Bite the Bullet 3

Story by VioletFauxpaw on SoFurry

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#3 of Bite the Bullet

Due to demand, I've decided to continue writing Bite the Bullet. Who would have thought my first Furry story would have turned out so nicely?

You all know the warnings and I don't feel like typing them again... blah.... Oh, and excuse whatever typos there may be. Thanks.

Bite the Bullet 3

"Happy Birthday, Kevin!" Kevin jumped back onto Roger, who stood behind him, laughing. "Kevin! Happy birthday!" Karen yelled again, the young rabbit wearing a birthday hat and shoving a present in Kevin's face.

"You guys..." Kevin looked at the two females in the room. Terri had invited Kevin and Roger to her apartment for dinner, this dinner apparently a surprise birthday party. Kevin thought he had been sly about his birthday, never telling anyone. "How did you find out?"

"I was home when your mother called, wishing you Happy Birthday." Roger said as he put a paw on the taller male's shoulder. "And so I called up Terri and Karen and, well... set this whole thing up." Roger grinned dumbly at Kevin, who now stood in front of him with his paws on his hips.

"Yeah, Kevin! What's the big deal hiding your birthday from us anyway, huh?!" Terri popped in, her arms crossed across her chest.

"I wasn't hiding it. I just wasn't saying anything." Kevin smiled innocently at the skunk.

It had been a couple of months since Roger had been shot. It was quickly approaching Winter now, and both Roger and Kevin had long since been healed of their wounds. Things had changed with the seasons. Kevin had since moved in with Roger, choosing to abandon his smaller apartment in favor of Roger's. Also, Kevin enrolled in college again, joining Terri before and after work in classes. He had taken Roger up on his offer to pay for his tuition, and worked hard so that he could perhaps lower the bill. Kevin had simply said he was moving in with a friend when he gave his parents his new number. They never asked anything else.

"Blow out the candles!" Karen shook Kevin's shoulders after they finished singing the birthday song.

"Alright, geez!" Kevin sighed as he leaned in close. Looking close and thinking hard, Kevin could only think of one thing that he could wish for. "Taking a deep breath, Kevin blew hard, knocking out every candle except for one. Again he blew, and it would simmer close to death but would then come back in full flame. He blew a couple more times before raising an eyebrow and looking over his shoulder. "What the hell?"

"It's a trick!" Karen laughed to herself, wrapping her arms around Kevin neck. "I couldn't resist..." Karen then took to fingers to her mouth and licked the ends. With them she snuffed out the flame and then got up from Kevin's shoulders.

"Funny..." Kevin snickered, hoping the lone candle wouldn't ruin his wish.

"I'll get a knife." Terri said as she walked to her kitchen.

"What did you wish for?" Roger looked at Kevin as he sat next to Kevin. "Or did you forget?" Roger then stuck a finger on the side of the cake, running it along as he dug out frosting.

"I wished that, well... use your imagination."

"Umm..." Roger sucked the white sugar off his finger and then looked into Kevin's eyes as he licked his lips. "Well?"

"It's so typical it hurts..."

"Oh, I think I know. How sweet..." Roger cooed as he leaned in closer to Kevin.

"Please!" Kevin put a paw in Roger's face, pushing him back. "What the hell were YOU thinking?"

Karen danced around the table, holding in her paws the same present she had thrown in Kevin's face when he had arrived. She softly dropped it in the feline's lap and then moved up behind Roger. Terri came back in with a knife as well as a couple of plates. Kevin inspected the box, shaking it before he slowly began to open it.

"Open it! God, you're just like my mother!" Karen moved from behind Roger and next to Kevin, taking the box and tearing it open. "There, now finish it."

"What if I wanted to save the paper?"

"Yes, mom. I've heard all that before, kiddo." Karen dropped her bubbly persona for a moment.

Kevin ignored the name and tore the rest of the paper off. Inside was something he had been wanting for a while now, and had no idea how Karen knew what to get. In his paws he held a small box of neatly piled baseball cards. Each one was signed by the guy on the card, and there was no telling how much it was worth.

"Karen, holy shit..." Kevin opened the box and carefully took out card after card, his maw open in amazement. "How in the world did you get this? And how did you know!?"

"I have this almost eerie ability at knowing what gifts to give... And I happened to have some connections, so I got my paws on those easy." Karen basked slightly in the glory. She looked down at the cougar, who was still marveled by the gift. Letting go of her ego, Karen opened her arms and wrapped them around the sitting cat. "Happy Birthday."

"Thanks." Kevin hugged her back this time. She was a crazy rabbit, but she was nice. It was a good thing he started hanging out with her after the accident.

"Well, there's one more from me... but I dunno if I should give it to you." Terri frowned, knowing her gift would not be able to compete.

"Oh, Terri..." Kevin reached for the last gift, a small purple bag with the same colored tissue paper. Inside he found a small picture inside of a silver frame. It was a picture of him and Terri with their arms around each other while at an amusement park a year ago. "Terri, this is great." Kevin held out his arms and Terri moved in-between them. "You're such a good friend."

