Grimlock a stare that would have absolutely stricken a man dead of fear...if Grimlock was a normal man...

"I'll be back," he said and kissed Teya's cheek before running as fast as he could back towards Bezimen's cottage. Teya looked back at the Grimlock-creature.

"So...you and he are together?" he asked, placing both hands behind his back...