Cloak and Dagger
#1 of The Electric Giant
Author's Note: Well, I'm trying my hand at furry porn with a fantasy plot. There's no telling how this is going to turn out. There may be no survivors. I hope you enjoy my stuff! Without further ado, here's chapter one!
The Electric Giant Chapter 1: Cloak and Dagger
Where do I begin?
Where can I begin?
This is a tale about a timeless, incorporeal evil with one foot - well, unfoot - firmly in the grave, and about a mysterious, unworshipped and completely forgotten maybe-god, sleeping a troubled sleep deep below ground. It's about a world, and how that world ends. This is a tale about the people who inhabit that world, and how being faced with the above can really make you feel insignificant.
It's about a kingdom called Thauvia, which has been peaceful enough so far, but it's about to break its peaceful streak. There'll be violence and terror. This is a tale about a horse girl who gets caught smack dab in the middle of all this, when all she really wants to do is have fun.
Here's Thauvia - see it now, almost circular in shape, like a country-shaped meal on a plate. The great mountains to the north, trailing off into plains, and on the plains and in the almost exact center of the plate, is a city. This is the capital of Thauvia, seat of its figurehead king and its government and its biggest city. It's called Targa.
In Targa, we find Joy.
Joy had no job and no home. It was alright - she never seemed to have a problem finding a place to sleep.
Currently, she was walking a street which looked like a million billion other streets in Targa. She had no particular place she was going. She was looking for something, but she didn't know what yet. She'd know it when she saw it.
Joy was a horse girl, tall in comparison to most other races and with curves to kill for, curves that made heads turn wherever she went. Her ass jiggled, her hips rubbed together when she walked. Joy was a whole lotta woman, but that wasn't all. Her lips were full, her eyes sultry. Looking into those eyes, you knew that not only was she aware of her own body, she loved using it as well. Her hair fell in dark curls around her face. She was wearing a dress which directed attention to her considerable cleavage, because she loved attention.
She found what she was looking for, sitting in the sun outside an inn. A handsome fox, well-built and with pretty eyes. He stared when he saw her, as people usually did, and smiled when she met his gaze. She sauntered over, every inch of her curvy body radiating sex.
"Hi," she said. "I'm new in town and I need a place to sleep."
The fox, by the look of him, couldn't believe he'd be so lucky. But he recovered admirably quickly, Joy thought, and said with a mischievous smile, "I'm sure we can figure something out." Then, strangely formal, he held his hand out and said, "I'm Jan."
She looked down on his hand, giggled, and placed it on one of her tits. The fox's eyes bulged but she soon felt his hand squeezing her breast. She let out a small moan, all theatrics, loving the effect she was having on the man. She leaned forward and mumbled, "Why don't we go to your place?"
They went. On the horizon, a storm was building up. His hands were all over her as they walked, and she loved it. But when the fox tried to grope her crotch she batted his hand away and waved her finger at him. "Not yet," was all she said.
They'd hardly got inside before she pulled down the shoulder straps of her dress and revealed her heavy bosom. She thought Jan's eyes were going to pop out of his head. Smiling, she pulled him towards her - since he was a fox, he was shorter than her, so he didn't have to lean down to kiss her tits and suck her nipples.
She felt herself getting hard. She felt the fox freeze as he noticed the hard lump against his thigh.
Within ten minutes she had him on his knees, willingly sucking her dick like a slut and making little appreciative noises all the while. He was a quick study, and pretty soon he had her gasping and bucking. She came three times, he four. In the night, she let him be the man again and slept in his arms.
In the night the storm rolled in over Targa and the rain pummeled the cobbles. Most people were at home, snug in their beds, and the streets were empty save a few miserable guards. As Joy and Jan slept not too far away, one of these guards, on duty at the northern gate, first spotted the stranger.
