Roommate Lovers part 3

Story by DracoMancer on SoFurry

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#3 of Roommate Lovers

Authors Note- Also if you are under 18 you should not be reading this or risk serious needs of therapy. I'd love to hear your comments so please leave something like suggestions or requests or where you live where you keep your money and when you're not home.

Drake was in his room reading when Sal, his mate, walked in.

"Hey Drake," he said sounding confused "do you know anything at all about what I did last night?"

"Looks like you got a serious hangover," He said not taking his eyes off the book. "with the way you stumbled in last night I wouldn't be surprised. Here's what I know. You went to a party last night stayed there for about an hour or two, came home in a drunken stupor, I had my fun with you..." He said stifling a chuckle. "Then you tripped over your own feet blaming someone called Steve, ate a whole bunch, and you fell asleep on the floor of your bedroom." Sal looked shocked.

"So you're the reason I woke up with dried cum all over me?"

"Yep, looked like you had fun too!" he said turning the page. Then with his long dragon tail he pushed the power on his nearby radio and a loud, high pitched song came on. Sal tried to cover his ears with his headache blasting. Drake turned it off laughing at him.

"You did that on purpose." Sal said with a growl.

"Maybe I did maybe I didn't you'll never know."

"Oh I'm never drinking again." He said turning around leaving Drake to his book.

"There's a reason I don't drink man!" he yelled after him. Sal went into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He was a mess, his fur was knotted up, and he had Drake's cum on him, and smelled like alcohol. He turned on the shower and walked in. the warm water relaxed him and he reached for a bottle of shampoo squeezed a lot more than was actually needed into his hand and started to rub it in. He rinsed himself off and jumped out the shower. He grabbed his brush and started to take it through his fur getting all the knots out. When he finished he looked cleaner and softer than ever.

He left the shower to see a note on the coffee table. He picked it and it read:

Dear Sal, I took your wallet to help pay for all the food you ate last night. Thanks!

_ See you soon, love Drake._

Sal chuckled at Drake's carefree message. Usually he would be the one to pull the jokes like that. He went to his room and put on some clean clothes. He went into the kitchen and saw that extent of his drunken munchies. The pantry was empty of all sweets and all that was left in the fridge was half a hot dog and a carton of milk. He chuckled to himself and thought about how he ate so much. He didn't have any classes today so he walked out of the compass and called a friend. They talked for awhile and they ended up going to a club that night.

"Alright Steve see you there." Drake walked into the dorm room and put down the groceries. Hey Sal thanks for your wallet! Where are you?"

"Right here," he said walking into the kitchen. "Can I have my money now?"

"Sorry," he said handing him his wallet "Just consider it payback for eating all the good food. "Yes I saw what I did to the kitchen, sorry. Hey you wanna go clubbing with me and a friend tonight?"

"Sure why not? But I'm not touching a drop you hear me. I'm not trying to end up like you did last night. Yeah, yeah you don't have to but you still owe me for taking advantage of me while I was drunk."

"Oh baby is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" he said moving closer to him.

"Hmm, I don't know..." Drake started to move behind him hugging his stomach.

"I have an idea," he said moving his hands down.

"Nope I know what you can do. You can pay me back my money for all this food." He said moving out of Drake's arms. Drake laughed and said

"You did that on purpose, teasing me like that. So no you don't get your money back its food now."

"Don't worry I'll get what I want in the end." And he left to go get ready for the club. The next few hours went by quickly and uneventfully so when it was time to go him and Draco got into the car and stopped at Steve's apartment. Steve was a white rabbit with an orange spot around his left eye.

"Hey Sal," then he looked at Draco "Well hellooo cutie! Who are you?"


"Back off Steve, Drake's mine."

"Oh so you're the dragon Sal has been telling me about."

"I guess so. He's told me about you a few times. He just never told me about how strong you come on.

"I'm sorry for Steve's flirtatious attitude. He just likes to get as much attention as possible. "

"That's not true! I'm just naturally frisky." He said making Drake and Sal laugh.

"Does it have something to do with being a bunny?" Sal said still laughing.

