Chapter two - Trouble

Story by Kietro on SoFurry

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#2 of Kitsune Chronicles

Joka had undressed herself in front of me. I had no clue as to what was going on. At first, I was the one loving her, and now she seems to have been a different person after all. Was she going to do something? Before I had any time to recollect my thoughts, she tackled me and pushed me below her. I was now between her and the bed. I struggled, but there seemed to be some kind of magic holding me down.

"JOKA!!! What madness is this? What do you think you are doing? Let me go!!!"

"Well, Matthew, isn't this what you wish? Do you not want to sleep with me? I have let my magic control you only for a while. It is all gone now. Answer me. Is this what you wish for? Do you wish to sleep with me? Lie with me?"

I thought for a moment. I could not do this. No matter what kind of a player I was, I could not do this to the one I loved. If she were a virgin, I would take it. A mere human would take her virginity. I could not harm her like this. It is just too inhumane. To take her virginity would be like raping her, without consent.

"I can not, Joka," I said, "for I love you too much. This love goes beyond sleeping with you. All I wish is to be in your presence. That alone is enough to satisfy me. Although I am aroused by your proposal, I can not, simply said, because you might be waiting for the one for you. I can not be your love. I am merely a lowly human. Compared to you, I am nothing"

"Well, that is the answer I have been waiting for," she answered me.

I stared at her in disbelief. All that for a test? This girl was very smart, another thing I liked about her. When she did these kind of things, she was very cute. I still stared as she put her clothes back on. After that, I fell to sleep, without another word. Darkness covered my eyes as quickly fire burns over oil.

The warmth of the brightly shining sun welcomed me as I woke up. I blinked the sleepiness out of my eyes, only to find Joka sitting at the end of my bed.

"I'm very sorry for last night. It must have been very shocking. Let me make it all up to you."

She leaned forward as we, once again, locked our lips in another passionate kiss. This time, she was the one to seek entrance to my mouth. I allowed her as soon as I felt her push against my lips. Her tongue in my mouth was sensational. It felt so soft a velvety. I started sucking on it, and Joka began emitting moans. This was bliss. Soon, I stopped for one reason. It wasn't that I was not enjoying. In fact, it was the best time of my life so far. The only reason I stopped was because of school.

"I'm sorry Joka, but I have to go. I have finals. You know what they are. You've been here long enough to know what kind of effects this will have on my life. Please, will you just let me go?"

I added that last request because she had been groping my ass for quite a while. She giggled and let me go. I changed as fast as I could, washed up, and rushed out the door, all the time thinking what might have happened.

While taking my tests, I had trouble concentrating because the picture of Joka posing for me without her clothes kept coming into my mind as if to haunt me. I did get through the finals fairly well, despite the images my mind was making with me and Joka. Even though I was finished with one, there were still two more tests I had to do. With every question I answered, Joka always seemed to pry her way into my mind, as if determined to make me think of her all the time.

I started back to my room. There I stopped, because the door was open. I knew Joka was not careless enough to leave the door open, nor was I. Something was wrong. I opened the door and slowly made my way in. Everything was in place, nothing was taken, yet, there was a sense in the air that something was still not right in that room. Too late, I realized that someone else was in there. There was a searing pain of a thousand white-hot knives at the back of my head. The searing pain caused me to black out and the world around me dissolved in a haze of black dots.

During Matthew's test, I wandered the campus looking for pranks to pull on other people. I soon met someone very familiar yet looked very different. I quickly shifted from my current form to my human form and stepped out of the invisibility shield. In my human form, I wore a white shirt and blue jeans.

"Hello, I haven't met you around here. What's your name?" I cautiously walked up to the stranger and asked him.

"I am Lorka."

Lorka was a very familiar name to me. I wondered where I had thought of it before. Too late, I realized that this was that same pervert that had pursued me when I had turned him down so many times. I slowly walked away, scared of what he was doing here.

"Hello Joka, I haven't seen you in about half a year. It has been way too long. I still miss seeing that ass of yours. When will you finally realize that I am the only one for you? You should see that by now. The other Kitsunes have turned you down like you have turned me down. Who will you run to? No other specie is evolved enough to comply with us." Lorka was pushing his subject way too far.

"Just shut up and leave me alone," I answered, "because there is no way, not even in hell, that I would even take a stroll through the park with you, less date you. I have hated you with the hate of ten thousand angry Drakords. Nothing will ever change that. Besides, I have come to love another, and he loves me back like you never could."

"Have you slept with him then? Or are you still a pure virgin? Did he try to rape you?"

"Matthew is the most caring and trustworthy human. Yes, he is a human. He is also very talented. Even though I am living with him, he is very gentle with his ways. He never approached me, just stared at a distance, something you won't ever be able to do Lorkiko. You would rape me at every chance you got, whether I was mated to another or not."

"True, very true. But there is something new that I have that you may like. I am now a seven-tail, much more powerful than I was since the last time we met. Now I have the power to do this."

Suddenly, we were teleported to a room inside the campus. I recognized it because all the rooms in the campus were alike. This room was the same as any other, beside the fact that it was missing all its furniture. Another thing I noticed was that we were now both in our Kitsune form. There was something there, or rather somebody. It was hanging from several ropes attached to the wall. I soon recognized the body hanging there was Matthew. I cried with new knowledge and understanding.

"Do not worry," Lorka tried to comfort me. "He is not dead, at least not yet."

"So you plan on killing him then? You knew all along. You knew who I loved. You knew everything. Surely you did not think that kidnapping him would bring me back to you."

"No, that is not my plan, though you are very close. Soon he will awaken at the sight of his dear beloved laying with another Kitsune. What will he think when he sees that?

