The Collar Chronicles: College Days (Chp 2)

Story by Fifi_the_Skunk on SoFurry

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#2 of The Collar Chronicles

Carol opened the door to his dorm room and smiled. "I am very lucky to get a two bedroom apartment as a freshman," he thought to himself. He adjusted his black, oval rimmed glasses and peeked into one. Boxes were on the bed so he figured his roommate must have already claimed it. He opened the door to the other bedroom and grinned, "Well I made it." After several trips from his pickup, all his stuff was inside. He opened his computer box and set it on the desk as he started to get all the wiring set up. With that complete, he opened boxes randomly. The first one contained his toiletries so he went into the bathroom and placed them on the sink. He sighed as he looked at himself. Removing his pocket protector, calculator, and tie, he still looked like a nerd, even to his own eyes. He had been looking forward to his Physics courses, but hoped his ribbing would not be as bad as his last year of high school.

He was leaving when he saw his roommate things: a bottle of Mane and Tail Shampoo, an oversized hair dryer, a few bottles of cologne, two nail trimmers and sighed again. "Great, I am roommates with a 'pretty-boy'.

"Hello?" A voice called out form the entrance, drawing Carol out of the bathroom.

Carol turned the corner and stopped in his tracks. Before him was a male about six feet two. He was well built and Carol could tell that his new roommate worked out. But the thing that surprised him the most was that the being before him was an Anthro skunk. His tail was just a tiny bit over the height of his head and curled back on itself slightly.

His roommate extended his paw. Seeing the stunned look on his upcoming friend's face, he smiled as he extended his paw, "My name is Flower."

"F-F-Flower?" Carol stammered taking the offered paw into his hand.

His roommate chuckled and winked, "Nah, I usually just say that to people when I get that reaction like the one you just gave me. Name is actually Cinder."

Carol looked down, "Sorry," was all he managed to say.

"No sweat man. It wasn't the first time, and it won't be the last." Cinder walked into his room.

Carol walked into Cinder's room sitting on the edge of his bed. "I am sorry. I never saw an anthropomorphic up close before."

"Anthro," Cinder corrected.

Cinder tilted his head to one side and removed his shirt and pulled his shorts down. "Now you have."

Carol's eyes went large and stared right at Cinder's furry sheath and sacs before averting his eyes. "What are you doing?"

Cinder shrugged a moment and put his paw on Carol's shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Carol shifted on Cinder's bed, "You're naked!"

"And?" Cinder asked. "Is that bad? I plan on going 'au naturel'." He said in a French accent.

"Humans tend to wear clothes most the time."

Cinder turned around and picked up his shorts, puffing Carol in the face with his tail and slipped them on.

Carol couldn't help to inhale his new friend's scent, the musky odor causing his own manhood to stir.

Cinder turned around, not realizing where his tail had been. "Is this better?" He asked, extending his arms out to his sides.

Carol slowly looked at his new friend and nodded. "Perhaps together, we can learn and teach one another about the other."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Cinder said. "I haven't been exposed to humans before."


Mr. Alcort stood looking out his panoramic, office window overlooking Manhattan and smiled. Since the release of his 'collar' his company's stock went through the roof nearly making him a billionaire overnight.

His assistant slowly walked over the marble floor to him, the sound of his polished shoes echoing in the large cathedral room. "Excuse me, sir."

Mr. Alcort turned around, his Armani suit perfectly adjusted to his rotund form. He looked at his secretary with disdain, "Yes?"

"The modifications to the next generation collar are now complete. You have been added to the list of controllers on all collars." He said to his boss.

"Excellent! What about the data gathering?" He asked, as he sat at his mahogany desk.

"The database is being streamlined, which will take a bit, but you should be able to view accounts randomly by region and activity for now." He shifted nervously having to tell his boss it wasn't completed.

"Hire who you need, but make sure none of them are those 'Anthros', understand?" Mr. Alcort removed the screen saver from his computer on and punched his password in.

"What about the Non-discrimination Amendment?" The man asked his boss.

"Get around it, or give them some 'other' task. But if you do that, make sure you hire other so they don't get suspicious."

"Yes sir." The man turned and walked out the room.

Mr. Alcort's monitor came to life as information on a very active college student filled the screen.


