Roth Tales 05

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#5 of Roth Tales

Coming out of the bathroom rubbing a towel behind his damp ears Michael stopped dead in hi...

Coming out of the bathroom rubbing a towel behind his damp ears Michael stopped dead in his tracks. Benjamin was laying face down on the bed, portable computer open in front of him, husky tail arching gracefully upwards over his back as his claws ticked on the keys. In nothing but a pair of blue boxer briefs printed with husky tails. Michael was well and truely stunned by the gray and white twelve year old in front of him. Still wrapped in a towel he sat beside Ben, reaching out a damp paw he laid it on Ben's tight rear and gave it a gentle squeeze. They boy let out a soft moan from the pleasant ache in his posterior being renewed by the pressure of Michael's pads.

"Whatcha working on?"

Ben glanced back with a smile, tail wagging just a little. "N, nothing, just writing in my journal."

"You really took that to heart didn't you."

"Yeah. You were right, there's a few things that I don't want to forget about."

"Like what?" Michael tried to peek over Ben's shoulder to get a better look at the screen.

"H, hey! No looking." Throwing back his shoulder to hold the otterfox off he quickly closed the lid. He wagged his tail again, bumping it against the otterfox's paw on his ass with a giggle. "I get to keep a few secrets, you have most everything else after all."

"Oh, alright, silly pup. I do have your ass, and my, what a NICE ass it is!" Michael rubbed up higher under Ben's tail.

Ben reflexively clenched his pucker, instantly reminded of the gooey warmth inside, the pain long since spreading up inside as a dull pleasant ache. Michael's attention on his body made him weak, shuddering and slowly collapsing atop his computer. "God you're good at that."

"I do want my boyfriend to be well taken care of. Want him to know that he's special."

The husky stretched out, closing his eyes for a moment and nearly falling asleep from Michael's buttocks massage. He muttered sleepily. "You weren't long in the shower."

"Yeah, don't have my soap so I just rinsed."

"What's so special about it?" His spine tingled as Michael gripped and squeezed at the backs of his thighs, making them feel like they were turning into butter.

"I have an otter-fur coat you know. Otters take special soap so it doesn't strip off all the oils. Ever seen an otter or otterfox with terminal fuzz? Not pretty. And orders of magnitude more uncomfortable than it looks."

He giggled at the thought of a grumbling and frizzed out otterfox, his spine popping from Michael's knuckles rolling between his shoulder blades. "Maybe you should have let me come in to help."

"Are you nuts? We would still be trying to clean up if you had."

Ben could hear the grin in the words, eyes still closed. Feeling the paws leave him and Michael shift his weight to get up he quickly swam up through the fuzzy warmth his lover had spread through his body and turned. Slipping a finger under where the otterfox's towel was tucked under his waist he popped it out. "What if I just make sure you really did get all clean hm?" "Wha... Why you!" Michael sat there, blushing as the towel fell from his hips.

With the cloth dropping away Michael's scent welled up from the drying fur. Even if it was weakened considerably by the shower it was still rich to his nose and unmistakibly musky. Just how he liked it. He'd intended just to expose Michael to get a look but he gasped at the musk's power over him. Ben's nose tingled with anticipation, following it down to the sheath nestled between his otterfox's legs. With a growl of pleasure he kissed the soft fleshy covering of Michael's sex. Panting in ecstacy Ben eagerly licked the sheath barrel, watching Michael shiver and close his eyes, leaning back with arms propping him up. Lapping his way lower he made the naked otterfox groan by rolling Michael's heavy orbs with his tongue, thanking them for their earlier gift. Working his way again to the sheath front with rythmic laps he gently clasped it, taking the skin and surrounding ruff into his muzzle and sucking a bit of warm goo from the center. Michael woofed, the passionate rumble making Ben's tail wag as the sweet almond taste spread over his tongue. Then he felt a paw slip under his chin and turn his gaze upwards. He whined a little as his muzzle was lifted, licking his lips, tail swaying back and forth still.

"Hey now, it's early still."

"Getting carried away again aren't I?" Ben blushed. "You don't understand though, it's, it's...amazing. I love your scent."

The boy's attention had renewed the glow of their earlier mating. Michael ached to let the husky continue, feel the young muzzle on him, wanted to encourage Ben. He couldn't think of an answer, the boy actually making his mind fuzzy from his words and actions. Instead he pressed a long kiss to Benjamin's lips, sucking softly on them. Then his stomach rumbled.

