Shadow 4

Story by solitaryjaguar on SoFurry

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#4 of shadow

Shadow 4

Shadow stretched as he rolled over in bed opening his eyes to see a room he didn't recognize. He sat up rubbing his eyes and looked around again. He thought back to the night before. "Oh no." he said as he placed his paws to his face as he remembered practically throwing himself on the stallion before kissing him. Ok, I remember the kiss and him binging me here. I remember us talking and laughing. I remember him telling me his name was Vincent. Oh no, did I really try to take his pants off. "I'm such an idiot." he said falling back onto the bed. He tried to think as his memory got a bit fuzzy after that point. He remembered the stallion putting him onto the bed and telling him he was drunk, and they would talk in the morning when he got sober. At least he has some sense. I can't believe I let this happen.

A knock came from the bedroom door followed by a deep rugged voice. "Everything alright in there?"

Shadow let out a sigh. "Yeah I'll be up in a minute."

The door opened and the Vincent came in with Shadows clothes fresh out of the dryer. "You'll be needing these." he said making his way to the bed.

Shadow looked over as he sat up. "Thanks... Wait why do you have my clothes?"

Vincent placed the clothes on the bed as he laughed. "Well you kind of took them off yourself so I figured I'd wash them for you."

Shadow reached for his pants as he slid his leg over the side of the bed. "Yeah about last night I hope I didn't do anything to offend you."

Vincent smiled as he checked out Shadow's package as it poked out from the sheet. "Oh not at all. I half expected it as drunk as you were."

"So why exactly didn't you take advantage of the situation?" Shadow asked noticing where Vincent was staring not bothering to cover it up.

Vincent looked up at Shadow's face. "Would you have?"

Shadow forced a grin as he tried to figure out the stallion. "Well no, but from what I can remember I was very eager."

"And I'm sure you'll be just as eager after we eat." Vincent said as he turned and moved to the door.

"Wait, why would you want me to stay." Shadow asked as Vincent stopped at the door.

"Well as your neighbor I know you don't go out partying all the time and I think last night was the first time I ever saw you come home drunk." Vincent replied. He smiled adding, "Besides I've seen how you are at work and with your friends, always there when someone need you. I guess that's the best reason for me not to have taken advantage of you, and to be attracted to you." He gave Shadow a wink before he walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

Shadow smiled as Vincent left. Wow how I managed not to screw this up is a miracle. he thought as he started getting dressed.

Shadow checked out all of the interesting things that Vincent had collected and placed on display throughout his house. Various antiques and artifacts from other countries were all neatly displayed in cases and on racks. He stopped in the living room to look through various pieces of jewelry made from stone and gems that were housed in a large display case.

Vincent walked up behind Shadow wearing the slacks and dress shirt of his normal attire and placed his hand on the feline's waist. "Food is ready."

Shadow jumped a little not having heard Vincent come over. "How do you walk so quietly?"

Vincent smiled. "I thought felines heard everything. Come on let's go eat."

Shadow followed Vincent into the kitchen and was shocked to see the table was perfectly set. The food was already neatly placed on the plates. The whole setting reminded Shadow a fancy restaurant.

Vincent pulled out the chair at the closest side of the table gesturing for Shadow to sit. "I hope you don't mind that I went ahead and served the food."

Shadow moved to the seat and sat down as he laughed. "No I don't mind but I think you went a bit overboard with the china and all."

Vincent sat down across from Shadow. "Well I wanted this to be special. Like a first date."

Shadow grinned suspiciously. "First date what about last night?"

Vincent smiled, "Well let's just forget last night and start from today shall we. Now I wasn't sure what breakfast foods you preferred so I made a little of everything."

He's hot, he cooks and he's classy, I really must be dreaming. Shadow thought as he smiled and they started to eat.

They chatted as they ate finding out that they had a lot of similar interests. They even went to the same gym. They also both enjoyed camping and Vincent mentioned a relative having a cabin in the mountains that he regularly uses when he needs to get away.

They started to cleanup the kitchen after they finished eating. As they did they would gently brush up against each other and smile back and forth.

Vincent reached up as he put the last of the dishes away as Shadow slid his arms around him. He squirmed a bit, "Careful that tickles." he said as he turned around draping his arms around Shadow's neck.

Shadow looked up at Vincent and smiled. "So are we a couple or..." Vincent interrupted him with a long and enthralling kiss that sent shivers though the feline's body. Shadow leaned into Vincent to keep from fall over as he melted with delight.

Vincent finally broke the kiss after several minutes raising his head back and letting out a sigh. "Wow that was better than I thought."

As Shadow recovered from that unexpected delight he grinned. "I know something even better." he replied as he slipped his paws up Vincent's shirt gently making his way up to tug at the stallions nipples.