Months passed, Cinder and Carol having become the best of friends. Carol tutored Cinder where he needed the help, and Cinder showed Carol how to exercise, albeit exercise more attuned for a furry body.

Carol was still a bit of a nerd and never had time to even look at women, never mind dating them while Cinder had an Anthro woman over every night.

Thanksgiving was quickly approaching and the two were studying for some big tests when Carol finally asked his friend what his secret was to women stating, "How do you do it?"

Cinder put down his math book. His head tilted to one side, "How do I do what?"

"How do you get a woman every night and sometimes two? The Anthros you bring home are hot, I mean for being Anthros and all." He turned his head away.

Cinder placed his paw on his friend shoulder, "It is alright to like our women you know. I like Human females too."

"You do," Carol asked, looking back to his friend.

"Of course! The prize they hold between their legs all smell the same." He smiled and puffed his chest out.

Carol sighed and admitted, "I wouldn't know, I've never ever seen a woman naked - well not a real one - I mean, I have only seen pictures in magazines."

"That will not do!" Cinder exclaimed. "We need to double date tonight!"

"I appreciate the sentiment but..." Carol started.

"No buts! Right after we are done, I will call Julie and I know she can get Edith to go out with you." Cinder said excitedly.

Carol pushed the books away and walked to the window, keeping his back to his friend. "It's not only that, I am not well endowed. I don't think I could even please a woman.

Cinder put his book down and walked to his friend. "Do you trust me?"

Carol turned and looked up into his friend's eyes, "Of course I do."

Cinder walked away and entered his room. Moments later he emerged with a leather collar. "This collar allows me to change subtle changes to furs and scales. I don't know if it will work on you, but will you allow me to try?"

"I have heard of these things, but never gave it much thought. I trust you now though. Go ahead." Carol said to his friend.

Cinder slipped the collar around his friend's neck, clearing his throat as he thought of what to say.


An alarm sounded on Mr. Alcort's computer, drawing his attention to the cause. "What do we have here?" He asked aloud. "My old friend is trying his device on a Human?" Mr. Alcort punched a few things on his computer, pulling up the specifications on the particular collar now around the neck of a Human. "Interesting!" He chuckled. He quickly punched an override code to allow the collar to work on a Human by an Anthro and was about to close the alarm when he added one more thing to the device.


"Alright, let's start. First get undressed." Cinder stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What are you insane?" Carol said, as he unbuttoned his shirt letting it drop to the ground. He unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them. He pulled them down with his shorts and stood there.

"Don't panic, just stand there calmly." Cinder kneeled before Carol and inspected his friend's groin with the care of a mother checking her baby for anything that might be wrong. "I don't want you to get excited or embarrassed but I needed to know. Remember when you saw me. Do you want to be that big?"

Carol calmly stood there as his friend ran a paw over his manhood as if it was the most common thing a friend could do. Up until now, he had buried the image of his friend's sheath from his mind, but hearing the words Cinder spoke, he saw a clear image of Cinder's package. After thinking a moment he replied, "I would prefer to be perhaps a little smaller than that."

Cinder smiled. "Well Edith is a female Husky Anthro, so I want you to grow a shaft half an inch shorter than mine," he paused a moment as a grin grew across his face, "then encase it in your furry sheath. Your cock will be like an Anthro Husky Dog, complete with a bone and knot. You will be a natural on how to use your new equipment. I want you to have powerful legs. Your stomach is coming along fine, but lets give you a slight six-pack - don't want people to question why you and suddenly super buff. I also want your sight to be completely normal for a human, but your sense of smell will be that of a canine. I also want you to have a tongue like a canine, but only when you are alone with a fur."

Carol stood there watching the changes come over his body. First his shaft plumped out and lengthened, turning red and slick as it attached to his lower stomach and a sheath grew around it. His stomach tightened and he removed his glasses as he sight corrected completely. He felt a bit woozy when all the scents entered his head, and Cinder had to grab his arm to prevent him from falling. He opened his mouth and his tongue hung out easily the same length as any of the dogs he owned growing up back home. "Wow! You smell!"