In the pouring rain, sight was limited to a few steps away, and he came out of the distance as if stepping out from behind a curtain. He had a purposeful stride and a cowl that covered most of his face. It was probably brown to begin with, but in the gloom and the rain it looked black.
It was usually protocol for guards on gate duty to ask people entering the city their name and business, but with the icy rain going straight down his neck this particular guard just couldn't find the energy to do it. He watched with tired eyes as the stranger passed by, not even sparing him a glance.
The stranger, for his part, just wanted to be out of the rain. It was late, but he was hoping that he could find a room at an inn. He banged on the door of one, and huddled in the rain as he waited for someone to open.
A heavy-set cat lady opened the door, lit candle in hand.
He put on his most polite tone of voice and said, "Sorry to bother you so late, ma'am, but I'm looking-"
That's as far as he got before she slammed in the door in his face. From within, he heard the clump-clump-clump of her retreating steps, and her shout: "No reptiles!"
He sighed. He'd hoped against hope this wouldn't happen. But he was used to it. The snout that poked out of the rain-soaked cowl was scaled, the tail that swished under the cloak was greenish-gray. He was used to it, but that didn't mean it stopped hurting. He hurried onward to the next inn.
There, he was politely but resolutely turned down. At the next inn he tried, nobody even answered the door.
The fourth inn was the Woodland Spirit Inn. It had a sign that was probably very colorful, but the rain washed it of color and made it look drab and grey. He knocked on the door, shaking from the cold and praying that he'd find a room soon.
He was in luck. The owner of the Woodland Spirit came from the countryside and didn't treat reptiles any differently than other people. So the stranger finally found a bed to sleep in and a place to hang his rain-heavy cloak for the night.
In the morning, Joy and Jan awoke from the sunlight, fresh and young after the night's vicious storm, shining in through the window. They stretched and smiled at each other. "That was wonderful, you know," said Jan. "Last night."
Joy thought so too.
For breakfast, Jan brought her to the inn where she'd found him the day before. He frequently helped out there, she learned, and in return the innkeeper cooked him three meals a day. As they entered, some of the guests at the breakfast table, who seemed to know Jan, whooped and cheered at him when they saw the beautiful creature he'd brought with him. Others, perhaps just temporary lodgers, just stared.
Joy noticed one of them because he sat a bit away from the others, as if none of them wanted anything to do with him. He stood out, because he didn't have fur or feathers, he had scales. It was unusual to see reptiles in the city. If you did see them, usually they were in shambles and living in the street.
He saw her looking at him and met her eyes with a serious gaze. Almost a bit sad. That was the first thing that attracted her to him. Another thing was that she'd slept with people of every imaginable race, and had had good lovers and bad lovers, but she'd never been dissatisfied with a reptile. Those long tongues... she smiled wide.
Breakfast was good, and Joy was a girl with a big appetite. She took two extra helpings. While she ate, the stranger went up the stairs, and came down again wrapped in a heavy-looking travelling cloak. She kissed Jan deeply, thanked him for a wonderful night and left, feeling all eyes in the room fixed on her ass as she walked.
She just made out the cloak as it retreated into the crowd. She set off after it. After a while, she noticed that the lizard had no trouble making his way through the crowd, because people were getting out of his way, often with looks of disgust on their faces. Joy sighed. She'd never understood this whole racism thing, but put a lot of people together in a city and it seemed to be as clear as day to them.
She bumped into a few passers-by on the way, but finally she caught up with the lizard and tapped him on the shoulder. He reacted instantly - lightning-fast, lizard-style - and spun around. He stared at her, wide-eyed.
"I'm sorry," she said. "Did I startle you?"
The lizard regarded her suspiciously, but with interest. The interest she was used to. The suspicion, she thought, was probably because he wasn't used to being approached like this by non-reptiles. Sadly, the anti-reptile sentiment seemed to spill out of the cities these days like some poison, showing up in places in the countryside as well.
"Not at all," the lizard responded at length. "Not to be impolite, but what do you want? I have business I must attend to."
