Vanessa & Max Part 3: What a mess...

Story by Puffytail76 on SoFurry

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"Ok, stop it!" She ordered herself with a loud growl. Her lust was going too far again. Vanessa was in her parking space at National Trade Tower, the place she worked. Looking up at the tower, she tried to put out of her mind all the things that had led her to find Max so attractive, so alluring...

She finally shook it from her thoughts and started up the elevator to her office floor, taking a number of deep breaths. As the two doors slid open, she immediately scanned the horizon of the mess of cubicles to find Max. She saw the two yellow ears hanging loosely above hers, and she smiled, glad to see he was still there.

Turning the corner, she peeked into the cubicle to look at Max before she entered. Vanessa gasped softly. Max looked terrible. There were a number of deep heavy bags under his eyes, a few empty cups of coffee, and he was on the office phone, talking frantically and erratically, stopping to twitch a bit, rubbing his temples. He looked like he was teetering over the edge, ready to just break down and cry.

Vanessa had to know what was going on, but God knows she did not want to interrupt something that needed his attention and his only. So, therefore, she sought the help of one of her good friends, a lizard girl named Lizzy, at the end of the hall.

Lizzy was technically their boss, being that she did her work in a rather fancy office next to the Manager's. She was in charge of public relations and employee analysis. This meant that if an employee had a problem, some kind of rough time at home, or just feeling depressed or what not, they went to her.

Lizzy also happened to be a lesbian and a raging feminist as well. She tried to stay relevant to the male coworkers though, giving them sound advice when needed, but many times the other males in the office claimed that she was slightly biased. It was true; Lizzy did tend to go into a radical type of state, down casting the male gender. She would quickly compose herself, however, if she wanted to keep her job. Vanessa thought it was hilarious, and yiffed with Lizzy every now and then, when looking for a little exploration. Lizzy didn't mind, but she hated how Vanessa seemed son dependent on male stimulation. Lizzy seemed to think the penis was an easy obstacle to get over. Well, at least the flesh part of it. Ashaft could be easily found, in Lizzy's view of course.

Vanessa knocked on her front door, Lizzy's real name plastered on the front in a rather gloomy golden plating. She looked back to Max curiously, looking for some kind of in digression, as she waited Lizzy to let her in. Finally the door opened, Lizzy's Green leathery head popping out. She sighed, looking back to Max, then back to Vanessa. She did so, and nodded her into her office, frowning. Turns out Lizzy knew exactly what was concerning Max a, and she crossed her arms, looking away with a slight hiss.

"I can't believe that bitch did this to him..." Vanessa did a double take. Not only was she confused, but she had never heard those series of words uttered from Lizzy before in her life.

"Wha... What? Who?" Vanessa already knew, and she didn't want to know what "That bitch" had done this time.

Lizzy crossed her arms, wrapping her long tail about her left leg, leaning against her door. "His wife. She's divorcing him, taking everything... Apparently she hired a private detective to scoop him out. Got pics of you two at lunch. Her lawyer says that's all the judge needs to see, being your... Ahem, assets... are so damned prominent." Lizzy was blunt and to the point at most times, but it was necessary in her line of profession.

Vanessa turned white as the lost memory of the Taco Joint slowly crept its way back into the deepest most lusting part of her mind, vibrant pink splashes of dirty mating accompanying with it. "Oh god... How's he taking it?" Vanessa looked out Lizzy's window, peering to the ground below.

"How do you think?" It was quiet for some time, and Lizzy sighed as she approached her desk, leaning up against the front.

"Tell me what happened Liz... I really need to know."

"I can't... Private Sessions aren't allowed to the public... I couldn't do that to Max; he's so... pent up... I feel that he's going to just give up if he doesn't get some kind of affection, even laid..."

Vanessa looked back to her with a raised brow. Lizzy gasped, covering her maw. "God dammit! The fuck did I do that for?" She began to smack herself on the head internally, flopping down into her arm chair and immediately crossing her legs in annoyance.

"Wait... What? No..." Vanessa couldn't believe her ears; she turned to Lizzy with disbelief, shaking her head.

