Party Pack

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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Party Pack

A birthday gift for werewolf666

For he's a jolly good fellow...

There was a rule with birthdays.

Ages 1 - 7, it was all about how fast you were growing and your parents showing you off to anyone and everyone around them.

From 8 - 14, it was about you inviting your best friends to pizza places, the fun park and generally out-doing the last guy's birthday party. Exceptions were the age of 10 where it was your parents' time to show off again.

Then, from 15 - about 25, it about just hanging out with a couple of your best buds, drinking - even if you were underage - and struggling with puberty. The ages of 18 and 21 were special though. They marked milestones in your growth and it was usually at that point that you could drink and party hard.

Alex was in the tender age of 23 and as his birthday but he had long let the hype of a birthday bash pass him. To him, birthdays were simply an excuse to get your friends together and have a little bit of fun for a couple of hours.

The rest of the day, it was just a regular day.

He worked at the gym and used the 'staff discount' to the fullest extent. He worked out, bought the best protein shakes and generally pumped a lot of iron. But only when he wasn't working, of course. There was a bit of a taboo around the gym concerning 'Professional's Hour' where only the biggest, buffest, heaviest guys - only guys mind you - come in and everyone else slips out. It wasn't that the big guys bullied anyone, it just so happens that they had big egos to fit their big bodies and the other customers generally didn't feel much like putting up with them.

And being a big, buff 300 lbs man, Alex could put up with the bloated heads and give back some of his own if he wanted.

Of course, not everyone in the gym was an arrogant asshole just looking for an excuse to show-off.

Mike was one of the 'professionals' who worked out pretty late in the day and was usually Alex's spotter. He stayed back well after Professional's Hour and generally helped Alex close up even if he wasn't employed.

The big, blonde, bodybuilder was basically what one would call a 'Fabio'. His body was lean, muscular and without a strand of hair on his perfect, sculpted body. His golden blonde hair reached down to his shoulders, soft, smooth, silky gold that tumbled down his back like a liquid gold waterfall. However, when he worked out, it was always tied back in a ponytail.

"Ready to go, bud?" the Fabio asked, leaning against the counter with a broad grin on his square-jawed face.

Alex checked the clock. It was reaching 8 pm.

"Yeah," he answered, straightening and rolling his broad, muscular shoulders. "Let me just go tell my boss..."

"I'll be waiting in the car!"

Alex waved at his friend and headed to the backrooms of the gym. Beyond the gymnasium itself, there were two 'back areas', the locker room and then the storeroom which included all the washers and dryers they needed to keep all the towels they loaned nice and clean.

The locker room was pretty small in comparison to the rest of the gym. A big 6'9 guy like Alex barely cleared the doorway and poor Miguel had to constantly stoop down as he ruffled through his lockers. The ceiling was just that low. Or Miguel was just too tall, rising up to 7'3.

Needless to say, the lean, fit personal trainer was a guy that could really get people motivated. His height alone had many people looking up to him... both metaphorically and literally. The tall, Hispanic with the curly, brown hair straightened from his locker and bumped his head on the ceiling, making Alex wince.

"You okay there, man?" Alex asked.

Miguel gave Alex a small smile and nodded. "Yeah... Damn low ceilings..." He rubbed the top of his head and checked his big hand for blood. "So... Whatcha doing tonight?"

With a dismissive shrug, Alex said, "Eh, me and Mike are gonna grab some drinks at the bar and then head off back to my place for movie night." An idea struck him. "Hey, why don't you come with us? Your shift is over too, isn't it?"

Miguel glanced off to the side, rubbing the back of his head. "I dunno... Alcohol isn't that good for your body... and I'm trying to get leaner..."

Alex had to roll his eyes on that one. Miguel pretty much had 0% body fat. He was as lean as they got! If he got any leaner, he would seriously be just be nothing more than a mass of muscle. Alex wrapped an arm around his co-worker's shoulder and grinned.

"Awww, come on, man! One drink won't kill you!"

The tall muscle-man gently pushed Alex's arm away. "That's what they all say... but it's a slippery slope..." Miguel turned his back and buried himself back into his locker.

Alex was far from done, however.

"You talking about your ex, aren't you?"

Miguel sprang up again, slamming his head against the ceiling once more. Alex didn't laugh this time as the young man spun to face him, eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about." He paused for effect. "Joe."

The shiver that ran down Miguel's spine shook even Alex. "How did... you know...?"

With shrug, Alex said, "You told me, remember? The last time you got drunk."

"I never get drunk."

Wagging a finger at his tall co-worker, Alex said, "Not true. The last time you got drunk was when you promised you'd never get drunk again."

Miguel winced and averted his gaze. "Damnit..." He slammed his big fist against the doorframe, keeping his eyes shut and probably fighting back tears. "How much did I say...?"

"Enough," Alex replied. "I know that Joe drank a little too much, got behind a wheel..."

"And you_still_ want me to go drinking with you."

It was a bit of an insensitive request but Joe had passed on over two years ago and Miguel was still bearing the scars badly. As a personal trainer, he never took male clients. No doubt he was scared he might pop a boner in front of them but probably because he felt he was being unfaithful if he thought lustfully about anyone apart from Joe.

