The 50th: [Stage 1] Heading North

Story by The Red-Ringed Umbreon on SoFurry

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#1 of 50th

Samuel, age 16, got out of the apartment in the city, and sat in the car between his Stepbrother, Jeff, and his Stepsister Sierra. He saw spacing until Jeff elbows him in the chest, "What?" Sam asks.

His guardian, Carlos, was driving the car way from their house, "You need to listen more, Sam! I was saying that we have to move north because of the storm warnings are getting too sporadic for my liking. We are going to Albany 'till this whole thing cools off." They drove and drove until the sign marking the entrance into the Hudson valley made Carlos release a sigh of relief. He sees a sign, and turns off into a Garrison motel. He buys two rooms, "One," the makes a circle with is finger around the kids, "and one."

Samuel sat on the bed as Sierra typed on her computer, and Jeff was pacing. He was thinking to himself, but it was definitely loud enough to hear, "Carlos is not racist, Jeff!" Sierra replies, peering over her dark green, horn-rimed glasses.

Jeff stares at the lizard, "I know, but ever since all three of us were together, he started becoming more distant from us."

Sam got on to his paws, "So, this is now MY fault?"

He impales him with his eyes, like only a bird could do, "No, that's why I was pacing. If he doesn't want anything to do with us anymore, then we" should go out on our own!"

"You meaning to jack his car or something?"

Using a layer of pillows, Jeff was driving down the road. Samuel was sitting, propped up against the back of his seat as Sierra typed at her computer, "What is it that you do on that thing anyway?" Sam asked.

She pulled the specially designed ear-buds out of her ear holes, "The news, mostly. Apparently, Governor Harrison was Shot by a ARMs member."

Jeff looks back for a second, "That one guy that tried to bring segregation back to the Anthros?"

"Yeah," she said less then calmly, "Apparently, people have even taken to lashing out against the anthros."

"Well, this sucks!" Jeff says, "Now, it's just a matter of time before something worse happens to-"

A flash of white light ahead of them brings them to a sudden stop. They get out to look at the pitch black box just randomly sits in the middle of the road. The latch on it opens and a cat falls out of it holding his shoulder as blood seeps out. They rush to his aid. He looks up, and says, "What year is it?"

They look around a each other, "2673" and the cat groans a little.

"Damnit! Only 5 years off!" he tries getting back up, and says, "This isn't good," and hobbles back to it.

"Do you need help?" Samuel asks, and the cat stops and turns to the shy kid.

A confused look was worn his face, "No...I'm alright," he gets in, and he pulls out a book with faded cover. A red cross swings on the back, like a gothic pendulum. He sets it down, and calls out, "A storm is brewing! Don't get swept up in the cross-winds." He adjusts a dial with extreme care, and slams a button. The hatch magnetically locks, and the Black box vanishes in a burst of light. The three kids wait on the side of the road. A storm, they thought, was inevitable.

Next episode is due in next week, and I've started updating twice a week! So once on Monday/Tuesday, and once on Thursday/Friday