The Amazons

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!!

The Amazons

By William W. Kelso

As the ship suddenly lurched violently I was thrown from my bunk; the collision alarm blaring, and I slammed into the cabins bulkhead, stunning me for a few seconds. As I shook my head and tried to make some sense out of what was going on the deck rose suddenly and began to tilt, and; cursing, I made for the hatch. I'd just gone off watch, gotten cleaned up a little, and was calling it a night as I had watch again in eight hours. The Aegean Sea had been calm, the night clear, and I had no idea what could have gone wrong. From the feel we must have rammed something, run aground, or been rammed, but visibility was excellent, the moon full, radar working find, so how could that have happened??

As I staggered up the companionway and onto deck I could hear other voices shouting and screaming, then the ship shuddered again and there was the rending sound of tearing metal. We've gone aground!! I realized, but how?? We were in the middle of nowhere, no land for hundreds of miles! There was another lurch, a louder tearing sound, and then a wave washed over the deck and I went overboard. I surfaced to find the stern rising over me, propellers still turning, and turning I swam as fast as I could to avoid being sucked under as the ship went down. It must have taken all of five minutes! One minute I was in my nice warm bunk, a few minutes later I was swimming for my life in the open sea.

As I swam as fast as I could the sea heaved, and I heard the boilers explode; a huge cloud of steam rising to the surface, and when it cleared I was alone, except for some floating debris. And my troubles were just starting, I could hear; and turning, see breakers, the white water of waves breaking over jagged rocks glowing with a faint luminescence, and the current was taking me straight into them. I had no doubt they were what had sunk the ship; and now I was in danger of being smashed to death on the same jagged rocks. I looked around for a lifeboat, life ring, or any debris large enough to offer some sort of way to stay afloat, but there was nothing. It would appear I was the only survivor; the ship had gone down so fast I'd probably survived only because I'd been swept overboard. There had been no time to launch any boats or rafts, and most of the crew never even made it on deck. I was on my own.

Fortunately I was a good strong swimmer, having competed when I was younger, and had kept in shape. So I did my best to ride the waves, to 'go with the flow' and take the path of least resistance. I still got knocked around pretty good as I was washed over the rocks, and by the time I washed up on the shore I was black & blue, and completely exhausted. I pulled myself above the high tide line, and collapsed, passing out.

When I first woke up I wasn't sure where I was at first, and what had woken me up was the sound of voices farther down the beach. I rolled on my side and managed to croak out a call for help, and then watched as several figures approached at a run. It took me a few seconds to realize they were all young women, and they were also pretty much naked! Then I realized, horribly embarrassed, that I was naked too! I'd gone in the water wearing nothing but my boxers, and they'd been torn off in the surf.

The women ran up to me, and surrounding me stared down, and I stared up. There were four of them, and they were indeed all naked, except for a couple who had narrow belts around their waists with what looked like daggers on them, and two were carrying spears, of all things. One jabbered something; it sounded like Greek, and a couple of them gave scared sounding little shrieks. My Greek was horrible, but I tried to ask for help.

"Please, my ship ran aground, can you help me?"

The only response I got was when the butt of one of the spears one of them was carrying suddenly slammed into the side of my head, and I was knocked unconscious.

When I woke up my head hurt like an SOB, and I opened my eyes to find I was tied to a post driven into the sand; my arms and legs painfully bound to it, and I was still naked. It was cloudy, but I was still burning from the damn sun. I looked around, and a couple of the women; still naked as well, were lounging in the shade of a tarp nearby.

"Hey," I gasped, "what the fuck is going on? Let me loose!"

One of them got up and came over, and said something angrily, gesturing with her spear. It sounded like "!"

"Please," I begged, "water? Aqua? Please?"

The other woman had wandered over as well, and she jabbered something at the first one, then went back to the tarp, and when she came back she had a water bottle, and it looked like it was made out of leather. The first one said something that sounded like "No...wait...not...soon". Damn it, my Greek was crap, and I could almost understand some of the other words. The second one said "Water...not...die!" And she held the bottle to my lips, and I greedily swallowed the warm tepid water, and it was the best I'd ever had.

"T-Thank you." I mumbled, and the first one hit me in the stomach with the butt of her spear, and said a word I did understand. "Silence!" So I shut up.