"Look, you have to get over him sometime," Alex said consolingly. "Just come out with us. You don't have to drink or anything. Just come out with your friends and loosen up. Are you doing anything tonight anyway?"

Miguel frowned and shook his head very slowly. "Nothing really..."

Alex wrapped his arm around Miguel's shoulder again. "Then come out drinking with us!"

"I don't know..."

Time for the trump card.

"Come on, man! It's my birthday!"

Miguel's bushy eyebrows rose. "I didn't know it's your birthday..."

Got him.

"Dude! That's why Mike and I are going for drinks!" He flexed his impressive biceps. "You think I got this big by hitting the bottle every Friday! Come on! It's just one night of the year!"

Indecision marred Miguel's features... but eventually, he broke into a small smile and nodded. "Alright... I guess just this one night..."

Alex beamed and patted his co-worker's shoulder. "Great! Meet us outside in about ten minutes! I just gotta go clear everything with Steve."

He gave a wave to Miguel and patted the taller personal trainer's ass just for good measure and headed into the storeroom. There were two people already inside. One was a short, stocky and slightly rotund Asian with great arms and legs known as 'Steve the Manager'. The other was a slim, athletic young man who had just recently joined the gym.

"Hey boss," Alex began, waving a meaty hand at the Manager. "I'm heading off."

Steve looked up at him and gave him a small frown. "Huh? Oh, right. Of course." He shook his head and sighed heavily. "Damn... Sorry... Just having a bit of stock problems right now." He ran his eyes over the clipboard he was holding. "We keep losing about a months' worth of protein shakes every week. You wouldn't happen to know where they're going, do you?"

Lifting his palms up to show he was clean, he said, "Hey! You know me! External provider and everything!"

Steve nodded grimly. "Yeah. I know." He gave Alex a humourless smile. "You should hook me up sometime, man. That stuff obviously works."

Grinning again, Alex flexed his biceps very briefly. "It isn't all the supplements, you know! It's hard work too!"

"Well, you can't say I'm not well-fed!" Steve laughed, jostling his belly. "Anyway, off you go, man!"

Seeing Steve working on a Friday night and stressing over something as meagre as missing stock put a bit of a damper on Alex's party spirit... not that he had much to start off with in the first place.

With a smile, he clapped Steve on the shoulder and said, "Hey, why don't you come with us to the bar? We're having a couple of drinks for my big B-day!"

The Manager groaned. "I'd love to, really I would but no one else is here to run the place. The other manager was meant to come in an hour ago but he still hasn't shown up! No phone call! Nothing!" Steve growled and he looked about ready to snap his clipboard in half.

All Alex could think was, 'Poor Steve'.

"Well... How about when you have time, okay? First round is on me."

Steve chuckled and gestured at Dennis. "Thanks for the offer but I've got work to do. Why don't you take Den with you? He's set to clock off now."

Den turned around and gave Steve a big, broad grin. His features were quite... kiddy. It was almost contradictory to how his body was lean, firm and muscular looking like it belonged to a teen muscle-god's form while his face was so broad, round and innocent. His blue eyes were like crystals and shone with his grin. The only thing that would be considered a 'flaw' about him was his hair...

It was so obvious that it was naturally brown but it was so dyed heavily that it was just ridiculously unnatural. It was so blonde that it was almost white.

"I don't want to intrude..." Dennis murmured.

"The more the merrier, I always say!" Alex exclaimed with a grin to match Den's. "Wait..." He narrowed his gaze and pointed at Dennis. "You're not underage, are you?"

The youthful, muscular man grinned and shook his head. "Nope! I'm good and legal!"

Brightening right up, Alex said, "Great! Then come on!" He waved at Steve. "We'll see you at the bar, okay? And if not, swing by my place for movie night!"

Steve waved them away as he returned to sorting the boxes.

Suddenly... Alex didn't think his birthday would be so dull after all.


...for he's a jolly good fellow

The bar scene grew old very quickly. While Alex drank his fair share, neither Miguel nor Dennis joined in the festivities. The place was crowded - perhaps overcrowded - given that it was Friday night. For Mike, however, he drank and celebrated, toasting Alex on another year to tack onto his age but nursed his one beer for a long while.

Alex laughed as Miguel managed to beat him again at a game of pool while Dennis looked on from the side. Many of the bar patrons gave them a wide berth as they were easily the biggest guys in the bar. Still, that didn't stop any of them from 'innocently' bumping shoulders with one another.

Mike had to fight hard not get hard there and then. There were so many guys around their manly odour just kept tempting him over and over again. He mentally cursed his situation... Working at a gym with the hottest guy he'd seen in months and he couldn't bring up the courage to ask him out.

He gazed down at the beer in his large, meaty hands - barely half finished. In each bubble, he saw the times he had spent with Alex over the past few years that they had known each other in an almost cartoony flashback fashion. Each memory made him ache more and more for Alex... and the times that they worked out... He could barely concentrate as he watched Alex's bulging muscles flexing and relaxing.

In the stuffed and cramped bar, everyone else seemed so dull and the only person that was truly in focus... was Alex.

It killed him everyday to see Alex and never have the courage to ask him out to one date.

The best he could manage - and indeed, hope for - was a brief drink and a movie once every year.

Someone clapped his shoulder hard and he went rigid.

