How to Control a Horse with Hypnosis(Iron Author 4)

Story by strawberry_reian on SoFurry

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John bent upright and reached his arm up to wipe the sweat from his brow with the back of his hoof. He had been in the fields for a few hours now, picking the corn that had become ripe before the rest of the crop. Typically he would have been making round to fix the machines and doing other general maintenance, but this morning the boss's daughter - who was in charge while the boss was in the hospital - had assigned him to this task instead. At the time, the chestnut brown horse just took the card off the board without a second thought, but it was something odd for him to be doing.

Then again, the past few days had been odd in general. He had watched from his various tasks as almost every farm hand went into the house for quite some time then came out and went back to their jobs - without the foggiest to what had happened while inside. This had made John come to the rather logical conclusion that he would not enter the house until the boss got back. That female was nothing but trouble and trouble was not what he needed.

He whinnied as he turned in the sun, each ripple of his toned muscles being exaggerated in the sunlight. His mane was cut short and a much darker hue of brown. He began to push the cart that was filled with corn back towards the barn. He wasn't sure what that woman had planned for the cart or its contents, but he also supposed it, like trouble, was none of his business.

Speaking of that woman, she was already in the barn, her plan ready to go into effect as her eagle eyes watched the horse approach. Jez hated being on this farm, where life, among other things, was beyond dull. Though she flat out refused to let the boring life keep her from having any fun. Dad had left her in charge for the week and in the few days that had passed she had already had her way with almost every one of the workers.

Yet, the big horse - the one thing she actually really wanted - had managed to elude her. Sure, the others had been fun, but they just were not as well equipped to deal with her feminine wiles or desires. Her prized mark however, had not even looked twice at her! That was about to change however. Flexing her wings as he got close, she closed her eyes and put her plan into action.

John pushed the right side of main barn door open and to the side so that the cart would fit through and was surprised to hear singing coming from within. It was calming, like the sound of a creek running over rocks. Forgetting about the cart of corn, he stepped inside. He saw the straw and the aged wood, but for some reason the large building didn't seem like a barn to him. He looked at the wall that held the tools that he would typically be working on and for whatever reason, they seemed to mostly look like musical instruments.

He stepped over and picked up a pitch fork. Somewhere in the back of his mind it tugged at him not to play with it, not to fall for this trick. Those thoughts were overwhelmed by the idea of using the pitchfork as a guitar. He sat on a barrel and began to strum to the same tune as the song that was coming from seemingly no where. He had images of a beautiful femme horse singing with him and he began to mutter lyrics as they came.

'What are you doing?' he suddenly heard boss's voice scream at him.

John blinked and looked around. Why was he sitting and why was there a pitch fork in his hands? Just what had he been doing? Though the song lingered, he shrugged it off as a mix between wind chimes and delirium from the heat and decided it best to just get up and go back to moving the cart. Who knew what that crazy woman would do to him if he had found her sitting.

Jez watched from the corner as he snapped back out of her spell and cursed. It was that easy with the others! What was so different about this horse? She watched him move about the barn and realized that before she had not wanted it enough, but now, well, now it was a need. She literally hungered for his perfectly toned body and the work scars that covered what she could see of it, but most of all, the visible bulge between his legs despite him not even being turned on.

Figuring a different tactic might be needed here. Talking with him in this environment would put his mind at ease, thus making him easier to control. Stepping out from the shadows, her wings ruffled in excitement as she walked towards him with a sensual strut that went unnoticed.

John turned and saw his temporary boss standing before him, her wings folded back behind her. He had to admit, she was an unconventional beauty. With her mixture of honey colored fur and rust colored feathers. On the other hoof, though, he did not desire her at all. Perhaps it was the strange, but the need for him to just be out in the sun working outweighed finding company with others.

"Can I help you with something, ma'am?" he asked.

"Eventually, darling, but for now, why don't you do go get yourself a glass of water while I check on the corn," she commented. Perhaps she could lull him enough with the water to make him completely hers. Besides, the sound of water is what normally calms the mind, the the calmer the mind, the easier to break into. Walking over to the cart, her stiletto heals made little imprints in the sand and the occasional little click against a stone, leaving a trail of imprints behind her like rain drops.