Joy could see he wasn't comfortable talking to her. She smiled and did her best to put at him at ease. "I just saw you at the inn, and I know you saw me too." He ducked his head at that, part in agreement, part in embarrassment. "It's so unusual to see reptiles in the city."
"You mean, it's unusual to see reptiles who can afford a place to sleep?" he said, and there was something hard in his voice. Then he seemed to soften. "No, don't answer that. You don't seem like the others. I'm sorry."
She smiled again. "It's okay. I'm Joy."
He smiled back, a solemn sort of smile. He seemed to be a solemn sort of person. "That's a good name. I'm Edgar. Nice to meet you."
She decided it was time to strike. "Edgar, this business you have, can it wait?" She looked him in the eye and lifted a hand to her hefty chest and stroked one of her tits. "A girl can hardly resist as mysterious a man as you."
Edgar seemed to have trouble grasping this sudden turn of events. He stared at her hand, and then his gaze darted nervously to the people milling past, often enough sparing Joy more than a glance. "I..." he stopped, and tried again. "My heart belongs to someone else."
"Oh, love hasn't got anything to do with it. I just want to sleep with you."
He looked her up and down and she knew that any man with a working libido would be hard pressed to resist her. He spoke again, hesitantly. "All these people... if they saw me leaving with a girl as beautiful as you, they'd lynch me in seconds."
She blushed at the compliment, but still, what Edgar had just said was true. She smiled and said: "Meet me in the alley to your left in five minutes." Then she walked away without another word.
They met in the alley, and they walked down its length together until it gave way to an even more narrow and deserted alley, and they walked that alley until it came to a dead end. Once there, Joy turned to Edgar and, with no further ado, put her hand on his crotch.
He was already hard, and, from what she could tell through his pants, his dick was very big. She smiled and dropped to her knees. Edgar, all thoughts of love and business now seemingly banished from his mind, wasted no time in untying his belt and pulling his pants down.
Joy gasped in surprise and delight as his dick sprang free. It was as she'd thought. It was more than she'd thought! It stood proud in the shadows of the alley, thick and long, almost the size of Joy's own despite her being a horse. Joy couldn't describe it, but Edgar's erection seemed to be radiating power somehow, like the idol of a primal god. This was a cock to be worshipped.
She smiled up at him and took it in her mouth. It was not by any means the first dick she'd sucked, and not the biggest - she'd been with other horses, of course, but this was the first time she'd been with a member of the smaller races who could probably compete with them.
She gripped the big dick at the base with her hand and really went to work with her mouth. She sucked it and took it as far down her throat as it would go, she worked it over with her tongue, all over the head, down the shaft and back up again. With her free hand she fondled his balls, massaging them and tugging gently.
"Oh, shit," Edgar whispered. "You... nngh... you're good."
She let go of the cock with her mouth for a second and jerked it as she spoke. "You gonna come soon? You tell me before you come. I want to have this dick in me."
Usually, with her relentless treatment, it didn't take long before her lovers started bucking and moaning, but from Edgar there was only the occasional expelled breath when she hit a sensitive spot. She marveled at his endurance, and a couple of minutes later he still hadn't come when he gently pulled her up off the ground.
She got to her feet, not even noticing her bruised knees. Edgar was taller than Jan, but she still had to bend down a bit to kiss him. She could feel his dick brushing against her as he reached out to play with her tits through the dress. Between feverish kisses, she mumbled, "You didn't come yet."
He replied, "You told me not to."
She laughed at that. "Most men don't have a choice."
"I'm not like most men."
"I can see that," she responded, looking down at his dick. "For one thing, you're huge." The swell of pride evident in the lizard's face proved that, in that respect at least, he was just like other men. She stepped back. "I'm not like most girls, either," she said and got out of her dress.