"Yo! You alright there big guy?" Alex laughed, his face slightly red and a big grin on his face. His eyes were slightly unfocused. For a big guy, he couldn't exactly hold his alcohol very well.

"I'm fine," Mike answered shakily.

And suddenly, his brain shut down.

Just being so close to Alex... having his best wet dream leaning on him like that with a goofy grin and with next to no inhibitions... It was killing Mike inside not to grab the sides of Alex's face, give him one, big kiss and then run off. No one would remember it, hopefully. Everyone was just too drunk.

But still...

He had to change the subject.

"Hey, shouldn't we get going?" he asked, checking an imaginary watch. "I mean, it's getting late and we've still got a movie to catch, right?"

That was a lie. It was barely seven in the evening.

That said, it was barely seven in the evening and almost everyone in the bar was already drunk off their ass.

Alex pulled back, leaving Mike longing for his touch. The massive mound of muscle stretched and let out a heroic yawn. "Yeeeeeah... Time to head off... Though..." He checked his watch - he actually had one - and said, "I was meant to meet a friend here..."

A friend...?

A bit of jealousy boiled up from inside Mike.

Was it a friend... or a friend...?"

"Who? Steve?"

Alex shook his head. "Nah. My supplier. He was meant to -"

Despite the noise in the bar, Alex was still able to hear the sound of his phone ringing. He jumped a little, his eyes gaining a crystal-clear clarity as he pulled out his phone and brought it to his ear.

"Oh hey! Lucas! Wassup!?" Alex lifted his beer into the air for an imaginary toast. "You coming in or what?" His brow furrowed. "Oh? Too crowded? Can't get it? Sure! I'll meet you out back!"

That did not sound good at all.

Mike was suddenly feeling very over-protective. He never did trust Alex's 'external supplier' but he had to admit, there was no arguing with results. Alex was huge. But the idea of getting supplements from someone not associated with any company like that... It scared him. The last thing he wanted was to find out that Alex was taking performance enhancing drugs or anything of the sort.

Alex hung up and grinned at Mike. "Hey, I'm gonna drop out for a second and meet Lucas for this month's supply. Why don't you grab the others and I'll meet you back at the apartment?"

While normally, Mike wouldn't have given that a second thought, he was still suspicious of this 'Lucas'. "You think your friend could hook me up too?" he asked. "I mean, I'm nowhere near as big as you and I was hoping the stuff he provides could give me that extra 'oomph'!" He grinned and flexed one bicep just for good measure. "Got a competition coming up next month you know!"

He hoped there would be a tiny flicker of awe or acknowledgement in Alex's eyes but he seemed just a little too drunk for that.

The big guy just grinned and wrapped another arm around Mike's shoulder. "Sure thing! Come on!" As they passed Dennis and Miguel, he said, "Hey, you guys meet us outside, okay? Just gotta go out back for some business!"

That sounded so wrong...

They cut their way easily through the crowd and managed to get to the backdoor of the bar. Alex apparently knew the owner and they easily got out the back without any difficulty. Stepping out into the cold, dark alleyway from the hot, almost-choking environment of the pub was a bit of a shock.

The real shock however was the rather sharply dressed man leaning against the wall, looking up at the stars in the gap between the buildings with a cigarette in his mouth.

Mike expected a cloak-and-dagger sort of guy. Trench coat, hunch in his back, sinister smile and big, glowing, red eyes. He also had to have an evil, sinister laugh.

"Lucas!" Alex exclaimed, lifting his arms up and leaving Mike once more cold.

The suave businessman flicked his half-finished cigarette away and gave Alex an easy, comforting smile. "Hey there, champ. The usual?" He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a nice, healthy canister of what appeared to be a protein shake powder.

"Thanks man!" Alex answered, shaking Lucas' hand while taking the shake with the other.

Oddly enough, the powder actually looked pretty generic. Mike was pretty sure he had gotten it once or twice before.

What was so special about it?

"This is my workout buddy, Mike," Alex said, gesturing at Mike to step forward. "This guy works for the folks that make this stuff and he gets a staff discount. He's a good old family friend of mine and he gives them to be at cost!"

Suddenly... It made so much sense.

There wasn't some 'special secret formula'.

It was just a better deal than what was on the market.

Mike felt so relieved.

"Before you go," Lucas said, reaching back into his pocket and pulling out a small sachet. It was black and unmarked. "Research developed this new formula and it's gone into product testing. The results are good." He handed it to Alex. "Thought you might like a sample before it went out to the market. You might want to switch too after you test this out."

Alex raised his eyebrows and grinned. "Cool. How's it work?"

"It's a post-workout formula that increases your metabolism tenfold and allows for better absorption of proteins. It's designed to help increase your nutrient absorption after a workout so it's never meant to be taken just by itself. You're supposed to take it just before you have a meal after your workout so that you get the most out of it. Not only that, but it supplies its own health batch of proteins with a mix of..."

The rest Mike really didn't follow. There was a lot of technical jargon in there. Also something about 'temporary arousal' at one point. He knew what 'testosterone' was but that was about it. Words that he didn't quite understand. He was never much in the way of education. Bodybuilding was in his blood. Parents were both bodybuilders - that was how they met - and that just filled him with good genes. That said, of course, he never did get much of an education beyond secondary school where he instead worked at his dad's car repair shop until he was big enough to enter the competitions.