John's body moved towards the water cooler on the other side of the barn. He felt compelled to listen to her, and he was unsure as to why. He was thirsty, though, so perhaps it was just him admitting to it. He grabbed one of the little cups and pressed the button, water flowing out of the spout.

The sound of it was surprisingly relaxing and the horse felt all of his muscles begin to release some of the pressure that had built during the day. His vision became unfocused as his mind sunk deeper into the calming sound. He started to take deeper breaths and his sense of smell became almost overpowering. Quite rapidly, he felt himself becoming drunk on the intoxicating mixture of sweat, hay, and perfume hanging around him. His nostrils flared unconsciously, the mind wanting to take in as much of the fragrance as possible.

Watching him from the corner of her eye, Jez tried to keep herself outwardly calm, making it seem like she was really engrossed in inspecting the corn as he relaxed into her commands. Subtle hints with smell and sound seemed to work best with him. She tested to see how deep she head reached into his mind, and asked him to turn to her, not with words but with an image of her face.

When he glanced his towards her, the gryphon could have jumped for joy! Could he become her greatest success yet? She thought of an image of a water cup in her claws. After a few seconds of no visible response on his end, she made the image in her mind more vivid for him to see, fleshing it out into a whole scene of him bringing it to her, her sipping it, and he smiling at her.

John had the sudden urge to offer the woman a cup. Without thinking, he put down his own and got another one to fill and take to her. As he moved, he wanted to smile like before and John hardly ever smiled. The horse was quite positive that there was something going on, but he could not actually put his finger on what that was. The sides of his muzzle turned upwards nonetheless, his white teeth showing through only slightly.

Just what was coming over him? He had wanted nothing to do with this woman before. He just took the instructions she posted on the board and made sure they got done before the end of the day. Now, though, it was like she was filling every spot in his mind little bit by little bit. Every time he tried to shut something out, she would just permeate through another part.

Picking his cup back up, he started to walk towards her. Making eye contact, John jerked away, a look of horror in his eyes as he lifted his hooves, and the cups, to his head. Studying the tools on the wall, the horse tried to focus. He didn't know what was happening, but he did know that slowly his mind was turning again and again to think only of the gryphon woman ahead of him.

Jez's eyes narrowed when he halted and turned away. Though he had made a fool of himself by putting the paper cups to his head, she could tell he was still not completely under her control. It was going to take a full immersion to really make him hers. She slipped the idea to relax into his mind, trying to make him think of being out in the fields.

Still trying to steady himself John closed his eyes, letting himself remember the relaxing sound of the river near the farm. In his mind, a breeze danced on the grain, which he tried to imagine clearing his thoughts. He thought of how much he enjoyed work, how good the sun felt on his long neck, how his ears flicked the little bugs away. The relaxing thoughts seemed to work and he felt his cares start to melt away.

Then, his awareness started to shift. Not only could he hear the breeze blowing, but see it too as it swept over the fields. He could still feel the sun in all of its glory, it hovered high above him. Moreover, he wasn't alone, she was there. She was there, standing in the sun in a bathing suit, her feathers and fur reflecting beautifully from the water that still clung to them. The sun outlined each of her curves, creating shadows on her body that he didn't even know existed. The sight of her made the sound of the water start to pound, which translated to his heart and then farther down to his loins.

Jez watched his arms relax to his sides, leaving him just standing there, staring blankly ahead.

"John?" she said, making him turn around to face her again. Jez knew her plan was starting to take effect when he faced her completely, a slight bulge in his pants in reaction to what he was seeing thanks to her.

Knowing the he couldn't see her, the gryphon allowed her eyes to drift up his body, openly admiring his build. As she settled on his eyes, they were clouded, preoccupied, and hers. She smirked and in her mind she imagined seeing him topless, his hooves slowly peeling off the dirt covered t-shirt and showing her the muscles he had gained from years of farm work. Then, with that image solidified, she planted it in his head as she strut towards him, slowly removing her shirt and pants so that her reality matched the illusion.

To John, Jez walked towards him from the river. Reaching him in reality, she toyed with his shirt, triggering her suggestions as her fingers slid down his chest. With a light laugh, she teased the hem of the shirt upwards, her fingers rubbing his muscles both in the vision and real life.

