Dear Brother: Drama

Story by Freddy Line on SoFurry

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#1 of Dear Brother

Taking a break from the rock band series after this little idea popped into my head and wouldn't go away. I don't know how far the relationship between the twins will go in the future; but for now, it's purely just brotherly love between them, nothing else.

The night air was surprisingly cool for the beginning of June; especially since it had been so warm throughout the whole day. It didn't matter to the feline sitting on the back porch of his family's home; he just knew it was perfect for a relaxing evening after a special day.

Vincent and his twin brother, Calvin, had just graduated from high school on that day, and both of them were thrilled in their own way to have finally finished and continue on for better times at college. Vincent celebrated by breaking in a new set of brushes and paints that his parents had given to him as a graduation present. Calvin had decided to spend some time with his girlfriend, and had mentioned something about a party that another friend was hosting. Their parents had no qualms about letting him go. They always had been quite lenient to what they did with their social lives; but that was partially because they knew they could trust either one of their sons not to do anything stupid.

It had been almost four hours since Calvin had left, but Vincent hadn't even noticed it had been that long. He had been too engrossed in his painting to even think of things such as time, though he would have if there hadn't been a decent amount of lighting around the back porch.

His creation was nearing completion; a scene of a grand auditorium all decorated for a celebration of some sort. In the foreground were two pairs of black caps and gowns lying on the floor, the tassels in a bit of a tangle, as if discarded to never be seen again. In the background was a doorway opened wide with the silhouettes of what appeared to be two young men, walking away proudly with an arm around each of their shoulders, ready to take on the world together.

After adding the finishing touches, he sat back in his chair with a bright smile on his muzzle, feeling almost as proud as when he received his diploma. He couldn't have been happier at that moment, and the beautiful night just made it even better.

Suddenly a loud slam at the front door that made the house shake made him jump out of his seat and nearly crash into the still drying paint. He steadied himself with a deep breath and turned around just in time to see through the porches glass door as his twin stormed up the stairs, their mother soon at the foot of them calling up to him but unsure of whether or not to follow him.

With an equal amount of concern as his mother, Vincent set the brushes down and hurried inside; passing his mother and bounding up the stairs.

Calvin and Vincent's rooms were on opposite sides of each other at the end of the hall. The door to the right, Calvin's, was closed with light peaking through the bottom, but not a sound could be heard.

Vincent gave a light knock on the door as he called out, "Calvin? You okay?" No one answered. Tentatively he placed a hand on the knob and gave it a slight turn. He felt a little relief to know that it was unlocked, so he pushed the door open.

On the other side of the room he could see his twin sitting on the window sill, with the window wide open and the cool night air flowing through in a gentle stream. Calvin faced away from his twin, an obvious sign that he was in a very foul mood if he did not wish to acknowledge anybodies presence. Vincent took a deep breath and continued forward, stopping in front of the window next to Calvin and leaning on the sill; not feeling brave enough to actually sit on the sill itself.

A moment of silence passed between the Siamese feline twins; then Vincent finally spoke up.

"Sure is a nice night tonight, isn't it?"

"... It was," Calvin answered gloomily, not turning away from the window.

Vincent was unsure of whether or not to ask the next question; fearing his brother's stubborn attitude would get in the way of letting him help.

"Did... something happen?" It was quite blunt of him, just coming right out and asking, but he knew better than to try and dance around the subject; especially when his brother looked this upset.

Calvin said nothing for a moment; then heaved a great sigh and finally looked over at his twin, his emerald eyes gleaming with a look of sadness and anger. "Heather isn't the girl I thought she was."

"I'm not sure I know what you mean," Vincent said as he looked back with concern in his sapphire eyes.

"I mean she's a cheating bitch. A god damn, filthy whore," Calvin spat as his gaze shot back out the window. "After I had taken her out to dinner, we went to Jason's party. I figured we'd hang out around there for a while, then go off and walk to our favorite spot in the park... around this time in fact. We had split up about an hour and a half into the party; she went with some of her friends and I went with mine, and I thought nothing of it. An hour or so later I decided to try and find her and see if she wanted to go, but I couldn't find her anywhere on the main floor.

