Joy of Halloween.txt

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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This is a story about the Halloween Party at Tail Underground. This time I take in Sir Raganzi Lockard, Lady Furiva, Farline, Rebecca and Miura (all five are my creations). If you got anything to say to me, just e-mail me on my hotmail [email protected] and tell me what you want to say. *** Joy of Halloween By: Sir Raganzi Lockard (Gangbang Sex + S/M Sex) (c) Sir Raganzi Lockard & Sasha C/O 2007

Halloween Eve It's Halloween time in Arca and everyone is walking on the streets dressed as famous fursonas.

One place where many of the people goes on Halloween is to the Tail Underground.

"Aaaah Halloween, a time when everyone is trying to make them scary" Furiva said as she walked with Rebecca and Miura.

"Three ales, Ian" Miura said.

"Here you go ladies" Ian said as he was dressed as a devil.

"Thank you, Ian" Miura, Furiva and Rebecca said and turned around.

"Hey, look Farline" Raganzi said as he dragged Farline toward him, "I got a royal set."

"Hello Sir and Farline" Furiva said as Miura and Rebecca giggled.

They looked on each others costumes. ***

Raganzi was dressed as a whitescaled dragon, Farline had borrowed Raganzi's uniform, Miura was dressed as Grim Reaper, Furiva was dressed as a forest elf and Rebecca was dressed as a wizard.

"Wow Farline, where did you get that uniform?" Rebecca asked.

"I borrowed it from Raganzi" Farline said and gave Raganzi a friendly push.

"Now you have done it" Raganzi said as he was waiting for Rebecca's reaction.

"You are soiling the uniform, captain" Rebecca said, "But, because it's Halloween I will not degrade you."

"Thanks general" Raganzi said and kissed Rebecca on the lips.

Rebecca gave out a silent giggle.

"Look at yourself, Farline" Raganzi said, "You have come from being a thief to be my loyal counsel."

"Not bad for me" Farline said and sat down at the bar.

It didn't take long before Raganzi and the girls joined him.

"Hey Ian, five strong ales" Farline said as he looked on the gang.

"Here you go!" Ian said and gave them their ales.

"Is it true that you killed Xan, Miura?" Farline asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it, Farline" Miura said as she put down her scythe.

"Okay, sorry for asking" Farline said and began to drink his ale.

"You're really talky today, Farline" Raganzi said and gave him a friendly push so Farline fell into the knees of Miura. ***

"Well well, are you giving up your life for the Grim Reaper?" Miura said with a slimy voice as she reached for her scythe.

"No, please not me, take Raganzi instead" Farline said with a playful scared voice.

"Okay, then I do it" Miura said and reaches for Raganzi.

"Not me, take Furiva instead, she was trying to take her life yesterday" Raganzi said with a playful scared voice.

"One that really wants to die" Miura said and turned to Furiva.

"Take me away Grim Reaper, I don't wanna be in this world" Furiva said with a playful brave voice.

"Then I do" Miura said and pet Furiva with her index finger as Furiva played that she was dead.

"Well, looks like I got me a corpse" Ian said as he grabbed Furiva and started to carry her up the stairs.

Raganzi and the gang followed Ian to help with carrying Furiva up the stairs.

Ian walked through the hallway and stopped outside the royal room.

Ian opened the door and went in with Furiva and her gang.

In the room was some lights, chairs and a big bed, on the bed Ian put down Furiva and said "Lord Hin, I got a new slave for you" as he went out the room and closed the door.

"That was a good show" Miura said to the other.

In a sudden flash, Furiva got up from the bed and wasn't dressed as a forest elf anymore; she was now dressed as a zombie.

"Help, help! The zombie Furiva is going for a payback" Raganzi said as Furiva was walking to him.

"You have soiled the honour of the army and now you will get your punishment" Furiva said as she grabbed Raganzi and throwed him onto the bed.

"Help me!" Raganzi said with a playful scream. ***

"No one will help you Raganzi" Furiva said as she stripped off his costume.

"Help!" Raganzi playfully begged.

"It's your punishment, not ours" Farline and the two ladies said as they enjoyed the show.

"Now I will make you a zombie" Furiva said with a slimy voice as she began to lick on Raganzi's member.

"No, please" Raganzi playfully begged, "I'm too young and handsome to be a zombie."

Farline, Miura and Rebecca sat on the chairs and watched as Furiva was zombiesizing Raganzi.

"Help me!" Raganzi moaned.

"You have no chance against the might of the zombie" Furiva said as she sucked on his cock, "Give up your struggle and begin to be a zombie."

"I won't" Raganzi said as Furiva stopped to suck his cock.

"Help me to torture him" Furiva said inviting to Farline, Rebecca and Miura.

"We though you never would ask" they said and began to strip off their costumes.