"Are you trying to tell me that waffles are better than sex?" Ben feigned disappointment as he parted from the kiss.

"No! No no no!" Michael blushed, smooching Ben on the cheek, ears back in embarassment. "Not at all. Though breakfast IS ready and we wouldn't want it to get cold would we? Besides didn't you get enough of me already?"

The husky smiled. "Enough? Of you? Never. But alright, if you're thaaaaat set on food you should probably get dressed." He hopped off the bed, striding on digitigrade paws over to where his clothes had been laid the previous night.

It took only a few minutes for them to be fully attired, Michael in his white long sleeved shirt, black slacks and shoes, red silk tie knotted perfectly as usual. Benjamin still had his gray hoodie and khaki cargo shorts from the previous day. Both looked straight out of a designer clothing catalog as Michael laid paws on the bedroom door handles and swung them back with a flourish. The air beyond was filled with the aromas of a rich breakfast that the hotel's room service had set up shortly before in the dining room. The heavy inner curtains throughout the apartment had been drawn back by the staff, leaving only the gossamer white outer curtains in place that let in bright sunlight and softened the view overlooking the green grounds. The river, the city, and even a couple bridges downtown spread out in a painting-like vista.

"Wow." Ben breathed, taking it in. The view and having such a glorious morning to share with Michael put to rest any lingering disappointment in the young husky. He'd forgotten how luxurious the livingroom was, wiggling his bare toes in the deep carpet. "We have all day, don't we?"

Michael nodded. "We do."

At a loss for words Benjamin reached for Michael's paw and took it, the warmth of the otterfox's pads making his arm feel like it was in heaven. Michael didn't hesitate. Gently he squeezed Ben's paw, smiling down as he lead the way into the dining room. The large space looked like it could host a ball for a couple dozen people, a high ceiling opening up from the livingroom made it look even more grand along with a large crystal chandilier hanging down over the ornately tiled floor. It took Ben a moment to spot where they were headed, a small nook next to a set of doors that opened to the balcony. There, tucked away in the sun, the staff had provided a small setting for two beside a cart carrying several covered silver dishes. The table had been simply but richly adorned with a heavy white tablecloth, ornate silver utencils, and a pair of glasses for each of them; one already filled with ice water from a pitcher on the cart. As Michael pulled back a chair for him Ben noticed a crystal vase in the center with two red roses. That sight made Ben's ears go back shyly.

"Something wrong hun?" Michael helped Ben scoot forward before sitting down in his own chair.

The young husky felt like he had been swept off his feet, enraptured by the rich deep red and green of the flowers. "Did you tell them to set those roses like that?"

Michael's ears stood erect but his cheeks did go a little pink, looking right into the husky's gray eyes as he spread a monogrammed napkin over his lap. "I might have had something to do with it."

"You're incredible." He said very quietly, head down as he maintained eye contact with Michael.

"What was that?"

Ben spoke up louder as Michael started to bring over the serving dishes from the cart. "I still can't believe you did all this just for me."

With a broad smile he uncovered the trays. "Breakfast is served! And you better believe it hon. There isn't anything in this world I wouldn't do for you."

"Even share your waffles?" Ben giggled, lifting a fork and slowly reaching for the tray with a pile of them on it.

Michael, trying to be serious, gave a hard side-long look to the husky across from him. "Mmmm, I dunno. Waffles are pretty good."

"Aww, no waffles for me?" He circled the waffles.

"Alright, alright, you drive a hard bargain. Waffles for sexy boyfriends!" He laughed loudly.

"Yay!" Tail wagging he speared several and flopped them onto his plate.

"If you're going to have my waffles though, you're going to have to try some of my syrup."

Benjamin's eyebrows went up. "Syrup? Now? Right here?"

"Huh?" Michael looked confused.

"Well, I did try to get some of your syrup a few minutes ago but you wouldn't let me." Benjamin reached his bare hind paw out and rubbed it against Michael's slacks with a mischevious grin.

Michael went bright red. "N, no. Not that syrup." He tried to regain his composure by lifting a glass syrup bottle from its warming plate. "This."

Ben stroked his toes against Michael's ankle. "Aww, you're no fun sometimes you know that?" Still he smiled as some of the thin deep amber liquid was poured over the waffles on his plate. He added some butter. "What's so special about this?"

"It's not that thick commercial stuff. It's sugar and extract. The hotel makes it special for me when I have breakfast here."

The husky took a bite and his brow furrowed. "Mm. Lots sweeter isn't it."