John put his hands over hers and slowly pulled the shirt higher and higher, feeling completely comfortable in the situation. It was just natural to not have a shirt on around one's...lover. Discarding the garment felt like taking off a heavy weight, a relief that distracted him from what felt like such an odd but natural conclusion.

"You are gorgeous, as always," he said breathlessly, looking at the standing Jez.

Taken aback by the shift in his tone, she responded with a genuine, "Why, thank you hon," as the shirt went up over his head. Her suggestions were working wonders on his personality! The way he was moving, the way he was acting towards her - and that compliment! While this may have been the hardest time she'd had trying to put a fur under her control, it was certainly the most satisfying.

And to think this was just his shirt.

Standing there in his shadow, the warm breeze blowing through her exposed feathers, she couldn't help but shudder. Deciding to play up his somewhat accidental wanting her, she threw together a slew of memories that would make him a bit more than her earnest lover.

"Oh, John," she whispered, admiring his bare torso. Lightly brushing her claws over his abdomen to really set the memories in place.

John felt proud at the fact that she was admiring him in such a way. He never really thought of his appearance, but it always seemed to garner such appreciation from women - especially Jez. He had a shiver go up his spine from her claws touching him and let out a slow breath. He closed his eyes for a brief second and when he opened them, he was surprised to have the barn walls around him.

"What is wrong, hon?" Jez asked him innocently. She could tell he was baffled, but his eyes were still not focused. She thought of a story of how they got up here, imagining him picking her up and carrying her to a more comfortable place. She fed it into his mind, and he seemed to accept it eagerly.

"Sorry, mistress, I must have dozed off," he said. Mistress? Well, it was okay for this time, he supposed. He wouldn't mind her being in control. Perhaps if he listened well, there would be heavy reward next time like usual.

Jez sat and uncleared parts of his mind, interjecting new images that turned a cleared off work table into a more suitable place, while piles of hay became solid, oversized pillows.

"It is alright, John. This is a much more comfortable area than that field, right?" she asked, once again testing her control. She thought for him to say yes, sending the message to him.

He did not speak, but did nod. The horse wanted to touch her, wanted to please her, that was all that was going through his mind. He took a step towards her, raising his hooves, but knowing somehow that he had not been given permission. He lowered his hooves once again, before raising them back up again after a pause. Why couldn't he do anything? Why couldn't Jez tell him to do something.

The gryphon woman stalked off to the table, slipping off her panties. This ensured she kept his attention, his head following her all the way. Jez turned to face him before putting her claws on the table behind her and hoisting herself up. She allowed her panties to fall the rest of the way down, only hanging on by her heels. She kicked them off, offering him a full view of her sex.

John wanted to move towards her, but did not. He needed permission, to be told to come forward. An image flashed in his mind of fondling her breasts and licking her body, which made his cock harden in his pants. He then got the image of needing to take off his pants as slowly as possible.

Complying with his mistress's silent commands. He undid the first button, then the second, and the third. Even undone, they clung to his waist, held up by his constrained cock. Turning and bending, he slid them down slowly around his massive thighs.

Watching him from behind, Jez couldn't help but gasp. His cock was apparent through his underwear, the bulge making it seem like more of a tent then actual underwear.

"Well now, hon, aren't you impressive?" she said, licking her beak.

The compliment from the gryphon made him jump even farther to attention and he quickened the pace of removing his pants. The opening in his underwear began to separate, the dark skin of his sheathed manhood pushing through. Jez marveled at the girth, realizing that he wasn't even fully erect yet.

Her eyes did not leave his package, but her mind conveyed pictures of coming towards her, touching her, licking her. He nearly ran over to her, but instead she made the pictures fade away, causing him to double think his actions. She flashed the word 'nude' over to him, causing him to slightly stumble about. A worried look flashed over her face and panic filled her, thinking she may have lost her control with too quick a jerk.

The horse was not sure what to do suddenly. It had all be so clear, but just a word did not tell him enough. His forearm brushed against his underwear, and he suddenly put two and two together. He did not even bother to pull them down, instead opting for just ripping them off in the fastest way possible. The lack of cloth to contain him meant that his large cock was free to become fully erect. One of his hooves ran absently over it, spreading any pre-cum around so that the pink flesh glistened in the light coming through the barn.