Rebecca began to hold Raganzi's paws and Miura began to hold Raganzi's legs.

Furiva grabbed Farline and gave him a playful bite in the neck.

"Now let's torture Raganzi" Furiva said as Farline nodded.

Furiva and Farline placed themselves over Raganzi and began to fuck.

"What a terrible torture" Raganzi said playfully.

Rebecca and Miura released his paws and legs and stood in front of the bed.

"Muzzle or cock?" Miura asked.

"You take the muzzle and I take the cock" Rebecca said and started to move down to the member while Miura moved up to the muzzle.

Miura placed herself over Raganzi's muzzle and slipped it into her wet tunnel.

Rebecca began to stroke the big juicy meat.

"OOOOOH!" Miura moaned as she felt Raganzi's tongue licking her inner walls.

"It sounds like his tongue is a very pleasurable thing" Rebecca said as she positioned herself over his meat to slide it in.

"I want to torture Raganzi some more" Furiva moaned as she began to do whip him with her tail.

Raganzi moaned into Miura's tunnel as he gave his tongue some free adventure.

"I... I'm going to cum" Miura said as she felt her orgasm build up.

"Me too" Rebecca and Furiva said together.

Rebecca sledded off Raganzi's cock, Miura sledded his muzzle out off her tunnel and soon Furiva sledded off Farline's meat.

All three girls placed themselves in front of Raganzi and Farline who was ready to cum.

"Let us taste a mixed cumtail" all three said as Raganzi and Farline began to cum.

"Taste it, then" Raganzi and Farline said as they came with furious strength.

Both males fell asleep by exhaustion and the girls giggled.

They positioned over the faces of Raganzi and Farline and soaked them with their powerful cum spray.

They looked at the males as they fell by exhaustion.

Furiva landed next to Raganzi, Rebecca next to Farline and Miura between the two males. ***

Next morning.

"Good morning guys" Furiva, Rebecca and Miura said as they started to laugh.

"Good morning and what are so funny?" Raganzi and Farline asked as the looked into the mirror and saw that the girls had dressed them in two dresses.

"What a scary sight in the morning, guys?" Rebecca said as she and the two other girls started to run through the hallway followed by the two dress-dressed males, as Ian laughed (well, he had helped the girls to get the dresses).

Halloween After party "Why did you dress me and Farline in dresses?" Raganzi asked as he sat with the gang in the bar.

"You two was really tired after yesterday, so we decided to play a little joke" Miura said as she drank her ale.

"And I guess that you had some help?" Farline asked.

"How can you guess that, Farline?" Ian asked with a smile.

"You helped them, didn't you?" Raganzi asked as he turned to Ian.

"Well, I got them the dresses and gave you some drops of my God Killer Ale" Ian answered with a laugh.

"I must agree that it was kind of funny joke" Raganzi said as he looked at Miura and her two friends.

"Are you crazy Raganzi?" Farline asked, "They dressed us in dresses."

"You can't see the fun in it, can you?" Raganzi asked.

Farline didn't answer.

"Don't be so mad on us" Furiva said and gave Farline a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, maybe I have been a little mad, but I been dressed in female clothes" Farline said and blushed.

Raganzi pushed Farline friendly in the back.

"Well, now it's the second day of the party, isn't it?" Furiva asked Ian.

"Yes, it is" Ian answers as he takes an order for an ale.

"Then we must change into our costumes" Raganzi said as he and the gang began to walk upstairs. ***

In the room.

"Let's get dressed" Miura said.

"You girls are not going anywhere" Farline said as he locked the door.

"What are you doing?" Rebecca asked as she felt someone grab her from behind.

"We just giving back for the dresses" Raganzi said as he stripped off Rebecca's clothes.

"Well, better her than us" Miura said as she and Furiva looked when Farline and Raganzi bound Rebecca to the bed.

"Now it's your turn Miura" Raganzi said and flow toward the room to catch Miura.

"Now they are crazy..." Furiva said as she was caught from behind by Farline.

"We can't forget you, Furiva" Farline said as he stripped off Furiva's clothes.

Farline and Raganzi bound Miura to a chair and Furiva to a hook in the ceiling.

"Who will get her punishment first?" Raganzi asked his counsel.

"I think that we start with Rebecca" Farline said as he took out a box from his bag, "Take a pleasureful choice now."

"Excellent choice" Raganzi said and took out a dildo formed as a jackal cock and began to walk to the bed.

"You call a little toy for a punishment" Rebecca said when she saw the dildo.

"It's only the beginning" Raganzi said as he shovelled the dildo into Rebecca's tailhole.

"OOOOOOOH!" Rebecca sighed as she felt the dildo discovering her tailhole.

"Hey Farline, come and help me to give this bitch some punishment" Raganzi said as Farline nodded and started to walk toward Rebecca.