"Eventually someone told me that she had gone upstairs. I was worried that she wasn't feeling good or something so I hurried up there to check on her. But then I walk into one of the rooms to not only find her perfectly healthy, but also fucking some idiot from the football team.

"I completely lost my cool about it, but she didn't even bat an eyelash. She just looked at me like I was the idiot and said 'What? It's just a little fun, not like I'm gonna marry him or anything!' I couldn't believe she could say that so nonchalantly after I practically poured my heart out to her only a week ago! So I just said 'You may as well, 'cause we're through!' I didn't even check to see if she cared, I just stormed out and came back home."

The bitterness in Calvin's voice had really thickened by the end of his story, and Vincent could only listen and feel somewhat afraid of his poisonous words as well as sympathetic for his brother.

Calvin's ear twitched slightly, continuing with his bitter rant, "For all I know she could have been screwing other guys left and right for the past two years we've been together... and I never even knew it!" His tail was starting to puff out now; he was seething with anger that was for sure.

Vincent looked blankly out the window as well, unsure of what to say other than, "I'm sorry Cal!"

"Don't be Vince, it's not like you were the one that betrayed me!"

"It's not just that, I just wish I knew how to help you with this."

Calvin sighed and looked back at his brother, this time his eyes seeming a little calmer. "You are, you're helping me vent. You're a lot more helpful than you give yourself credit for."

Vincent blushed a bit, "Thanks, but I still wish I knew how to relate in this sort of thing you know? That way I'd know what to say."

Calvin just scoffed at him and ruffled his brother's hair. Vincent ducked away and looked back at his twin quizzically and saw that a small smile had suddenly replaced the frown from before.

"Like I said Vince, you're way more helpful than you think you are. I can tell you anything; and whether you know what to say or not, I always end up feeling at least a little better for having just told you. Unlike some people, I know you'll actually listen and give a shit about what I'm saying. Must be a twin thing," he added with a chuckle.

Vincent smiled back and chuckled with him, "Always glad to help!"

"I know you are!"

Both of their ears perked up as they heard the faint call of the door-bell, an equal amount of confusion spread across their faces. Who could be at their doorstep at this time of night?

They both headed out of Calvin's room and into Vincent's, knowing that they would be able to see the late night visitor from his window. Vincent gave a sharp gasp and Calvin gave a resounding "You're kidding me" as they spotted the fur in question; it was Heather.

"God, I can't believe she came here," exclaimed Calvin, his anger returning. "Doesn't matter 'cause I'm not talking to that slut!"

"Wait Cal," said Vincent, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder. "She obviously must feel bad about what happened, maybe you should talk to her."

"Fat chance! She can go choke on a dick for all I care!"

"Come on Cal, I know I may not have a lot of experience in this... but since she came all the way out here don't you think you should at least listen to what she has to say?"

It was obvious that his brother was straining over the decision, heavily bent on not going down there at all. Finally his shoulders relaxed and he sighed heavily, "You're right... I probably should try to hear her out, but I doubt it'll end well." He moved away from the window, and Vincent watched as his brother solemnly walked out of his room and down the hall; hoping that things would go well... somehow.


Calvin could hear his mother at the front door, no doubt trying to question Heather about her sudden appearance. As Calvin reached the foot of the stairs two pairs of eyes turned his way: one being his mother's with a questioning look; and the other pair being Heather's, which seemed to look somewhat guilty and puffy, like she had been crying only a moment ago.

"Oh good, you're here," his mother said in a slightly anxious voice. She obviously knew there must have been something wrong, but thankfully she didn't ask either one of them about it. "I guess I'll just leave you two alone then."

As his mother walked off, Calvin took some hesitant steps toward Heather as he stepped outside with her, shutting the door behind them. His hands were deep in his pockets, clenched into fists as he tried to keep his anger at bay; but the accusing glare he shot at her hid nothing about what he felt about her. The golden retriever girl fidgeted and turned her head away at the glare, seeming to be hushed by his cruel look alone.

