Matt and Grace: A Sentinel's tale V2

Story by Gryphus on SoFurry

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Well Ive been away for quite awhile, lots of craziness in RL as always but now having finished my winter exams I hope to get back into writing, anyways enjoy version two of my short story

  • Gryph


Matt slowly awoke to the sound of horses outside the main gate of the forest village. He quickly arose, throwing his pants on in his haste. He made sure to slide his katana into his belt, feeling naked without it. He sighed as he checked his bandages, stained red where he had taken an arrow for his lady. Matt was a sentinel, charged with protecting the princess no matter what. A few days' earlier assassins had tried to kill her. Luckily, Matt had moved fast enough for the poisoned arrow to strike him just below the ribs instead of the princess. He had spent the last two nights in writhing in pain, only kept alive by the lady's healer. He quickly changed his bandages before heading out into the night, the cool air sending light pins and needles up his lean, toned, muscular body, his chest bare except for the crisp new linen. He walked through the large Zen garden that surrounds his lady's residence, a small walled estate, hoping to see she had returned safely.

Grace slowly dismounted the feral horse, wearing a simple yet elegant, flowing blue kimono dress. She could see a bare-chested black wolf walking towards her and almost instantly recognized it was Matt. She blushed slightly as she eyed his body, wondering if he had realised she had feelings for him. Normally when sentinels are wounded they are left to die but she had seen to it personally he survived. Her tail swayed lightly as she quickly went through the formal affairs of her arrival, almost skipping a few important details of royal protocol. Quickly, she dismissed her other entourage once everything was said and done, walking towards Matt. She tried to keep collected but there was no hiding her excitement to see him alive and well again.

Matt smiled warmly, bowing to his lady. He couldn't help but eye her beautiful feline form, her stunning body and perfect face. He slowly stepped a little closer, her dress rustling lightly in the light breeze.

"Matt, I'm so glad you're alright..." Grace said with a sigh of relief as she quickly wrapped him up in a loving, tender embrace. She pressed herself against his soft fur, nuzzling his chest lightly. She could have been surrounded by the finest warriors of the land, all willing to die for her but she would never feel as safe anywhere else than Matt's arms.

"I was worried about you...let's get inside..." Matt replied as he hugged her back, nestling her head under his as she mewed with delight.

He kept his blue eyes on her, nuzzling her lightly. As they started to walk he held his arm around her, keeping Grace warm in the cool air of the night. As they slowly start to cross a small bridge in the heart of the Zen garden Matt felt Grace tug on his black robe's sleeve, turning to see her standing in the full moons light, nearly taking his breath away as he moved back close to her. She blushed brightly as she noticed Matt taking her paw's into his, looking away shyly for a second as she tried to think of what to say.

"Matt...I've always wanted to tell you this....I love you..."

She quickly locked her muzzle with his, kissing him deep and passionately, slipping her tongue into his muzzle as Matt slowly kissed back. Their eyes had closed as their muzzles met, the low rumble of his murring matching her purrs. They held each other on the bridge for some time, kept warm by one another as their tongues wrestled playfully before slowly breaking the kiss.

"I love you too....I always have from the day I met you."

He slowly let his paws roam her body, teasing and massaging her lovingly. Grace slowly let her long spotted tail flick up between Matt's legs, giggling girlishly as he licked her muzzle.

"Just tell me if you want to stop, I don't want to rush you..."

Matt smiled warmly as the soft moonlight washed over them. They looked deep into each other's eyes, nuzzling and licking each other as the cool air washed over them. Grace licked his chest fluff before moving her paws back up to his shoulders; wrapping them around his neck as Matt's wrapped around her waist. The moon soared high overhead as they locked their muzzles together in a deep, passionate kiss. Their tongues meeting in the middle, teasing and wrestling with each other as they savoured each other's taste.

"Mmm...Matt...Would you mind if we continued this in the morning...I'm sorry...It's been a long day for me..."

"I know, I can wait as long as you want me to....If you want I'll stay with you tonight..."

"I would love that..."

Grace quickly nestled into Matt's side as they walked to her quarters, Matt's warm fur making her purr with delight as she cuddled in to share his warmth. They kissed lightly as they slid back the thin rice paper door and walked in, the outside world seeming to slip away as they thought only of each other. Matt quickly undid his belt, leaving his sword in the corner as Grace changed into a beautiful silken night gown. He couldn't help but stare as the stunning cheetah girl changed in front of him. Grace blushed lightly, giggling before lying down on the bed. "Like what you see love?" she teased.

"Mmmm...Grace, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen..."

Grace giggled as Matt lay down beside her, wrapping her up in his arms. He pulled her close and nestled her head under his, murring in delight as she licked his neck fur.

"Thank you..." Grace said as she blushed, cuddling into Matt as she slowly drifted off to sleep. Matt soon followed, kissing Grace good night before pulling her closer and drifting off to sleep in each other's arms...

Grace's awoke to the sound of a shrill crow's call, her vision blurry as she forced open her eyes. The golden morning light broke through the rice paper doors as she looked around to find Matt and his sword gone as well. She shrugged, thinking that he had gone to get breakfast, train or some other Sentinel's duty. Her ears perked up as she listened for the usual sounds of people in the estate, nothing but the chilling wind, its call not a gentle whistle but a soft scream, almost like it was crying out in pain. The sensation made the feline's fur stand on end as she started to pick up on a few strange scents, people she hadn't met before, and more something much more worrying, blood.

