Sister's Seals of Approval

Story by GrayFox on SoFurry

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Yadda yadda yadda, you know the usual. Over 18 or 21 depending on the place you live and all that spiffy stuff.

If in some way you dislike any kind of adult-oriented setting, you'd do best to turn back and make like you never saw this. Deal? Deal.

Leave critics as you wish, so long as they aren't random blabbering without sense. If it's constructive, go right ahead. If it's of the other kind, at least give reasons... Any other positive comments I'll gladly take 'em.

For the heck of it, my mail, though accessible from my user profile, is grayfox2510 (@t) NOSPAMgmail (dot) com. Of course, just remove that NOSPAM tag...

Sister's Seals of Approval

It was a slow day in school. Though it was like any other day in terms of classes and what not, this day was seeming to progress slower than ever. A gray fox strolled through the hallways of the school. As gray as a gray fox could be, his fur was a light shade of the color, present in all of his body. With the exception of the tips of his pointy ears, the tip of his tail, tummy and the underside of his hands and feet. His pair of black jeans fluttered with the gentle breeze that caressed his body, a similar behavior present in his cyan blue t-shirt, his tail swaying from side to side tranquilly.

His dark blue sneakers softly resounded against the pavement with each step, his shoulder-length gray hair bouncing a bit as he walked forward. I wonder where Mia is... I haven't seen her in all day... He thought to himself, though he had no time to go and search for her, as he had economics coming up in about five minutes, so he simply entered the classroom and sat down in a free place, waiting...

About an hour later the class was over as he stepped out into the aisle. He had thirty minutes free, so he thought about searching for her.

Just as he went around a corner he spotted her on the horizon.

"Hey, Mia!" he called out to her. The silvery-gray wolfess that had taken the heart of the fox turned her head around to look at him. Her fur was of a glittering silver turning into gray in a perfect way. Her green eyes like a pair of flawless jades that shone directly at him, her pointy ears perking a bit as she heard her name while her fluffy tail fluttered behind her. The underside of her muzzle was of a snowy white. A stripe of white that ran all the way through her bosom and stomach, ending at her navel. She was wearing a low-cut red blouse along with a long skirt of gray color that ended a bit past her knees.

Expecting a smile in return and possibly for her to approach the fox, he was dumbfounded when she only looked surprised and instead sprinted away. Was she late for class? Trying to catch up with her, the fox also sped up dodging and avoiding any and all furs that got in his way as he bent a corner, only to be able to catch a small glimpse of the wolf as she darted around another corner. Wonder what could be wrong... He sighed in a dismay, his shoulders rising in a shrug as he turned around and walked away.

I should at least eat something... He thought, walking on his way to the cafeteria. The rest of the day went uneventful and with no signs of her. After what free time he had, it was math, then another free hour and finally physics before he was home free.

His head was darting from side to side, hoping to find the wolfess again but he was having no luck. Giving up for the time, he walked back home.

As he entered the building of his house, he walked directly into his bedroom. He lived alone for the time being, as his both parents were usually out all the time on business travels and he was quite used to it already.

Dropping his bag to the floor with a sordid thud, he turned on his computer as he sat down. No homework and nothing to do... As the screen came to life, he quickly connected to the Internet hoping to see Mia online, but such was his luck as her contact name was grayed out. And out of sheer bad luck, neither were her two sisters, Syria and Laphine. Sighing, the fox laid back in his chair, trying to think of something to do, his arms crossing behind his head as his eyes intently scanned the paint job of the roof of the room.


He hated Tuesdays and Thursdays, truth be told. He had a little bit of too much free time and most of his friends were in class when he wasn't. Reluctantly, he entered his math classroom and sat down. Integrals, mass centers, weird numbers and operations; it all came and went as everyone in the room left into the aisle when class was over.

Glancing to the right, he swore having seen Mia quickly dart away, but it was probably just his imagination. He was on his way to go get something to eat, but spotted Laphine on way to the cafeteria, talking with two of her friends.

"Hey, Laphine!" He called out for her, who turned to look at the gray fox.