Cinder chuckled and led his friend to the chair sitting him down. "You don't smell like a bouquet of flowers yourself." He smiled and leaned down whispering in his friend's ear, "After you hear what I am about to say, you will carry out the orders, but forget I gave them to you. You will feel perfectly fine with Edith. You will treat her right, and do all the things that are customary for Humans when they are on dates. When we come back here, you will feel perfectly fine to be amorous with her and will happily mate with her if that is what you want. Answer me with I understand, if you do."

Carol nodded, "I understand," then blinked his eyes, "What were we talking about?"

"You are going to get dressed so we can go shopping for new thread for you."

Carol happily obeyed getting dressed and followed his friend. Cinder drove his convertible to the mall, heading to the Gap first. Each store was a new experience for him and it wasn't long before he had a few outfits, wearing one them. His old 'nerd' clothes left in one of the stalls.

As they approached the counter a vixen was working the register. Cinder leaned in, "Work some charm on her and do small talk with her."

"Hello there," Carol started, placing his clothes on the table. "I couldn't wait to wear some of you fabulous clothes, I hope you don't mind." He extended his arm so she could get the tags.

"Not at all, sir," Her paw touch his hand and he slightly stroked a finger across her wrist.

"Of course, had I known that such pretty attendants like you worked here, I would have shopped here every day."

The cashier blushed, "Thank you," she stated reaching for the tag on his pants. He thrust his hips forward just once, but noticeably. He saw her sniffing towards him, so he inhaled too. He could smell her scent like a powerful aphrodisiac, stimulating dormant genes in him.

"Well I work very late tonight, but I am free tomorrow night if you'd like to be shown some other outfits that I think you'd enjoy." When the total came up, Cinder offered his card to pay for them. She smiled to Carol and handed him the receipt, quickly jotting down her number.

Carol and Cinder walked out the door as Cinder spoke, "I will have to teach you what subtle means and you might want to hide that."

"Hide what," Carol asked looking at himself. His eyes went wide when he saw the noticeable bulge in his new jeans.

"Relax and let your member slide back home." Cinder stated, walking into a shoe store next.

Carol nodded and happily followed like a love sick puppy.

An hour later, they were riding back. Carol had three new phone numbers and a smile from ear to ear. "Is this rush how it always is?"

"Wait until tonight." He replied.

They arrived at their date's apartment that night. Any bit of nervousness had been erased by Cinder's careful words. Carol couldn't believe Edith when he saw her. She was slightly shorter than him. Her stunning hour glass shape and long sexy legs stirred feeling in him right away. Her breasts were good size for her form, being neither too large nor too small. He looked into her cobalt blue eyes and was stunned by their glow.

The night passed quickly, and after the dinner and a movie they couple found their way back to Cinder's and Carol's apartment. They all laughed about the night enjoying a sip of champagne when Edith asked if she could see Carol's room.

Carol gulped slightly to himself and nodded showing her his small room. When she shut the door and sat on the edge of the bed patting the side, he didn't need any more encouragement. His nose caught her arousal, but he tried to keep it hidden. She rubbed her paw over his pants causing her shaft to stir. He responded by rubbing her breasts slightly, gently lifting them in his hands. Then they leaned over and kissed. Carol's longer tongue entered her mouth, licking her teeth as he moaned.

Edith couldn't believe the size of the Human she was with, or the length of his tasty tongue. She stood and removed her blouse carefully placing it on the computer chair. She lifted her tail and turned her back to him, slowly pulling the zipper down and letting the fabric slowly fall off her hips. She stepped out of it and placed it on the chair too. She turned around and smiled at him in her violet bra and panties.

Carol removed his shirt and T, placing them on his dresser. He unzipped his pants and carefully folded them and placed them on the shirts, then pulled his boxers down, leaving them there as he turned to face her.

"What?" She said softly seeing his furry sheath, the slightest pink showing.

He walked over to her and kissed her softly, undoing her bra like an expert, letting his hand glide over the bare breast. His thumb rubbed her nipple and he leaned down to softly kiss her teat. He continued with his kissing, down her belly and to the top of her panties. Grabbing them in his teeth, he growled and pulled them down her shapely legs eventually kissing the top of her feet as she stepped out of them.