They stood and looked at me for awhile, evidently fascinated, and I felt my cheeks turn red from more than just the sun. They were both butt naked except for their belts, and young and pretty. One had dirty blond hair, and was tall and fairly thin, her breasts decent sized, her pubic thatch fairly thick. The second was smaller and more voluptuous with nice big tits, and hardly any pubic hair allowing the pink of her labial lips to show. They stared at me intently; almost like they'd never seen a man before, and I was very much aware of the fact I was stark naked too. Then the first one crouched down, and fondled my balls! She just reached up, and started playing with me! And of course what happened next was a purely a natural response beyond my control, I got an erection. YOU see what happens to you if a beautiful naked woman starts playing with YOUR cock & balls while YOU'RE tied up! Their reaction was almost comical, the first one got up and stepped back, a startled look on her face, and the second one giggled. The first one said, "What... doing?" The second one just giggled again. They both stared for awhile at my rigid aching cock, and then after it went flaccid they went back and sat down under the tarp again, after giving me another drink of water. So much for a fantasy of being taken advantage of by two beautiful nymphos, I thought. They must be Lesbians. But why the HELL were they treating me this way?? It must be obvious to them I was a survivor of a shipwreck, why hadn't they called the local authorities? And they should be looking for more survivors, just in case I wasn't the only one. And why the FUCK was I tied up?

A short time later I heard the sound of...horses?? Then two more women joined us on the beach. One was the bitch that had smacked me with the spear and knocked me out, but the other one was in Honest to God armor! She was wearing a breastplate, greaves, and had a leather skirt with small metal plates sewn to the strips, and it all looked like bronze to me. There was a long sword in a scabbard hanging from a belt, and she was also carrying a helmet. As soon as she saw me she gave a surprised cry, and said something sounding like. "You...not!"

She looked me over, and when I started to say something the other woman held the point of her spear to my neck. I shut up. The armored woman said something to the others, and they untied me from the stake, tied my arms behind me, then bent my legs and tied them to my wrists, hog-tied I think they call it. It was uncomfortable as HELL. Then they carried me to an Honest to God chariot, and threw me in the back. The armored woman got in, put one foot of me to keep me from rolling around, braced herself with her other foot, took the reins, snapped a whip, and we were on our merry way. It's a damn good thing she kept her foot on me the whole time, otherwise I would have been bounced out. By the time we reached our destination, which took hours, I felt like I'd been inside a dryer set on 'spin'. I'd also gotten sick a couple of times, but she ignored it. Finally the bone jarring chariot came to a stop, and I heard excited voices.

Several pairs of hands 'helped' me from the chariot, and dropped me on the ground none too gently. Then my legs were untied, and supported between two more women in bronze armor I was 'helped' up some marble stairs, and raising my head groggily I stared in wonder at what could only be a temple. It reminded me of the Parthenon, but looked brand new!! It was all marble, huge fluted columns holding up the roof, two flanking huge bronze bound wooden doors. As we approached the doors they opened slowly, and I was dragged through them, and the shut behind us with a dull boom. I was still pretty sick from the incredibly bumpy chariot ride, and felt pretty crappy overall, otherwise I might have appreciated the scenery more. I was starving, thirsty, and had numerous bruises and contusions, plus a few festering cuts from the coral and rocks I'd been washed over. I probably looked like shit, I sure felt that way.

I looked up as I was dragged through a smaller set of doors; but they were more impressive in that they seemed to be solid gold; or gilded wood. Inside was a huge statue of a seated woman; and at its base was a much smaller throne or chair on a raised dais, and a living woman was seated on it. The place was lit by torches and two large flaming braziers flanking the throne. The two women carrying me dumped me on the floor rather brutally, and dropped to their knees and bowed. One said,

"Queen Aegea,"

At that point my condition caught up with me, and I retched helplessly with dry heaves. One of the women said something in anger, and kicked me in the ribs, hard, but stopped when the woman on the throne said,


Again I was dragged between two women, back past the gold doors, down a hallway, and into a smaller room. This time I was thrown down on what felt like a mattress of some kind, and the two bimbo's in bronze left. There was a large pitcher on a low table, and I grabbed it and started drinking. A second later an older woman, and two younger ones, came in. The older one said,


I was too weak to protest when one of the younger women took away the pitcher of water, but she was gentle about it. I begged for more, but the older woman shook her head 'No', and told the other two,


The two younger women heaved me up onto the low table, and soon they had secured leather cuffs around my wrists and ankles; I was way too weak to resist. Then the older woman started to inspect me, and clean my wounds. She cleaned and rubbed them with what felt, and smelled, like vinegar or some sort of similar antiseptic, and I really squealed. It stung like an SOB! The two younger girls watched, and giggled a little bit at my louder protests. The old lady was persistent though, and really rubbed the stuff into my wounds.