"Hiya, Ashley," she smiled. Her fur was completely white, as pure as white can be. Her blue eyes blending in a marvelous combination against her fur and hair, which was of the same color at the length of her back. Her tail swayed a bit as she looked at the fox. She had grown quite attached to him ever since he started dating Mia about a year and a half go, up to the point where she almost considered him a brother she could trust on, especially when she was in trouble. The snowy feline was short, barely reaching over a meter and a half, standing about a head below the vulpine.

"Have you seen Mia by any chance?" The dog fox asked, his hand brushing away the hair that had collected in the front of his face, as the air was blowing from the side and behind him.

"Nope, sorry. I was so tired yesterday after my basketball practice that I just got home and fell asleep for the rest of the day," she grinned, scratching the back of her head somewhat embarrassed. That would've been at about six PM... Felines. He chuckled to his insides before he heard her continue. "And when I woke up this morning she had already left. Why you ask?" She wondered, her head cocked to the side.

"I get the impression she's been avoiding me. Or at least, I haven't been able to get in touch with her either. In fact," he paused for a moment. "She ran away when she saw me yesterday! Did I do something bad?" He asked, concerned.

Shrugging, the feline straightened her head for a moment, arm moving up to her chin as her gaze lowered for a moment in thought with a "Hmm..." before looking up at him. "Not that I know of. Or at least, she usually tells us almost everything and she hasn't said anything lately."

"I see..." Ashley wondered for a moment. "Well, thanks anyway. Hey wait, don't you have class right now?"

"What time is it?" She frowned.

"Ten forty-one," he answered back.

"Ack! I'm late, gotta go!" She yelled before quickly grabbing her bag and sprinting off frantically, the fox chuckling as he watched her, her friends in hot pursuit as they also had the same class she had.


Wednesday wasn't much of an eventful day for him. He only had three classes that day, two at the very morning and another in the afternoon, which forced him to stay around two hours doing nothing in school.

As he was on his way to his last class of the day he saw Syria from the corner of his eye, a younger sister of Mia but still older than Laphine. He caught her attention as she said something to her friends before walking his way, who approached her. "Hey, Ashley." At plain sight, she could be frightening to some. Especially since she was a bit over one-eighty, but once one got to know her, one would find she was actually kind and gentle, for a tiger anyway. Her fur was a blend of white and orange, mostly white with orange spots and lines in random places. Her blonde hair feel back to her shoulders as her amber eyes looked at the fox, smiling at him.

"Hi, Syria," he smiled back at the tiger. "By the way, has Mia told you anything about me lately?" He inquired before further adding. "I get the impression she's been avoiding me..."

With a look of concern and a cocked head, the tiger spoke. "Sorry, man. I don't think I can help you with this one," she shrugged. Any good friend of Syria could tell you she was always straight out honest, sometimes even if it meant hurting others, so Ashley took her word on that one.

"Ah well," he heaved a light sigh. "I'll see if I can find her one of these days. I gotta go to class, so you take care," he waved goodbye as he walked past the tiger.

Waving in return she answered, "You too."


On Tuesday, Ashley saw none of the three sisters at school. In a way, it was understandable, as none of his free hours matched any of the girls.

Friday however was a different story for the fox. As he was simply enjoying his lunch in the first free hour he had, listening to some music on his own, a soft tap on his shoulder caught his attention. Turning his head inquisitively, he laid eyes on the deep jade eyes of the wolfess of his love. "Mia!" He called her name, hugging her, face pressed to her stomach. Letting go of her, he quickly spoke. "What's gotten into you, you crazy wolf!" He said. "You have no idea how worried I've been."

"Sorry, sorry," she spoke, sitting next to the fox, her head resting on his shoulder. "It's just... Well, I don't really know how to say, but a lot of things have gone through my head lately," she said, turning her head a bit so that she could barely see his eyes.

Placing a finger to her lips, the fox quietly hushed her. "Don't worry about it," he said with a reassuring smile. "You must have your reasons."

"Well, I also have somewhat of a surprise for you," she started, her head leaving his shoulder as she looked at his eyes. "Let's call it a reward for coping up with me this whole week, shall we?" She winked with a smile, turning into a giggle. "Can you come to my house tomorrow at around afternoon?"

