DA in...Pokemon HTLU Part II

Story by RikuHeartfire on SoFurry

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Yeah I decided to put cover artwork for my stories now. xD takin' a while. But it'll be worth it!

DA went up and whistled "Round two! Machoke, Nidoking! Yer up!" The both of them walked up to their side and prepared for battle. "So you still think your stronger then me? Bring it on tubby!" Nidoking taunted with a sneer. Machoke flinched "T...tubby!? I'm more muscular than you!" Nidoking flexed and grinned "Oh yeah? Prove it then!" Machoke dug his hands into the earth and lifted up a large rock (Strength) "With pleasure!!" Machoke spun around and flung the large rock directly at Nidoking, who brought up a strong barrier in time, the earth broke and crumbled to the ground as it came into contact with the force field. (Protect) Machoke appeared behind Nidoking and lifted him up, tossing him into the air before again flinging a large piece of the earth at Nidoking. Nidoking cried out as the boulder hit him, creating a large blast of dust and such as Nidoking fell back down.

Machoke grinned and clenched his fist before Nidoking roared out and slammed his fists to the ground. The earth twisted and turned as powerful pillars of rock ran up to Machoke, crying out as he were hit yet slammed his foot down onto the rock, crushing it. Nidoking rushed up to Machoke and leaped into the air, kicking at him furiously (Double Kick) Machoke glared as he predicted where the other would strike, (Foresight) blocking and dodging every attack Nidoking had to offer. He countered by punching Nidoking in the stomach then kneeing him in the head, causing him to fly backwards. Nidoking grunted and held his stomach "Damn...his attacks hurt...! Now I see why he's the leader." He smirked as Machoke flexed and walked closer "What's wrong? You've gotten outta practice Nido. Wanna take a nap?" Nidoking's eyes widened as he growled "Nap!? What the hell do you think I am?! I'm not some lazy slob!" Nidoking roared out before inhaling, Machoke's eyes widened as he prepared for the worse. "What?! When did he learn that move?! That's...!" Nidoking launched a powerful beam of light directly at Machoke, who tried to defend himself but was overpowered by the blast. He screamed out and fell to the ground with a thud, his pair of tights that he had worn completely disintegrated. He felt extremely weak "Thought...this was suppose't...be a practice...round..." He grunted as he held himself up with one hand. Nidoking panted heavily and fell on one knee, smirking. "This battle is mine. Theres no way he could get up after that."

DA growled before whistling "Hey you two! Don't tucker yerselves out by using powerful moves. I aint goin to a PokemonCenter." Luke smiled up to his master with a snicker. Machoke shivered with weakness as he panted, "I cant...damnit when did he get THIS strong...? No. I have to concentrate...I still got some fight in me." Machoke staggered up before crossing his legs and closing his eyes, meditating all of his strength. (Focus Energy) Nidoking's brow raised as he growled "Hey! This aint no time for that! This is how your gonna lose!!" Nidoking snarled and charged after Machoke, ready for a Double Kick. Machoke's eyes opened as he let Nidoking kick him hard in the face, groaning he snarled before uppercutting Nidoking in the jaw "It's over!!" Nidoking cried out before falling on his back with a thud. Defeated. Machoke panted and collapsed onto his knees, "We got another winner! Machoke!" Nidoking rubbed his chin before smirking and giving a thumbs up to Machoke, who smiled, panting heavily as the two staggered to get up.

Houndoom sprayed a Max Potion along Machoke and Nidoking to heal their wounds quickly as DA whistled again. Grinning widely "Alright boys! The final match! Luke versus Charmeleon!" Luke gulped and clenched his fists "Alright...! I can't lose this time! I wont!" Charmeleon grinned and jumped up in glee. Rushing to his side as Luke spread his legs in a stance "Alright. I'm stronger now! I wont lose to you!" Charmeleon grinned and snubbed his nose. "Back atcha Luke! Lets make this fun!" He rushed at Luke and slashed at him, who ducked and kicked at Charmeleon after leaping back. "Sweet moves! You did get strong!" Luke grinned and clenched his fists, Charmeleon sighed and undid his button on his shorts "Whew...its getting hot." He winked to Luke who blushed furiously. (Charm) Charmeleon grinned and rushed up to Luke and kneed him in the stomach "Big mistake! Don't lose your guard!" Luke grunted and skid along the ground, launching a blue orb of light at Charmeleon (Aura Sphere). He backflipped and spewed a large smog of smoke around the arena. (Smokescreen)

