Love in odd places: a High school tale

Story by Vyktor on SoFurry

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(This tale is a farce)

Authors Edit: Its come to my attention that my story lacks in many areas, so before you read, I'll make things clear as I can.

For one, those of you who think you know what's going to happen in the story, stop thinking that. This story is based on real life events, and on that note, real life is much more confusing and dramatic than any story I can come up with.

Secondly: Yes, I'm aware there are spelling errors in this, I wrote it at 4 in the morning, and I was tired and pissed off. So I am completely aware, thank you.

Thirdly: Like or hate the main character, its your call. I'm not making him out to be any which way. Again, he is based on me, and this story is based on fact. He's no hero, and at the same time, he is quite an asshole, as I am. He can't keep his mouth shut, and he tends to have to some degree a cocky, arrogant attitude, so yes, he is a jerk when he's pissed off.

Fourth: I know the story could be better, I'm attempting to practice writing narratives, rather than first person, because I am quite good at first person. Just read "Rekindled".

Lastly: Don't criticise my work if you yourself can't take criticism. I am completely open to people telling me exactly what they think of my work, as long as it is constructive.

Tell me its good, I want to know why.

Tell me its bad, I want to know why.

Thank you.

Well, I'm not sure where to start. I'm not that good with monologues, and to be honest, they bore the hell out of me. This is a true story aside from the fact that the characters are anthro, and the names are not going to be changed, but last names will be withheld, so good luck of finding these people.

The story is of the first time I had sex. Lost my virginity to a girl I have known for a while. I suppose it was unexpected, as I had known this girl for a long time, by several years in fact. I'm not going to define every detail from the beginning, but to make more sense, I am going to start from said beginning. So sit back and enjoy the read.

PS. I figure I should also mention this, but the characters used in this story are underage, except for the female main character. And before anyone asks, I do remember quite vividly the events leading up to the moment, so you can be assured that the words on this page are 98% accurate.

I also feel like I should warn that this story is possibly one of the longest I've written. If you're looking for a short story, look elsewhere.

It was another boring day at school for Victor. He sat quietly through the droning lecture from his 9th grade History teacher, as he spoke about the events leading up to the signing of the Declaration of independence.

It all bored him. Victor already knew all about the damn paper, he had been hearing it over and over again since 4th grade. It seemed a pointless effort, and a huge waste of time to be taught the same stuff 3 times, so he tuned it out and sat, staring vacantly into space.

Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, the bell rang for lunch, allowing the students to pack up and exit their rooms to head to the quad. Victor stood up, stuffing his papers and books uncerimoniously into his couriers bag, before slinging it over his shoulder and heading for the door.

As he reached the door, his teacher called out for him. He stopped and turned, a pit forming in his stomach as to just what he wanted.

"You're failing this class, Vic. I like you, you're a smart boy, but you just don't seem to want to put effort into anything. You come in, and sit at your desk like a zombie. And your comes in lazy and half-assed, if it even comes in at all. This is High school, this is where it starts to count. Can I count on you to pick up your grade?"

Victor chewed his lip and nodded slowly,

"Sure Mr. Evrett...have some makeup work ready for me by tomorrow, and I'll take it home with me for the weekend if you can."

Mr. Evrett stared at him, thoroughly not believing that Vic would do the work, if he bothered to assemble it. But in good faith, he would do so anyway.

Victor turned and walked out onto the quad, where he sat at his usual bench, alone as usual. He stared down at the food he had purchased, not hungry in the slightest. He ran a hand over his head, sighing, until he felt his tail jerked sharply from behind. He sat up and turned quickly, his ears down ready for a confrontation. He scanned behind him, but suddenly he was hit from the front by the tray of his own food. A chorus of laughter followed as Trey and three of his buddies pointed, mocking him as nacho cheese soaked into his fur around his neck, and all over his shirt.

Victor blinked slowly, stnding up as the warm cheese slid down his shirt onto his pants, and looked around. Trey was a bully, one of the overly macho "I'm so tough because I can pick on a weaker kid with a group of my friends so it makes me cool" kinds of assholes. He also was, surprise surprise, on the high school wrestling team, and was dating one of the more popular girls in school. Apparently the pretty girls liked the assholes who over compensate for small dicks.