Michael slid some bacon onto Ben's plate and his own, last pouring some orange juice. "Anything you'd like to do today?"

Thinking as he ate Benjamin crunched into a strip of bacon. There was a lot he would love to do with Michael but his boyfrind was also in large part his teacher. Holiday or not they had let his business work go undone last night. Reluctantly he cleared his throat. "I guess I should make up the work I missed yesterday."

"You don't have to. We can let today slide too can't we? We didn't get a lot of time yesterday and I was kind of hoping to hang out with you today. But if you wanted to go right home I guess we can."

Ben blinked, not believing his ears. "Are you going soft on me, Michael?"

"No, not at all. I will expect the same level of work from you as I always do, tomorrow." He grinned playfully wicked. Then his expression softened. "I really do want to spend a little more time with you if I can."

The husky's tail wagged, flashes of white and gray fluff showing on either side of the chair. "I was actually hoping you'd say that. How about we go down to the park after this? It's been a long time since we've done anything outdoors hasn't it? Or maybe we could go to the aquarium?"

Michael was sipping his orange juice, listening and smiling, nodding, when a trilling came from his slacks. He looked down at the offending pocket and scowled. Ben stopped talking and his ears went back. With a sigh Michael pulled out his portable phone and thumbed it open. "Roth International, Michael speaking."

Benjamin watched Michael's face. It went from mild annoyance to surprise, then the otterfox's hazel eyes turned to him, looking apologetic.

"Can it wait until tomorrow at all?"

Ben couldn't hear exactly what was said but it was a definite no.

"Alright, we'll be there in half an hour. We went out for breakfast but we're just about done." He listened for a few more seconds. "Okay, see you in a few."


"Your parents." Michael set the phone on the table, giving the device a poisonous look. "Apparently one of our largest regional customers is unhappy with their contract and demanded a meeting."

"Today? Don't they know it's a holiday?" He growled.

"Of course. The first day of Summer Festival and they have their tails in a twist so we have to go straighten it out."

There was silence as Michael cut up his last waffle and bit into it, chewing angrily.

"I guess you're right. Business never stops."

He sighed. "Yeah. I was hoping it could wait until tomorrow but the goddamn buyer isn't going to wait for anything. At least you'll get to see Ricardo and Jan for awhile huh?"

Ben tried to put on a good face, picking at the remains of a piece of bacon. "It will be, but, I was a lot more interested in having a day with you."

Michael smiled, his icy expression softening some. "Me too." He drained the last of his juice and brushed some crumbs from his whiskers with a napkin. Ben was looking thoughtfully out the window. "Finished?"

Ben wiped his own muzzle and stood. "Yeah. Let's go."

With a nod Markus got up. "I'll go get our stuff."

The highway into the business district of Galawan was packed with cars. Some headed into the city for shopping, some headed out of the city into the countryside, some just passing through on vacation. Only a very few were on the road this week for business. Michael took an exit and smoothly pulled the car through the sweeping curve of the offramp. Descending into downtown the buildings grew larger and taller until he turned onto a broad avenue avenue between the towering skyscrapers. These streets were nearly deserted and the lights changed quickly for them as they made their way deeper into the business district.

"So who are we going to be meeting with?" Ben had managed to haul Michael's otter tail into his lap and was petting it.

"Charles Liggett of Liggett Corporation." He paused, squirming in his seat from the husky's touches on his sensitive tail. "And what's up with you and my tail?"

Ben gave the thick appendage laying across his legs a firm squeeze, smiling briefly. "If I don't get the day with you, then I get to have something in return. It's only fair isn't it? A consolation prize if you will." He continued his strokes. "I'm still surprised that anyone would do this on Summer Festival."

Michael glanced over at Ben. "For owners of large businesses there's not really such a thing as a day off or a holiday. It's something you get used to. Almost."

"Yeah." Like Michael, he was still wishing it hadn't happened on this particular day. His ears perked up. "Were my parents going to stay awhile this time since they're here?"

"Didn't ask."

"Think they will?"

"You know them, always on the move."

Ben went silent, motionless, long enough where Michael laid a paw on his shoulder. He took a long shuddering breath. "Don't they want to spend time with me?"

"I'm sure they do, but with so many projects in the pipeline it's really tough for your parents to get any time away at all. Right now they're setting up a dozen factories in three different provinces, two mines, and trying to manage the logistics between them. Not to mention the politics between the provinces and Imperium."

"But, to leave their own son out?"