It made his heart sinking knowing that Alex had gone to school, studied personal training at college and was even gunning for a job as an educator in some great school somewhere. Another reason he thought he would never be worthy in Alex's eyes... He was just a dumb meat-head with 'good looks' and Alex... Well... Alex would go places...

Seeing the comprehension in Alex's eyes - despite being half-drunk - just solidified that sense of depression growing in his heart.

"Anyway," Lucas said, pulling out another cigarette from his jacket pocket. "Just make sure you don't take that with anything else, okay? I hear it's powerful stuff." He poked Alex's impressive chest. "And definitely don't take it after you've just drunk alcohol. Lowered inhibitions aren't a good thing when you're half-starved for proteins. You'll stuff your face but with what is always the question."

Alex brought out his trademark grin that just sent Mike's heart a flutter. It was dazzling... simply heart-snatching. "Aw, you know I only have healthy stuff at my place!"

"That's debatable," the suave businessman answered, lighting his cigarette. He turned around and waved over his shoulder, wandering out of the alleyway. "You know my number. Give me some feedback after you've tried it."

Alex gave Lucas a thumbs up even if the latter didn't see it. He then turned to Mike, grin still in place. "Ready to head back to my place?"

Boy did he want those words to mean something else...

"Yeah," Mike answered, forcing an easy smile. "I'm raring for a good action scene."

He was kicking himself for the innuendo behind that...


For he's a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny!

Thankfully, Alex only lived two doors down from the bar in an apartment complex renowned for wild party-goers and the like. That meant the nights were noisy but Alex had long since figured out that the walls were perfectly suited to block out sound from anywhere apart from the apartment itself so it wasn't much of a walk... even drunk.

In the brief gap in time when Alex and Mike announced they were going out the back, Dennis had somehow managed to down the rest of his beer... and get completely shitfaced. It was amazing how the guy possessed the body of an Adonis and yet the alcohol tolerance of a two year old.

Miguel was quietly snickering away as he half-dragged, half-carried Dennis up the stairs to Alex's apartment with their host way ahead of him.

"You know what man?" Dennis moaned in a long, slurred tone. He buried his face into Miguel's chest, slumping over to the right and causing Miguel to stagger a little.

Alarmed, Miguel asked for some help as he was halfway up the stairs. Mike came back down in a hurry and grabbed Dennis' legs. Together, the two of them brought the semi-incapacitated Dennis up the stairs, goofy grin and all.

At least he wasn't vomiting.

"You're the best, dude..." Dennis continued, swatting at Miguel's face half-heartedly.

"Sure I am, bud."

"No, I mean it!" A look of seriousness crossed the young bodybuilder's face but it looked like he was trying to keep down his one beer instead of actually trying to be serious. "You... urp... You bounced back real good, man. I mean... Even after Joe died, you kept coming to work!"


Miguel never noticed that he had let go of Dennis' shoulders until he heard the latter actual start giggling beneath him. He tried to focus on his co-worker - to make sure he wasn't bleeding - but he couldn't get past his hands which were shaking uncontrollably. Memories of Joe kept filling his mind, plagued with constantly floating 'What ifs'.


He broke out of his trance as Dennis was dragged across the floor and back into Alex's apartment. Mike stuck his head back out and said, "Take your time, man."

What little partying mood he had had vanished very quickly. Turning around and heading back home to cry himself to sleep while hugging Joe's favourite pillow started sounding like a very good idea. He glanced down the stairs... and took the first step...

And felt a different kind of emotion make his legs wobble.

Heights... He hated heights.

Despite being so tall, he was scared of falling and sometimes even made himself sick when he looked directly down. The only time that sense of vertigo every faded was when his view of the so-distant ground was interrupted by Joe's smiling face.

He missed those days...

... and being up on the fifth floor of the apartment building... standing on the verge of the stairs, heart heavy and empty...

Yeah ... he was really starting to feel sick.

"I'm baaaaaack!"

Suddenly, he found someone's face blocking his view, a nose pressed up against him and putrid alcohol breath mixed with the scent of pretzels and protein shakes pushing up his nostrils.

The good news was... he lost all sense of sickness from the height...

... bad news... he was getting sick to the stomach smelling Dennis' breath.

"Dude!" he shouted, staggering back. "Personal space!"

"Awww... But I came out here to tell you just how awesome you are!"

Heh... 'came out'... Right...

"Thanks," Miguel muttered, covering his nose and keeping Dennis at arm's length as the other attempted to hug him. Mike emerged from the apartment once more, grabbed Dennis' shoulders and pulled him back.

"You're awesome, man!" Dennis shouted at the top of his voice. "You rock!"

For some reason - after getting over the nausea from Dennis' breath - he felt a lot better. Dennis was definitely a character. At least he was a happy drunk too. A bit childish to fit that cute, kiddy face of his.

With a faint smile, Miguel suddenly stopped in his tracks...

When he looked down, that vertigo took him again.

He was halfway down the stairs before he realised... well... that he was halfway down the stairs.