"Happy B-day, Kev." Terri said once they pulled apart.

"And what about you?" Kevin then looked over at Roger, his maw curled in a smile.

"I got you a couple of things, but they are all at home." Roger snickered at Kevin's forwardness.

"Oh, I see."

The party moved on from that point, the group settling down for dinner once the gifts had been moved. Terri cooked a simple, yet delicious, macaroni casserole and served it along side the cake. The group sat around the table and chatted. Karen most of the talking, discussing events that happened at her office. Karen, believe it or not, was a lawyer. It had always amazed Kevin that someone so bright such as her could be a lawyer. He knew, though, that she had a serious side. Once that serious side came out she could be just as hard as anyone else.

Karen talked about how she had a case recently that dealt with the bear that had tried to rob Ted's back when they all met. She said how it was discovered that he had robbed several other restaurants and even banks in other cities and had never been caught. As well as the robberies, he had also killed a few hookers. She said how when they convicted him, he just watched like he were not afraid. Luckily she was on the side against his, and needless to say she won. He was sentenced to life. Maybe not the cheeriest of birthday conversations, but it was a subject they all wondered about.

After another hour of conversing over dinner, the group moved out to Terri's balcony. The skunks' apartment, though modest, had it's lavish touches. A balcony standing stories over the street below was just one of those touches. They all sat in their own chair as they looked over the lights of the city. Not much was said between them, and only when Karen stood up to take her leave did they start talking.

"You know... it might sound odd, but..." Karen stood up and leaned over the balcony's fence. "I'm kind of happy all that stuff at the restaurant happened." She then turned and smiled at the rest of the group. "If it hadn't... I'd just be sitting at home watching reruns of 'Golden Furrs'!"

The group just chuckled to themselves. Kevin, sighing as he stood up, walked up to Karen and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She looked over at him and as they looked at each other they smiled.

"I wouldn't wanna have it any other way."

"Glad to hear it." Karen said as her ears stood upright. "But now I am afraid I have to leave. Got an early day tomorrow." She then hugged Kevin tight before hugging Terri and Roger. "Oh no..." Karen spoke up as she saw Terri getting up to show her to the door. "...You stay here, I'll show myself out."

"Alright, see you later." Terri said as she sat back down.

Kevin waved a paw to the departing rabbit, and then turned around to gaze over the balcony once he heard the door close. Casually he looked down, seeing random furrs walking the streets. He watched as a couple walked hand in hand, as well as some guy in a big coat got out of his car and walked towards the apartment building.

Without a sound, Roger got up and moved in next to the standing feline. "You know..." Roger said, grabbing Kevin attention. "She's right. If that had not happened, there's no telling what I'd be doing right now."

"Oh, I know what you'd be doing." Kevin wasted no time in talking back, looking over at the cop with a raised eyebrow.

"Ok, maybe I know what I'd be doing..." Terri stood up and excused herself to go get a drink as Roger spoke. She knew where things were going, and it would only be awkward if she stayed. "But I also know I would rather be doing this..." Roger said as he leaned in, his lips now inches away from Kevin's.

After another hour Roger and Kevin stood from their balcony seats and stretched. With yawns escaping both of their maws, it was apparent that they wanted to leave for the night. Terri took the hint and stood up as well, grabbing her empty glass and taking it in to the kitchen.

"This was great, Terri. Thanks so much for doing all this!" Kevin yelled to the skunk as he and Roger got their jackets from a rack next to the door.

"My pleasure, Kevin. What else are friends for?" Terri walked out of the kitchen and up to the two males. "I'll walk you to the front of the building."

"You don't have to..." Kevin said, knowing they could find their own way out of the building.

"I want to walk around a little..." Terri slipped on two sandals that were by the door. "It's no trouble."

The three walked out of the apartment, Terri closing the door shut but not locking it. At the hour it was, the halls of the building's interior were rather dark. If it were not for a single light every couple of feet, the hallways would have been completely dark. There were a few spaces here and there that were full on shadows, but besides them the halls were not that frightening. The elevators in the building were currently shut down, so they had to take the stairs. The stairs had it's share of dark corners as well, but the stairs themselves were well lighted.

When they reached the bottom, and walked down the long hallway to the entrance, Roger wrapped a protective arm around Kevin's shoulders as they walked to the car. Terri stayed on the building's stoop and watched them get in and drive off. Once they turned a corner and were out of sight, Terri then began to make her way back. She opened the door, which was pretty much there for anyone to enter, not just boarders. She walked slowly down the main hallway, shuddering to herself as she noticed how desolate the whole place felt at night. With a quick glance at her watch, she noticed it was almost thirty minutes after midnight. That explained why everyone was asleep.

Once she reached the steps, Terri took a deep breath before starting her climb. Her room was four stories up, so she had a few steps to take in order to reach her level. As she reached the first midway platform, she looked nonchalantly at a stuffed trash can placed in a darkened corner. As she was about to pass it, she stopped. For some reason she thought she had seen something. She turned back around after a few seconds of debating, and looked closer at the can. She could see something sticking out of it. She looked around her to make sure no one would see, and then pulled the lid up and looked at what was inside.