"They're including you in this aren't they?"

"That's not what I mean!"

Michael sighed, winding his tail around the boy's waist to give it a hug. "I know, I'm just trying to point out that they're fighting trying to unite a great many people who usually don't want anything to do with one another. It's quite revolutionary really. Very few truly international companies survive the provincial bickering."

The husky rubbed his eyes with the back of his paw, on the borderline of tearing up. Taking a deep breath he looked up at Michael. "Sorry. I know. It's just so hard to be without them sometimes. I want to make them proud is all and they're never around."

"You do make them proud Ben. Have no doubt of that. You make me proud too."

"That's what they say when I do see them. Sometimes I wish I had normal parents I guess."

"But what fun is being normal? I don't think you would truely be happy being like all the other kids, from what you've told me."

Ben grumbled. "Yeah."

"There you have it then. Besides, you did manage to get me, didn't you?" He leaned over while waiting at a light to plant a brief smooch on Ben's cheek. "I'm not going anywhere, that has to count for something."

Benjamin giggled, the short otterfox whiskers tickled his cheek fur and made his twelve year old shoulders raise reflexively to protect himself. "You're right. That counts for a lot...everything actually."

With a sigh the tension that had been building in his chest and shoulders like a great stone weight eased, allowing Ben to sink back into the comfortable leather bucket seat as the car began moving again. Everything had melted away with Michael's kiss. Michael was there. He would always be there. That was enough. Then his attention was drawn to their destination, up ahead was Roth International's provincial headquarters.

It was a tall modern building, a silver gray metal superstructure, thick square corner colums from ground all the way to the top floor, large metal crossbeams of the same material crossing regluarly all the way up each side and in between was laid with deep blue green solar glass. Near the top on each side bore the company logo, a large R set slightly above and to the left of an equally large I. At the front of the building was a garden and walk area, complete with a fountain and large globe centered before a wide expanse of glass doors. There were plenty of empty parking on the street but Michael rolled past them, turning the corner to take a ramp down into the underground garage. The enclosed concrete walls rumbled with the the Midea's engine, the orange sodium lights flashing by until Michael pulled over on the second sub level. He stopped in one of the many empty spaces next to an elevator bank and parked.

They got out and went over to the center elevator, the doors opening immediately at the press of the call button. Once inside Michael selected a key from his keyring and inserted it into the elevator's function lock, turning it and simultaneously pressing the button for the top floor. As he stood there his tail twitched. Michael reached out to Ben's tail, resting his fingertips on its base where it came out from under the buttonover on the rear of his shorts. The fine hairs there were soft. The skin beneath warm. The muscles flexed, wagging for him before he lifted off, the moment passing but leaving him feeling better.

"Security override, takes us directly to the executive offices." He explained.

"Ah." Ben paused a moment watching the digital numbers start to count up after the doors closed. The fuzzy feeling spreading from Michael's touch made him smile inside, relishing the brief contact. "So what is Mr. Liggett like?"

Michael grimaced. "To be entirely truthful, he's an ass."

Ben looked shocked.

"Don't be that way. It's just business."

"And we have to do business with all kinds. Right. I haven't forgotten that lesson." The husky sighed, paws behind his back. "Hard to imagine though that people can still act like bullies as adults. There's just no profit in it, is there?"

"No, there really isn't." Michael cocked an eyebrow at his charge. "Though a couple important things to remember. He is a customer still and an owner of a substantial corporation. So while he might be obnoxious, a degree of decorum has to be maintained. Diplomacy. And don't take anything he says personally."

Ben made a face of distaste.

"I agree, but try." He said with a wan smile.

The elevator slid to a stop and the doors rolled back, revealing the large open reception area of the executive offices. There was a large unoccupied solid mahogany reception station, the computers off and the chairs empty. There were large comfortable chairs and couches against the walls, coffee tables with neatly stacked magazines. A large brass Roth International logo hung behind the desk and the whole area was paneled in dark walnut along with deep pine green carpet. Hallways ran left and right from the area, also covered in expensive paneling. Michael took the lead, walking down the left hall. Set into the richly adorned walls were heavy wooden doors marked with ornate brass plates. Near the end there was one marked as a meeting room and Michael laid a paw on the heavy knob. Pushing it open revealed a large high-ceilinged room beyond. There was a long conference table of highly polished onyx lined with plush black leather chairs on either side. The whole wall opposite the door was one large window that looked out over the city below. At the table poring over various folders and papers spread out around them were Ricardo and Jan Roth.