Her panties were stretched to the bursting point by her rock-hard dick, and she ripped them off without a second thought. (Underwear was one thing she never had a shortage of - men always seemed willing to buy her panties and bras, provided she tried them on for them first.)
She smiled at Edgar. "Don't worry. I've got girl parts, too."
In fact, she was a true herm and had no balls. Her hard cock stood out from just above her pussy. And while she loved to use her cock on unexpecting males, she wanted the lizard inside of her.
Now, Edgar took control, turning her around and putting his dick between her legs. She smiled and steered him into her, and he thrust forward at once, burying himself in her. She gasped and moaned as he began gently began thrusting his hips, allowing her to get used to his dick inside her. She moaned again and grasped her own cock, beginning to pump her hand up and down as she looked back at him.
"Come on and fuck me," she mumbled.
The lizard nodded and began screwing her in earnest, thrusting hard into her as she jerked herself. She moaned as Edgar's big cock hit sweet spots deep inside of her, and soon, she was thrusting her big hips backwards to meet his cock. One of Edgar's hands went up and gripped one of her big tits, pinching and tugging her nipple.
It didn't take much of the lizard's relentless assault before Joy came for the first time. She gasped and arched her back as a load of cum shot from her dick and splattered on the ground in front of them, and her pussy contracted around Edgar's cock. He didn't even slow down, he just kept fucking her.
When she came down from her orgasm and noticed that he was still at it, she pushed him away so that he slipped out of her, and turned around and kissed him hard. Then she pushed him down onto the ground and climbed onto him. His dick stood up from his body like a tall tower on flat ground, and she sank onto it, moaning ferociously. She looked down at the lizard under her, who was watching his dick disappearing into her with a focused expression on his face.
She'd hardly begun thrusting when he grasped her still-hard dick with both hands and began jerking her in time to her thrusts.
"Oh, oh fuck," she moaned. "That's good..."
Within a minute she came again. Her hips jerked erratically as she let out a long, low moan. A fresh load of cum spurted out of her dick and hit Edgar in the face and on his chest. He didn't even flinch, and he still wore that same focused look on his freshly cum-covered face.
And still he didn't come.
She climbed off him, intending to finish him by hand, but he sat up limberly and pushed her onto her back. Then he entered into her again. She protested weakly but he paid her no mind, and quickly began fucking her again.
It didn't take long before her world exploded again, and once again. She was hardly aware by now, her hands lay limply on the ground and she was only vaguely aware of the sperm shooting onto her from her own cock. She submitted completely to his treatment. She moaned and tried to speak, but only fragments of words came out. But when her fourth orgasm had come and gone and Edgar showed no signs of slowing down, the pleasure reached a point where it was unbearable.
"Plea... nnnaaaAAAH! Guh, huh, noo, staah-AAH! Please!!"
At that, mercifully, he pulled out of her, and, on his knees in front of her, began to jerk himself at a furious pace. It only took a few strokes before he came. Finally his face lost that look of intense concentration; his mouth opened, his eyes closed and he let out a single little gasp. Long strings of ropy cum shot out of his dick and landed neatly on Joy's stomach. When his orgasm passed, Edgar relaxed and sat backwards, and watched in silence as she came to.
Afterwards, they wiped themselves off as best they could and pulled their clothes back on. Joy's legs were still wobbly as they walked out of the alley. She almost thought she'd fall over, but Edgar steadied her. She smiled thankfully at him. "Wow," she said, and could think of nothing more to say about what had just happened. The lizard chuckled, and the look on his face was one part gentleman lover and one part craftsman, satisfied with a job well done.
She turned to him again and said, "Tell me, what's this business you have?"
"It's nothing of importance," Edgar replied.
She didn't want to lose this one in the crowd so soon. "Can I come with you?" she asked.
He stopped and turned to look at her. His stare was scrutinizing and after a while she felt more like an insect pinned to a table, being examined by a scientist. She was used to looks, but not this kind of look, and she felt mightily uncomfortable when he finally spoke again.