Vincent unbuttoned his shirt as Shadow continued to work his nipples. After sliding off his shirt he grabbed Shadow around the waist and lifted the feline up before starting towards the bedroom. "Let go get a bit more comfortable."

Shadow laughed as Vincent kissed at his neck stopping only to let him pull off his shirt.

Vincent placed Shadow down on the bed and stood back up to undo his slacks to release his bulging rod.

Shadow placed a paw on Vincent's bulge remembering how big it was soft. "Wait...I've never bottomed before and... you know."

Vincent smiled and pressed Shadow's paw harder onto his bulge. "That's alright most guys can't take me so I usually bottom. Unless you want to? I can take it slow."

Shadow relaxed and finished undoing Vincent's pants, as he did the stallions rod popped out nearly hitting him in the face. "Holy shit I see why no one can take you!"

Vincent backed up and finished getting out of his pants. "Yeah well I've met a few that could take me all the way."

Shadow grabbed on to Vincent's rod as he moved back in front of him. He slid his paw up and down the shaft licking at the head from time to time until he got it fully hard. "Damn I can't even get my hand around all of It." he said raising it up. Shit it's twice as long as when it's soft too, how anyone can take that is amazing.

Victor looked down to see the nervous look on Shadow's face. He slid out of Shadows hand as he knelt down putting his hands on Shadow's legs. "Hey, I said it's alright. You don't have to bottom. Now let's get you out of those pants." he said as he reached up to undo Shadow's pants.

Shadow raised his legs to let Vincent side off his boots and pants. His rod was already hard from all the excitement. "Guess he wants attention" he laughed.

Vincent grabbed on to Shadow's rod aiming it towards him. "Not bad. What are you ten, eleven inches? Got some nice girth on you too." he said before sliding his mouth onto it.

Shadow smiled as he leaned back onto the bed. "Thanks. It's about eleven and a half and... Oh man that feels good." He laid all the way onto the bed as Vincent worked on deep throating him. He swished his tail around until he found Vincent rod wrapping it around and began stroking it.

After ten minutes of fun both were starting to ooze pre cum. Vincent stood up and started to climb onto the bed signaling Shadow to slide up further. As they repositioned themselves Vincent asked "Any particular position you want?"

Shadow smiled slyly. "Oh I'm sure we can get through a few of them, but hang on" Shadow slid off the bed and rummaged through his empty pants pocket.

"Looking for these?" Victor held up some condoms grinning. "I took them out of your pocket when I washed your pants."

Shadow smiled and climbed back onto the bed. He took one of the condoms from the stallion and began to open it and put it on, as Victor put the others on the nightstand.

They kissed a while longer before Vincent rolled Shadow on his back. He got some lube from the nightstand and began lubing up Shadow's rod. He used the excess lube on his hand to lube up his hole as he put the bottle on the stand.

Vincent straddled on top of Shadow and slid onto the feline's rod. He moaned as he lowered himself all the way down on Shadow's hot rod. He smiled down at Shadow. "This is going to be a great ride." he said as he leaned in and kissed Shadow as he began slowly sliding up and down the shaft.

They kissed and groped each other as they moaned from the ecstasy of each other. Their moans grew louder and their movement began to quicken as they became more and more aroused.

As the intensity grew Vincent sat back up throwing his head back letting out a moan. "Damn your good!" He stayed seated to gain some control over Shadow's thrusts.

Shadow was only slightly upset over loosing the advantage of trust control due to the massive tool he had to play with in front of him. He reached down with one paw to play with Vincent's huge balls as he stroked the shaft of the rod with the other.

After 25 minutes of pure ecstasy Shadow announced he was getting close. Vincent leaned back in and began kissing Shadow's neck allowing the feline to thrust at the pace he wanted

Shadow reached under Vincent's arm to grab on to the stallion's back, which let him thrust deeper into the hole. "Oh shit... OH Yeah...OH here it comes." he bellowed out digging into Vincent's back with the tips of his claws as his paws slid down the stallions back. He let out a loud roar filling the condom with multiple shots of his thick juice. He let his arms drop to the bed as he panted heavily.

Vincent didn't notice the pain from the scratches as he was close to edge after feeling the condom fill with hot cum. He sat up grabbing on to his rod with both hands and leaned back as he brought himself to over the edge. "You might want close your...eyes." He said letting out a whiney as cum dribbled out before shooting eleven massive shots out. Five shots hit the wall and head board as two caught Shadow chin, and the rest covered the feline's chest. Vincent relaxed as he looked down at Shadow. He laughed loudly seeing the mess that covered Shadows chest. "Well at least you'll be more fun to clean up than the wall."

Shadow slid his fingers in the hot cum on his chest before bringing them to his mouth and licking them clean giving Vincent a wink. "Best tasting juice I've ever had."