Lizzy could only sigh, looking up to her with a heavy frown. She looked tired. Tired enough to just drop down against her desk and fall into a heavy slumber. She shook her head, lifting a clawed hand to stroke herself upon the top of her head. Her claws scratched against her green skin slowly, soft noises produced by such an action. "Well... Doesn't matter if I tell you or not, you'll just assume so anyway..." Lizzy took a deep breath. "Max is a virgin. He's been sexually depraved since his marriage to Maria; his only real experience being with his cousin. This may not be so bad; plenty of guys in here are still virgins... But with the way Max's social life is, and the fact that he is a bunny, doesn't really help in his regard. He has told me that his wife has forbidden him from masturbating, telling him that when the time is right, they'll share their bodies, and that he doesn't need to pleasure himself... But... Maria really is what she seems like. A whore and a manipulative bitch. She has been cheating on Max now for a while, and he knows it. The problem is he's afraid... Max has been such a nice guy for so long, he is losing track of how to mourn, be angry, and all express all the other emotions throughout his capability. Normally, I wouldn't give a jack shit... But Jesus, look at the guy..." Lizzy threw her hand out towards the door, shaking her head. "The poor guy is so stressed..." She cursed, leaning back in her chair. "Anyway... They haven't decided on a court date yet... Max has been on the phone all day with her, her lawyer, and his lawyer... I've met his lawyer; he can't win... She is going to take everything from him." Lizzy stated the last part with a disgusted hiss, looking to her feet.

Vanessa was too shocked for words, all this information coming in full-glory, and she didn't have any idea of the situation Max was in. "Jeez... He's got... Nowhere?"

"No, not in the city anyways... Where the hell is he going to go?" She looked up to Vanessa with a sigh, leaning up against her hand with exasperation and grief. Her feral yellow eyes locked up at Vanessa, watching her as she slowly slid onto Lizzy's couch. "What are you gonna do?" She asked, her thick green tail swaying about methodically behind her.

Vanessa just finally lost all her nerve, he brought her knees together, rested her elbows upon them, leaned into her hands and gripped her fur. "I have no fucking idea..."


After some time, the whole situation played out like Lizzy predicted. The judge ruled Max's adulterous ways unbeatable to get anything from the divorce, and so Max had to leave his old life behind. Max was left out in the cold, losing everything he had had in his case; his car, his house, his marriage, his materialistic hobbies, and even his job. This struck Vanessa as a surprise when it happened. Max was always well loved by the company. He had made employee of the month on numerous occasions, as lame as that sounds, yet he wasn't even trying.

And now, today was the day that Max was leaving the office. He had managed to set up an interview with the Taco Joint, being that no computer association would hire a sex-craving bunny, as the judge put it.

Vanessa watched him pack his things the entire time from her seat. She had work to do, a lot actually, but she couldn't bring herself to even look at her screen. Instead, her eyes were locked on Max as he lifted his books, pictures, and possessions into a small cardboard box with the necessary handles to hold tightly with. Every so often, he would take a peek back at Vanessa, his eyes watered and red with his now very fluent depressed state. Every time Max laid his eyes on her, she felt a deep thumb in her gut paining her. She even gave a little gasp from a sob that was locked in her chest for quite some time.

Finally she spoke, "Max..."

Max turned to her, setting his belongings upon his desk. His stuffed his free hands in his pockets, leaning up against his desk's edge.

Vanessa paused for a moment. Then lifted her maw gently to speak, her words soft yet demanding in question. "Where are you going to go Max?"

Max had told her the numerous places he could go, but he never actually thought on an exact place. This worried her, as it did him, and as he looked away to contemplate his answer, Vanessa interrupted. It was an exasperated sob, bringing her to a haunch over herself, tears suddenly dripping from her eye sockets. She made a pitiful dog-like canine whine as she wept, the small orbs of her sorrow hitting the carpeted floor.

"G-god... I'm so sorry..." She cried out, her tender lip quivering. "I-I never meant... This is all my f-fucking fault..." She rose in a bit of anger now, hitting against her thigh with an enclosed fist. Her face was in a tight pinch, wet with tears and swaying with her sadness.

"No no..." Max dropped to his knees, equally sharing in her pain, even though her pain was brought on his. That was the whole reason he was saying "No" right now, he didn't want his best friend weeping over him. He tried to comfort her, crawling between her legs, wrapping his arms around her shivering frame, hoping to coax her out of the pain he brought. He leaned down with her, merging into their own little world isolated from the busy office complex.

"Hey," Max whispered, his voice only heard over her soft sniffles, "I don't want ya cryin' over me hun-

"No Max," She interrupted, looking back at eye level with him, "This is my fault! I never shoulda... I... I can't help myself... I'm such a whore..." She broke down a bit more, biting her lower lip as the warm tears streamed down her cheeks.