She rubbed her paw through his hair, growling softly to him as he sat up and smelled her between the legs. She shivers as he let his long canine tongue probe her lips, gently reaching up to nibble her clit as he licked deep in her. He plunged his tongue into her body, pulling up on his tongue while in her muscles to lick the top of her tunnel. When she cried out, covering her mouth to muzzle the sound, he did it a few more times to her before rising and guiding her to his bed. He went to get in with her, feeling the fabric of her under garments on his foot for a moment before they went sailing under his bed and he climb on top of her.

He felt his tip at her entrance as they kissed again. He started to ask, "Should I wear..." His words cut off when she bucked her hips forward on his shaft. He felt instincts he didn't know he had kick in, and he slowly rocked his hips in her, nibbling on her neck and breasts as he shoved in and out of her.

Edith moaned as she felt her spasms on Carol's member. Her juices were flowing and she was hot and horny already, but this was driving her wild. Carol drove his member back and forth across her lips, his new size stretching her to her limits. Edith wrapped her legs around Carol, driving her body up to met his thrusts down, sending inch after inch of his shaft in her until he hilted himself in her hot passage, slapping his sacs at her entrance. He grunted and whined as he drew himself back and thrust again, his eyes closing to slits in pleasure. Edith giggled slightly at the sight, the smile becoming a moan when she felt he had a knot as well.

Carol was in bliss. He shoved faster and harder finding it more difficult to easily pump her body as his new addition grew. He drew back and thrust hard, feeling the knot pop into her and quickly inflate. The pleasure and pressure was too much for him. He shoved one last time, feeling his head break a new barrier as he unloaded his prizes deep within her womb. Edith, feeling the knot and warmth growing in her belly, was pushed over the edge as well as her orgasm mixed her honey with his gifts. Her muscles clamped down behind his knot milking his shift of its gifts.

They lay in each other's arms for a while, kissing and cuddling before Carol felt himself shrink enough to pull out of her. "I have to use the little doggy room," he whispered to her. Grabbing his robe, he went inside the bathroom.

He looked at the toilet, then at his sheath, then back to the toilet. "O.K., how am I supposed to do this now?" He asked aloud. He bent over and felt his slimy tip poke free. Carefully he grabbed it and managed to aim it just right as he unloaded his urine into the bowl, the pungent scent making him curl his nose up. He chuckled, "I will have to ask Cinder." He thought as he got up and washed his hands. Since part of his shaft was still exposed, he washed it, the warm water on it making it slip out again.

Leaving the rest room, he wanted to tell Cinder of the wonderful gift he had given him. Carefully he walked to his friend's door and listened to see if he was up.

Cinder wasn't having a very good night. His date was frustrating him wanting to be in this or that position. He finally had enough when he said, "Stay there and be quiet."

Julie was average an average looking female vixen in Cinder's eyes. He mainly did this as a favor to his friend, wanting him to know just how good it could feel to be liked and the warmth of a lovely Anthro woman's body. Cinder smiled and said to the quiet Julie, "After listening to me, I want you to go to bed. While you sleep, your body will undergo changes. You will grow breasts just like Edith, with cream color fur covering them. You shape will become more hourglass, softer, even more feminine than now with wider hips and a wiggle when you walk, matching your friend Edith's shape. Your tummy will flatten making it easier to see your," he paused as an evil grin formed on his face, "black and white furry mound leading to your tight pussy. When we are alone in this dorm room, your body will desire mine and your cunny will moisten. The next time we meet, you will wear sexy under garments for me, showing off your long sexy shaped legs. Once these changes occur, they will feel perfectly natural on you and you won't question the changes in your body. Now go."

Carol pulled away from the door and slipped back into his room, climbing into bed and pulled the covers over them both, quickly falling asleep. Julie put on her white cotton bra and panties and left the apartment, heading to her owns to sleep. Cinder laid there carefully stroking his shaft in his paw as he thought, "First time I ever did that, but if it works, maybe I will make her a skunkette while she is with me." His thoughts drew another smile on his face as he drifted off to sleep with his paw on his shaft.

Edith rolled over, her back to Carol when she blinked from the invading sun into the room. Glancing at the alarm clock on the desk she leapt from his bed, "I'm going to be late for work!" She grabbed her clothes, but couldn't find her panties or bra. Seeing Carol's boxers on the floor, she grabbed them instead. "Better than nothing," she said as she quickly dressed and ran out the door. She saw Cinder at the stove cooking bacon and yelled to him, "Tell Carol I will call him! I've got to get to work." She bolted from the room and ran out the building.