For a second, he seriously considered dropping down on all fours and crawling down the stairs. It wasn't unusual for him and people often made fun of him for it but he ignored it all. Joe had been the one to always console him... the first one to reach out and help him up...

Fear gripped his chest mixed with the pain of loss and he bolted back up the stairs, hyperventilating and with his heart ready to burst out of his chest.


He gave a loud yelp and spun around, finding Alex grinning at the door of his apartment.

"You coming in or what? We got a nice new werewolf flick! Lots of action! You coming?"

Maybe staying a little longer wouldn't be so bad... At least when he headed back down, he'd have someone there beside him...

Yeah... He'd just leave when everyone else left...


Which nobody can deny...

Alex put on the newest werewolf movie that had just come out for home viewing. Apparently, it got really good ratings. He got the popcorn ready and some more beers from the fridge as Mike and Miguel struggled with an overly jolly Dennis.

Whatever alcohol had been in his system had faded rather fast and he managed to get everything prepared without stumbling around or making a fool of himself. He was a little nervous about cutting the limes for the beers but he managed to do so with easy, no cuts or bleeding. A bag of pretzels and a bowl of popcorn added into the fray and he thought he had a pretty nice set-up for an impromptu gathering at his apartment.

It was a pretty small place with only a single bedroom. While the couch could fold-out into a bed, he rarely used it as most of the time he was in the small space behind the couch using the dumbbells or lifting weights. The rest of the apartment was filled with assorted knick-knacks that he had gathered in his life.

He brought over the refreshments to the small couch, setting it down on the table in front of them while Dennis was admiring how fluffy the pillow was.

"Hey guys," he announced, "I'm just gonna get changed out of these gym clothes. You guys start to movie."

"You don't want us to wait?" Mike asked.

Alex shook his head. "Nah. I've seen it like a dozen times since I got it."

"You must really like it."

As proof of his sobriety, he managed to hold back from saying, 'Nah, I like the big muscly guys bursting out of their clothes and turning into werewolves'.

"It's okay," he answered. He headed into his room and shut the door behind him, cutting off another one of Dennis' 'You're awesome' spiels.

Chuckling, he peeled off his shirt, the rim of the shirt grazing his rock-hard abs. He deposited it on his bed as he peeled off his gym shorts. He heard a rather loud clanking somewhere in the fabric and when he dug into the pockets, he found...

... that new formula Lucas had given him.

He regarded it curiously, a small frown on his face. It was ridiculously small for a supplement but he guessed that because it was just a sample, Lucas couldn't spring for a bigger container. That and Lucas did say it was pretty strong...

Still, he found it hard to believe that barely a teaspoon of the stuff could increase metabolism, muscle growth, nutrient absorption and energy levels. It was all impossible and sounded like a fantasy come true.

Then again, he never had reason to doubt Lucas before.

With a shrug, he popped the lid open and tipped it towards his mouth... When he remembered Lucas' warning about drinking it when under the effects of alcohol.

Well... He wasn't under the effects.

He may have consumed it in the past hour but he wasn't drunk.

Seeing no harm, he downed the concoction. He gagged at the incredibly bitter taste that almost burned his tongue. A shudder ran through his entire system, leaving his entire body feeling a little... tingly. Dismissing the thought and resolving to find something to get the taste out of his mouth, he grabbed a shirt and a pair of pants and slipped them on.


"Come in," he said, popping his shirt out of the neckline.

Mike pushed the door open. "Are you decent?"

"Pretty much," he answered, sliding the shirt over his abs. "What can I do for you?" He had to lick his lips a little because the bitter taste had devolved into a horribly salty aftertaste that left his throat parched.

A drink was starting to sound really good.

"I just wanted to talk for a second..." Mike said, shutting the door behind him.

"Could I grab a drink first?" Alex answered, feeling his voice run through his throat dryly. That concoction really made him thirsty. He made a mental note to tell Lucas about then. Then again, no one actually consumed protein powder without water. In hindsight, it was a stupid idea to take that stuff pure.

"I have to get this out before I change my mind," Mike said, his voice shaking slightly. "Just... Give me a minute..."

Seeing his friend's distress, Alex sat on his bed, making the structure groan heavily. "Alright... What's up...?" He was having difficulty talking and he rubbed his throat a little.

"We've... We've known each other for about two years now, right?" the Fabio began.

"Yeah..." Alex choked. His stomach rebelled against him, growling ferociously. He was starting to get really hungry to add to his thirst. But he fought against it, trying to focus on Mike's words as he placed his hand against his abs.

"... And we're friends, right?" Mike asked.

"Yeah... Definitely," he croaked.

Another need filled him.

Not hunger.

Not thirst...

... but a suddenly need for... release.

He remembered Lucas telling him that there was a lot of stuff in the formula that would increase testosterone production and that one of the side-effects was stint of arousal. That was why it was designed as a post-workout formula. Not a good idea to be popping a boner in the middle of a workout.

A groan escaped him as the blood started rushing away from his brain and straight into his cock. His mind began to blur a little and he was finding it hard focusing on what Mike was saying. All he could think about was filling his stomach, drinking something and jacking off. The dryness in his throat got to the point where he began panting profusely.


He started slightly when Mike's hand fell on his shoulder. The contact sent electrical jolts throughout his entire right arm, causing it to quake and shake uncontrollably. He grasped his wrist, trying to keep it from shaking.