They were seated together near the far end of the table, Ricardo wearing an expensive suit well tailored to his rather short frame. The older husky tried his best to keep in shape although long hours in the air and on the road prevented him from keeping as trim as he would like. Rather than wearing her usual denim jacket and jeans Jan Roth was dressed in a tight black skirt that hugged her tall willowy frame complimented by a snug black top. The she-wolf's hair was tied back in a bun and had wire-rimmed half moon reading glasses on as she flipped through a sheaf of papers. Like Ben her paws were digitigrade and bare.

Without any expression at all, appearing businesslike to the other two in the room, Michael laid a paw on Benjamin's rump as the young husky walked in. Benjamin yipped under his breath from the squeeze on his backside, feeling a little bit of the otterfox goo in his rump leak out. He tried not to blush too much from the secret as he bounded towards his parents. They looked up and smiled, Ricardo rising first.

"BEN!" The larger husky embraced his son warmly and lifted him. "Rrrrf! You've grown!"

Benjamin returned the hug wholeheartedly, tail wagging hard back and forth. "Dad!"

Jan followed, giving her son a tight hug and a nuzzle of affection. "We're really sorry to interrupt your Festival days, from what Michael tells us you deserve some rest. But we thought this was a good time to see you. Even for a little bit."

Standing there between his parents Ben caught Michael grinning at him as he sat down with a folder. He smiled up at his dad and mom. "He does work me pretty hard." He shot a sly look at the otterfox who quickly looked down at his folder, trying to look interested in it.

"Sorry about the short notice, I hope we didn't interrupt anything important." Ricardo said to Michael.

The otterfox looked up from his folder, composure back in place. "No, not at all." He laid the folder down, clasping his paws atop it. "Ben wanted to get out of the house for awhile so we got something to eat."

Jan patted Ben's belly. "Looks like you're getting enough of that, just like your dad." She chuckled.

Benjamin's cheeks turned pink. "Hey, it's just the way I am."

Ricardo's muzzle split in a laugh. "That's what I keep telling her too Ben."

"I for one think he's turning into a fine young man. And...some things can't be helped." Michael said judiciously.

Ben's flushed at Michael's words especially, feeling other stirrings as well at the praise. With great difficulty he forced down the urge to pounce his boyfriend in front of his parents. "Erm, so what's going on today?"

The older husky gestured to the door. "Mr. Liggett will be arriving at any moment, I suppose Michael told you a little what to expect?"

He nodded, so happy to have his parents around that the warnings only vaguely reappeared in his mind. "He did."

Ricardo set a paw on Benjamin's headfur. "Really, don't worry, everything will be fine. I'm sure it's just something he wants to nitpick in one of his contracts. He often does this kind of thing, although not usually on a holiday. In any case, I thought this would be a good thing for you to see. Learn how to handle tough situations."

Benjamin pressed his head up into his dad's paw, ears pushed to the sides from its weight. For a brief moment he felt like they were a family again. All of them together, smiling, happy. Even Michael was there even if he couldn't tell his parents just how much Michael had come to mean to him. The only thing that could make it better would have been not having his parents working. Then the door burst open.

In strode a large black panther. The mood in the room changed, a perceptible shift in the adults. Going from warm familiarity to a cordial, but decidedly colder, atmosphere as everyone turned. Dressed in a dark pinstripe suit and blue tie Charles Liggett wasn't quite as tall as Jan but he was solidly built with little fat. Unlike most panthers he walked without any of the usual feline grace, he entered the room more like a bulldozer on two legs. An ermine in a suit followed closely behind carrying a briefcase. Charles wore a scowl and brought an aura of discontent and simmering anger into the room with him that lowered the temperature even further and made Ben shiver involuntarily.

Ricardo approached the head of Liggett Corporation, paw extended, while Michael got Ben seated beside him.

"To what do we owe the pleasure today?"

Mr. Liggett,glanced down at the husky with disdane. "Oh stow it! Where's your staff! I wasn't even met and I thought I would have to walk the whole way up."

"I hear there's a holiday on. Everyone got to go home early. Besides, I thought you'd appreciate a face to face meeting more."

With a growl the very tip of the puma's tail twitched. "I would appreciate it more if you weren't trying to cheat me."

Eyebrows went up at the table. "Cheat you?" Jan said in surprise.

"That's exactly what I said."

"Come, have a seat, what exactly, are we cheating you out of?"