A few moments passed where neither one said a word; an awkward silence filling the space between them and making the cool night air seem more harsh than soothing.

"If you've got something to say then say it! The night's been disappointing enough as it is," Calvin finally said in a harsh tone.

Heather looked at him with an apologetic look and straightened herself up, clearing her throat before giving a hesitant start. "... Calvin, I'm so sorry!"

"Sure you are," he scoffed.

"No really... I feel terrible about what I said!"

"Sure didn't seem that way when you had that guy balls deep in your cunt!"

"Please Calvin just listen," she pleaded, her eyes starting to well up. "I know you wanted our relationship to get more serious, and after I heard that I felt that I should try to live up to it. But I got caught up in the moment at the party and when that guy came on to me I just thought that I could go with just one more fling and that would be it-"

"One more fling?!" His voice had grown in volume by that point, he was close to yelling. "You mean you've been fucking other guys behind my back," he stepped threateningly towards her and pointed a finger at her like a blade, "For the past two YEARS?!"

She yelped a little as she stepped away, "None of those guys meant anything to me!"

"If that were true then you would have kept your legs closed!" There was no hiding his anger now and his furious voice just grew louder. "I stayed faithful this whole time, literally not even looking at another woman like I did at you; and you were off sleeping with every other guy who's dick size was bigger than their I.Q. score!"

"I know, I know, and I... I'm so sorry," she said pitifully as she started to sob. She sniffed and rubbed the tears out of her eyes as she tried to continue. "But I swear it will just be us-"

"There is no more us! Not after you violated my trust like this for two years. It would take way more than you've got to offer to get it back." His eye's stayed fixed on her the whole time; unblinking as if to keep a steady stream of fury flowing toward her. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got better things to do than to waste my time with sluts!"

That was the final blow, and the last thing he saw before storming back into the house and slamming the door on Heather was her tear stained face with a look of shock and pain.

Calvin's breath was heavy, like he had just run a marathon, but it was all he could do to keep himself from breaking down.

He was about to bolt up the stairs once more until he noticed movement through the glass door to the back porch and saw that his twin was out there. He stood in front of one of his easels, upon which sat what appeared to be a new piece. Trying to calm himself he walked toward the back door and back out to the cool night air.

Vincent turned as he heard the door slide open, not saying a word as he watched his brother slowly make his way next to him in front of the new piece that he had created.

"Looks very nice," Calvin remarked after a few seconds of admiring his twin's work.

"Thanks," Vincent responded quietly. "It'll still be a little while before it's completely dry... thank goodness the bugs aren't out tonight."

Minutes seemed to go by as they stood out there, silently staring into Vincent's painting with mixed emotions flowing between them. Suddenly a chuckle broke out of Calvin, almost cynical in nature as he rubbed his forehead with his palm.

"This is just so cliché; breaking up with my cheating girlfriend on what would be considered one of our most successful days so far. And then I had to bring the drama home to you too... I'm sorry Vince."

Vincent wrapped an arm snuggly around his brother's shoulders, "Don't be Cal, it's not like you planned for this to happen."

Calvin lowered his hand and focused his eyes back on the painting, his voice growing more somber. "I really shouldn't be getting you mixed up in my problems so much... you must get sick of hearing all the drama."

Vincent just simply shook his head, "No, you need someone to talk to about these things, and I'm glad to be the one you open up to. It's like you said earlier, I really do care about you."

Calvin couldn't hold back any longer, and little by little tears started to trickle down his cheeks. Vincent turned toward his brother to embrace him, letting Calvin's head rest upon his shoulder. Calvin accepted the embrace and returned it, his toned arms tightening around his brother as he sobbed into his shoulder, finally able to let everything go.

Vincent just held his brother tight, a single tear crossing his own cheek as he listened to his brother weep. He didn't know how long this would go on, but he was sure to stay with him until the end... even if they were there until sunrise.

Piano Keys and Heart Strings

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