I stared up at them, too sick and exhausted to even care I was still naked at that point. Even when the older woman 'inspected' my genitals it didn't get a rise out of me. The women were all wearing what looked like sheets wrapped around their waists and hung over one shoulder, leaving one breast exposed, and even the older woman had a very nice tit. But I was just too out of it to appreciate the view much. When she was through with my front, the other two flipped me over on my front and strapped me down again. While the older woman worked on my backside I fell asleep, or more accurately passed out again. My body was starved for sleep, so it just took over and it was lights out. I didn't even react to the stinging medicine anymore.

When I woke up I was lying on a soft bed; or more like a large cot, I realized as groggily I sat up. I looked around, blinked, and looked around again. The 'cot' was low to the floor, well padded and very comfortable. I was inside a large cage, and the cage was inside a large room, the walls and ceiling white marble, the room bright and airy. I couldn't see the floor of the cage; it was covered with thick rugs. It had bars on all four sides, and the roof, and they looked like they were made out of brass or bronze. It was in a cage, but I was definitely not in a dungeon. It seemed more like something you'd keep in. One wall of the room had windows, and I could see the sky and hear birds chirping, and there was a nice breeze. So far as I know dungeons didn't have windows, birds, or nice breezes, not to mention comfy beds. But it was still a cage, and I also soon found I had a collar around my neck, and it was attached by a long; light weight, chain to a ring on the floor next to the cot, and I think the chain was solid gold. And I was still naked. But I was nice and clean too, someone must have bathed me while I was still unconscious, and the worst of my wounds had been bandaged, and the bandages smelled like mint. Overall I felt pretty good, but was hungry as hell. I sat on the cot, wandering what in the HELL was going on!?

The next thing I noticed was a long low table with trays of food, and pitchers of water and other drinks. There was baked chicken, what looked slices of some kind of roast, casseroles of some kind, fruit, and a bowl of olives. There was also bread, and some sort of oil to dip it in that tasted like olive oil and garlic. And I stuffed my face, I was starving. But I was careful as I knew I'd get sick if I ate too fast. But it was hard, God I was hungry! The food was pretty plain, but excellent. About the time I finished I heard a door open up, and looked up as several woman entered the room. Embarrassed again I sat down on the cot, and pulled the covers over my waist and crotch. I'd tried to use a sheet to make a kind of robe, but to my surprise they were secured to the bed along one side and the bottom, and I couldn't remove them without tearing them apart. I got the idea the rule was, no clothes for pets.

The women came up to the cage and stared at me, and the way they looked at me made me feel kind of...uneasy. They were calculating, almost predatory looks. One of them said,

" Obey!"

I shook my head, uh-uh, I was staying right where I was. I'd already found that the covers on the cot were sewn to the edge, and there was no way I could pick them up to cover myself. If I stood up, I'd be naked. Sorry, ladies, I thought, no cheap thrills today. My lack of cooperation was not well received. The one who had spoken said something to a couple of the others; they were wearing armor and looked like guards, and they entered the cage, grabbed me, and stood me up. Naked. And the other two women looked me over, making comments to one another. God, how embarrassing! I felt like a prize horse on display. I was pretty sure I knew what they were talking about too. I caught words like 'male, suitable, young, healthy'. If they'd touched me down there, well, I'd probably have embarrassed myself even more, but thankfully they didn't. And I was took shook up to react without any direct stimulation.

Finally one said something to the guards, and they frog marched me along behind the other two woman as they led the way, one of the guards holding my 'leash'. And I was still naked! We exited the room, went down a hallway flanked by closed doors, then went outside, crossed a courtyard with pristine marble flagstones; a fountain gushing in the center, and then entered the huge imposing temple again, but through a side door this time. And I was wrong about the Parthenon; this temple was MUCH more impressive, and also much larger, AND in a Hell of lot better condition. It made the Parthenon look like a tool shed. I was taken to another room, and they laid me down on the floor in the middle of a large metal frame, attached cuffs to my ankles and wrists, and then to my surprise they raised the frame into an upright position using cranks, and I hung suspended, eagle spread and still stark naked. What IS it with these crazy ladies, I thought! Then they left me alone. I struggled, but could just barely wriggle a little bit. Nope, I wasn't going anywhere.

The cuffs were padded, but I was still as uncomfortable as Hell. If I was left like this for too long I was sure my shoulders would give out sooner or later. I looked around the large well lit room, and except for myself it was pretty much empty except for a smaller version of the same statue; I think, that I'd seen in the bigger room the other day. It was an extremely realistic marble statue of a nude woman sitting in a chair wearing a kind of Greek looking helmet, and she had a bow over her shoulder with a quiver of arrows showing, and a stag was lying at her feet. The detail to the statue was amazing, right down to her fully exposed sex. Then I realized a woman had entered the room via another door, but she was so quiet I hadn't noticed her at first. She was the woman who'd been sitting on the throne.