She was speechless at first. She looked down at a white purse with nothing wrong with it at all. And then it hit her. She thought back to the party, and remembered that Karen had a white purse with her. Slowly, Terri picked the white, leather-like purse out of the trash and looked it over. "Why the hell would she..." Terri spoke to herself as she opened the zipper and looked inside. Everything was there. Her wallet, her cell phone, tampons, everything. Like a punch in the stomach, Terri felt a quick surge of panic wash over her. Karen had not simply tossed out her bag, but someone tossed it out for her. There was no way someone would throw away their wallet and phone.

Thinking quickly, Terri thought of what she could do. She considered running back down to the street to get Roger and Kevin, but remembered they had already left. "I'll call them!" Terri then yelled inside of herself as she began to sprint up the stairs. In a matter of seconds she made it to her apartment door and once she was inside she bolted the door shut. "This just can't be good..." Terri now spoke to no one as she walked towards the kitchen to use the phone in there. She would call Kevin's cell phone, they would turn around and get there in minutes. They could not have gotten too far.

The phone in her kitchen was hanging up on the wall. With one swift grab Terri yanked the receiver off the base and began to punch in numbers. Then, she heard it. Something somewhere in her apartment shifted. Before she finished dialing in the last four numbers Terri inched her way out of the kitchen, stopping only to grab the knife from Kevin's birthday cake, which had been moved next to the sink. Suddenly the phone beeped, turning off after not having a number put into it after a certain time. "Shit!" Terri cursed, turning it back on talk and dialing again as fast as she could. She finished punching in the numbers and placed the phone up to her ear, listening to the ringing of the phone as it called. It rang twice before going to Kevin's voice mail. Obviously turned off, Terri could only curse as she tried someone else.

"Roger..." She muttered, staying still as she turned the phone back on and began to dial his number. As the phone rang again, Terri was pleased to hear it keep ringing. He had his phone on, and all she could hope for was that it wasn't on silent. She backed herself against a wall as the phone continued to ring, her eyes on heavy watch as she looked all over for whatever had made that sound. Finally the phone stopped ringing, Roger's voice mail then playing. Terri ran the back of her head into the wall as she listened to the cop's recorded voice talk happily back to her. "Not here right now, leave a message, and I will get back soon." She could only hope so.

"Roger please... I was just walking back to my room when... shit!" Terri yelled as she thought she heard something shuffle in a dark corner of her apartment. "Um... I was walking back to my room when I found Karen's purse in the trash... everything was in it... and now someone's in my..." The recording beeped off, Terri turning the phone off with a shaky "shit." She had to do something, she couldn't just wait to get attacked by whoever had gotten Karen. Quickly Terri dashed for the front door, the knife in one paw, the phone in the other. She worked quickly at unlatching one lock and moving on to the last, but as she unlocked the door and began to turn the handle, she could hear something behind her. She knew she should just open the door and scream for her life, but instinct told her to look.

When she turned around she saw a figure, much taller and wider than her, standing inches away. "No!" She yelled, attempting to open the door. It opened a few inches but the figure behind her quickly shot his paw out, slamming the door back. She pulled at the handle, a feeble attempt to get free, and only stopped as she felt his other paw grab at her ponytail. He pulled back on her hair hard, dragging her away from the door and then throwing her to the floor. With a loud thump Terri hit the carpeted floor, but she did not stay down for long before bouncing back up and running away.

Quickly the skunk ran down to the back of her apartment, shutting herself inside of her bathroom. The door had a small lock on the handle, but she was no idiot. She knew he would be able to break through it in seconds. She moved to the corner of the bathroom, sitting down next to the toilet in a heavy panic. The phone and knife were still in her paws, and that's when it hit her. "911! You stupid bitch!" Terri then turned the phone on and dialed the three numbers, but before she could get a single ring the line went dead. "What!" She was practically hysterical, banging a finger against the on button several times. The base, she the remembered. The only way was for him to have disconnected it, or destroyed it. The phone now useless, she could only hold on to it as a back up weapon if the knife failed.

She listened as heavy footsteps made their way closer and closer to the door. Lightly he tested the doorknob, playing like he didn't think it were locked. Terri was shaking so bad a doctor would think she were freezing. She had to do something, she couldn't just give up and wait to get caught. Once she heard the first slam against the door, she jumped up and moved over to the side of the door where it wouldn't swing open. She waited their, her back against the wall and the knife ready to slice. He had to slam the door a few times, more than she had expected, in order to get the door open. When he did, however, the door didn't just swing open, it flew. Falling down against the tile floor, Terri could only feel sweat form under her forehead furr as she could only imagine how things would turn out.

Holding her breath, Terri watched as he entered the dark bathroom, the only light coming from the hall outside. He stayed at the doorway, looking every which way as he tried to see through the darkness. She watched his head turn to the side of the doorway she wasn't on, but then he shot an arm out and grabbed her by the arm. Luckily he grabbed the arm that didn't have to knife at the end, so once his thick fingers crushed at her arm she swung the blade at his forearm. He let go, groaning in pain and giving her a chance to attack again. This time she used her phone, slamming it forward and demolishing it in his face. He stumbled back in the pain and fell against the tiled floor, dazed and possibly somewhat unconscious.

