College Life: Book 1- A Love Unbreakable

Story by spoty on SoFurry

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This story involves a relation ship between two males as well as sexual actions..if this distiurbs you please DO NOT READ!


Chapter 1:

"Love Reveled"

"Jake breakfast!" shouts my mom.

The intoxicating smell of bacon floods my nose making me sit up in my bed. Gazing at the calendar I sigh "Great first day of school."

Normally I wouldn't mind but today was the first day of college! The worst port is, most of my friends have moved or are going to a different college. Only two of my friends are going to the same college as me.

"Jake lets go!" my mom shouted in a stern voice.

"I'll be right down" I shouted back.

Rubbing my eyes, I slipped on my clothes and walked down stairs. As I walked into the kitchen my mom turned to me and asked "you ready for college?"

I said "I suppose so." Sighing softly

"What's wrong hun" she asked

"I'm nerves; only Aspen and sky are going to the same college with me!"

She responded "I'm sure you'll make new friends."

Sighing "I guess so"

At that point the door bell rang. As my mom went to get the door I picked up my bag and threw it over my shoulder. I walked into the living room and heard a familiar voice behind me say "Hi there Jake."

I stopped dead in my tracks as my heart rose in my throat. Turning around nervously I say "A-aspen?"

Sure enough when I turned around, standing against the wall is a slim, medium built Siberian husky. Aspen has black fur, white tipped ears, and white paws. He also has a white stripe going up the middle of his back, between his ear, between his eyes and mixes with his white furred muzzle.

Sarcastically Aspen said "Of course it's me, who else would it be?" "W-what are you doing here?" I asked

"I thought I would drive you to school" he chuckled "you don't mind do you?" he asked

I blushed slightly and answered "not at all."

Aspengave me a confused look when he saw me blush at the nickname. I was confused my self. Aspen has called me foxy since forth grade! Aspen and I are like brothers we always do stuff like that. We've been friends practically since birth. Now for some reason our normal friendly acts have a more, deeper effect on me. Now his nicknames make me blush. Every time he grabs me in a 'brotherly' way I pull away because for some reason I want to hug him and cuddle him like a, like a mate.

"Jake come on we are going to be late!"

Snapping out of my trance I reply "oh, right"

I grab my bag , say bye to my mom and head out to Aspens car. As we drove Aspen asked "what happened back there, you spaced out?"

I replied "sorry I guess I'm just nerves."

"Nerves for what?"Aspen asked

I turned to him and said" look at me Aspen I'm a four foot, nine inch fennec fox. I wasn't exaggerating either. I only stand at four-foot nine, which is average for my spices. Sometimes I wish it wasn't but unlike most of my friends I'm a pure bread. What that means is both my parents are fennec foxes as well as the rest of my family. Come to think of it, I am the only pure bread out of my friends. Aspen is even a mixed breed. Aspens mom is a Siberian husky and his dad is a timber wolf.

As we got to the school my fear increased. Every fur towered me, there were even fennecs that were taller than me. Aspen looked over at me seeing me shaking, putting his arm around me pulling me close "don't worry Jake, I'll keep you safe" he said.

Blushing I replied "thank you"

Aspen pulled away "uhh you ok?" he asked.

Snapping out of it I replied "yeah, I'm fine."

Just then the bell rang for homeroom. Aspen said "show me your schedule after homeroom ok foxy."

I nod and we head our separate ways to homeroom.

When I got my schedule I looked it over First period= Biology Second period= Math Third period= Spanish

Fourth period= History

Fifth period= Lunch

Sixth period = English

Seventh period= English

Eighth period= Physical Education

When the bell rang I met up with Aspen In the hall. We exchanged schedules and look them over. My heart stopped and I felt my self starting to sweat. The schedules were exactly the same!

"Awesome we have the same classes together!" Aspen said. He stuck out his paw and asked me "Lab partners for biology?" I shook his paw with a smile and said "Partners."