She walked up to me, and appraised me rather blatantly, acting like she saw helpless nude men chained up all the time. She walked around behind me, then back to the front. Then she said, in what still sounded like Greek to me,


"Sorry, my Greek is poor." I said, half expecting her to kick me in the nuts or something.

She cocked her head a little, and said, "Parla latino? Roman? "

"No, sorry, I don't understand." I said.

"Ah," she said, "you are English, yes?"

Oh thank God, I thought! "No, not English, American! Please, what's going on? Why am I being treated like this!? My ship was wrecked, were there any other survivors?"

The woman replied, "No, sorry, only ever one. The Goddess only brings us one at a time. Tell me, what is your name?"

"I'm Robert", I said. I was stunned, and sad, I was the only survivor. I'd been pretty sure about that, but still, I'd lost some good friends and shipmates. "Please, why are you treating me like this?? I need to contact the authorities, let them know what happened. Where am I, is this Greece, or Turkey?"

"Greece, no, I know not of...Turkey?" She said, "This is the Island of Pontus, you were brought to us by the Goddess Artemis, the one the Romans call Diana. We are her children, the Amazons."

I almost said 'Lady, you're nuts!', but I figured it might not be a good idea considering my present situation. And it was obvious she really believed what she was saying, and getting a nutcase mad at you is NOT a good idea, especially when you're tied up and naked. But I did have to wonder, if she was a nut, where did all the great stuff come from?? The temple was huge, and I'm sure I'd have heard about it, or seen it in books. Or maybe it was just some renovated old courthouse or something? But in Greece, or Turkey? So I kept my mouth shut. She seemed to recognize my skepticism though.

"In the days of the old Gods," she said, "when we were set upon by the Greeks and others; our city and way of life being threatened with oblivion, we called upon the Goddess to save us, and she moved our land to a place out of time. Here we are safe from our enemies. But there is a problem, we have no men, and all of our children are born female, the Goddess will not allow male children to be born as we would have to kill most of them. So once every few years she brings a man to us, so our line will not die out. You are the man she has chosen to father our next generation of children. Your reason for being here is to mate with us. You be well cared for, and will want for nothing so long as you perform your duty. In five years you will be taken before the Goddess again to see if she still finds you worthy of future service."

"Lady," I said, "you're whacko. What is this, some sort of sicko BDSM lesbian fantasy land or something? A movie prop? This is kidnapping you know, it's against the law. Not that I don't mind playing around some myself, but isn't this a little extreme?"

To my surprise she just smiled, and said, "It matters not what you think, you will perform your duty for us, willingly or not. And now that you are able, you will be given the honor of being in the presence of the Goddess so that she might prepare you for your service to her and her children."

What the FUCK does that mean, I thought? I soon found out. I tried to ask another question, but she turned away from me and ignored me. Walking over to the large statue she knelt in front of it, and spread her arms, saying something I couldn't hear. And the statue came to life! Or, at least it spoke back to her! What they said to one another I have no idea, but after jabbering for awhile; while I watched in awe as somehow I knew this was no cheap parlor trick, the statue suddenly looked directly at me!

I felt an incredibly powerful, irresistible, presence scrutinizing me, and then it touched me; that's the only way I can describe it. I arched and gasped as I felt a rush of lust wash over me, and felt my cock become rock hard and rigid in seconds, painfully so. An incredibly pleasurable sensual warmth began to seep into me, flowing down to concentrate in my crotch, and groaning in need I thrust at the air helplessly. I'd never been so aroused before in my life! My penis throbbed and ached, my balls pulsing in need. Then as suddenly as it came, the presence left, and the statue was just a statue again. But the aching lust remained, my need just as intense. I tried to say something, to yell or scream, but could only moan. I hardly noticed as the woman came walking back over to stand in front of me again, but as soon as I did I wanted her, needed her! She looked at me, smiling, and said,

"Good, you were acceptable in the eyes of the Goddess. Now I will have you taken back to your quarters to rest, and the first woman will be sent for your services in the morning."

I just groaned, oh God, I was so hard it hurt! I let my head hang, and stared in confusion at my rampant penis. It looked...bigger?