Max leaned into her forehead with his. Vanessa's eyes lifted up to him in question. His face. His face never showed signs of anger, sorrow. Sure, his eyes lids were baggy, and his skin was pale from restless nights. But his eyes; his shimmering blue eyes never let off a tear, or a hint of any kind of depression. Instead, they gleamed with the fire of desire and love, something she had never seen from Max. Max only smiled, his lips curling into a happy grin as he continued his motions to the confusion of Vanessa. They shared heat with each other, giving soft exhales against each other's fur. His breath gave no stink; in fact it was rather pleasant. The air swept over her fur excitingly, drifting about in curious sways. She felt his warmth against her neck, and immediately some comfort reigned through her body. Her back fur stood on end as his gentle paws coaxed against them, driving his fingers up under her shirt to pet her tamed brown hair. He dug his fingers into her fur as he did this, scratching at different spots around her. All of them made her moan. She questioned how this bunny could know what drove her wild, and then she realized...

She had told him.

She let a gasp fall from her lips, a bit of her pink tongue poking from her maw. "M-max... What are yo-

Max did it. He leaned up against her, his eyes closed, ears pulled back against his head so they flopped down easily against the back of his head. He pressed his tender lips against hers, wrapping hers in a tight kiss, one of both romantic influence and of a beautiful display of affection towards her. He slipped his tongue in immediately, letting their two saliva-soaked pinks mesh together in their display.

At first, Vanessa didn't know how to react. She was still too stunned by the contact itself to really reply with either words or emotions. But as soon as she realized what he had done, the deep lusting fire heated within her. She quickly reacted, nearly falling out of her seat as she equally pressed into Max, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly as he held her there, kissing her in the most passionate moment she had ever had.

Furres stared as they passed, some smirked, and some gave wolf-calls; neither cared. They were too enthralled with pleasing themselves via the tongue, and neither was about to let up.

Finally; a gasp of breath echoed through the cubicle between them as they split. Max gazed into her eyes, just as she did. Now, with his singular kiss, he had stopped her sobbing, and had made her smile wide and lustrous. Each blushed with the new brought arousal of each other.

Vanessa churred and nipped at his neck, leaning into one of his ears and whispering a desire coming to life between them. "You're coming home with me tonight..."


Max was shirtless, Vanessa having removed it half-way up towards her apartment. It lifted the brows of a few furres as they passed, but neither cared. They relished in each other's bodies, Vanessa dripping wet over Max's, as she suspected with him of her.

As soon as they both tumbled into the apartment, Vanessa started to disrobe, tossing away her jacket and maneuvering towards her buttoned shirt underneath. She quickly did away with each notch, exposing her big bare breasts to Max as he looked on in awe and with a blush.

Max was a bit slower; he was still coming to terms that this would be the end of his virginity, and it scared him. He threw away his tie as soon as he managed to break it from him. His hands were shivering, fiddling with each button as he tried to remove the shirt from himself.

Vanessa smiled at him, and knew immediately what it was. She walked up to him slowly, taking his paws within hers, and bringing them both to her chest. "You hold onto these... I'll take care of you..." She pushed each against a bare breast, her nipple erect and pulsing into bare paws, sweat present between each fingertip as he laid them upon her. She shivered as he felt the moist sweat, biting her lower lip.

"O-ok..." Max looked terrified, but excited. His eyes kept darting up from hers back down towards her two beautiful mounds. He didn't know what to do, and it showed. This hardly bothered Vanessa; she was just ecstatic to be so close to him, so she could only giggle at his fumbling, shaking her head.

"Yer awfully nervous babe..." She said, nuzzling into one of his red rosy cheeks.

Max nodded, turning away with his blush. "S-sorry... I'mma... Um... I'mma v-virgin..." Max flinched as if that would turn her away from him, only really it aroused her more.

Vanessa smiled. She smiled over both how inexperienced he was, and what this meant for her. In most of her sexual relations, she had taken the submissive role, being the toy that others used. Now, with Max inexperienced, but loved, she was ready to lead him through everything. "I know dear... I'll show ya what to do, ok?"

Max seemed a bit surprised that she knew, but he nodded enthusiastically.