"Take this, bitch!" Farline said as he gave Rebecca a hard slap on her butt.

"OOOOH!" Rebecca moaned as she felt Raganzi started to shovel the dildo faster and harder.

"Sorry, we can't help you, Rebecca" Miura said from her chair.

With a loud moan, Rebecca came as a powerful cannon.

"She was got her punishment now" Raganzi said as he unbound Rebecca.

"I think that Miura is next on the punishment list, Sir" Farline said as he held the box in his paws.

"This is not enough" Raganzi said as he put down the dildo into the box and took out a jar.

"This is really a good choice" Farline said as Raganzi opened the lid on the jar.

"Well, Miura was a pain in the ass yesterday, but today she will have a pain in her tailhole" Raganzi said as he ordered Farline to unbound Miura so he can fist her tailhole.

"I'm ready for my punishment" Miura said as she was bound to the chair so Raganzi could fist her.

"Here it comes, bitch" Raganzi said as his fist penetrated her with powerful thrusts.

"How can my punishment be worst than your is, Miura?" Furiva asked from her ceiling prison.

"OOOOOOOOOH! You will soon know" Miura moaned out as Farline slapped her butt.

"This is really a punishment" Furiva said as she watched her friend get her punishment.

"Rebecca got a little painful punishment... OOOOH! And I get a little harder punishment... Oh, god! And if I have right you will get the worst punishment... I'm gonna cum" Miura moaned out as her orgasm built up.

Raganzi took his fist out off Miura's tailhole and turned to Farline.

"On three" Raganzi said as Farline nodded.

"One" Raganzi counted.

"Two" Farline counted.

"Three" both counted and gave Miura a hard slap with their paws on her butt as Miura gave out a loud growl while her orgasm sprayed all over the chair.

"Now two has got their punishments" Farline said and unbound Miura and placed her on the bed next to Rebecca.

"Now it's your turn, Furiva" Raganzi said as he held a whip in his paw.

"Now I know that this is worst" Furiva said as she saw the whip.

"Hey, Farline! Get that second whip and help me to tender this bitch" Raganzi said as Farline nodded and took the other whip.

"Oh, God!" Furiva said as she felt that this was going to be a very painful time.

"This is for trying to make me a zombie" Raganzi said and whipped Furiva on her breasts.

Furiva gave out a painful sigh as Farline whipped her back.

"I think you need something more painful" Raganzi said as he whipped her clit.

Furiva gave out a painful moan.

"I think you need something more painful than just two whips" Farline said as he walked toward Raganzi to take his whip.

"I think you have an idea, counsel" Raganzi said as he gave Farline his whip.

"Yes I have" Farline said and showed with his paw a sign.

"Brilliant idea" Raganzi said as he undid his pants and let his meat out.

"Oh, God!" Furiva moaned as she saw Raganzi's big cock.

Raganzi walked close to Furiva and sledded his cock into her wet tunnel.

"Join the party, Farline" Raganzi said as Farline nodded and undid his pants to show up a big meat.

"OH, GOD!" Furiva moaned as Farline slipped his cock into her wet tunnel as well.

Both Raganzi and Farline started to thrust as Furiva moaned with pain and pleasure.

"You guys are stretching me too wide" Furiva moans out as she receives a hard slap on her butt.

"The more pain, the more pleasure" Raganzi said as he cupped one of Furiva's breasts and bit a little on her nipple.

"Feel the pain" Farline said and joined Raganzi with biting Furiva's other nipple.

"The pain is a very good pleasure-builder" Furiva moaned out as she felt her orgasm build up.

Farline and Raganzi bit harder on Furiva and she was ready to cum.

With a singing moan, she came more powerful than her friends had done.

"Oh, God!" Furiva said and was unbound and placed on the bed between Miura and Rebecca.

"The fun isn't over yet" Raganzi said and started to stroke his cock.

"We must give back on the worst way we can" Farline said as he stroke his cock and lay down in the bed between Miura and Rebecca.

Raganzi got an idea.

"Farline, I got it!" Raganzi said and started to tell Farline his idea.

"That's brilliant" Farline said, "But first lets blow our loads of cum over their faces.

Raganzi didn't comply against it and joined Farline as they both came over the girls' faces. ***

Next morning.

"Good morning girls!" Farline and Raganzi said, "Have you slept well?"

The girls tried to answer, but couldn't.

They looked into the mirror and saw that they had a muzzle on their muzzles and was bound to the bed by their legs and their paws were bound to.

Raganzi and Farline unbound the girls, who throwed them on the bed and began to cuddle against Farline and Raganzi with their naked furry bodies and said "All is forgiven."

THE END! ^_^

I only wanted to inform, that Raganzi, Farline, Miura, Rebecca and Furiva are copyrighted and isn't allowed to be used without my permission.