"Are you alright, man?" Mike asked softly. "I mean... I know you might be able to guess where I'm going with this but... Just so you know, I'm not trying to pressure you into anything..."

Alex had no idea what he was talking about...

All he could do was...

Throw his head back and let out a loud, lustful groan.


He didn't need to look to know that his cock had torn right through his shorts and was not out and exposed, throbbing and spewing copious amounts of precum all over his shirt. The shaking spread from his right arm and ripped through his chest. With every twitch, his muscles convulsed and bulged. It was like he was getting a full-body workout from just the shaking!


His massive pecs tore right through his shirt, ripping it right down the middle as his shoulders bulged and shred the remnants to bits. He tried to groan again but instead, what came out was a loud, lustful, feral snarl.

"Oh my god!"

He took a breath... and smelled... fear...

Yeah... he liked that...

Growling, he nimbly jumped up from the bed and tackled Mike straight onto the ground. Mike tried to push him away but with every passing second, the shakes kept packing on more and more muscle on him. Alex arched his back, rubbing his huge 13 inch cock against Mike's chest as he felt the muscles build and build and build all over his body. His thighs ballooned out, outmatching Mike's in seconds and his chest blanketed Mike's.

Mike let out a shout and Alex quickly silenced him, pressing his lips against the other bodybuilder's. The lust that overcame him blurred all his senses... he couldn't think of anything else but to... to fuck. He needed release... he needed to be fed... he needed to drink.

His nose suddenly picked up another scent...

The scent of male arousal.

Some primal part of his brain pieced all his needs together... and realized there was one solution that would solve all his desires.

Just as he came to his conclusion, his right arm convulsed. Fire ran through his muscles and his veins felt like they were pumping pure, molten lead into his muscles. His shoulder became criss-crossed by thick, pulsating lines as the curved and valleys of his muscles grew more and more defines. The veins crawled down his biceps and triceps, bulging them out to the size of watermelons. As his skin was stretched and his muscles inflated, they tightened and gave Alex a feeling of unbelievable energy that kept him wanting more!

His forearms exploded outwards just as his big, meaty fingers twitched and curled. Sharp, white claws pushed out of the tips of his fingers just as black hair began spreading all over his arm. Even with the thickness of the fur-like hair, his muscles were clearly defined.

His right arm suddenly stopped shaking as he straightened and flexed his new, huge, muscular arm. A grin spread across his face as his primal mind loved the feeling of power in that appendage. He felt the shaking intensify all over his body and he welcomed the change, moaning softly as his whole body tightened, bulged and had veins popping against the skin.

He felt a squirming between his legs and he looked down at Mike who was desperately trying to free himself. With a wicked grin, he reached down with his new appendage and -


... tore Mike's gym shorts right off him.

Mike's huge 9 inch cock sprang to attention. While Alex could smell the fear on him, arousal was also present.

A small, clear drop of precum rolled off Mike's cock.

... Alex suddenly knew what would sate his thirst.

He wrapped his lips around Mike's cock, pushing that monster of a dick deep down into his throat. Mike let out a gasp, bucking his hips. Alex squeezed down on the cock with the back of his throat just as he felt the shaking wrap around his face. The bones stretched and readjusted. He felt a pain in his teeth and he had to pull out a little as his nose and lips pushed out in front of him, forming a defined muzzle. All the while, he kept lapping up at the head of Mike's glorious cock with his tongue which lengthened and grew flatter. He found a new dexterity in it, curling it around that engorged member and squeezing every drop of precum that was coming from that delicious dick!

As the salty, clear liquid rolled down his throat, his thirst was somewhat sated... for a few seconds before it came back with a vengeance. His entire body quaked as his thighs burst out, covered in the same, thick black fur that had covered his arm. The fur spread all over his body, covering his mountainous back, rolling into the thick valleys of his pecs and over his washboard abs that formed a defined six-pack. With a growl, he felt a new, alien appendage flick out from behind him just above his strong, bubble butt.

His tail wagged excitedly as Mike moaned and gripped the sides of his head, just barely missing his new, large, triangular ears.

He could feel Mike's balls tense... and suddenly...


Mike threw back his head and let out a glorious cry as his cum exploded down into Alex's throat. Alex just kept sucking and sucking, drawing more and more cum as Mike was able to give. As that delicious, salty seed slid down Alex's gullet, the thirst was eased and the hunger in his stomach slowly faded.

Then the quakes returned.

Alex groaned as his body tightened even more. Just as the cum slid down into his stomach, his body seemed to consume it and use it immediately! His whole body grew even bigger. His spine stretched, adding more to his height as his arms and shoulders widened. He was stuck in a state of perpetual semi-hunger as he desperately sucked more and more of Mike's cum and his body metabolized it straight into rock-hard muscle.

Suddenly Mike's hands collapsed from beside him and was left twitching beneath his gargantuan weight. The huge, blonde Fabio looked at him with glazed eyes. Every now and then, his hips would buck and a fresh load of cum would shoot down Alex's throat.