Vanessa finally was able to expose Max's bare chest, and she liked what she saw. Max wasn't a buff individual, but he did have muscle, and a nice set of abs to boot. She ran a paw through his soft chest fur, digging her fingers in like he did her back. "Mmm... Bunny, yer making me all hot and bothered..." She bit her lower lip, quoting the last time they were this close.

Max was breathing slowly, his eye lids fluttering with each stroke. A wide smirk appeared on him as he realized what she was talking about, and nodded with remembrance.

Vanessa removed his shirt from his body, and pushed him down gently against the bed, kissing along his neck. He arched for every press of her lips, keeping his paws gripped tightly on her shoulders as she explored her love-bunny.

Vanessa slowly made her way down to his sweaty furry chest, nipping against his flat chest. Max gasped as she grazed over one of his nipples, arching his back against her, pressing himself over her swaying form. He loved every second of this, and he bit his lower lip to show it, clenching his eyes shut.

Vanessa caught an idea, and lifted her chest to his. She saw how he reacted to her licking his nipples, so she lifted hers up to his and pushed them each into them, nipple against nipple. Max's eyes rolled back into his head as he giggled wild with pleasure, running paws through her golden blonde hair. "Aw Vanessa... Ya gots no idea how dat' feels..."

In fact she did know, she was moaning hoarsely over him, grinding their pink pieces of flesh into each other. She finally lifted with a gasp, gazing down to her lover with feral eyes. Licking her lips, she looked down towards his work pants. "Now... Lemme' see that bunny cock..."

To be in all honesty, Vanessa was preparing for the worst. She had yet to find a bunny big enough to satisfy her needs, and as she pulled down his pants, she looked back up at him with a reassuring smile. He didn't seem worried in the least, and this confused her. He only gave a smug look of satisfaction, and gave a light grunt.

Vanessa felt it. She looked down to see a monster of a cock pushing up between her breasts, pre-cum dribbling from the tip down to his stomach fur. The head poked up against her chin, his warmth spreading against her fur as he dragged some pre-cum into it. As he saw her reaction of surprise, he gave a little snicker, "Heheh, well... I ain't one ta brag ya know..."

Vanessa jumped up at him with a heavy kiss on the lips, drooling over him as they made out upon her bed, spit flying between her lips. She parted with a loud gasp, looking down at him lustfully. "God dammit bunny... Fuck me now..."

Max nodded, and looked back down at their sexes. He watched as Vanessa pulled her self up to him, crawling over him like he was an obstacle that led to a great reward. In this case, that went without saying. Max saw her split her legs open, and suddenly his stomach started to churn. This was it! This would be the end of his virginity, the end to all the waiting, the loneliness and repression, and the beginning of the new with his love. As soon as Max felt her soft mound, dripping with arousal, touch the tip of his cock, he felt as if he were ready to explode. Then Max felt a bit nervous. If he was already hot enough to just cum, would Vanessa's expectations be shot?

Vanessa paid no mind to this internal conflict with her bunny. In fact, she had already thought of this part. Now, she had not even ended a furre's virginity, being that the people she usually yiffed were rather experienced in sexual acts, yet she could not have expected to how quick Max was going to cum.

Vanessa started to lower herself onto him, feeling the head of his cock press into her, spreading her open slowly but surely. She looked down at the cock as it penetrated her folds. She wanted to keep her cool, to be relaxed and steady with this, but she found that she couldn't help but murr loudly as his head slipped right inside her quivering puss. It fit snuggly, nice, big, and filling.

Max gasped as she clutched onto him. This was getting too much to bear. He had to deal with the whole fact that he was going to shoot off way to early, and he felt embarrassed as to have ruined her whole lust of him. As his head disappeared within her cunny, Max knew it was too late. He was about to cum, so he wanted to make sure he was completely in before he let off. He quickly grabbed hold of Vanessa's hips, his palms nice and sweaty, easily slippery. Taking hold of her, he then shoved her down roughly onto his pulsating member, filling her up with his length and girth. He then arched his hips as he felt his seed give way at an incredible start. Max couldn't remember the last time he masturbated, so he had quite a lot to offer. He held tightly, squirming and moaning as the length of his orgasm took its place. Max popped open an eye to look at Vanessa. She was feeling the gush of his fluids, he knew, and she apparently was enjoying herself despite the fact he had only lasted a few seconds. Oh well, at least he wasn't a virgin anymore, and to have lost it to Vanessa made him smile widely.