"You know what, just for that next chance I get I'm stealing your boyfriend." He said putting his hands around Drake's waist from behind the seat. "When we get into the club how about we dance together."

"Uh I'm off limits for now, and I'd like to see you try and steal me away from foxy over there." He said motioning towards Sal."

"Oh your no fun." He groaned moving back into his seat."

"Yeah Steve try to steal that stud away from me." Sal said laughing. Soon they had come up on the club and gone in. The music was blaring and the rhythm enchanting, and soon Drake found himself dancing with it. He and Sal were dancing together while the bunny was grinding on a black stallion who seemed to be enjoying it. It wasn't long until they got tired and went to the bar. Drake ordered a soda and Sal a beer. He went to the other side of the bar and called over the bartender.

"Hey bartender I need you to do something for me. See that dragon over there? I need you to spike his drink with the strongest alcohol you got. I'll pay you for every drop you use."

"I don't know about that," the cheetah started "What's he done to you?" not wanting to tell him the truth he made up a clever lie

"Last time I came home drunk he tied me to a mattress and set me loose on a lake." The bartender laughed and said

"Gotta be careful with stuff like that. Sure I'll get him for ya, free of charge."

"Thanks man." And he left with that. Soon just from one more cup of the drugged cola he was drunk.

'wow whatever that cheetah put into his drink was strong'

"Ey Sal I feel funny. Is there something wrong with me?" he managed to slur out.

"Oh your probably just tired. C'mon I'll take you home." He said with a smirk. He paid the tab and went to find Steve. He found him in the arms of that stallion he was dancing with earlier.

"Steve me and Drake are about to leave think you can get a ride from somewhere else."

"Oh I can get a ride alright," he said hugging the stallion tightly. Sal left helping Drake to the car and drove off to the college campus. When they got there he helped Drake out and into their dorm room.

"You're so nice you foxy you." Sal smiled at that 'Not gonna be so nice when you wake up tomorrow morning' Sal passed up Drake's bedroom going to his.

"Where are we going my rooms over there?"

"Where going to my room, you're going to do something for me." He said holding back laughter. When he got to his room he took off his pants and boxers to reveal his throbbing erection. He opened his legs a little wider and motioned for Drake to come over to him. Drake came over and knelt down already knowing what to do even in his drunken haze. He started to wrap his long tongue around the fox's length and put his maw around it. He continued to massage Sal with his tongue making him moan loudly. The fox began to hump into the dragon's mouth loving the tight ring of warmth around his dick. Before he came Sal pulled Drake up and put him on the bed saying "Lay back," He lined his canine cock up with the dragon's pink pucker and started to rub up against it. Drake started let out small moans as Sal slowly pushed his whole length into him. He began to push in and out of the dragon, the tightness driving him crazy he could feel his load filling his balls as his knot began to form. He pushed in even faster now hilting himself into Drake every time he went forward fucking him harder and harder each time. He felt Drake's ass clench around and the dragon's hot cum hit his face and chest. That fueled Sal's orgasm and he pulled out to cum all over Drake. After he finished releasing his load he looked at Drake to see him passed out and decided to finish his revenge. He pulled Drake out of his bed and dragged him out of his room and pulled the dragon into his own room and laid him on the floor. He went to the bathroom took a shower and went to sleep in the comfort of his own bed.

The next morning Drake woke up with a painful headache and looked around himself to see his room and found he was on the floor. He got up groggily and looked at himself in the mirror. He was naked and had a large spots of dried cum all over him. He went to Sal's room to see him playing CoD on his Xbox.

"Sal what happened last night?"

"Oh last night, let's see. You got drunk and I got revenge for what you did to me last time."

"Oh damn, you spiked my drink. Don't tell me you-"

"Yes I did," he said turning up the TV volume just in time for a grenade to explode making Drake growl and cover his ears. "You did that on purpose."

"Maybe I did and maybe I didn't you'll never know."

"Oh I'm never going anywhere with alcohol with you ever again" he said turning back into the other room leaving Sal laughing.