Forgive Me- David 1

Story by tapanther on SoFurry

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#1 of Forgive Me

DISCLAIMER: Because every story needs one. This is a work of fiction. THIS chapter has no yiff, but it does have M/M love, kissing, cuddling. If you are offended, you may leave. Otherwise read on. Any resemblance to real people/places/events is purely coincidental in nature. ------------------------------------------------------ This is my first story in my first series Forgive Me. I hope you like it. Please let me know. Feel free to copy for PERSONAL USE (not commercial use). Do not alter it, unless it is a typo. START: "Hey Love, we've better get going before it gets too dark." -Sigh- Here he goes again. I swear, that panther's gonna drive me nuts one day! "Sure Honey, just give me five minutes to take a piss. I drank too much Coke." "Don't be long. I want your foxy butt back here the moment you're done." He gave me a quick peck on the cheek as I headed to the club's John. Now, don't get me wrong, I love Tavis, my boyfriend. He's the greatest person in my world. I've been with him for eight years, since my junior year of college at CalTech, and before that I was his friend. It's just that ever since . . . that night, -shudder- he's been overprotective of me. I can't blame him though; besides, he does enough of that for both of us. He really did a number on me. I wish that he would go back to being the easy going panther I used to know. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I met Tavis on the first day of my biology class. My stupid alarm clock didn't wake me up in time, and I was a few minutes late for my first class sophomore year. I threw on a blue shirt and jeans, and ran out the door with my backpack in hand, trying to stuff everything in. After going through the ubiquitous "Nice of you to join us Mr. Halse. Care to take a seat?" I scanned the room for an empty chair. As fortune would have it, the only chair was next to Tavis. The moment my eyes made contact with him, I felt a cold fire spread through my body. He was gorgeous. Jet black hair, very smooth and well groomed, covered a light build that gave him an air of beauty rather than unchecked lust or arrogance. His soft blue eyes made him look angelic, while his devious grin made him look mischievous. My heart skipped several beats when I realized I'd be sitting next to him for the semester. My legs moved in spite of every thought that ran through my head. What if he doesn't like me? What if he's a homophobe? Oh God! What if he knows, or worse, finds out I'm gay, and beats me up? Looking back, all of these thoughts seem so stupid, but back then, I was sweating like a dog in August, no offense. Then, he spoke. "Hey! My name's Tavis Kenningcot. How you doin?" "My lame, uh, I mean my name is David Halse. I'm good- no great, I'm great!" If my fur wasn't already red, he would have seen how embarrassed I felt. Oh God! I feel so stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! He probably things I'm a loser now. He won't want to talk to me, and it's my stupid fault. He just smiled, and looked forward. He looks so cute when he smiles; it's one of those smiles that make your body tingle and your face to smile. Maybe I didn't screw up that badly. The rest of the class went on uneventfully. The teacher, Mr. Onslow, a mean old bobcat who has a tendency to drone on in-one-long-un-paused-sentence-so-that-nobody-can-interrupt, somehow managed to speak for an hour without using a single comma, let alone a period. I wasn't paying much attention; my mind was focused on stealing a look at the hot panther next to me. I swear he was trying to seduce me. Every now and then, he would lean back and stretch, making his muscles bulge out against his tee-shirt, and giving me a good look at his body. Fortunately, I managed to calm down my erection before the bell rang, and got up to put my stuff away. As he passed behind me, I felt something running against my bottom, and turned around to see the tip of his tail pass past my jeans. Is he hitting on me? Nah, can't be. Must've been an accident. I suppressed another hard-on, and headed to my next class, English. If there's one class that's there for the sole purpose of inflicting pain, it's English class. There's times when I find myself starting to move forward to slam my head on my desk. As I entered, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned to see who it was. I jumped when I saw it was Tavis. "Whoa there! Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I was wondering if you wanted to sit by me. If you want, of course. You can sit where you want, but I'd like it if you sat with me- I mean I think it'd be nice." He scratched the back of his head and looked down. Is he nervous? What if . . . he LIKES me? "Sure, I'd love to! Where?" He began to glow a little, and led me to a pair of open spots near the back. Again, that cold fire seemed to flow through me, and I began to worry what would happen if he decided he didn't like me. I always did well enough in English, so it wasn't a problem if my mind wandered here. Biology, on the other hand, might be a problem. (But as I would soon learn, a good problem). We chatted for a while, both verbally and on a piece of paper after being told to be quiet by Mrs. Stucken. I learned that he liked to take walks on the beach, play football, watch TV, and ride his bike. This much I expected. What I didn't expect was that he liked to read a lot. He told me he finished roughly three decent-sized books a month. Even more surprising was that he liked science fiction books, like me. I also learned that he liked to sing soft rock and pop, especially love songs. Unfortunately, I had to tell him that I liked to cook, and dance, two things my dad said were for girls. I guess he was partly right. Somehow, he managed to get out of me one of my deepest secrets, not the gay thing, dear God no. I don't know how, but he convinced me to tell him that I like to wear thongs and bikinis, especially in fluorescent colors. I felt my face actually get redder and redder as he tried to suppress a laugh. What have I done now? I went from humiliated to nearly jumping for joy as he put his arm around my shoulder and smiled. "That's awesome! I personally prefer briefs, but I would love to see you wear a thong to Onslow's class. He'd probably throw you out a window!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From there on, we became close friends, and eventually, boyfriends. Well, I'd better get back in there and go home. Tavis is probably pacing the floor wondering if I'm getting raped or something. I headed back to the club, squeezing my way past all the dancing guys. "Hey Honey, you miss me?" "Yea, I was starting to worry about you. Five more minutes and I would've started to rip the place apart looking for you." "And you would too. Besides, you always worry." It was true, after . . . that night . . . Tavis became a mother hen. Always looking out for me, protecting me from every little thing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heh, one time, this wolf-kid was skateboarding down the street, not paying attention, and bumped into me. Or at least he would have, had Tavis not stepped in front of me, grabbed the kid by the scruff of the neck, and lifted him up like a sack of flour. Bearing his fangs, Tavis had said "Listen dude, you'd better watch where you're going, or you might just find yourself under the wheels of a truck. Got it!!!" He growled that last 'got it'. Tavis isn't a sissy guy. If he wanted to, he could tear a door from its hinges without breaking a sweat, and you can tell too. Tavis is not the kind of guy you want grabbing you from the neck. Poor kid was scared shitless, well, piss-less. Suddenly a thin stream of urine fell from the poor wolf's shorts to the ground. He must've been one of those tough guys, the ones that are macho and arrogant, but the moment they're alone or outgunned, turn into nothing more that puppies, or kittens, or cubs, you know what I mean! "Sweetie, put the puppy down, you know he didn't mean anything" I said. He held the kid, who was now trembling, for a few moments and dropped him. I said to the once tough-guy "Listen kid, I'm sorry. He means well, he really does. You just caught him at his worst. Uh, by the way, you might want to go home and get a change of pants." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What's so funny? I care about you. I just don't want you getting hurt again. God. I'd die if something happened to you again, you -sniff- you know that." "Oh Honey, I know. I was just remembering that one time you scared that kid piss-less. Poor kid. I wonder if he's in therapy now?" "Ha, ha, ha. He could have hurt you. But hey, you have to agree, it was funny!" "Yea, it was. So, you ready to go home, or are you gonna keep me here 'till tomorrow?" "Let's go then. I don't want it to get too dark. There's more drunk drivers later at night you know." "You are such a mother hen!" "Hey! You're gonna pay for that later." He leant in and kissed me passionately. It's been so long since he's been this lively. Maybe he's beginning to forgive himself, like I did. His tongue pushed its way into my maw, coiling around mine as our muzzles locked. He pulled back slightly only to pull me in tighter, holding me against his chest. I felt his heart beating proudly against mine. He finally let go of me, leaving a glistening bridge of our mixed saliva running between our open maws. A final kiss took care of that, leaving me light headed and warm, not to mention aroused. He lifted me into his powerful arms, leaving me completely at his mercy. Not that I was worried, that night, I was sure, will never repeat itself. I fell asleep in his arms as he carried me home, protected by his strength, and warmed by his love. Please let me know what you think. If I get enough feedback (+/-, don't care) I'll continue the story. THANKS