Using her chance, Terri ran out of the bathroom and back towards the door. She wrapped her paws around the door handle and pulled, but nothing. She pulled with all her weight but the door wouldn't judge. She fiddled with the locks, but for some reason one was jammed. Had he been so strong that he was actually able to force the lock to stay locked? "No, dammit!" Letting out a heavy breath, Terri counted her remaining options. The only things she could do were bang on a wall and hope somebody would hear her, or... Turning her head she looked at the balcony, and knew that was her only hope.

She rushed towards the sliding glass doors and quickly opened them, closing and locking them behind her. She knew they would serve no good at blocking him, but every little bit had to help. She moved to the edge, looking over the guarding wall. She searched for anyone that might be on the streets, and could only hope that one be a police officer. No such luck, however. As she looked down she was only greeted by the sights of the dark cement. "Please! Someone, anyone! Help me!" Terri yelled as loud as she could. Nothing replied, and she could only yell more hoping someone would hear her.

A quick snap, and she turned around to see him standing at the sliding glass doors, opening them after breaking the lock rather effortlessly. "Help!" Terri continued to yell as she stood with the knife in front of her. He was not phased by the sight of the blade, but only laughed to himself as he stood out onto the balcony. For the first time she got a clear look at him. He was a bear, tall and thick, much like the bear that tried to rob the restaurant. "You're..." She gasped, her blade faltering as she was overwhelmed with shock.

He watched as the knife fell slightly, and then threw a paw out to knock it out of the skunk's grasps. She fumbled with the blade and then dropped it, looking up at him for a moment in fear before he wrapped both of his large paws around her throat. She choked back a yell for help as he raised her in the air. For a split second she thought he was going to throw her from the balcony. She knew she would not survive a fall like that, and could only close her eyes as she felt him throw her body. Instead of having a free fall to the earth below, she was surprised to find herself crashing through one of the sliding glass doors. She landed roughly on the ground, broken glass everywhere, and cuts all over her body. She did not bounce up as quickly as she had the first time, and could only walk away slowly as she watched him come closer. She felt tears run down her face as she looked at him. He lifted his arm and licked the blood from the cut she had made, his tongue looking almost unnaturally red as it lapped up the liquid.

Terri felt herself move up against a wall, and instead of moving away she just stayed. Giving up, she just watched as the towering bear came upon her. Her breaths were ragged with fear as she felt his paws begin to roam up the sides of her body. They roamed her curves and cupped her breasts, kneading them in victory. She just looked into his eyes, her vision getting cloudy as tears continued to flow from her. His paws came up to her face, one of his fingers rubbing away a tear as it was forming on her eyelash. "Please..." Terri pleaded, her lips curling up as she was about to sob. She never got the chance, for right after her word he pulled her head forward and slammed it hard against the wall, knocking her out.

Meanwhile, Roger and Kevin had just made it back to their apartment. The two took off their jackets, throwing them in a side closet. Roger watched Kevin walk, his eyes staying focused on his lower half most of all.

"So, where are my presents?" Kevin asked, snapping his tail as he caught Roger watching him.

"Well, one's in the closet here..." Roger said, reopening the jacket closet to fetch the gift. "One's in an envelope on the fridge... and the last one is in the bedroom."

"Oh, give it!" Kevin snagged the bow in Roger's paws, his claws shredding the wrapping paper in seconds. "This is cute..." Kevin smiled as he pulled out a small stuffed German Shepherd. It had a small little police hat and a little nightstick sewn to one of his paws.

"For when I'm not around. It's just a cute thing I saw somewhere."

"Think I might sleep with it tonight, if it won't make you jealous." Kevin teased, holding the toy to his chest and wagging his tail playfully. "Now, what's this envelope?" Kevin moved on, walking for the kitchen.

"It's kind of the main gift, but I guess you can open it next." Roger said as he followed close behind, his paws now in his pockets.

"Oh this?" Kevin pointed, looking back at Roger who nodded. "Cool." Kevin then took it off the fridge and used a claw to rip it open. "Aw, man!" Kevin stood on the tips of his toes at he looked at his gift.

"For when you get that winter vacation. I figured we could go..."

"Rock climbing! Roger, let's go now!" Kevin interrupted, fidgeting with excitement.

"So you like it?" Roger brought a paw out of his pocket to scratch at his chest.

"Like it? I'm a cat. I love climbing things!" Kevin moved up next to Roger, placing a fast, sloppy kiss on the cop's cheek. "I'm gonna be counting down the days..." Kevin the placed the tickets and everything back up on the fridge with a magnet. "Now... as for that last gift?"

"Yeah, you can pretty much guess what kind of gift it is..." Roger laughed as Kevin pulled him along.

"You have no idea how horny you just made me. Boy, we're going to town tonight!" Kevin spoke, pulling Roger into the bedroom and then locking the door. "Lay it on me."