"Marvelous! Come to me, John, come make me feel like no other has before," she said, curling her finger so he moved slowly towards her. She imagined his tongue roaming her body, his lips planting kisses on her forbidden areas, his hooves caressing each and every inch of her.

She wanted to be touched by him and even more so to feel him inside of her. The others had been alright, but Jez had a feeling that each of his strokes would be worth much more than any of the others'. Yet, the need to go slowly constrained her, she had to do this a step at a time.

She watched him put his hooves on the table and stare at her body, as if trying to decide where to start. She guided him with her images, urging him to begin at the top and work his way down. So he did, licking one of her nipples and making her arch back ever so slightly. Her mind flashed him a image of her other breast, and he instantly responded by massaging the soft mound with his hoof.

John could only imagine going faster, though. Even though he could hear her moans of approval and knew this was what she wanted, he wanted much more. He grazed her nipple with his teeth before moving up and nibbling on her fur covered flesh. Her claws moved up and ran through his mane and he whinnied in joy. His mistress seemed very happy with his actions.

To Jez, it was like watching a porn movie and then having it play out on her body. She showed him how she wanted to be touched and he did the move, nearly immediately. He trailed kisses down her torso and his warm breath made her skin crawl. As he left her abdomen and began to feel up her hips, she spread her legs, inviting him in for a taste, using both physical cues and her mental control over him.

And the gryphon got just what she wanted. A flicked of his wide, yet soft, tongue over her clit had her seeing fireworks. She pushed herself back on the table, planting her high heeled shoes so that her cunt was arched up to his snout. He did not rush though, something that she was starting to regret not telling him. His tongue methodically searched each of her folds, giving her sensations she did not know were possible.

His tongue tried to remind him how much he hated the taste of pussy, but the memories of him doing such things to Jez before overrode his reservations. If it was what his mistress enjoyed then it was his pleasure. His hooves rested upon her legs, enjoying how they felt while being pushed tense against the table. He licked around as much of her cunt as he could, waiting for the next motion. It would come to him when it was time so he felt no need to rush it. After all, her claws through his mane felt particularly good.

"Oh dear John," she cooed as his tongue teased her folds. She was enjoying herself thoroughly and her sex grew more moist with each cycle of his tongue.

She had the sudden urge to grab his ass, something that would be nearly impossible in the position she was in now. She couldn't rid the image from her mind though. He must have a tight ass outside of the work pants, she thought while suddenly regretting not making him walk around naked a bit more.

The image must have transferred over though, because before she knew what was happening, his long tongue made a swiped in between her ass cheeks, over her back door. At first she was outraged, but then as he did it again, she settled down, realizing this was not necessarily a bad feeling. Not the best, but it was certainly different enough to make her think for a moment. The claw that was not ravaging his mane moved in between her legs and began to fondle her button. His tongue would go from her ass to her entrance in one swift movement, the tip of it entering her core.

John loved the feeling of her bottom on his tongue, loved sipping her juices from her sex, loved watching her talons fiddle with her clit in an expert fashion. His massive length was now throbbing, the flesh hitting the wood table with each twitch. The pain did not make him flinch, however, as he was too focused on the woman before him.

Deciding she was done with the current action though, she forced the image of his cock in her mouth while he continued to lick her. She did not think it all the way though, because before she could move to be on top, the horse's girth was firmly in her beak-like mouth, his head tickling her throat. She wondered if he could even fit inside of her when the time came, but then remembered that did not really matter right now.

John let out a long groan as he stuffed her mouth with him. It was a little more pressure than he would typically enjoy, but he had already come to terms with the fact that this was not typical in any sense, after all his mistress wasn't a typical woman. He positioned himself a bit better, so he could slowly thrust his hips against her mouth and also delve into her sex and fully taste her.

Once he was comfortable he whinnied against her folds, making them vibrate. That earned him a deep moan that shook his whole length. With that he inserted his long and soft tongue into her hot sex, feeling her walls and searching for the spot that kept flashing in his mind. He had no idea what it was, but was sure that it would be a good thing to brush across it.

Jez gasped suddenly as he licked at her g-spot, surprised he found it that fast. He did it again and she moaned around him, sucking harder in appreciation. She began to send him another spot to search for and told him to use a hoof to stimulate her clit.