Vanessa instantly felt her womb fill, the gush of fluids just soaking her insides, melting all the semen into a nice little bowl within her. Her paws drug through Max's chest fur as his climax took its place. She didn't mind how quick he had came, it was to be expected. He would get much better, she assured herself. Vanessa was not intending to make this a one night stand. She was in love with Max, and no form of inexperience was going to change that. After he was finished, she opened her eyes to gaze longingly at Max, giving him the sweetest of smiles, for she knew he must be feeling quite foolish, though she hardly though of him like that. Yet, something was off with him, he seemed confused, like something that should have happened didn't. Vanessa thought of it as panic and laid a paw against his cheek, rubbing it gently. "Honey, don't worry... Its not lik- She felt a buckle of his hips again, a hard head pushing against her cervix with a loud grunt from both parties. Vanessa gasped, nearly doubling over at the surprise thrust, and quickly regained her composure. He was trying to make up for it, she thought, and gave a loving smile. "Max babe, you don't have to push you- Oh... Oh my God!" He wasn't pushing himself at all; he was ready to go again, and with such a quick rate! Vanessa squirmed from a top of him, twisting his cock within her to feel just how hard he was. She licked her lips as she felt his cum ooze from out of her, dribbling across his hardened shaft. He was fully erect and ready to go...

Max couldn't believe it! He had came, drenching her insides in what he thought was all the semen he was able to give, yet he was fully efficient and completely stable to try again. No time to waste, he had to continue with where he started. He leaned up to kiss Vanessa on the cheek real quick before he started to move his bunny hops of mating again, rocking them back and forth as she rode him, starting to moan out in pleasure.

The soft squishy slapping sound of their mating sexes nearly overlapped their moans, but that didn't last long. Max watched as cum shot little squirts from out of Vanessa's pussy, a good amount plastered up against her navel and dripping down to her hardened clit, which she dragged over his shaft as he fucked her.

Max was ecstatic! He was making love to Vanessa, and he was actually making her moan! This was the girl who couldn't stifle a whimper from the brute from the gym, yet with his innocent small figure, he was about to make this mutt of a woman bark for more. He quickly lifted himself up against her, taking hold of her sides as he pressed his maw in between her breasts, feeling the friction burn between his nose and her tuft of fur at the top of her breasts. He laid his ears back as he did this, getting easier maneuverability when he took one of her massive breasts into his quivering little mouth. He sucked on her teat for a good amount of time, curling himself within his mouth to tickle and lap over her pink flesh, purring with lust.

Vanessa was in shock! This couldn't possibly be the shy, friendly, and mega-virgin bunny that she knew. This cum-spewing fuck bunny was incredible, and she could hardly stand to wait for any more. She wanted it deeper, harder, and faster. She wanted more cum to fill her pussy, her ass, her mouth, everything. She wanted to be soaked in his seed, to feel it squish between her toes. "M-Max! Oh my god! F-fuck me Max! Rip me t-to pieces!" She was losing sight of everything that made love-making lovely. No, that had passed when he first came. She wanted Max to let loose all his inhibitions, lose track of any sort or purity, and just rape every hole available to him. She laid back down upon her back, opening herself for his mercy and for his lust. She was becoming submissive to the pent up bunny rabbit. She was his, and he could have anything he wanted from her...


Vanessa had never been cummed on so many times. She felt as if her fur were a brand new color of hot white. Max had been ramming himself into her for the past three hours, and been spewing his hot rich seed every three to five minutes. Yes, it seemed this bunny had the ability to yiff at extraneous amounts of time, spill his huge load of cum, and continue with pounding away at whichever hole she gave him. It was incredible. Never before had she felt so pleasured in her life, she had never been so dirty, so shameless, so god damned horny. This bunny was her lover, and he would stay that way for the rest of their days. Nothing could measure up to how she adored and loved his ways.

Right now, Max was fucking the gaping hole of her cunt open again, filling it up with so much cum, that her insides seemed to be pruning a bit from the amount of cum that filled her. He looked over her body. She was waving her butt back at him, doggy-position, her tail wrapped firmly around his neck as he boned away inside her. He looked over her fur. She was a complete and total mess. Layers of warm sticky semen just piled on top of her body, bukkake to an extreme level. He looked about the room to all the different places that they had fucked at so far. There was not one piece of furniture that wasn't completely doused in his hot cum, not one wall of her room that seemed like it had a lighter paint color to it.