"Alright, let me go get it." Roger walked to the closet, reaching in the back past his clothes that were hanging in the way. "Here we go."

"I wonder what it could be?" Kevin said as he took the box from Roger's paws. Kevin wasted no time, ripping the box open and getting at the prize inside. "Leather wrist restraints... Oh, Roger..."

"You said you've wondered about that kind of thing... so I thought." Roger walked closed to the cat, waiting for any sign of approval.

"You are so good at reading me. And... since it's my birthday, you're gonna let me test them on you, right?" Kevin wrapped his arms around Roger's neck, holding him close as the cop laughed.

Kevin tapped his lips against Roger's at first, looking in his eyes again before going back. Once their lips touched again Kevin opened his maw invitingly, Roger then following close behind. As they kissed, Kevin backed Roger up to the bed behind him. The second the back of Roger's legs touched the mattress, Kevin broke the kiss and pushed Roger's chest. The buff cop fell easily on the bed, his face is a twisted grin as he followed Kevin's advances. Kevin knelt down at the end of the bed, his eyes still locked with Roger's as he began to untie the dog's boots. With each one that he plopped off of the large canine feet, he threw it behind his head and then moved on. His paws gliding up the cop's legs, they moved teasingly slow over the ever-growing bulge in his pants before moving to the button.

Roger let out a quiet moan as he watched the cat. The paws that moved over his hotspot caused his heart to beat faster, pumping blood down to his dick as fast as it could. He closed his eyes and listened to the sounds his clothing made as the button popped open and the zipper ran down. Once they were done he looked back to Kevin, who now had his fingers moving along the jeans' waistline to the back. Roger lifted his body up, allowing Kevin to tug the pants down.

Once Kevin had Roger's pants laying limply in his arms, he folded them casually, wasting time as he watched to cop writhe on the bed. "Don't forget your phone is in here..." Kevin said as he patted one of the pockets. "Hate for you to wash it." Kevin stood up and walked the pants over to the dresser, placing the folded clothing down between a few pictures. When Kevin returned to his post, standing at the foot of the bed with the hunky cop spread open for inspection, he could only chuckle. Roger's legs were spread lazily, his feet dangling over the edge, while his bushy tail wagged happily between his thighs. His briefs, which normally clung tightly to his groin and upper thighs, were stretched as Roger had pitched a tent. If Kevin had paid attention, he would have noticed a slight peak of Roger's throbbing pink erection poking out from the undergarment's piss hole. He didn't notice however, or at least pretended not to.

Growing impatient, Roger shot up from the bed, grabbing Kevin by the arms and throwing him down on the bed. The horny cop slowly climbed on top of the cat as he laid on his back. Roger bent down to kiss his way up Kevin's clothed body. Kevin shuddered lightly at the other male's forcefulness. Kevin found himself spreading his legs, allowing Roger to bring his hips down and rest his hungry erection on Kevin's hidden one. As Roger licked at Kevin's neck, Kevin brought his clawed paws up to scratch softly at the other male's back fur.

Slipping his fingers under the dog's shirt, Kevin bunched up the shirt at Roger's shoulder blades. Roger moved up to take off the shirt, showing his muscled front to the flustered cat underneath him. Kevin's fingers, in need of more tactile stimuli, rubbed over the hairy, chiseled front of the cop. Once Roger had removed his shirt he stayed where he was, allowing the cat to explore. Kevin combed the tan and white fur with his claws, his maw dripping with want as he moved over every curve of muscle. Kevin looked down at the cop's cock, which had found its way through the piss hole of the underwear, and was now standing proud and free. Kevin wanted to touch it, slid his fingers over it and churn it as hard as he could, but he instead brought his paws up. His fingers ran circles around Roger's rock hard nipples, and then quickly he pinched them.

Roger was shocked at the sudden pain coming from his chest, and even more so by the swift movement of Kevin flipping him over onto his back. "Put your paws up to the headboard, you're getting tied up." Roger sighed as he obeyed Kevin. He tried to distract him, but apparently it had not worked. Kevin quickly bound the cop's wrists, and then tied the end to the headboard. Even though he was hesitant at first, Roger soon found his already heavy member growing heavier. The idea of being helpless and under someone else's mercy, a large figure of justice such as he, made him hornier than he though possible. His cock twitched, pleading for any touch of pity Kevin would give it. With the final knot in place and his paws now of no use, Roger spread his legs wide as he waited for the cat to attack.

Kevin watched as the thick piece of dog meat stood tall, dripping pre with every convulsion it made. Roger was heaving underneath him, his face fur darkened as he was flustered with lust. All of the muscles on his perfect body quivered for any touch that Kevin would give, but the cat would not be so kind. Kevin tried to enjoy the sight as a whole, looking at every aching inch of Roger's body, but his eyes always wound up back at his cock. That beautiful piece of male canine perfection. It stood proud and formidable, every vein and ridge taunting the cat, snickering to him like a bully in a playground. "You can't take me, I'm to big! I'd only rip you apart..." Kevin could hear the bully tease. So badly he wanted wrap his paw around its throat and squeeze as hard as he could. He wanted to show him just how much he could take.