She turned and left and the two bull dykes in armor came in and escorted me back to my 'quarters', as in dragged me as I was out of it. It was a nice cage, but it was still a cage. I sat down on my cot and stared in disbelief at my crotch. There was no doubt about it; my cock was a good eight inches long now, and thicker, pre oozing from the tip in a slow steady flow. But the worst were my balls; they were the size of baseballs now, or even larger! Swollen and taught inside my scrotum, and looked more like they belonged on a ram or horse. I was still horribly aroused, and thought about masturbating, but was scared to even touch myself at that point. Finally my penis went flaccid, and with a moan I lay down and; exhausted, fell asleep.

Early the next morning, I assumed it was morning as the sun was up; I woke up as the door to the room opened. Several women came in, one unlocked the door to my cage, and a couple brought in fresh food to replace that on the table. My stomach growled, I'd been too traumatized yesterday to eat anything. Then as I ate I watched as some other women brought it a contraption that looked like it belonged in a dungeon, it was a heavy table on a very sturdy stand that was adjustable, and had leather straps all over it. They're going to strap me up again, I thought, what IS it with these whacko's!? They must be members of some kind of lesbian cult or something.

They set up the table like contraption, and it looked like something the Marque de Save would have designed. I wadded up the covers in my lap; covering up my obscene new genitals, and tried not to think about what they were going to use it for. Then an older woman came in, and since the others showed her great respect I guess she was pretty important. I just stared at her. She had on more; and fancier, jewelry as well. To my surprise she spoke English fairly well.

"Our queen tells me you speak the tongue called English, yes?" And when I nodded she continued, "I am an apothecary, a healer, and will be in charge of your care. Now, you will take this." And she held out a small vase that looked it was made from gold & crystal.

"Go to Hell, lady." I said; wrong move.

I was grabbed by several of the armored bitches, and thrown on the heavy table they'd set up; despite my strenuous objections, and soon had heavy leather cuffs around my wrists and ankles. Then one forced a gag in my mouth that had a hole in the center.

"You will learn to behave", the old woman said as she stuck a funnel in the gag and poured the contents of the jar down my throat while I squealed with impotent rage. For some reason I had expected it to taste horrible, but it was sweet and tasted like it had honey in it. I still didn't enjoy it though. "Good," she said after I'd choked down most of the stuff, "you will be ready soon." Then she turned to the guards, and said, "Send it the first of the chosen."

I soon had no doubt as to what the 'potion' was for, as the stuff reached my stomach I felt a pleasant warmth like a good scotch, and almost instantly my cock began to get hard, stiffening to a raging erection despite my best efforts NOT to become aroused. As it stiffened; swelling and growing, I stared at my jutting aching cock in something close to horror. It looked alien, way too large, and I could feel my balls pulsing. And I'd never felt such lust before, but it was a bestial lust not of my choosing. A lot of guys might think it was kinky to be tied up naked in the presence of a bunch of scantily clad women, but I was NOT one of them. Fact was I was scared shitless, and despite my arousal felt NO desire. This was fucked up! I did NOT want to have sex, not like this! Not like animal being bred!

I turned my head as the door to the cage opened, and a young woman walked in. Like the others she was clad in a toga sheet thing, and as the old woman said something to her she took it off and handed it to another woman. She was naked underneath, her body slim and trim, and very beautiful. Then she walked over to the table I was strapped down on, and climbed up on it using a stepping stool. The older woman said something else; used some sort of goo to lube my cock, and the beautiful nude woman straddled me, and without any further hesitation she lowered herself onto my rampant cock as the old woman guided it into her pussy, and I watched in shock as my aching cock slid inside of her sex for a good six inches. Then she leaned forward, and then began to rock back and forth as she raped me. Because that's all it was, rape.

"Nuuhh, mpffff, mthrfkr, dunnn, mppffff!" I gurgled around the gag, but they paid no attention to my protests and begging.

The girl's pussy was very tight and wet; but the stuff the old woman had smeared on my cock let me slide in easily despite my size, and I couldn't help but give moans of pleasure as the woman rode me. Her nice tits were swaying just a few inches above my chest as she rocked back and forth, her nipples swollen and hard, but her face had a strangely blank look on it, like what she was doing was nothing more than a chore; one that was faintly disagreeable, to be completed as soon as possible. She ground down as she rocked back and forth until I hilted, then sped up her rhythm. And it didn't take long, it had been awhile for me, and whatever that crap was I'd been given was really doing its job, and after a few minutes I groaned in ecstasy, and arched up into her as I orgasmed, my cock throbbing and pulsing as I blasted my cum into her. As soon as I came the old woman said something, and the woman ground down on me and stopped, hilting me while I ejaculated. If she came she didn't make a sound. She waited a couple of minutes until my cock stopped pumping, and then dismounted, got down off the table, and left. Just like that. It took maybe ten-fifteen minutes. And I was sickened by what had happened. I had been raped, with no passion or even lust apparent in my 'rapist', which somehow made it even worse. At least even with animals there would be bestial passion and desire, but this had been... mechanical.