Luke coughed and covered his eyes, however, he could still sense Charmeleon due to his ability to see the aura in things. "Damn! I can't see. I forgot Charmeleon knows that move! Just...gotta calm down now. If its one thing I learned from Master, its to relax in a fight." He slowly crossed his legs to clear his mind as he glowed and eerie dark purple. (Calm Mind) he opened his eyes "Right there!!" Lauching a Aura Sphere directly at Charmeleon who gasped as it exploded, sending him twirling along the ground, grunting the smoke cleared from the blast. Luke sent orb after orb of his power at Charmeleon who leaped and summoned a dark blue wall of light in front of him, (Reflect) deflecting one right back at Luke who in turn swung his hands as four clones appeared, one of them taking the hit and disappearing. "What!? No way!" Charmeleon was startled, he grinned wide "Wow! This is so much fun!" he charged at the clones and swiped and kicked at them, before the real Luke was grabbed by Charmeleon.

Luke grunted as Charmeleon grinned and dropped him before sending a fireball right at him, (Flame Blast) the blast caused Charmeleon to skid back and Luke screamed out, falling back on the ground. Charmeleon wiped his forehead before slumping "Did I...overdo it?" He walked over casually to Luke holding a hand out "Hey...Luke you okay?" Luke grinned before leaping at Charmeleon in surprise, ready to launch a Aura Sphere at him as Charmeleon quickly brought up his hands to use Reflect before Luke disappeared behind Charmeleon in a blue flash. (Feint) "N...no way!?! L-" Charmeleon couldn't retaliate before Luke pushed both of his palms together at Charmeleon's back, charging a large Aura Sphere as it exploded and Charmeleon was launched forward, landing on his stomach with a groan. DA, as well as the other four were surprised at how well the battle went, and how strong Luke had gotten. "Wow...he really did give it his all." DA blinked and smirked, clapping. The others clapped as well, Luke's ears perked as he looked to them all. He gave a light smile as he looked back to Charmeleon who struggled to get up, he ran up to him and extended a paw. "Man...! That was a fun match! I cant believe I lost!" He gave a grin before taking the other Pokemon's hand. The two walked over to the rest of the team.

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DA patted Lucario on the head and smirked, he looked to everyone else "Alright! Winners are Houndoom, Machoke, and Luke. First off...Houndoom and Mightyena. Meet me in my room. The rest of you, feel free to do what you want till I call YER name!" DA grinned and licked his lips before walking away as Houndoom and Mightyena followed. Charmeleon looked to Luke as he tilted his head "Huh? Why is he calling us to his room? I wonder what it could be?"

DA threw his clothes to the ground as he gripped Houndoom and kissed him hard. Houndoom gasped and turned bright red as Mighyena soon grew hard and rubbed along DA's arm muscle. DA pulled away and rubbed Mightyena's head "You both did well...so I get to fuck the loser...the winner, you can do what you want to me or the other!" Houndoom growled lustfully and rubbed DA's chest "Oh Master..."

DA in...Pokemon "How to Level Up"

First Generation: **Charmeleon** Moves: Charm, SmokeScreen, Flame Burst, Reflect **Machoke** Moves: Strength, Focus Energy, Foresight, Revenge **Nidoking** Moves: Double Kick, Earth Power, Hyper Beam, Protect Second...

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Loonatics Unleashed: The Perfect Specimen Part II: Ace Bunny

Tech rubbed his neck as he cleaned off "Duck sure got excited...that was fun." Tech smirked and soon walked to the teams leader: Ace. He smirked and slipped off his latex top and knocked on Ace's door before walking in "Ace? Pal? Doing something? " Ace...

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Loonatics Unleashed: The Perfect Specimen Part I: Duck

Inside the fortress of the superhero team known as the Loonatics, Tech walks down the corridor, thinking to himself. "My new invention should work this time. The last misconception really made it difficult to find the problem. But I think I got it..."...

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