Right before Alex's eyes, those glorious muscles that made Mike so beautiful began to dwindle... Football-sized biceps shrank to baseball-sized... and eventually to flat, deflated soccer balls. His thick, vein-crossed thighs deflated with every shot of cum that he gave. His pecs vanished into a flattened, almost malnourished chest where his ribs were sticking clearly out. His features were shrunken and the beautiful, statuesque face looked skeletal.

But there wasn't any regret in his eyes.

As the last shot of cum was barely a drop, Alex pulled his muzzle away and looked at the bag of skin and bones in front of him. He felt the quaking all focus around his cock and he looked down as his massive 13 inch tool grew to an impressive 16 inches. Part of it fused with his belly as it grew to a tampering, point. A large, bulbous knot formed at the base of the massive member just above his large, furry balls that were filled with so much of his seed that his hunger and thirst were suddenly overcome by the need for release.

Somehow, despite in his weakened state, Mike found the strength to roll over on his back and let out a soft whimper.

Alex didn't need further encouragement.

Growling, he wrapped his massive arms around Mike, cradling the weakened bodybuilder lovingly as he gently pressed his cock deep into the other. The scent coming from Mike was intoxicating. There was this... hint of something else amidst the lust and fear... a hint of something... more. As he pushed his cock deep into the human, he could smell that hint growing stronger and stronger.

Alex began humping Mike wantonly, thrusting deep into his... his...


"Mate..." Alex growled, running his long slick tongue up from Mike's shoulder, up his neck and over his ears.

"Oh... god... Oh god...!" Mike moaned with each, deep, penetrating thrust.

Alex found himself quickly on the edge... but he held back... That scent... That beautiful, intoxicating scent! It grew so strong that it filled his every pore, his every being and it ingrained into his very soul Mike's very essence!

He... He wanted Mike...

And he wanted Mike to join him...

Images of him and his mate running through the streets, fucking, sucking and devouring the seed of men everywhere as they grew stronger and stronger with every man they turned...

It drove him on...

... and the thought of him and Mike together...

It made him explode!

He threw his head back and let out a thunderous howl, shaking the very walls of the apartment. His cum flooded into Mike but instead of all of it pooling into the human's stomach or flooding it, it all began pumping deep into Mike veins... into his muscles... into his very form.

Mike threw his head back, pressing it against Alex's strong, muscular chest as he body convulsed and the veins pulsed against his skin. With ever blast of cum from Alex, the veins grew thicker and thicker. His muscles surged outwards, building and building. Watermelon-sized muscles quickly bulged all over Mike again but this time, they pushed well past their limits. They grew and grew, ripping his shirt right off as thick, blond fur began sprouting all over his body.

Mike kicked out as his feet twisted into large paws and his legs grew into massive proportions. He could suddenly sit comfortably impaled on Alex's cock with his chest ballooning out to match his mate's. Alex could easily wrap his arms around his mate, feeling his cum building his mate's body every time he shot into his Mike's ass. He could almost feel it pulsing beneath the leathery pads on his paws.

Instincts took over again as he pressed his lips against Mike's... and they shared a long, loving kiss... Their tongues intertwining and their muzzled interlocking.


Both werewolves twisted away as the door opened...


...which nobody can deny

"I wonder what's taking them so long..." Miguel said, glancing over his shoulder.

Honestly, the guy was a worry-wart.

But even in his mostly-drunk state, Dennis could see the guy really needed to loosen up. Still, he thought that what Miguel had gone through was really quite impressive. Losing his boyfriend and still keeping up his health and work... it was certainly something to be admired.

He took another long swing of his beer and was disappointed to find it empty.

"Awww..." he groaned. "What happened to all the beer...?"

"You drank it all," Miguel answered. "Maybe you've had enough..."

"Come on, man! It's Alex's party! We gotta drink!"

"That's no excuse to be reckless."

"Reckless is my middle name!" Dennis laughed, hiking a thumb at his chest. "I mean, if you're not a little bit risky, life would be boring, right?"

"There a difference between 'reckless' and 'life-threatening'." Miguel grabbed Dennis hand. "Look, just don't get too drunk okay? You could die."

Laughing, Dennis pulled his hand away and said, "Don't worry about me, man! I'm too young to die!" He beat his chest, causing him to let out a loud belch. He laughed at his own performance just as the werewolf in the movie let out a loud howl. It sounded quite loud too... very realistic. "Besides, if anything is going to kill me, it's gonna be old-man Steve for taking the protein supplies!"

Miguel sat back up in horror. "You've been pilfering the supplies!?"

"Hey! I've been stocking them and half of them don't go to use! No sense letting them go to waste, right?"


"Hey! Alex! Open up."

It was Steve the Manager...

Suddenly, Dennis was abruptly very sober. "Oh shit... he heard me." He jumped to his feet. "I'm gonna go check on Alex and Mike."

He half-stumbled, half-ran to Alex's room door just as Miguel greeted Steve with a, 'Hi Steve! You're just in time!'

Dennis burst right into to Alex's room and shut the door behind him with a slam...

... just then noticing the two werewolves embedded in one another not a metre from him...

"You hungry, hun?" the bigger werewolf asked.

"Thirsty, actually," the other growled.

Before Dennis could shout and spin around, the two werewolves were suddenly upon him. A huge, big, black cock was shoved right down his throat while his pants were ripped clear off him. A hot, wet muzzle wrapped around his cock. He didn't know how or why, but just the touch of the saliva on his member and the constant drip of precum sliding down his throat made him painfully hard.