"That's it? You're going to rape me and think that Matthew will desert me, causing me to run to you? I would never do that, even if Matthew deserted me, which I highly doubt. He knows me all too well to think that I would run to another."

"Oh yes, by the way, have you ever thought of how you are going to lay with me?"

Slowly, the truth dawned on me like the sun awakening to a new day. This Kitsune was going to rape me and force me to be his lover. Whether he could accomplish that or not, I would never run to him.

"You think that by raping me, you can win my heart? You fool! That will only increase my hate towards you ten times over. I love Matthew too much to care what he thinks after you rape me. I will resist you. Though you may succeed, I will never love you. Nothing can change that, as I recall saying to you the day I departed."

"The thought of your pussy around my thick cock already brings me hard. You are so beautiful. Why waste your beauty on such an insolent creature as this human?"

"You perverted bastard! You are nothing like a Kitsune. We would never rape. We never steal from others. And most of all, we never force to love. You are not a Kitsune, you are a monster. A monster that seeks what he lacks and tries to make up for it by trying to force another, maybe even leading to death."

"Then you leave me with no choice, Jokalavira, but to end this human's life. Surely you would not like that? I know you love this man too much to give up his life for your own."

I could not speak. This was just too much. He was forcing me to have unnecessary rough sex with him. I knew that it would be rough because he was a lot bigger than me. Worst of all, he was forcing me to put Matthew's life on the line. What could I do? If I refused, Matthew would die. If I obeyed, I would disgrace myself and might even lose the only love of my life. What could I do? This was something I could not do. I could try to delay my answer by simply not talking, but Lorkiko would get annoyed. He was a creature like that, having no patience. This choice could affect my entire life. Suddenly, I sensed movement. I looked up to see Matthew looking back at me.

"Joka..." His voice was barely audible but my sensitive ears picked it up. "Joka, I heared everything, I was not unconscious as this thing thinks I was. I was, that is until a couple hours ago. I have a thing for quick healing. Don't do anything, Joka. I could care less if this thing killed me. It would be better than to see you being raped. Please, Joka, take this as a dying wish. Remember that conversation we had last night? I meant it. I would rather die than to see you harmed. Even if you do against my words, I would never leave you. I know your heart as well as you do. Please. Just let me die..."

That was all he could get out before Lorkiko threw a vicious punch at him.

"Shit, I thought he would be out for a couple more hours at least. Still, this might make things more interesting. He will watch in pain while he sees his lover being taken over and over again. There is another thing I should have told you, Jokalavira. I could mate with you and never get tired. That is a trait of a Kitsune with many tails."

"Here is something to think about, Lorkiko," I told him. "How do you plan to catch me and keep me down?"

"Easy. With this..." With those words, my body became limp. I had no control, or rather he had total control of my body. I could do nothing, not even struggle against his control. I whimpered as he got closer to my body.

He started to take my clothes off, ever so slowly. First he undid the belt that went around my waist. He teasingly took it off, and stopped for a minute or two, enjoying what he was doing. Then he slowly reached around my back and pulled the tails out of the hole in the robe. He started playing with one then the other, caressing them in his dirty hands. I cried out, but could do no more. He smirked at my attempt to get away. The next article to come off was the robe itself, since that was the only clothing I had. He slowly slid them off my shoulders and down my supple breasts. He teased and played with them for ten minutes. Then he completed in taking the whole robe off and tossed it aside, I stood there, completely naked, and completely hopeless. There was nothing I could do.

Lorkiko then started to take his clothes off. He seemed to try to take them off as slowly as he could to try and seduce, as if I really wanted to sleep with him. The first to go off were his pants. Kitsune perverts, like Lorkiko, preferred to put on a lot of clothes. He slowly took them off, along with his boots. The shirt was the next to come off. He stood there in only his boxers. His cock was clearly visible, as it created quite a big bulge in his shorts. Slowly, he took them off and his cock sprung free of its cotton prison. It was then, I realized, that Matthew was going to die no matter what. Likewise, I would get raped no matter what the situation.

Slowly, Lorkiko made his way to me. He laid me down on the hard wooden floor and started to lick me. Though the pleasure was great, I could not bear it. The pain in my heart was too much to enjoy this. After about half an hour of this torture, I was barely conscious. He, however, was very much awake, and seemed ready for a lot more.

"Now, to claim my prize," was what he said when he met me face to face. His foxhood lingered at my entrance as his teased my clit. He rubbed his dick all over my genital areas. Slowly, he started to sink his cock deeper into my vagina. I cried out to stop him, but was still powerless over my own body.

I opened my eyes and stared into those lustful eyes of his. Those eyes reflected the pure lust he wanted of me. To him, I was just another woman to be abused.

Again, I stared into those eyes, those lustful eyes. I wondered to myself what death would feel like after this...

...end of part 2...

I felt so bad after writing was only to get a little excitement but ended up like this...sniffsniff...

ah well...

an anonymous person asked i think two questions.

one was if i posted this story else where...

sry to say...this is the only stie i have submitted...and the first i have submitted as well...there is a story like this...though very different. "My Tutor Has Six Tails" it is incomplete and hasnt been updated in a long time...but it is very good.

the second was about tail years. i wrote that i grow a tail once every 50 years (human years) but since the original is once every 100 years, a tailyear is basically 100 human years...

thats all i ahve to say...

thanx to all my friend for supporting me...i await all my fans to give me email...i would really appreciate Constructive Critisicm...if you find anything wrong with the story...just mail me...or sumthing like that

AIM: tboy2590

MSN: [email protected]