"Good," the old woman said, "send it the next chosen one." And as another young woman came in and disrobed I looked at the old woman in horror, pleading with my eyes.

"Nuuuh, nuuuhhh, plzzzz, umpfff, nuuuuh!" But she ignored me. Oh God, you can't; I thought, not again!

And it was a repeat of the first 'mating'; the woman mounted me, brought me to climax, and then left. And so it went on, for at least two hours, and finally, six times later, the old woman decided I'd had enough. A couple of the women had shown a little more 'enjoyment' during the rapes, grunting in pleasure as they rode me, but most were like the first one. I might as well have been a dildo. It occurred to me that they viewed this more as 'artificial insemination' then anything else. As the last woman left the old woman cleaned my still rigid cock and balls with a warm wet rag, dried me off, and then took out the gag. Gasping, I said,

"What the Hell do you think you're doing, you fucking bitch! That was...was obscene!"

The old woman just smiled as he undid the straps, and said, "Eat and get some sleep, you will need your strength for tomorrow. "Today was just the start."

As I shakily got down off that horrible table the women all left, locking the door to the cage, then the room, leaving me alone. Alone with a terrible need still throbbing in my loins. I had successfully 'mated' with eight women, and still my unnatural bestial lust was unsatisfied. What the HELL have they done to me, I wondered in despair. The size was one thing, but no man should have been able to 'perform' like I had, and I knew they could have kept on sending woman after woman for my 'services', and I would have successfully serviced each one. I sat down, cradling my huge balls, and stared in despair at my still rampant cock. I have GOT to get out of here, I thought. I can't let them do that to me again!

But of course they did, and escape was impossible. Not only was there a collar around my neck; chained to the floor, but there was no apparent way to even open the collar, no buckle or latch. Then there was the cage, the door to the room, the temple outside, and just walking the way I was hung now was a chore. My balls hung halfway down to my knees now, my scrotum stretched by their size and weight, and when I was walking I had to carry them or it was horribly uncomfortable as I had to walk bowlegged a little to keep from crushing them. For several weeks I was subjected to repeated gang rapes on that table. I was strapped down, force fed the 'potion', and then the old woman supervised as woman after woman used me. Four an hour on average; up to eight hours a day, the hours and numbers increasing steadily. And I was able to perform with every one of them, the intense lust and pleasure almost unbearable.

I came to hate the old woman in charge of my 'services' with a passion, but in a way she was also the only 'friend' I had as she was the one I saw the most often, and the only one I was allowed to talk to; the others ignored me. And it seemed to amuse her to answer some of my questions. Once I finally came to accept the inevitable, and drank the potion 'voluntarily', she left the gag out. And when she was cleaning me up, or giving me a regular 'check-up', she would sometimes allow me to talk and ask my questions.

"This is impossible," I moaned after one eight hour day of the nonstop sex, "it's not natural, no man can do this! No animal can do this!!" Then as she was cleaning me, she said,

"You are touched by the Goddess, she has given you the strength and virility to be able to meet our demands, it is a great honor, you are blessed."

"But why?!" I'd asked, almost pleading. "It's not right; I'm a man, not an animal!"

"To us you are an animal, we have need of a male for only one reason," the old woman had explained, "and since there are a great many women of breeding age you must be able to perform to the best of your capability to fill their bellies with a new generation in the time allotted."

And so it went on, a never ending nightmare of intense sexual ecstasy, an ecstasy I had no choice but to endure, but did not want. I was pampered, a prize breeding stud for human females who saw me as nothing but an animal performing a necessary task. It is even possible to get 'used' to such abuse, and I would moan from the almost unbearable pleasure as woman after woman rode me to orgasm; balls straining as my cock throbbed and pumped them full of my cum, but never once did I get to caress their bodies, make love to them, touch their breasts and explore their bodies. Do you know what that was like, to see their breasts swaying just inches away, hear them panting as we coupled, and not be able to even touch them?? And slowly the hours were increased to ten a day, eleven, twelve, until finally stopping at sixteen for a total of sixty four or more women serviced in a single day, every day. There were no weekends or holidays. I begged to be allowed to more 'naturally' service the women, but my request was refused as it was more 'efficient' this way. I had my daily quota to meet, no time for love or tenderness. And so it went on, my unnatural sexual slavery unending.