Unable to control himself, he suddenly orgasmed within seconds. The werewolf sucked his cock and it felt like someone had a powerful cock pump attached to his cock. He literally couldn't stop cumming! He tried pushing away, kicking at the werewolf's rock hard muscles and screaming but the two massive monsters on him were too strong and too big!

Worse, it felt like the werewolf sucking on his cock was getting bigger!

Hell, he could see it happening!

The blonde-furred beast's form was bulging more and more as he kept ejaculating. Veins popped against that smooth, golden coat as muscles increased in mass and grew. All the while, Dennis gagged as that big, black, 16 inch cock was shoved down his throat. The precum was getting thicker and thicker, gaining a saltier consistency to the point where it was almost bitter.

The constant orgasms left him feeling weak... and he couldn't keep struggling any longer. His limbs dropped to his sides... and he noted with a bit of an exhausted horror that his once, proud, strong body had withered down to a stick.

His eyes felt heavy... and he couldn't keep them open...

... he could only see darkness...

... but feel a sudden rush of hot, salty liquid flood down his throat. That almost molten fluid rushed down into his stomach where it pooled there for a second before shooting out through his body like the branches of a rapidly growing tree. His entire body spasms and he felt his limbs snap back with strength, filled with an energy he never felt before.

His whole body_exploded_ outwards, muscles bulging and growing. Veins popped against pecs as they ballooned out and pushed back against the thick, muscular thighs of the black werewolf above him. His abs bulged out, popping up one by one. He found the strength in his shoulders again as they broadened and his biceps flexed into huge, muscular mounds. He grabbed the black werewolf's cock as his own muzzle grew into position and he gave that piece of werewolf meat a big, long squeeze!

A hot flood of cum shot deep into his throat, filling him with more and more power!

He threw back his head and let out a joyous howl as thick, brown fur spread all over his body. The black werewolf's cum splattered all over his muzzle and shot towards the door -

The door suddenly sprang open.

"What's going on -"


Steve the Manager stopped...

... as hot, werewolf cum splattered all over his face.

Overwhelming thirst, hunger and lust suddenly filled Dennis and he stared hungrily at Miguel.

"I want that one," he said, pointing.


For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow

"Holy crap!" Miguel shouted, staggered back at the three werewolves that lay there before him.

This was like something out of a horror movie!

Werewolves... Werewolves fucking!

He had to get out of here!

"Steve -"

He grasped Steve's shoulder but the manager had this crazy, lustful grin on his face as he licked up the cum on his face. Miguel watched in horror as Steve watched his hand twist and grow... White claws emerging from the fingertips.

"Oh yeah... This... I like..."

Gasping in horror, Miguel spun around and bolted towards the front door. He heard an enormous_crash_ behind him and he barely had to the time to turn his head and spy the massive, brown werewolf with blonde fur as 'hair' leap towards him. He lunged over the couch and pulled the trigger on the side that caused it to immediately unfold into a bed. He rolled off the bed just as the massive werewolf's weight made it flip completely over and pin the beast to the ground.

Not wasting time to savor his victory, Miguel bolted out the door to Alex's apartment and rushed down the -

He froze...

... the stairs again.

He was frozen...

He couldn't go down the stairs...!

As if werewolves weren't bad enough... now was his fear of heights!

Why couldn't Joe be here!?

"What's wrong, man?"

He spun around...

... and found himself nose-to-nose... with that brown-furred werewolf...

A brown-furred werewolf with blonde hair that was too blonde to be natural...

"Den...?" Miguel asked, both horrified and confused.

The werewolf grinned and leaned further forward, pressing their lips lightly together. "I always knew you were awesome."

... and they kissed.


For he's a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny!

Alex sighed contently as he flexed his enormous biceps and his impressive member.

After having sucked off each and every one of his 'pack mates', he had found himself easily the biggest of the bunch. His huge ten-pack was testament to that. He cuddled Mike who was the second biggest in the group while Miguel and Dennis lay on the couch in the typical sixty-nine position. Steve - ironically the smallest of them all - lay between in a pool of his own cum a few paces away.

His birthday hadn't been so bad after all.

If anyone were to look at his apartment now, anyone could say that it had been one hell of a party.

The furniture was basically ruined as their claws and enormous 300 pound-plus bodies had torn basically through everything. Cum was everywhere and in some places where the sex had been really hard, the floor or walls had been cracked or broken.

But would he regret it?

Hell no.

Alex grinned and he nuzzled his mate... loving Mike's scent and absolutely loving the raw strength he now possessed.

He yawned softly and curled his arms around his mate -


Just as his phone rang.

Groaning softly, he managed to reach over and pick up his suddenly very miniscule mobile off the ground. How it got into the living area when he last remembered putting it in his room, he didn't know. He was surprised it was still working after being practically soaked in cum.

"Hello...?" he rumbled.

"Alex? That you?"_Lucas began. _"Hey! Don't suppose you used that trial sample did you?"

"I sure did!" Alex answered with a big grin.

There was a pause on the other end.

"... How was it? Any side-effects?"

"Nope! Where can I get more?"

Happy Birthday werewolf666!