Trey was busy shoving Victor on the arm, trying to goad him into a fight, looking for an excuse to get his buddies to jump in on a group beatdown. But Victor knew better. He knew never to throw the first blow, his martial arts and common sense told him to fight defensively, never matter how much he wanted to kick the living shit out of some jerk who needed it. Eventually, Trey gave up, and walked away with his buddies, laughing about how tough they were, 4 against 1. Victor seethed on the inside, wanting nothing more than to beat the hell out of him, but instead he turned and walked back to the bathroom to clean off the nacho cheese before it dried into his fur and clothing.

It wasn't fair, not one bit. Trey was an asshole, and would most likely always be an asshole. But what made him think he was better than anyone else?

"Self righteous fucking bastard"


The final bell rang for the day, and the students stood up to pack to get home. Lots of kids liked to run through the halls in their rush to get home. But there was no rush for Vic. he had no reason to get home, no reason to go anywhere at the moment. Home was where his parents waited, and as much as he loved them, he didn't want to have to hear right away about the homework he had to do, or how he was failing his class.

He sighed to himself as he walked down the sidewalk, thinking to himself about how unfair life seemed to be. He wasn't the most handsome boy, nor was he really skinny, nor did he have a six pack. Rather, he was more flabby than anything, weighing in closer to 220 pounds at a height of 5'8. So in a word, he was fat.

Victor thought about the things he did have going for him in life. He was intelligent. More so than alot of people he had met, and he prided himself on being a quick study with things. Willing to learn new things, and able to pick up quickly, he had even learned how to drive like a practiced driver within the first 5 minutes of getting behind the wheel, when his dad had allowed him to drive around the side streets by his home that one time. But he didn't have the one thing many kids his age seemed to have, and that was a fast metabolism. Victor also had another flaw...laziness. He wanted to be skinny, he wanted to look good so maybe he could get some female attention because as it were, it seemed all the girls wanted was either a gay friend, or a boyfriend who sported a six pack and a crew cut. All he would have had to do was go to the gym every once in a while, and not eat so much...but there it was again, any thought of hitting the gym turned him off so badly that he physically felt tired just thinking about it.

He sighed again, thinking about how unfair it was.

He hung around the mall, eying the things in the stores, wishing he had a job to pay for the stuff he wanted, and as he walked, he found himself more and more excited for the weekend. His friend Jenny was going to have time to see him.

Jenny was really the only person that understood Vic at all. She was an older woman now, 19, going on 20 whereas Vic was only 16. He had met her as he was just getting into high school, she had been greeting all the newcomers that she could to their school. She alone had been the only person who paid Vic any attention at all, and when he had replied with a mumble, she had immediately picked up on his anxiety of starting at a new school. Since that moment, she had gone out of her way at lunch to sit with him and chat, and be friendly.

This went on for a few months.

Jenny was one of the popular girls during her time there, but not for the sake of being pretty...which was not to say she wasn't pretty. Jenny was one of the prettiest girls there by far, a Golden Retriever with beautiful shining hair, but because she was so outwardly nice and caring. She was one of those rare people who outwardly tried to help others, and make them feel better.

But Victor was too straightforward and blunt for his own good, and finally one day, he broke the strained friendliness.

She had been sitting across from him again, as was now her usual habit. They had spoken and shot the shit for a bit, as she asked how his classes were going. Victor finally spoke up,

"Look, you don't have to pretend to be nice to me just because I'm alone, ok? I don't have any friends, and that's...just how I prefer it. I don't really like people, and I'm not interested in being your pet project just because I seem like a lost cause. You can't fix me, because I'm not broken. This is just me."

Jenny blinked in surprise for a moment, and Victor steeled himself for the yelling and insults that were sure to come flying his way, about how he was being an "ungrateful asshole" and the like. But much to his surprise, she smiled. Not one of those fake "Oh its ok, I'm being polite" smiles, but...a genuine grin. She positively beamed.

"Vic, that's exactly why I like talking to you. Your "take no prisoners and spare no hearts" attitude is refreshing from what I'm used to in a guy. At least when I'm talking to you, I know exactly what you're thinking, and why. And that's something truly special. So if you think I'm just trying to be nice to you, well I am. But not because I see you as broken, but because I see you as nothing more than who you are."

Vic blinked up at her in confusion. He hadn't expected this from her. Not at all.

Seeing his momentary confusion, she pressed her attack,

"You don't hide yourself. You put yourself out there, no walls, no defenses. You speak your mind which more often than not gets you into trouble. But I like that. At least I know you'll always be honest with me."

