A Less Than Lonely Shower

Story by Isarain on SoFurry

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A "Deleted scene" for a story I was working on awhile ago. The story died, for now at least, when i couldn't figure out where it wanted to go from there.

Anywho, the more feedback I get (good or bad) the more i'm probably going to upload onto here. If you like my work and want to see more, please do say so. I write as much to entertain others as i do to entertain myself, so knowing i've done well gives me a slight bit more of a reason to keep plugging away at my work.

Enough of me yacking, enjoy the read.

The Mad Poet,

Isarain Malice Gale~

The set up: The dragon named Cross has just rescued the white vixen named Lyra. Having just fought a brutal battle, Cross is more or less drenched in blood and exhausted. He escorts Lyra back to her house to get rinsed off and rest, or at least that was the original plan.

* * *

"Cross, the shower is ready." The exhausted dragon looked up at the vixen who he'd rescued not even two hours earlier. There were blood stains in her previously pristine white fur, but it didn't compare to the layer of blood that had dried onto his scales. "Now get those dirty clothes off and get in there." Lyra said to him with a rather sweet smile, but there was something he noticed right away. She hadn't made any move towards the door behind him.

Cross hesitated at first, but very slowly he pulled the bloodied shirt off. As he went to pull the equally bloodied pants off he glanced at her, wondering if she really intended to stay while he was getting washed off, and what he saw made his jaw drop. Lyra had already taken her shirt and pants off, and was working on getting her panties off. Rather startled, Cross asked the first thing that came to his mind,"You're getting in too?"

"Of course! You didn't think I was going to leave you all alone, did you?" Lyra's response made the already slack jaw go further down. He actually had been expecting her to do just that. She didn't give him a chance to respond, but rather she went over and helped him finish undressing. The white stripe across his eyes turned red with blush for a moment. Her snout was mere inches from his sheath, and he could feel her hot breath rolling over it. He wasn't sure if he was thankful or disappointed when she stood back up and gently guided him into the shower.

It was all Cross could do not purr from the heat of the water running over him, it had been a long time since he had a good shower. Though, it had been even longer since he saw a naked female, and he wasn't sure if one had ever been in a shower with him. Being lost in his head for a moment, he almost jumped out of his skin when Lyra started scrubbing the dried blood off of his arms with a soapy rag. "I can do that myself, you know." Lyra just laughed at that statement, then leaned up to put her mouth near his cheek.

"It wouldn't be as fun." Cross could barely process those words, his mind was too busy buzzing from the fact that her chest was pressed against him. Almost instinctively he ran a hand down her back, curling it under the cheeks of her rump lightly. Before he could even think about what he was doing his mind was shocked into silence as her lips pressed against his. She was kissing him! For a moment he wasn't sure what to do, then he just let himself respond naturally.

He pressed into the kiss with a loud purr, pulling her up against him with the paw on her rear. Her lower region was warm against his scaled hips, very warm. Little shivers raced up his spine at this new experience, the new sensations running through his body. His lips felt hot from this new use, and his body responded with the signs of arousal. When her head finally pulled away from his, her hips ground against him, and the black and white striped spear that was sliding from his sheath.

"I see someone is getting excited." Lyra cooed at him, and he blushed a royal red in response. That was a mild way of putting it. His mind felt like it was going to explode, and his body wanted to do the same. They both almost did when a silken paw coiled around his length. That light touch made his heart race, and when she squeezed him his hips reflexively bucked against her. The vixen smiled at this response, then gave him a light kiss on the lips before going down on her knees.

"Lets make sure this thing is nice and clear, shall we?" Lyra looked up at him and smiled when she said that to him. He knew what to expect when she went down like that, but knowing didn't prepare him for feeling it. Her lips were warm and soft around the slender tip of his dragonhood, and as she slid him into her mouth it was all he could do not to collapse. He had to use his hands brace himself against the wall behind her to keep from falling as her tongue brushed against the sensitive head. The pleasure coursing through his hips was making all his muscles feel weak, but that didn't keep his hips from pushing towards her.

Cross wanted more of this feeling, need more, and Lyra gave it to him. She pulled him into her mouth till the ridge at the center of his length was against her nose before starting to gently suck on him. Cross whined happily and reached down to stroke between her ears, moaning up into the spray of water as her tongue lashed against the underside of his shaft. He could feel his hips tensing up under her expert attention, she was guiding him smoothly towards his finish.

The soft padded hand that curled up under his hanging orbs sped that up. The caress of those soft fingers, and the occasional gentle squeeze, made the tough dragon whine in delight. He could feel precum oozing from the tip of his length. When he felt her starting to take even more into him his muscles tensed up, breath catching in his chest for a moment as he felt her swallowing on the tip of his length.

"Lyra.. Almost there...." He cooed weakly in delight as she bobbed her head on him. His mind was buzzing, and his body was burning with a heavenly flame. He closed his eyes and moaned at the ceiling as she pulled her head back to lavish the tip of his length with her tongue. That was all his body could take. He came hard in her mouth sending hot jets of his seed into her mouth, some of it leaking out of her mouth despite her best attempts to swallow it all. His weary body gave her everything it had, and she took in every drop of it. It was all Cross could do to stay on his feet as Lyra milked out every last drop, and it was only then that she relinquished her grip on him.

"You know, you actually taste good." That was the only comment Lyra made at that point as she stepped out of the shower to dry her self off.