He maneuvered himself around, putting his hoof lightly against her button and rubbing while searching for the picture that kept flashing in his mind. He hooked his tongue against the top of her, flicking it down and out of her entrance, dragging it against her clit. That earned him a loud and long moan, along with a little squirt of her cum.

Finally, the image appearing in his head showed his penis slipping into her cunt. He groaned and pushed himself up, saddened that he had left her mouth, but excited to finally get to her. He got of the table and pulled Jez towards him, hooves rough through her fur and against her skin.

"Be gentle with me, hon," she said with a wink. The gryphon was overly proud of her control of him. She continued to flash him pictures, attempting to set a pace for his coming thrusts. She wanted to enjoy each inch of him, not just be ravished like a carcass in the middle of the strawberry fields!

He held her legs and found that it was easier to restrain himself than he thought it would be, maybe the months since their last session had tempered him a bit. He eased his tip against her, rubbing it back and forth in her crevice, stimulating her clit little bit by little bit. He followed the silent instructions being fed through his memories, not diverging from them in the slightest. Years of sex with Jez were culminating in the best sex of his life - and it had not even really begun.

He eased closer to her, cock splitting her sex. He went slow, leaning over the table to try and get more of himself in to her tightness. When that wasn't enough, the thought of getting up on the wood structure entered his mind. He heaved himself up, not allowing his cock to leave his mistress's depths. Her legs wrapped around him, tightening up as he grew closer.

John felt so good being enveloped by her. She was tight, moist, and warm, molding around him with such ease. For the first time since he was a teenager he was able to get into her all the way.He could feel her flesh against his crotch, something that thrilled him to no end.

"I guess you really are a woman now, mistress." he said, responding to the memory of the first time they had sex and he had only been able to the just the tip in.

Jez said nothing as she attempted to feed him more pictures and enjoy the feeling of being completely filled like this. She wanted to be thrusted into slowly. She felt him withdraw from her and she moaned loudly as her walls contracted. Just as his cock was about to completely leave her, he slid back in, this time a bit faster than before. She screamed out, amazed at his length and girth, pleased that she could feel this good.

It continued like this for some time, Jez feeding pictures of the slow speed to John. The horse's manhood was throbbing with need, vibrating against her walls and tapping against her cervix. The gryphon was amazed that she did not have to try and angle herself so that he was hitting her sensitive spots. Rather, John was hitting absolutely everything in her and making it all sensitive! In and out, in and out, she imagined, putting the same image in his head. She moaned loud, but noticed that he was making very little noise.

She flashed him a picture of going a bit faster, which seemed to make a world of difference. Even though it caused her to wince, it still felt good. What was even better was John's own grunts of pleasure as he began to pump at a faster speed.

John saw her breasts flash in his mind. He picked up a hoof and placed it on top of her nipple lightly. As he moved, her breasts jiggled slightly in response, and she moaned as her nipple ran across the rough surface of his hoof. The word faster flashed through his mind and he quickly adjusted his speed.

He watched as she arched her back in ecstasy and smiled, happy that she was enjoying this as much as he was. He moaned louder, his climax building as waves of white cum washed over his mind. Each thrust made the pressure build more and more, his moans slowly turning to whinnies.

At the same time, Jez's moans were becoming more like roars of joy. Her beak-like mouth stayed open, gasping for breath. Her body was hot, her cunt was throbbing, and her eyes were misted over. She gave him a release picture just as her own body climaxed, her orgasm making her shudder in joy.

John followed the picture willingly, and with one final, hard thrust he released, his seed flowing into her core and up into her womb. He panted hard as the climax rocked his body time and time again, his tail swishing with each twitch. He watched as she sat up to look at him, arms being placed around his neck. The movement of her body made his cock twitch once again, more cum flowing into her.

"Been holding it in?" she asked nuzzling under his long muzzle.

"Yes, Jez, just for you. Always for you," he said.

Jez giggled and was about to release him when I thought hit her head. Why should she after all that work? Besides, if her father needed her to come back and work on the farm, he would be ready and waiting. So she did, she kept him just as she was, leaving all the memories and commands she implanted into hi head there, suddenly looking forward to her father's next vacation.