With that, she patted his hand and left, leaving Vic to stare after her, dumbfounded.

She had been graduating shortly after, and Victor had seen her off, giving her a hug after the ceremony and seeing her off the campus as she piled into an overly packed SUV full of her friends, and her boyfriend Greg. The tall canine leaned forward and kissed her wetly, which she returned just as mushily.

Victor was surprised to feel his cheeks grow warm under his fur, as he suddenly felt himself saddened by this sight. But he wouldn't realize until later that it was jealousy he was feeling. Much later.


He had finally arrived at his house, and his parents were gone. Out doing whatever, to which he was thankful. He threw his backpack into his room and raided the fridge for anything to eat, finding leftover Panda Express. As he chowed down, he began thinking about his own graduation. In a few weeks, he would be moving up to 10th grade. And he expected nothing to change. He slid out of his nacho stained clothing, and hopped into the shower, scrubbing himself furiously, working the shampoo into his fur to get out the cheese; once again cursing Trey and his asshole friends. Things had never come to blows with him, but Vic was reaching his limit. It was going to have to end at some point, as ignoring it wasn't working at all. He had already talked to his parents about it, and they just gave the same stupid advice everyone gives a child being bullied, "Just ignore them, they'll get bored eventually."

Except that "eventually" never came. Instead, the bullies saw it as an admission of them being superior, that they were the top dogs and that Vic needed to constantly be reminded of this. It was nearing the breaking point.

After his shower, he lounged out on his bed, reading an old Star Wars novel that he liked, when the phone rang. He answered it by the fourth ring, and was pleasantly surprised to hear Jenny's voice.

"Hey Vic! How're you?"

"Hey Jen...pretty good, yourself?"

Jenny began belting out how she had just moved into a new apartment downtown, and that Vic absolutely had to go visit her and hang out this weekend, to which Vic agreed quickly.

"But know I can't drive."

She perked up and replied without missing a beat, "Don't worry Vee, I'll swing by and pick you up tomorrow! It'll be fun, promise!"

THey hung up, and Vic continued reading for a bit, before turning out the light and rolling over in bed. He decided it would just be best to go to sleep now, to avoid having to talk to his parents when they got home.

He fell asleep just as they pulled up into the driveway.


This was it, it was now or never. Up until now, Vic always kept his mouth shut and never tried to goad Trey into hitting him, but today was the final straw. Lunchtime again, and Trey as usual, came up to his table to fuck with him. It started bad, and got worse. First Trey had just taken his food, and began to eat it, making a loud display of how tasty it was. He added emphasis that it tasted even better when someone else was paying for it. On his third bite of the chicken sandwich, he spat it back out on the rest of it and pushed it back under Vics' nose.

"I'm not hungry anymore. You finish it for me."

Trey wanted Vic to eat his regurgitated bit of sandwich. Like hell that was going to happen. He stared at the table quietly, ignoring Trey as he ground his teeth quietly.

"Didn't hear me fatty? I said eat it! Look, I even did some of the chewing for you, so you don't have to exercise!"

His group howled with laughter at the fat joke, and Victor finally stood up, hate seething in his eyes.

Trey sat up quickly, his smile of enjoyment replaced by a much darker, more mischevious smile now.

"Oh, oh, fatty's finally had enough! Come on fat boy, come at me! Let's see what you got!"

Victor struck a defensive pose, as he had been taught in his martial arts classes, and decided it would be more hard hitting to steal a scene from the Matrix. He put his hand outward, palm facing himself, and made the quick "come on" gesture.

Trey, and his friends got a kick out of the whole thing, laughing and mocking the stance, unaware that Vic actually knew how to fight.

So their fucking funeral.

By now, a circle of bystanders had surrounded them. There was no going back from this fight, as the crowd cheered for the two to engage. So Vic decided it was time to push back for once.

"So Trey, before I kick your ass too hard, why don't we agree to keep your boyfriends out of this? Unless of course, you can't just take on a fat kid yourself, mr. champion of the wrestling team."

The growd of student around them all hooted and hollered at this obvious slap to Trey's pride. Now the stage had been set, Trey couldn't let his crew get involved or else people would call him a pussy after being called out by the fat lonely kid in school.