Cinder chuckled, his nose catching her and his friend's scent before closing the door. He drained the grease into a glass jar then rummaged the refrigerator.

Carol stretched and smiled, having the best sleep she could remember in a long time. Sitting up, she rubbed her furry breast and smiled. Her nose caught the scent of bacon, the smell of Cinder in the kitchen and something else under her bed. Peering under the bed first, she found Edith's bra and panties. Putting them on, and finding they fit her to a tee, she quiet crept to the kitchen.

"A little bit of ham, some salami," Cinder quietly said, gathering the things in his arms as he was bent over and in the fridge. He felt arms around his tummy as a pair of breasts encased in silk pressed into his back. He felt the pressing of hips to his tail over his shorts, and he wiggled it slightly. "My, you are back earlier than I anticipated," he said grabbing the last of things he wanted for his omelet. "I've been thinking, I want you to become an Anthro skunkette for me now," he said as he turned around and dropped everything he had on the floor. He was stunned to see Carol with breasts unable to form words at his friend's new shape.

Carol's form shimmered as her face formed an almond shaped muzzle, her emerald gree green adding depth to the face. Her body quickly grew black and white fur as a big bushy tail grew from behind her. In mere moments, where a nerdy boy unattractive to anyone had first walked into the dorm room many months ago, stood a sexy and attractive female Anthro skunk. There before him stood the most beautiful fur he had ever seen. He blinked, trying to see if this was a dream, but quickly dismissed the idea when Carol stretched up and kissed him on the lips.

"Carol, I can't..." his words were cut off when she pressed her pelvis into his and kissed him again, causing Cinder to purr. "I need" he gasped as he felt Carol knelt before him and pull his shorts down. His member had already started to grow, poking out of its protective home when he felt Carol licked his sacks a few time, then dragged her tongue over his sheath and up his member, softly licking at his tip. All Cinder could do was gasp in pleasure scratching Carol behind her ears that had shifted to the top of her head.

Carol rose and removed her clothing, letting him see her fully naked. She returned to his shaft and wrapped her lips around it, slowly licking his shaft from within her moist, warm mouth.

Cinder's foot stomped the floor once as he felt his inhibitions melting away. He moved his hips back and forth in her mouth, slowly building a tempo. When he had sunk half of himself in her mouth, he felt her starting to hum, giving him even more of a push as he humped her muzzle. She continued to lick and suckle his shaft, her entire world focused on giving him pleasure. Cinder couldn't believe how good it felt. He had been given many blow jobs before, but this was more pleasurable, more exotic, more of everything he ever desired. He forgo about who was in front of him and pumped hard and fast until he released, shoving deep in her throat so nothing would be wasted.

Carol just purr and gobbled down his gifts. She smiles and took his paw and led him to his room, lying on his bed and pulling him on top of her. He moaned and kissed her, staring in her eyes as he felt his member already spring to life again. All morning and part of the afternoon they made passionate love, trying all types of positions from missionary to doggy. When he finally had the urge to take a break and eat, he walked to the kitchen and saw someone had slipped an envelope under the door.

Opening the package he found Carol's new student ID, labeling her as a female Anthro Skunk with the name Ms. Carol Noiretblanc, with all the classes the same. She had successfully passed the placement tests and the school was making an exception in accepting her this late in the year. Also in the packet was a soon-to-be release AP story about a student named Carol Hunt and his tragic suicide in Lake Tollintail.

He went into his room showing Carol the package. She smiled to him and kissed his paw, "Looks like we will have many adventures together now."

He couldn't help to smile.


Mr. Alcort closed the link to the collar and smiled. "I'd call that a successful test." He leaned back and laughed out loud.

"Sir?" His assistance began, "Isn't is dangerous to be using resources in that manner?"

"I've got so much money, I am not worried. Besides, I wanted to reward Cinder for giving me so many new clients. With the women he alone had every night, I will be working hard to catch up to them."

"As you wish, sir." His assistant quietly left his boss alone, closing the massive door behind him to drown out Mr. Alcort's laughing.