Grace silently opened the rice paper door, looking around to find absolutely no one in sight. She took a step out and felt her paw kick something squishy, in her dazed state she almost didn't notice but when she looked down her eyes widened with horror, she had nudged the leg of a now dead servant boy, a little fox she had known well. For a minute she found her bright green eyes locked with the boy's hollow brown ones, for whatever reason, not matter how much it repulsed her, she couldn't take her eyes of the little fox, his mouth open slightly, blood trickling down the side of his muzzle. Three Kunai knives stuck out of his chest, one in the shoulder, one over his heart and one through his windpipe.

The slender cheetah girl knelt down, her paw gently resting on his cheek, almost comforting the dead boy before reaching up, closing his eye lids before letting the body rest back. Grace gently whispered a silent prayer for the servant she had known as Akio. As she stood back up her ears perked up, the clashing of steel was ringing out from across the estate, the feline's ears perking up as she started making her way towards the sounds. Grace knew well enough to keep her head down and move quietly, she had no idea how many people there were attacking or if they were hunting her down. She took a quick detour through the Zen gardens, finding dead bodies of guards and servants left and right. By now her body had gone numb to the horrors around her, yet she still closed each one's eyes, almost in a trance as she made her way toward the little bridge.

As Grace peeked around the corner of the pruned and finely trimmed shrubs she almost yelped, her eyes catching the form of her sentinel surround by three assassins, all cloaked in black robes. Two of them brandished ninjato while the last one spun a scythe and weighted chain above his head. The wolf stood in the middle of the maelstrom, defending him-self from all sides...

Matt stood, surrounded with the two swords man on his left and right, the scythe and chain swinger in front of him. He hadn't put on his shirt in the rush to defend the estate and Grace could see faint dark crimson stains on his black fur. His blade glinted in the early morning sunlight; the fine steel turned a gleaming red by fresh blood. The wolf growled softly, panting a little as he held his blade at eye level; edge up with its razor sharp tip pointed at his assailants. Without even the slightest warning the weight shot out of the scythe man's paw, narrowly missing Matt's muzzle. He side stepped, spinning one hundred and eighty degrees to parry an overhead strike, twisting the blade around mid-parry before bringing it down into the swordsman's shoulder. All in the blink of an eye, Matt drew his blade through, switching to a reverse grip before ramming the blade straight through the swordsman's stomach. The wolf planted his foot on the dying assassin, wrenching his blade free in one fluid motion before parrying a flurry of three strikes from the second swordsman, the clash of steel on steel ringing out through the gardens as he tried to force the sentinel back. Out of the corner of his eye, Matt noticed a faint glint, a faint whistling in the air as the scythe went straight for Matt's neck.


Grace cried out as Matt grabbed the swordsman by his collar, throwing him into the oncoming blade as he himself stepped out of the way. He was a split second two late, the scythe took the swordsman's head off before burying its point deep in the wolf's arm, howling in pain as the final assassin tried to pull it free. Matt grabbed the chain and yanked hard, pulling the assassin into a powerful kick, forcing him to let go of the chain, he wrenched the scythe free of his arm, without the tearing that his opponent intended. As the last assassin stood Matt ran his blade through the left side of chest, and then stood there for a split second, panting lightly before he slide the blade free. He whipped his blade to the side before quickly sheathing it, quickly moving to check his arm. Matt winced lightly as tied to stem the blood flow. His ears twitched as he heard movement behind him. His paws felt to his katana as he turned, pausing half way through the draw when she spotted his lady.

"Grace!" He cried in alarm, running to her and wrapping her up in his arms worriedly, cradling her in his arms. Grace licked his cheek, her eye on his as she licked his muzzle softly. Soon her gaze drifted to his arm as Matt held her close. "I'm sorry you had to see that, please, let's get inside..."

"I-I'm long as you're alright...We should get you to a healer, you look hurt pretty bad..."

"Don't worry, nothing too serious I-"

Matt's sentence was cut off by a howl of pain, an assassin's dagger exploding through his chest. Grace fell back and watched in horror as the assassin twisted the blade, making her sentinel howl even louder in agony. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before twisting to the side, drawing and slicing with his katana in one fluid motion, cleaving the warrior in half with brutal strike, the two halves falling to the ground with a sickly thud. Matt panted lightly as he tried to sheath his sword, slumping to his knees, coughing up blood as he felt Grace's arms wrap around him. He pulled her close as he rested his head on her lap, a pool of dark red blood forming beneath him.

", hold on, you're going to be fine..."

She said, trying to sooth him as he reached up and caressed her face. A single tear rolled down his cheek as the world faded around him. The wind blew lightly as he whimpered, not in pain but sorrow; he winced as Grace hugged him tightly, never once even thinking of pulling away in pain as he held her close. He clasped her paw gently as she started to sob; squeezing it tight as he gathered what was left of his strength.

"I'm sorry Grace...I love you..."

The last thing Matt felt was Grace's muzzle locked with his, his mind only on her as he slipped away into the void.