Fueled by rage, Trey rushed at Vic, swinging his fists wildly over his head, attempting to put as much power into each swing as he could. Vic just danced backwards, easily dodging the blows as they came, sidestepping and ducking under the sideswipes, too.

"Come on, bitch, stand and fight me!"

Vic had been waiting for an opening, and now he had one. Trey had swung wide, leaving his entire midsection exposed. Vic wasted no time in stepping forward, using a forearm to block the wide blow with ease, as he jabbed forward with his other hand, popping Trey in the nose once...twice...three times, before dancing back again. Trey blinked and shook his head, dazed that he had just been struck as the crowd around them roared their approval.

Trey came at him at full steam now, swinging wildly and shouting curses as Vic attempted to keep him at a distance, to no avail. Trey closed the gap and brgan his full battery of punches, most of which Vic was able to block, but some of which connected with the side or top of his head. If he kept on like this, eventually Trey would win.

Vic dropped to a knee under his blows, and used the momentary confusion of his opponent to land several quick jabs to his midsection, before bouncing up with a furious uppercut, slamming into the side of Trey's jaw, sending him reeling back as blood sprayed upward.

And there it was, blood had been spilled. Now the crowd of spectators positively roared as more and more filed in, making the already sizable circle even larger as everyone attempted to see.

Vic stepped forward in this moment of weakness, landing blow after blow onto his opponents face, causing Trey to reel back with each successive hit. All Trey could do was try to swing his fists wildly, hoping to land a lucky blow against the onslaught of hits.

Vic was feeling amazing. the adrenaline making him move faster than he thought possible, allowing him to see the attacks coming, and dodge or block appropriately. Trey's lip was bleeding, or perhaps it was inside his mouth, but there was damage, no doubt about that. He was confident that he was going to win this fight, when suddenly he was struck hard from behind. He whirled around to face this new threat, but all he got was a fist to the side of his cheek, sending stars across his vision. He threw his hands up to block, and was given a moment to see who his attacker was Trey's buddies, obviously noticing how one sided the fight was, they decided to step in. Vic threw a jab at his new attackers gut, sending him stubling backwards, gasping for breath, but before he could take anything else in, two pairs of hands grabbed him by the shirt and fur and yanked him roughly, slamming him onto the cement lunch table. Vic kicked and struggled, to no use as Trey jumped on top of him, straddling his chest as he began to punch him in the face, repeatedly. Each blow sent a wave of pain through his head, and Vic tugged at the hands holding his arms. Useless.

Trey continued to beat down on him, hitting him in the face over and over and over. Vic was sure he could taste blood now, as he realized his legs were still free. He slammed his knees into Trey's back, causing him to fall forward just enough that he could do a backwards roll with the momentum, slipping out of his captives' grasps, and pinning Trey underneath him. Victor picked up the lunch tray, spilling his food on the floor and slammed it down on Trey's face several times, screaming. The other two bullies ran up to help their friend, and Vic threw the tray like a frisbee, hitting one square in the eye and knocking him out of the fight in one moment of pure dumb luck.

He continued to throw his fist down, hitting Trey, hitting the bench, hitting air. He didn't care, his anger made him oblivious.

Finally, Vic felt another pair of hands grip his roughly, pulling him backwards. He swung his elbows back, hoping to get his new attacker...

...but when he turned around, he found he had just struck the vice principal.

5 hours later

Vic sat at home, a warm towel pressed to his eye and he stared at his bedroom ceiling fan rotating quickly. It was unfair what had happened, he was just defending himself from the bullies. He didn't know it was the faculty, he would never have purposely hit any of the teachers. But the Vice Principal had never liked him in the first place, and viewed this as the persect opportunity to try and expell him.

His parents had already offered their support, and his own father had patted him on the shoulder in quiet approval for standing up for himself. At least 7 students had filmed the fight, beginning to end on their phones, and it was proof positive that he was the victim, not the bully. But that didn't stop the assholes in the school district from trying.

Vic sighed again and removed the towel. Some of the swelling had gone down, and now all he had to do was wait for Jenny to show up. He couldn't wait to talk to her about the fight, and tell her how it all went down. He knew she'd understand.

Part 2 soon

Editors note: This story is getting quite long, so I think its best for me to seperate it into segments. I hope you enjoyed if you read this far, and please comment! Thanks guys, this story is one that's kind of hard for me to write, as its just one example of many how my school career was completely fucked up.