"I'll show you!" Roger could see those words playing themselves in Kevin's eyes. He looked as the cat kept his eyes on his throbbing manhood. He wanted to whine, beg for him to at least lick it, but he kept his maw shut. Eventually Kevin hooked his fingers around the bottom of his shirt, taking off his first piece of clothing. Roger watched him undress, Kevin throwing the shirt to the floor as he stood up from the bed. He kicked off his shoes as he worked the button and zipper on his pants open. Roger licked his lips. In one swift motion Kevin pulled his pants and briefs down, leaving himself now fully exposed to the horny dog.

Kevin walked over to the dresser and got the lube from a drawer since he was up, bringing it over to the bed and tossing it next to Roger for the time being. Again he looked down at that cock. It was still teasing him, every flex it made was like a finger daring him to come closer. A bully. That's what it thought it was. It thought because it was so big, it could just have its way. If it said suck me, you'd suck it. If it said lift your tail, you'd lift it. Not only would you do those things, but you'd do them eagerly, because it was so big you wanted to get your chance while you could. A bully. A beautiful bully.

Fingers snatched hastily at the waistband of Roger's briefs, pulling them down quick. The dog's thick cock juggled back after being freed, while his balls were now able to hang heavy. Kevin crawled on the bed, staying on his knees over Roger as he looked him over again. A guy with such a bully cock as his was bound to be a bully himself. But look at him now! His wrists tied together behind his head. His legs spread apart willingly. His tail wagging with the excitement of being owned. This bully liked to be bullied, and this kitty liked to get even.

"Your cock's a real jerk, you know that?" Kevin said as he reached for the container of lube.

"What?" Roger groaned, not sure what he was hearing since he was on overdrive.

"Your cock? It's a jerk, a real bully." Kevin got the ends of his fingers covered in lube and then began to spread it over Roger's cock slowly.

"Ah!" Roger's tail curled and his legs shook as Kevin finally touched the swollen organ. "A bully?"

"Yeah, it's been teasing me ever since it came out." Kevin rubbed the lube all over the soft pink skin of Roger's cock.

"How so?" Roger edged Kevin on some more, smiling as he played into the cat's game.

"It said I couldn't take it. Where would it learn that kind of attitude?" Kevin put his fingers to his hole, fingering himself as he awaited an answer. "Surely not from you?"

"It's right, I don't think you can take it." Roger's cock was in agony, reacting well to the role play.

"So it was you who taught it to act like that, eh?" Kevin smiled as he removed his fingers from himself. He crawled on top of Roger, his tail whipping in the air as he settled himself on the cop's stomach. "I'll just have to prove myself, I guess..."

"Do it, I dare you..." Roger growled, baring his fangs to the cat that was doing so well at seducing him.

Without another word Kevin brought himself up and slammed his hole down on the waiting cock. Roger's eyes squinted as he looked up at the cat, still exposing his fangs as his growls were increased. Kevin eased his way up the thick meat of his lover as he watched Roger's face react. Roger was in complete bliss, his cock finally buried deep inside of Kevin. He kept the face of mock anger on himself, loving the way it caused Kevin to take control. To tell the truth, the whole bully thing was another major turn-on of his, Kevin having accidentally stumbled upon it just then. Little things like that reassured Roger in knowing that he had found the right guy.

Roger's daydreams of lifelong happiness were stopped as soon as he felt Kevin's ass clench at his cock. Roger groaned a growl as he threw his head back. The shear magnitude of his arousal meant that it would not take much to make him explode. His maw opened and his groaning growls reached an all time high as he felt Kevin's body message his dick in all the right ways. His knot had been out since they had started, and it had only swollen more as they went along. It was undoubtably the next step.

Kevin eased his down slowly, taking in every thick inch until he sat upon the knot. His eyes looked at Roger's, as if silently talking to the dog. "I dare you, double-dog..." Roger huffed. Kevin bit his bottom lip as he pretended to be afraid. His eyes looking down, and then back at Roger, Kevin did everything he could to look intimidated. Then he began to push himself down, the knot beginning to edge its way in. Kevin bit down on his lip harder as he closed his eyes. Roger couldn't watch, having to turn his head away from the sight that would have caused him to blow. With a satisfyingly wet 'pop' Kevin felt Roger's knot make it's way inside. With all of the cop inside of him now, he felt full to the level of blowing up.

Gently Kevin placed his paws over Roger's pecs as he leaned forward. Roger looked up at him from the corner of his eye, having to close it again as he felt Kevin lift himself up and then back down over his knot. Kevin whimpered suddenly, and that was all it took for Roger. As the cat came down again, gripping his ass around the massive knot, Roger let go and shot off deep into Kevin. Roger's paws gripped at their bindings as he basked in his climax. The heat of his finish washing over his whole body, numbing all of his senses, as he shot stream after stream out into his lover.