The ermine had already seated himself across from Jan, the briefcase clasps snapped open and a sheet of paper was handed across. He spoke, his voice not nearly as rough as Mr. Liggitt's but still as cold. "Liggitt Corporation has been buying steel from you for the past year now. Up to this point we haven't paid too much attention to the reciepts thinking that you would honor your obligations as any upstanding company would. It came with some surprise when we found during an audit that your company has failed to deliver ten million pounds of steel. Steel we have already paid for. We demand you deliver the backlog and pay the penalties specified in section five of our contract."

Ricardo looked like he'd been slapped and Jan stared. Michael scowled over at the ermine. Ben's brow furrowed in confusion.

"You cheat us! You short us!" Mr. Liggett nearly bellowed, veins bulging in his neck. "Over twenty million credits. Plus penalties."

"Now wait a moment. What about our records?" Ricardo leaned down, retreiving his portable computer from a bag on the floor. He opened it up and began querying the database of all shipments in the region.

"Indeed, what of your records. We wanted to give you a chance to verify this before we take you to the courts."

Ben's eyebrows shot up and he leaned closer to Michael. "The courts? Already? Over something as simple as this?"

Michael whispered back. "He's usually high strung and jumps to conclusions."

"Are you sure that none has gone missing in your yard?" Jan was saying.

"My yards are squared away, and I'm assured that ten million pounds of steel is a little hard to misplace." Liggett growled across the table, the contempt dripping in the air.

Ricardo's clawtips stopped ticking on the computer keyboard and he froze, glancing between the hardcopy and the screen. "My god. Our records match."

Charles bared his teeth in a vicious smile. "Oh my. Caught with our paws in the cookie jar?"

"We, we didn't authorize this." Ricardo's head came up quickly, trying to think of what had went wrong and how to minimize the damages. The accounting oversight was a lot bigger than a routine foul up could explain, but the sum of money involved wasn't all that large. What was going to be hard to bear was the thought of his reputation as a sterling business partner getting tarnished. That and the penalties that could be levied included up to termination of preferred transport and stiffer tariffs between provinces. It was an unwelcome interruption that Liggett would leverage to its fullest potential.

"Maybe you didn't, maybe it was an accounting goof. Or maybe someone on your end diverted some for their own use somewhere hm?" The puma purred like oil. "But you'll still have to bear the consequences. That I promise you."

Michael's thick tail swished. He was thinking furiously. He felt Ben tug at his arm. "Yeah?"

"Something's not right here. Dad and mom set up everything with automatic accounting systems didn't they?"

"I know they did, I suggested it. Automatic scales and counters along with the loaders filling out the paperwork."

"So. What about the hand written stuff?"

"What about it?" Michael looked thoughtful.

"Tell them about it!" Ben hissed.

There was a smile. "Why not you?"

The quiet words shocked Ben. He blinked, and saw the direction things were headed, he wasn't going to get any help from Michael either. He took a look at the adults discussing things and worked up his nerve, clearing his throat. "What...What about the hand written notes? Do we have a way of checking those from here?"

Mr. Liggett looked rather surprised at Ben. He had hardly noticed the boy coming into the room, now though seeing a child in the meeting he nearly snarled at the boy. But he bit back his tongue. Instead he put on a small smile, a contemptuous chuckle. "Yes, what about the written orders?"

Ricardo down the table smiled broadly and nodded. "That's a good idea son, but, I'm afraid I already checked those, and they agree with Mr. Liggett's assertation that we didn't ship all the steel he ordered."

"See, there's proof then." Charles' tail switched as he settled back in his seat.

"Don't you think though that court is a little much?" Jan was looking concerned from her chair, making some notes between the open computer screen and a copy of the contract in question.

"I think that it's entirely within my rights."

Ben sat back hard, elbowing Michael. "Erf. Why the hell is he so on about this? Isn't this just a pocket change kinda thing?"

"Well, Mr. Liggett never did like us very much. He doesn't like new comers in his markets, he's very much of the old school of closed borders. But we were able to cut him a deal on product cheaper than he could ship it in elsewhere. He doesn't like it, but business is business. Though I agree it's kind of strange why he's so keen on penalties. Maybe just trying to squeeze your parents for a bit more cash. It's been known to happen."

The husky growled quietly, a hard look coming to his eyes. "I don't think dad and mom messed up. They're too good at this kind of thing and they know their people."

"Maybe, I would tend to agree but accounting mistakes happen from time to time. And even if he's lying, how do we prove it?"