Vincent smiled as he began sliding off the Shadow's still sensitive rod, causing the feline to arch his back and moan with the last bit of pleasure. Vincent dismounted the feline and knelt on the bed beside him. He reached down and began sliding the condom off Shadow's rod, careful not to let too much cum escape. He tied a knot in the condom as he got off the bed and mad his way to the master bathroom. He returned with a towel and began to wipe most of the cum off of Shadow. "We're going to need to take a shower to get this all off." he said as he finished and moved to begin wiping off the wall.

Shadow sat up and slid to the edge of the bed. His mind still in a daze from the ecstasy of what just occurred. He looked over at Vincent and saw the blood that seeped out from the scratches on his back. "Oh damn, I'm sorry."

Vincent turned with a curious look on his face. "Sorry for what?" he said as he rested his butt onto his calves.

"I must have gotten a little carried away with my claws." Shadow replied moving to the stallion and touching his back.

Vincent pulled away as he felt a slight pain from Shadow's touch. He looked back at the mirror on the wall behind him and saw the scratches. "Oh I hadn't noticed. Well don't worry about it, it doesn't hurt."

Shadow sat back upset over injuring Vincent, even though it was just minor scratches.

Vincent turned and sat beside Shadow putting an arm around him. "Hey since the club is closed today why don't you let me take you out? I know this great place and we can catch a show afterwards."

Shadow looked over at Vincent. "That would be nice." he replied placing a paw onto the stallion's chest.

They kissed for a while before deciding to get cleaned up. They took their time in the shower, enjoying themselves as they washed each other. They soon became aroused again from all the fondling and shot their loads again onto the shower wall.

Vincent sat on the bed and watched Shadow dry off. "You're going to need a suit to wear for tonight."

Shadow moved to the bathroom doorway and looked at Vincent curiously. "Where are we going?" he asked as he leaned onto the doorframe.

Vincent leaned back placing his hands on the bed behind him and smiled. "Oh that's going to be a surprise."

Shadow smiled and moved towards the bed. "Well suits aren't exactly my style."

"I figured that so I set up an appointment with my tailor. He can do alterations in not time." Vincent said reaching out and taking Shadow's hand.

"Well I need to check on Nathan and Victor before we go. I'm sure their starting to worry about me." Shadow replied sitting onto Vincent's lap. He wrapped his arms around the stallion's neck and leaned in for another kiss.

After cuddling for a while they decided to get dressed and start their evening.

They made their way out the front door and over to Shadow's house not noticing the SUV with dark tinted windows that sat across the street.

Inside the SUV Mark, the fox from the club, sat in the drivers seat looking out at the two. "I don't know boss. Are you sure this is the one you're looking for?"

A cloud of cigar smoke billowed around the fox from the back seat followed by a menacing voice. "Yes you fool he is the one we want."

Mark tried to wave away the smoke as he coughed. "He's a brute I'll give you that but he doesn't seem to be awakened, and what about that stallion? He could be a problem."

More smoke blew into the front seat, "He still taps into traces of his gifts, and don't worry about the stallion I have the perfect plan for him."

Mark watched as the two disappeared into Shadow's house. "Yes sir." he said letting out a sigh.

The glow of a cigar moved to the mouth of a shadowed figure in the darkened back seat. The light of the cigar reflected in the eyes of the figure as he took a drag off of it. Soon you will be mine kitty. he thought as he laughed.

Shadow and Vincent entered the front door to find Victor sitting nude on the couch. Nathan soon emerged nude from the kitchen holding a bottle of chocolate syrup in one paw and strawberries in the other.

"Oh shit!" Nathan exclaimed dropping the syrup and strawberries as he covered himself.

Victor jolted to his feet turning towards Nathan to see what had happed revealing his stiff rod. He looked over to the front door following Nathan's gaze and began to laugh. "You almost gave me a heart attack Nathan." he said as he got his clothes from the arm of the couch and sat back down and started to put his shorts on.

Vincent smiled as he looked to Shadow. "Well it looks like they weren't all that worried about you."

Nathan kept himself covered with his paws as he moved to where his clothes lay on the floor quickly trying to get into them. "We were just...and we didn't think that you'd be home yet...and we..."

"Don't worry about it." Shadow said stepping forwards. "You guys met Vincent last night so I'll skip the introductions."

Victor stood up sliding his shorts the rest of the way on and moved around the couch to Nathan's side. "Yeah he introduced himself last night after you attacked him." he said pulling Nathan in front of him wrapping his arms around him to stop the tiger from fidgeting so much.

Shadow covered his face with his paw. "Yeah well I don't usually let myself get that drunk."

Nathan chuckled as he started to settle down saying, "Well if you hadn't you probably would have worked all night. I didn't think that you would ever loosen up at first."

Victor moved to start picking up the strawberries. "Yeah and James told us how shocked he was at how much you were drinking, but he let you because he wanted to see you have some fun for a change."