Speaking of Max, he was having a ball. His sweat was pouring off of his fur, his bare feet-paws dug into the drenched sheets of Vanessa's bed. Max thought of how in the world they would clean up such a mess, and he realized that they would never do so. Max and Vanessa would leave the hot stinky smell of their sex all over the apartment. Leave it there so everyone would know how much they loved each other; leave it there so everyone who took three steps within the distance of her front door would know that they would be yiffing nonstop from dusk to dawn, cum being spilled left to right. Everyone would know that Vanessa was Max's whore, as he was to her.

"L-lemme' drink it again!" Vanessa cried. Her mouth was already drooling with remnants of his previous climaxes, her tummy nearly full of his pearly white seed. She looked down to her stomach, seeing that a nice round bulge had taken shape as the cum sloshed around within her. Oh how she loved how that felt... But she wanted... No, needed more. As soon as she felt his cock tense up within her, and looked back to see that familiar look of consternation of his beautiful sweaty face, she yanked herself from his piece, turned herself around, and held open her maw as if accepting a treat like a good dog.

Max burst out his seed in a vibrant display, nearly falling to his knees as he drained his cock to her begging lips. He watched as her mouth gaped, her sharp fangs bearing as the seed rained down it big globs to fill her throat. She gave no mind to it, they had breached past her gag reflex long ago, and she was already trained to accept his massive loads. She gulped down the cum like it was candy, giving a murr and a grin as every single taste bud in her maw rang out, "This is the best thing you've ever tasted."

As Max finished giving her the well deserved treat that the puppy desired, he fell back opon the bed, gasping for breath as his long floppy ears slapped about in front of his eyes. Sweat trickled into his eyes, and he weakly lifted his paws up to wipe the perspiration away. His eyes slowly opened, and he looked about the room with a vague amount of energy left.

Vanessa was plopped down comfortably on her squishy rear, snuggled into the mattress as she licked her lips of the cum. Her eyes immediately returned to Max, looking ready to pounce again upon him, not matter how exhausted she was as well. She blinked as Max lay a bit lifelessly, rolling onto his side and barely being able to lift himself up. Smiling, Vanessa crawled towards him, her big fluffy tail wagging with happiness.

Max felt himself lifted up into a familiar warm embrace, looking back to see his lover looking down into his eyes as she held him. 'Hey..." She said, a big grin on her face.

"Heya..." Max leaned up and licked off a bit of his cum from her cheek, tasting his own seed on her damp and sweaty fur. Vanessa grinned at this, seeing how far her bunny would go to please her. "I-I'm worn out hun, heheh..." He snickered half-heartedly, snuggling up into Vanessa's warm arms.

"I know hunny, I know... Don't worry, you've satisfied every part of me... I couldn't be happier..." She said, leaning down into his neck to offer a small lick of affection, a low growl vibrating from her throat into the back of his neck. Max churred and squirmed in her grasp, and she smirked at him as he did so. "Come on, let's go to bed..."

Max nodded slowly, a big smile on his face as Vanessa led him backwards to lay into their dirty mess. He snuggled up tightly to her much larger figure, huffing out a content sigh as he quickly laid his head into her shoulder, falling quickly asleep.

Vanessa looked over her bunny boy, watching as he slept in a peaceful slumber, leaning against her as he soft little puffs emerged from his lips. She had always seen Max as rather pent up. Now, he seemed content. She wasn't sure if it was the sex, or their relationship, but she found that he was finally happy with someone. Truly happy, not his plastered on happy he tried to play off. No, Max found peace at last, and it seemed that their relationship had blossomed into one of a distinctive flow, on which she could see as them both prospering on.

Leaning back against the pillow, Vanessa leaned down and took hold of the covers that seemed rather damp at the moment. Forget rather, the covers were covered in hot sticky bunny cum. She giggled as she watched fresh cum roll off the sheets, and she pulled the covers up to cover their hot naked bodies.

Sighing, Vanessa put everything to rest as she slid her arms around her lover, pulling him into a spooning position as she let his rump press up against her own crotch. She would worry about work, Tommy, Max's job, and other things later. Right now, the bliss shared between them was finally shown, and she couldn't be happier to revel in it.

[Yay! This is my ending, but I could tie some loose knots and add some flavor if you all are really interested. Basically, I can add another part, or I can do a new story featuring Max's cousin. :3 You all decide!]