I soon lost track of any conception of time. My days passed in a haze of sexual euphoria, the brightening and darkening of the rooms windows unnoticed. My 'day' started before sunrise, and continued until after, and then came a night of exhausted slumber as I recovered my strength for the next day. And any thoughts of escape were forgotten, there was no escape. And even if I could somehow manage to escape my cage and the temple there was a whole island of women who would be looking for me, and I had no idea how far it was to the coast. No, escape was no longer an option. But the real reason I knew was that I needed the sex now, I was addicted to it, and to the horrible ecstasy my unnatural loins gave me. It's been weeks, months, since I've needed to drink the potion to bring myself to arousal. I'm already ready when they come for me in the morning and strap me to the mounting table, eager and ready, cock aching to slide into the first tight slick pussy as the daily rapes start. I have no choice. And so it went on and on, the Amazons 'pleased' with my 'services', the old woman delighting in telling me that my 'success' rate was 99%. The few 'chosen ones' who didn't pregnant from my first services were brought back for a second, or third, or however long it took.

Then one day something new happened. I was already up; having grabbed a quick breakfast, and was waiting, cock rampant, when the women came again. To my surprise my chain was unhooked from the floor ring, and I was escorted by the old women and two armored Amazons, holding my balls gently as we walked through the temple's hallways. And I was taken to the same small room where I had meet their queen before; and once again found myself in her presence. Instead of strapping me into the frame as they had the first time my chain was just attached to a ring in the floor, and the old woman and two guards left. The heavy door slammed shut, and I was alone with Queen Aegea. She rose from her throne, and approaching me, said,

"You have performed well, the Goddess is pleased. Thanks to your loins our race will survive for another generation."

I didn't say anything, for all I cared they could all go to Hell. Them, and all of my 'children'. I gently kneaded the balls in my hands, wanting to get back to my cage as soon as possible, my lust was becoming unbearable. I needed a female!

"It has been five years to the day since you came to us," Aegea said, "and it is time for you to go before the Goddess again to see if you are worthy of another five years in her service."

"I don't give a DAMN!" I wanted to scream, but kept my voice low, "I need to get back to the cage! Don't you know what it's LIKE, to need sex like this?? Don't you have ANY idea what you DID to me?! My need isn't human anymore! I'm a...a sexual monster!"

The Queen smiled, and replied, "Oh, yes, indeed I do, I am the Goddess's vessel in the mortal realm, and know what she knows, feel what she feels, and she was very aware of your labors. But it was necessary; a normal man could not have done what you did in a hundred years! And now we will see if your service will continue."

With that she turned and walked back to the base of the statue again, kneeling and spreading her arms; and the damn thing came to 'life' again. "Ohhh God!" I moaned, as she started 'talking' with her Goddess. I couldn't endure this any longer, not for another five years! I'd go insane; or more insane then I ready was. And again the statue lifted its head and pinned me in that terrible blank gaze, and I felt that great power touch me again, a pleasure warm feeling flowing into my body, but this time instead of concentrating in my loins it spread to my whole body, and with a scream of ecstasy I dropped to all fours as my body began to convulse.

I groaned and gasped as I felt my bones growing soft and reshaping, felt my skin writhe and ripple like it was trying to tear itself off of my body as the feeling intensified and became an almost pleasurable burning. I had an aching erection, my balls throbbing, and I grunted helplessly as my penis bobbed and pulsed, and it felt like I was going to cum any second, squirts of pre splattering on the floor. As I watched white hair began growing on the rippling skin of my arms, thickening into...fur! I raised my head and looked up at the Queen, who was smiled down at me.

"You have been found acceptable again; you will continue to serve the Goddess." She said.

"N-Nooo, ugghhh, ug-UGH!" I gasped, "What's happening to meeee!?!"

Lowering my head again I stared in growing horror as my fingers began to grow together, balling into shapeless black lumps that reformed into...hooves, split hooves!

"You have finished your needed services as a man," the Queen said, "And now you will continue them in a new form."

"Uggghhhh!!" I sobbed as I felt my skull soften, becoming malleable as it began to change, my jaws pushing out as my eyes moved back and up on the sides of my head. "Nooo, p-pleassseee!" I squealed, "N-Naaaa, it-it hurts!! S-Stooopppp!"

With a loud crack my back straightened as my hind legs shifted to a digitigrades stance as my knees popped and suddenly bent backwards, and I closed my eyes and squealed as I felt my head swell, and it felt like it was bursting as two large hard growths sprouted from my forehead.