Ben sat still, watching the puma and ermine leering at his parents like they had just won the goddamned lottery. Then he sat bolt upright. "Tax Commissar records."

"What was that Ben?" Ricardo looked down the table past Michael to where his son sat.

"The tax commisar. Aren't these shipments of steel delivered by rail? Wouldn't they be weighed en route once, or maybe twice, as they passed through the rail system so taxes can be assessed on the shipments?"

Charles Liggett would have gone a shade paler if he wasn't covered in black fur. He bristled, snarling. "Tax commissar or not, we'll be seeing you in court!" Mr. Liggett turned to Ricardo with a sneer. "You know, just when I thought you couldn't sink any lower, Ricky. Hiding first behind your wife and now a child."

Ricardo let the barb pass right over him, returning a cold smile to the puma. "I'm very happy with my wife and son, thank you. It'll be awhile before the tax records are available. When they are, we'll verify them, and we'll see who owes who."

"Your very own records indicate..." The ermine interrupted, trying to remain calm.

"Which, while secure, aren't above being tampered with." Jan shot back.

"Are you accusing ME?" Charles' bubbling anger perked, he wasn't used to losing control of negotiations this suddenly. "On what some CHILD says?" He gave the young husky a venomous look, standing, coming closer and leaning across the table to snarl right in his face. "Looks like he's just out of diapers. Some feeble pup that no one would look twice at. He can't testify, so why would anyone even pay any heed to what he says?" He leaned down. "You little whelp...I'll break you just like your father and mother."

Michael came out of his seat. The look he gave Charles was deadly. "May I show you to the door sir? I think our negotiations are at an end pending verification of the tax records from the Imperium."

"And threatening me now too? Tsk. I'm afraid that won't look good in my report. Edwards, let's go." He turned on his heel and stormed to the door.

The ermine looked rather worried as he stuffed a couple papers back into his briefcase and hurridly followed his employer out the door, travelling through a blue cloud of obscenities left behind.

Jan stared after the retreating executives and laughed, her husband smiling as Benjamin looked even more confused.

"Oh my. He really had me going for a minute." She lifted her glasses to rub the top of her muzzle. "I don't think he thought this one all the way through."

"No, but far enough. I was about to offer him a discount to keep it from going to court. A big one." He looked over at Ben with a chuckle. "But you did a very good job today son. Thank you."

Ben's confusion broke and he growled. "Is this a joke or something?"

His father looked taken aback. "What?"

"I don't see anything funny about this. He threatened us, tried to bully us. It's not fair! He tried to say we were cheating him and he was really trying to cheat us! That...that's got to make you angry. Doesn't it?" Ben's ears were pressed flat back and teeth set as if on Mr. Liggett's throat.

Jan answered kindly. "Ben, it's as they say, just business. It isn't personal, it's the day to day grind of what happens between corporations. Well, Mr. Liggett there is an exception, he gets more out of line than most others. But still, you shouldn't take it to heart."

Ben looked unconvinced, a dark cloud of anger hanging over him.

Ricardo edged closer. "Benjamin, people are going to try to take advantage you throughout your life. Moreso in business than anywhere else. I suppose I've been neglecting those parts of how things work in the world up to this point. You have to be a predator, and you did very well today I'm proud to say. Never forget that if you want to keep what you have, or to grow or expand, you're going to have to fight with all the cunning of a fox and sometimes with all the brawn you can muster." He paused and grinned at Michael. "I think Michael can show you the best parts of both those. Which is why we've been pressing hard for you to complete school as quickly as possible, to get you out here and start learning. Being a step ahead, having your pieces ready, and going for the kill are things that you have to do in business, regardless of your personal feelings."

Jan nodded then smiled. "Now, enough business. How's my boy?" She said, face brightening, smiling at her husky pup. "What've you been up to lately?"

Benjamin did his best to let the encounter with the head of Liggett Corporation slide off his back, smiling broadly. There were a lot of things to be happy about after all. Weren't there? "Never better."

Ricardo started gathering up his papers, organizing them. "Oh? Things alright in school? No one bothering you?"

Jan closed the computer. "You're happier than when I was here last. What's up?"

Trying not to keep a straight face Michael cleared his throat and answered. "He aced his core class tests before Festival."

The older husky's eyebrows went up. "Oh? He's ready to graduate then? I could talk with the local education minister and have Ben graduated this year."

"Dad! You know I hate it when you do that right? I'm supposed to be in school for a few more years right?"