"Look, what you just did for me... I needed that. So thank you. And it's refreshing to see someone in the city who doesn't treat reptiles differently. So I suppose I can trust you. I hope I can."
Then he was quite, and she became aware that perhaps something was expected of her. She nodded her head earnestly, her eyes big and honest.
"Good. But my business is far away from here."
She watched his face for a clue that all this cloak-and-dagger drama was a joke and fond none. "How far?"
"Port Whorl."
She stared. That was far, indeed, farther than she'd thought. All the way to the southern border of Thauvia, in fact. And she'd heard there were bandits on the way. But on the other hand, there was nothing to keep her in Targa, and she'd never been to Port Whorl before. And... after all... she'd never had anyone as good as Edgar. In fact, she'd never begged anyone to stop fucking her before.
She went into her dumb-girl role. "Oh, I've never been there before!"
Again came the scrutinizing gaze. This time she met it head on. After a moment, the lizard shook his head. "You're really serious." He sighed. "Well, I can't stop you from coming along, I suppose. But we've got to be careful. Meet me along the Huddling Road in an hour."
It was the main thoroughfare of the land, and ran twisting and turning northwards from Port Whorl to Targa, and arrow-straight through the plainlands to Saulstown from there. Everyone called it Huddling Road, because it had been made long ago by enterprising traders who were always beset on all sides by stealing marauders. When night fell, the traders would huddle together by huge bonfire, for safety in numbers and perhaps thinking that thieves, like wolves, were scared of fire. And so the name had stuck.
As she set out from the southern city gate of Targa, the sun was high in the sky, and it was warm. The trees were blossoming yellow and white, and she smelled the warm air and smiled. She'd changed from her skimpy dress to a more sensible travelling outfit - short pants, a blouse and a traveler's cloak. Thinking about what the lizard had said about being careful, she'd actually bought the clothes with her own money, using a small coin pouch that she always kept with her, instead of fooling some man into buying them for her.
She'd walked for a few minutes when Edgar came out of the trees and joined her.
"Stealthy, aren't you?" she asked with a smile.
"Just cautious. Listen, I should tell you what this is all about." She stopped, but he shook his head. "No, I'll tell you while we walk." He took a deep breath. "First off, my name isn't Edgar. It's Tully. I'm sorry I lied, but like I said, I've got to be careful."
Joy stared at him... and burst out laughing. It was Edgar's - sorry, Tully's - turn to stare at her, and when she finally started calming down, he asked, "What's so funny?"
Still giggling, Joy wiped her eyes with the heels of her hands and said, "There's just no end to how mysterious you are, is there?" She finally quieted down, and took a few deep breaths. Then she said, "Tully. That's a nice name."
"Thank you. Now, remember how I said that my heart belongs to someone?" Joy nodded, and Tully went on. "It's her I'm looking for. Lavender." He paused. "I've been looking for her for two years, but now I finally know where she is."
"Port Whorl," Joy breathed.
"Yes. Port Whorl. In the care of one Mister Ion. You know who runs the town?"
"What?" Joy blinked. "Oh, the mayor, I suppose..."
"No. Not the mayor, not the harbormaster, and not the rich merchants who own all the ships, either. They may own a lot of ships, but Mister Ion owns them. He's a criminal of the worst kind, a criminal who has gotten so rich from stealing that he's gone legal. Respected member of the community and all that."
"And he's got your Lavender?"
"Yes," Tully said, and that seemed to be that. But after a while, he spoke again. "This could be dangerous. You could be killed just for travelling with me, if things go wrong."
Joy could think of nothing to say, and Tully didn't press her for an answer. They walked in silence together down the Huddling Road, towards Port Whorl, the air heavy with the scent of the flowering trees, as the sun made its leisurely way across the sky. They were not alone. They were watched.
Author's Note: And that's all for now! In the next chapter I'll be introducing some new characters. Show my story some love and comment! =)