"UGH-GRUNT!" I moaned, "S-S-Stooppp, Naaa, it-it hurts!! NAAAA!"

"You see," The Queen said, "There are NO males born here, human or animal, so we have need of your services not only as a man, but a beast. In time you will become many different ones, but eventually the Goddess will decide on a permanent form for you."

"Nuh-Naa-aaaaa!" I screamed, "P-Pleaa-aaasseee, I don't waa-aa-aant to be aa-an animal!! D-Don't do...baaaa-aaaaa...thisss! P-Pleassse! Naaa-baaa-aaaaa!"

Suddenly I felt the warmth flow to my aching loins and concentrate there, and suddenly I climaxed, the most painfully intense orgasm I'd ever felt exploding in my balls as I ejaculated violently, and I bleated and grunted in ecstasy as I came and came, ropes of thick cum splattering on the floor between my front legs!

"There, it is done!" The Queen said in a happy voice, "Your loins are voiding themselves of your human seed to make way for their new seed. I must say, you are a most handsome Ram! This is excellent; we have urgent need of your services as the old one died recently."

I bleated, and looked around as the intense pleasure slowly faded. I felt strange, confused. With a grunt I tried to stand up, but fell back down with a clatter of hooves on the marble floor. Dazed, I shook my head, and tried to say something. "Maa-aaa, baa-aa?" That...that wasn't me, was it?? I thought, and turning my head looked back at my body and blinked in shock. T-This was IMPOSSIBLE!! I gave a loud squealing bleat, and tried to run away, the chain attached to my collar bringing me to a rude halt causing me to fall down on the slippery floor as my hooves slid out from under me. Raising my head I looked at what I could feel hanging between my legs, at the long thin inhuman penis jutting from a penis sheath, and at the two huge balls in their hairy scrotum that hung down almost to the floor. With another bleat of horror I scrambled to my feet, and stood panting heavily, horribly aware of the weight of those massive balls, tongue lolling from my mouth, not believing, not wanting to accept this...this OBSCENITY! I'm a MAN, not an ANIMAL! I wanted to scream, but could only grunt and bleat.

"Don't worry." The Queen said; as the door to the temple opened, "you'll soon get used to it. In another five years you'll be brought back from the breeding pens to see if you will stay as you are now, or be given another form. It is a great honor!"

"Come on you," the old woman said as she pulled on one of the reluctant Ram's horns, "the ewes are waiting; they're in estrus and need your services."

'NOOOO!' I screamed in mind as I bleated and struggled, but already I could smell the females, my cock throbbing in need. "NAA-BAAA-AAAA!" 'NOOOOOOO!'

With a grunt of pleasure I mounted another ewe, lunging into her in a never ending effort to satisfy my raging lust. I have no idea how many I service before I'm dragged from the breeding pens for the night, and am fed and put in my stall. Then early the next morning I'm taken back to the pens crowded with new ewes waiting for my services, my cock sliding from its sheath as I catch the heady scent of their estrus. My mind is still human, but my body isn't, and I'm helpless to do anything but respond 'naturally' to the strong scent of their heat, but even a normal Ram could not perform as I do without its heart bursting. It's a horror I can't describe, a human mind trapped in the body of an insatiable animal, and the sexual pleasure is different, more intense, almost painful, and never-ending. I pray for the day I'm taken back before the Goddess, at least my new torment might be better than this, even though I know I'll never be human again.

Then just after I'd mounted anther ewe, grunting and bleating as I serviced her, an Amazon came to replace the one monitoring the pens; there to replace the ewes I'd already serviced with fresh ones, and as they talked I overheard what they were saying in growing horror.

"Did you hear, sister" the new arrival said, "the Goddess has brought us another man."

"So soon?" The first Amazon replied, "I'm surprised, usually it is at least another ten years or more between arrivals."

"Well," The second one said, "I guess that means our friend here won't be needed again since they have a new man to present to the Goddess. At least he looks like he's enjoying himself, just listen to him, he makes an excellent Ram."

But my shrill bleats and squeals were those of horror even as I kept desperately servicing the ewe. If another poor bastard had been washed up on the shores of this warped Hell, then that meant I'd be remaining like I was now, for the rest of my life. I looked around in despairing anguish at the unending supply of ewes waiting for my services, the only Ram available on the whole island. The pens would never be empty.

"BAAA-AAAA, NNAAA-AAAA!" I shrieked, screaming in my mind as I reached a powerfully intense, almost agonizing, orgasm, my inhuman cock pulsing as I filled the ewe with cum, balls straining and clenching. "NAAA-AAAAAA!!!

The End