Kevin rolled his hips as he watched Roger have his orgasm. It was rather explosive. He could feel the force of his coming quite easily from inside of him. Obviously he turned him on more than he had first thought. Watching the cop melt in his finish made to cat yearn for his own. With a fast paw, Kevin began to pump at himself as he rode the remaining climax out of Roger. Quickly he worked himself, lifting himself up and down as the impaling of his ass helped to push him along. Roger opened his eyes as he watched Kevin go at himself, his maw opening slightly as he hoped to taste his seed. Kevin sat down on the knot again, and as soon as his prostate was hit he felt his end bubbling close. The warmness in his thighs started to emerge, followed by the slight sensation all over his body that caused his fur to stand up. Like a tidal wave, Kevin felt his orgasm crash into him. His cock screamed fiery seed, throwing it every which way, most of it landing on the tethered dog under him.

Roger felt the hot seed fall all over his body. Most of it landed on his chest and stomach, but the first blow landed right on the end of his nose. Bringing his tongue out to lick the hot liquid off his black, leathery tip, Roger moaned as he felt Kevin's muscles convulse around his cock. As Kevin's breathing calmed and his withering climax drained out of his system, Kevin simply pulled himself off of Roger's hard dick. Bending down, Kevin ignored the come all over the cop's fur as he put their bodies together for a kiss.

"You were so good to me tonight..." Kevin sighed out as he fell next to Roger on the bed, wet with come.

"I could say the same thing." Roger laughed as he looked up at his paws. "Untie me?"

"Oh right!" Kevin said, sitting up to let the cop go.

"Babe, remember that bully thing for later. For some reason that really got me going." Roger said as he sat up, rubbing the soreness out of his wrists.

"Really? I can honestly say I have no idea where it came from." The cat looked confused as he tried to find his reasons. "Whatever works, right? Hey, we should take a bath and get our fur clean."

"You go ahead, I'll wait till the morning." Roger ignored the fact that his chest fur was quickly growing matted with the drying come.

"That's bad. Alright, in case you're not awake when I get back, good night." Kevin kissed Roger again before getting up and walking to the door.

In a matter of seconds after Kevin closed the door behind him, Roger had fallen asleep. His sleep was so deep he did not even feel Kevin get back in bed. It wasn't until the morning that Roger's eyes opened again. He stretched the sleep out of his limbs as he looked to his side. Kevin was gone, most likely off to school. Roger had to get ready himself. Looking over at the clock, he noticed he only had thirty minutes to get ready before his shift. Pushing himself up and out of bed, Roger made his way to the bathroom to clean the dry come out of his fur. He hurried his shower along, getting out and drying himself off before returning to his room.

As Roger looked through his closet for a clean uniform, he had the sudden hint of a bad taste on his tongue. Smacking his lips, he had no idea would it could suddenly be. Morning breath perhaps. He would eat and brush his teeth after he got dressed, so the taste wouldn't be there much longer. Once he was fully dressed, and the laces on his boots were fastened, Roger walked off to make breakfast. Nothing fancy, just some toast with jelly. Roger was never much of a big breakfast eater, so a piece of toast was all he needed. He brushed his teeth after, and even though he could feel the minty paste doing its job, he still had that taste. There was no explanation he could find. It was bound to go away in time, though.

On his way out, keys in paw, Roger remembered his phone. Running back to the room, he got the phone out of his pants pocket and then made his way out of the apartment, locking the door behind him. As he made he way out of the building, he happened to look at his phone, seeing the voice mail message on the screen. Not thinking much of it, Roger flipped open his phone to see who it was that called. "Terri?" He said after seeing her number. "Wonder if I left something over at her place..." Roger said as he called his mailbox. He put the phone up to his ear as he walked down the halls, making his way to the garage.

"One unheard message is in your mailbox... first unheard message..." Roger rolled his paw in circles as a sign for the message to just start playing. "Roger please..."

The second Roger heard Terri's voice he stopped dead in his tracks. His face froze in a mix of horror and shock. A girl with a bad of groceries passed by, looking at him like she knew something was wrong. The second the recording cut off, Roger was hurrying to his car. When he got inside and put the key in the ignition, he dialed Kevin's number, but was upset to hear it go straight to his voice mail. "Damn, that's right... he's probably in class." Roger said as he dropped the phone on the passenger seat and bolted for Terri's apartment.

He found that his car could not possibly speed fast enough. Provided Terri's apartment wasn't anymore than a few short miles away, it felt like the ride took an hour. Once he got there, a park out in front, sloppily leaving his car halfway out in the street. He got out, slamming his door shut as he looked up at her balcony. All he could see was the bottom of it. Shaking his head, he made his way inside, sprinting up the stairs with long jumps. When he stood outside her door, first he tried the handle, then knocked when the door was locked.

"Terri!" Roger called out, hoping she was inside, hoping to God she was alright. "Terri!" As he yelled the second time, the apartment door next to hers opened, two elderly cats coming out.

"We heard some banging around in there last night, and some yelling... sounded like she was having a party..." The old female cat said, both of them walking closer to the dog as he stood still for a minute.

"Damn... Watch out!" Roger put a paw out, warning the two cats to stay back.