Nathan moved to lean against the back of the couch grinning. "And we didn't think you would mind getting prodded by this stud so we let you go home with him." he said gesturing to Vincent.

Vincent slid his arms around Shadow as he grinned. "Actually it was Shadow that did the prodding. I was just on top to keep him from going anywhere."

Shadow shook his head as he changed the subject. "Anyway, Vincent is taking me out tonight so the two of you can continue with your own prodding."

Victor chuckled as he moved back behind Nathan dripping a bit of the chocolate syrup onto the tiger's neck. "And since you dropped the strawberries all over the floor we'll just have to find another use for the syrup." he said before licking the syrup off of Nathan's neck.

After they had a good laugh they went their separate ways. Nathan and Victor headed upstairs with the syrup and Shadow and Vincent left to go to the tailors.

After picking out a suit and getting it fitted Shadow and Vincent waited for the alterations. Shadow thought Vincent must be a regular here to be able to get alterations done so quickly. Remembering all the antiques and artifacts from Vincent's house he said, "So you seem to be use to the classy stuff."

Vincent looked up from the newspaper he was reading. "Yeah my parents own a lot of businesses, so I grew up with these kinds of things."

Shadow sat down beside Vincent. "What about you? Did you get into buying businesses to?"

Vincent folded the paper closed and placed it on his lap. "No not exactly. Naturally father gave me part ownership of some of the companies, but I've never had much interest in it."

Shadow thought for a moment, "So you just collect a check for being part owner of the companies?"

Vincent laughed at how spoiled and lazy he seemed. "Yes, but I also run the museum. The one over by the university."

Shadow grinned realizing how his last question sounded. "Sorry I didn't mean to imply anything."

"Don't worry about it." Vincent replied looking up as the tailor approached.

The tailor came over and stood in front of Shadow. "Your suit is ready sir, would you mind coming back to make sure the alterations are proper."

Shadow stood and followed the tailor to the dressing area.

Vincent picked up the paper looking at the front page. A picture of a stallion shaking hands with a wolf under the headline, "Von Horn Enterprise to merge with the Hollander Corporation". Vincent frowned at the thought of his father merging his company with one that manufactures weapons.

Shadows was amazed that his suit fit perfectly. He couldn't stop admiring it as they drove through the classy area of the city.

As they parked in front of a restaurant and got out the young rabbit that approached gasped as his jaw dropped as Vincent walked around the car.

A deer walked over saying, "Please forgive Paul sir he is new."

Vincent chuckled handing his keys to the deer. "Don't worry about it I get that reaction a lot."

They were greeted by a hostess as they entered the restaurant. "Good evening Mr. Von Horn your table is ready." She guided them to their table at the back corner of the room and took their drink order.

Shadow was a little uncomfortable as he wasn't accustomed to the high class setting. He soon began to relax as Vincent grabbed onto his paw and held it.

They browsed through the menu before deciding on what they wanted and placed their order when the waitress brought their drinks.

Shadow was surprised that he was able to focus on the conversation without his normal habit of constantly scanning the room for trouble. He wasn't sure if it was Vincent's build or his gentleness, but for the first time Shadow was able to completely relax and not focus on his surroundings.

Shadow continued to compliment how good the meal was as they left the restaurant and waited for the valet to retrieve the car. He wondered if what they were going to see remembering Vincent saying something about a show. "So what movie are we going to?" he asked as the rabbit handed Vincent his keys.

"You'll see." Vincent replied as they moved to get into the car.

They drove for a few blocks before pulling up to an old opera house. Shadow looked curiously at the building as he got out of the car.

Vincent laughed as he reached to hold Shadow's hand. "Don't worry operas aren't all that bad. Besides 'Phantom of the Opera' is one of my favorites."

Shadow wasn't sure how much he would like the opera but at least he could make out with Vincent if he got bored.

They made their way in and Vincent was greeted by the staff that was clearly familiar with him. As they made their way up to Vincent's private box Shadow couldn't help noticing other patrons gawking at them. He began to worry that he was doing something wrong. He wondered if he was walking right, or carried himself the wrong way. He soon relaxed as they got to their seats.

Shadow was surprised that he actually began to enjoy the opera as it progressed through the acts. He didn't even notice when Vincent took hold of his paw or the several times the stallion stared at him. He only leaned back and looked over at Vincent as the show ended.

Seeing that the stallion had a cheeky grin on his face Shadow asked, "What?"

Vincent grin widened as he stood, "Nothing, just surprised you didn't feel me playing with you."

Shadow looked down to see his pants were undone and his stiff rod hung out. He quickly tucked himself back in and refastened his trousers. "I can't believe you did that." He got up and moved towards Vincent punching him playfully on the arm.

They continued to enjoy each others company on the way back home. Shadow did not want the day to end, but he knew that this was the start of what would be an interesting relationship.