The end of the day finally arrived uneventful. The bell rang as Aspen and walked to the gym. My heart was beating faster and faster as we got closer to the gym. Thoughts raced through my head of Aspen in his underwear. Just though Aspen's tight shirt and skinny jeans I knew he had a perfect form. When we got into the looker room I was praying that Aspen had a looker far from me. We lined up to get our lockers. My locker number was B50. Aspen got his locker and walked over to see mine. When I saw his slip again my heart stopped. At rate I was going to have a heart attack by the end of the day. Aspen's locker was B51 right next to mine. I held my chest in pain from my heart beating so fast. Shyly and nervously I walked to my locker and pulled my clothes out of my bag. Just then Aspen walked up next to me and said "Hey foxy"

I turned to say hi but fell speech less when he came into view. Aspen was shirtless and in his boxers already. I couldn't say anything I was aw-shocked at the site of my secret crush. Aspen had the firmest and tightest body I ever seen or dreamed of. Every curve and muscle perfectly detail, flexing with every movement.

"Enjoying the sight Jake?" Aspen said with a serious face glaring at me.

Snapping out of my day dream blushing a deep red "What oh uhh, no I just, I'm" suddenly I was cut off. Aspen garbed me and pinned me against the lockers. I yelped in pain and shook in fear "Ah ok I was, I'm sorry, please don't kill me" I pleaded for my life. Suddenly Aspen's grip loosened and his lips met mine. My eyes widened but then I relaxed as he my dream lover kissed me. I pulled back and asked "What are you doing Aspen?"

Aspenrelaxed and looked me in the eyes "Jake not many people know this but, I'm gay" he said

"You are!" I said in shock

"Since when?" I asked

"In sixth grade I started getting attractions to men when I went through puberty."

I looked into his beautiful glassy blue eyes and I could see the passion. I knew Aspen was pouring his heart out to me. Aspen calmed himself and continued "Jake I love you, I've loved you since the first day we met in eighth grade but you weren't out yet!"

I just starred at him, a blush and smile grew on my face and again I was speechless. "Who else knows?" I asked

"Only my parents and sky know but I'm coming out right now, today!"

Tears filled my eyes as I listened to Aspen. Here is my lover, my only reason for life, pouring his heart out. "Aspen I-I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything Jake just be mine!"

I pounced Aspen in a crushing hug trying to hold back tears "Oh Aspen I've wanted to be your since seventh grade, I love you" I said

Aspenfinished getting dressed and said "Come on foxy let's get out there before we get in trouble." Aspen smiled

When we walked out in to the gym sky was waiting "You finally came out to him didn't you?" she said in a smart-alecky voice.

Aspenblushed "Shut up sky, I'm mad you figured out what I was doing!" he said.

"I'm just good like that" Sky chuckled then asked "so what's the answer, are you together or not?"

I smiled wrapping my arms around his waist from behind "Yes we are finally together."

Sky said "It's about time, you two make a perfect couple, and a cute one at that too"

We both blushed and said "Thanks sky."

The gym period seemed like it was going on for hours, I wasn't complaining though. The whole time we played volley ball. Every chance he could Aspen would sneak grabs at my ass and wrapped me in hugs. I couldn't stop blushing or stay focused, then it happened. All I saw was a white flash and was falling to the ground, that's the last I remember. Aspen yelled "Jake!" and ran towards me, catching me just before my head hit the floor. What happened was Mitch, a bobcat on the other team, had spiked the ball straight to the side of my head. Aspen pulled me into his lap as I came too. Mitch ran over kneeling next to me and said "Oh my god Jake, I'm so sorry!"

Shaking my head I said "It's ok no harm done."

Aspenlifted me to his feet and held me "Come on foxy let's get our clothes and you some ice" he said as he nuzzled my face.

Blushing, Aspen and I walked into the locker room got our stuff and walked to the nurse's office. Aspen laid my head in his lap and held the ice to my head. I felt the pain melt as I stared up into his glassy ocean blue eyes. I was lost in his beauty, his eyes like freshly polished diamonds.

"Hey Jake, you want to come over my house after school. My parents are on a cruse for the next two weeks so we'll have the whole house to my self!"

I stayed silent, I was so lost in his eyes I didn't hear him ask about later. Suddenly I felt a large wet tong lick over my face. "Hey what was that for?" I asked chuckling

"I asked if you wanted to come over after school silly." He said with a smile.

"Oh hehe sorry, sure I'd love that." I said pulling him down into a passionate kiss. We kissed for a solid five minuets be fore we went out to his car.


so this is the final copy of the first all who have read the preview..if you didnt recive my post...i am makeing this storry into a book..i will be posting the chapters on here as they are completed untill the book is published..the book is avalible to furries only and will be sold online..links will follow....the book is scheduled to be published in a year and a half..i hope you enjoy.