With a stiff leg and a heavy kick, Roger brought his foot up to the door, stomping on it hard. It didn't budge, and after a few more kicks it stayed just as shut as it was at the beginning. Giving up, Roger reached for his gun, taking the safety off as he pointed it towards the lock. The elderly cats had already backed away as they watched the cop bang at the door, and once they saw the gun they both let out a gasp. Roger popped a few shots off, easily breaking through both sets of locks. The door was easy to open from that point, Roger keep his gun up as he pushed the door. The second he looked inside he knew it wasn't good. He could see a glass door to the balcony was destroyed, glass laying all over the floor. "Call the cops." Roger said to the old cats before going any farther in. They scurried off quickly, entering their apartment and closing the door.

Roger made his way back to the bedroom area and stopped as soon as he saw the bathroom door knocked down, with blood on the floor and bits of a phone smashed up all over. He backed out of the room and checked the bedroom for anyone, but no one was there. She, and whoever attacked her, was gone. It also seemed that Karen was with them. Roger hadn't the faintest idea who it could be, but if he found out he would make sure to bring justice to him. Justice being in the form of two very angry fists.

Class had ended, and luckily for Kevin he would be able to head back home. Today was a rather easy day, having only one short class to attend and no work until tomorrow. He considered things to do once he got home, maybe make something good to eat for dinner, something Roger would like. Or maybe he would just watch movies all day until Roger got off work, then they could order a pizza. Kevin rode a bus to the apartments so that Roger could take his car to work. The bus went on a direct route from the college to his apartment building, so it was worth the fare.

Once Kevin got off and into the apartment building, he took the elevator to his level. He was excited to kick off his shoes and sit back. There was nothing he liked more than playing lazy. When he got to the door and fished out his keys from his pocket, he was surprised to find the door unlocked. Kevin walked in slowly, wondering why the door would be unlocked, but deciding that Roger had simply forgotten to lock it. He had done it before. So without thinking anything else Kevin walked inside, locking the door behind himself.

Kevin took his phone out of his school bag as he sat himself down on the living room couch. Turning it on, the phone showed no evidence of anyone having called. Feeling an itch in his throat, Kevin got back up to get a glass of something to drink. Finding a cup, Kevin looked in the fridge, easily deciding on milk. As he poured the liquid into the cup, his phone in the other room began to ring. His ears perked at the noise. Quickly he snapped the top back on the jug and hurried to answer his phone.

"Oh, it's Roger." Kevin said to himself as he picked up the phone, flipping it open and placing it to his ear. "Hey Roger."

"Kev... there's been an incident..." Kevin's face twisted in confusion as he heard Roger speak.

"What do you mean?" Kevin tried to stay calm, bringing the milk up to his lips for a drink.

"It's Terri. I think she's been kidnaped. And... Karen, too." Roger spoke solemnly.

"What!" Kevin nearly choked on the milk. He wasn't sure if he was comprehending what Roger had said correctly. "Kidnaped!"

"I'm at Terri's right now, the place is trashed. The cops just got here. Hey look, I'm coming to get ya, you at the apartment?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'll meet you downstairs." Kevin said back, hanging up after getting the 'ok' from Roger. "What the hell?" Kevin was stunned, staying in one spot for at least two minutes.

Shaking his head, Kevin put his phone back in his pocket as he started to go to the kitchen. He hurried up finishing the milk, standing over the sink as he tried to force it all down. As he was about to place the almost empty glass in the sink he heard something like a shoe hitting the kitchen floor from behind him. Without thinking much Kevin turned around, and when he was face to face with a bear the size of a mountain, his ears instantly dropped.

"You'd be the waiter, right?" The tall, heavy bear spoke, his voice deep and malevolent.

"Oh shit." Kevin gasped as he dropped the glass, letting it crash down on the kitchen floor.

As soon as the sound of the glass breaking echoed through the room the bear pushed forward. Some old karate classes jumped back in Kevin's memory as he watched the other male come for him. Suddenly Kevin brought a paw out to crush into the bear's nose. The giant brute grabbed at his nose with both paws, then looking down to see blood flowing from his nostrils. He looked down angrily at the cat, who began to run at the sight. Before Kevin could get very far he felt a hard grab at his tail, holding him back. With a yell of pain Kevin swung a paw around, claws flared, and scratched at the face of the bear. With his other paw the bear cupped the side of his face Kevin had mauled. "Fucker..." He huffed as he pulled back on the cat's tail. As Kevin lost his footing on the floor, tripping up a bit, the bear brought a fist to his face. The fist had to have been strong enough to crack through stone, so the force of the blow was more than enough to knock Kevin clear out.

The bear picked Kevin up and tossed him over his shoulder, walking out of the apartment and leaving the door unlocked. He knew he had to hurry and get out before the cop arrived, so once he was out of the room he made his way out of the building in seconds.

So, how was that? I hope you weren't expecting it to stay normal and cheery. I'd like to know if this was a good twist, so comments are greatly encouraged and welcomed. Chapter 4 will be coming soon, so the suspense will not last for long.