"Well, you just seem so unhappy there."

Ben's ears went back, looking down. "Yeah, but, it's not like I want to be seen as a quitter either."

"You're not quitting! You'll be done, you'll be out!"

Jan laid a paw on her husband's knee, patting it. "Well, let him think it over hon. He doesn't have to decide right now does he?"

"I suppose not. It just seems a waste of time if he's completed the core credits though. We've seen today how much more rapidly his skills could be honed."

"At least finish this year. That's what I want. Maybe next year I can do something different." He eyed the briefcases that his parents were slipping everything into. "You're not leaving already, are you?"

Ricardo took a checkbook from his pocket and opened it, starting to write out a check. "I'm afraid so son."

"What! You just got here. I've hardly gotten to see you at all." He looked pleadingly at them. "Don't go. Can't you stay for a few days? A day? Lunch?"

Jan snapped her case closed, shaking her head. "Honey, I'm sorry, there's just too much happening. This was a rush meeting because Mr. Liggett wouldn't wait. You'll have to look after yourself. You're about grown up now after all."

Michael was holding his peace, watching them all. Ricardo signing the check with a flourish and tearing it out. Jan looked genuinely sorry having to leave her child so soon. Ben though held particular interest for him. The boy looked strained, stretched to the limit. Then seeing Ricardo and Jan not about to give an inch, something seperated within the boy. A sudden pain that manifested as a shocked grimace and quickly faded.

Ricardo handed the check over to Ben. The husky took it, holding it but not really looking at it. "Your mom's right son. That, by the way, is Roth International's standard one percent bonus. You earned it. You saved us at least twenty million today so you get one percent. Don't spend it all in one place."

Benjamin nodded as the two stood. Leaving the check on the table he stood with his parents, giving them each a hug good bye. His tail didn't wag even once. He spoke, but the words were distant and listless. "Going to be back anytime soon?"

Jan petted her boy's cheek. "We'll be back when we can. Until then work hard. Hopefully you'll agree to graduate and come out with us, we need all the help we can get."

The young husky nodded and did his best to smile. "Yeah, I'll think about it."

Michael stood, shaking each of their paws and saw them to the door. "I'll keep you posted."

"Glad it all worked out, sorry we didn't have time to catch up more, maybe soon eh?" Ricardo squeezed the otterfox's paw tightly. "Thank you for watching out for our boy."

Jan just shook his paw and smiled as she left. Then they were gone, the door closing with a soft click. Michael turned around, the room silent. Ben was leaning with his forehead on the window glass, shoulders slumped and ears lifeless. Walking up to the husky he reached out a paw. As soon as his fingertips brushed the back of the hoodie Benjamin let out a long quivering breath.

"I'm...I'm sorry, Ben." He let his paw drop. Watching he saw Benjamin's shoulders shake. "I...I can..."

"Hold me." Ben's voice was barely audible.

Michael slid his arms around Benjamin, and as he did felt his husky shudder, collapsing against his body. Michael bore up for Benjamin, being strong, letting the young man cling to him. Ben turned around, burying his face against Michael's white shirt, wiping some of the wetness from his eyes onto the cloth and tie.

"I'm not alone." He sniffed.

The sound was soft, muffled, and Michael didn't catch it. "What was that?"

Ben looked up into Michael's face, blinking back his tears. He hugged around the otterfox's waist, just resting against him, the drained feeling slowly being replaced by Michael's warmth. "I'm not alone. I'm reminding myself I have you. And, even if I wasn't rich or an heir to a corporation, that would be enough." He sniffed, relaxing more. "I've had to do that a lot lately haven't I?"

"Do what?"

"I keep forgetting about you a little. I panic feeling left out, left behind. Earlier I was so happy to see them. I thought they'd really stay for me, just a little, just so I could have my family for a day. They left though without a care in the world."

"They do..."

Ben cut him short, pressing a finger to otterfox lips. "No, none of that. I see now that they're seperating from my life. Maybe they don't mean to, but they are. When we get home I've got to think for awhile, okay? I've been let down twice today, and I just...just need some time. Is that alright?"

"Anytime, Ben." Michael rubbed his paws up and down the husky's back, doing his best to soothe. Then he looked worried. "Anything I did?"

Benjamin leaned back, paws on Michael's chest. "You? God no! You're the only thing going right for me." He smooched softly on his lover's muzzle. "Don't ever think like that, okay?"

Michael nodded, the kiss bringing a smile again. "Alright then, let's go."