"Sure. I don't believe I'll be busy at the time. Plus, I'd love the chance to spend some time with you again," he paused. "I had actually started to miss you, you know?" He said with a grin.

"Perfect!" She clapped her hands before quickly standing. "I have to go, I got a class right now," she muttered before planting a kiss on the fox's cheek. "Don't be late!" She said, walking away.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow," he spoke. His eyes currently fixated in her swaying tail and hips which looked almost seductive.


I wonder why she suddenly asked me to come to her house... The fox thought to himself as he walked along the streets. I'm a bit nervous, that I'll admit. He sighed to himself. A whole week sort of avoiding me and then this, well... It is kind of unnerving.

Lifting his gaze, the fox could see the house of the wolfess in the distance. With the two-story home in reach, he decided to sped up his pace a bit. As he stood on the doorway, he raised his finger to push the doorbell and hesitated for a moment before actually doing it, making the doorbell inside ring for a moment as he let the button go.

He waited for a few seconds before he heard a window above him slide open, looking up, he saw Mia's face appearing from the frame.

"Oh, hey, Ashley," she spoke. "Come on in, it's open," she smiled.

"Alright," he nodded as the girl disappeared, the window closing once more before he opened the door, walking inside as he closed the entrance behind him. He waited right there before Mia's voice resounded from above.

"Come on up, please. I'm in my bedroom."

Ashley frowned for a bit before shrugging and trudged up the nearby stairs. There were only three rooms at the top, though only two were actually in use. One for their mother-- who was currently single, another was used as a storage of sorts for all sorts of things and irregularities, and the last one was the bedroom all three sisters shared which was also the biggest of the house for the same reason.

Knocking softly on the door, Ashley waited for a response. "Come on in," Mia spoke quickly. As Ashley reached for the handle of the door and opened it, he could swear he had just heard Laphine's giggling...

As he entered, looking to his left as he closed the door behind him, he was in for a surprise as he turned around to the right. Awe-struck and equally shocked at the sight, he remained standing with wide eyes as he tried to fathom the scene laid before him. There, right in front and casually sitting on the bed was Mia. Clad only in her underwear, bra and panties only and both in an equally cyan blue color. That wouldn't be the first time he saw her like that, as they had previously been intimate once, and that wasn't really the reason of his shock. No, it was the fact that both Laphine and Syria were there as well, similar to the wolfess as they were only clad in their underwear; pink for the kitten and white for the tigress, and none of the three were doing the simplest effort to cover themselves.

Mouth hanging open and stuttering for words, he pointed at the door and then at them. To the door a second them and finally to them before Mia giggled. "It's ok," she said. "Sit down, please," she spoke, extending her hand in the direction of another bed across them, left from the entrance. Somehow, he managed to do that before he looked inquisitively at the three girls. Laphine was simply smiling, a crimson blush present in her cheeks. Syria was only smiling in her usual demeanor, with that smug look to herself. Mia looked at him intently. "Yes, well..." She cleared her throat. "I suppose I should have told you about this earlier," she scratched the back of her neck.

"What... do you mean?"

"Well, you see..." She paused for a moment. "I told my sisters about what happened half a year ago. You know, you and me."

That's right, it's been about half a year since we did that.

"I had only told them we had done that, and only because I trust them so much, but nothing else."

"But we just wouldn't have that of course," Laphine said with a smirk.

"No. They kept nagging and nagging at me until I finally told them just how wonderful you had been," she stopped for a second. "You know, we aren't related by blood due to obvious reasons, not even to our mother. And well, at one point we had done some things similar to what you did to me that time. But your actions proved far, far better than what myself or my sisters could achieved, and they of course started to tease me by saying they wanted to see just how true that was..." Ashley merely nodded, listening still. "But there was no way I could let that happen, and well... The reason I had been avoiding you was mostly out of embarrassment. You see, if anything, I would say these two are novelists, as they have this uncanny knack for being able to make even the wildest of scenarios seem like a plausible event, among them the one in which all four of us were involved..." Ashley merely nodded once again.

"So yeah, seems that the reason Mia was avoiding you was because of us. Sorry," Syria apologized along with a nod from Laphine.

"You know how stubborn they are," Mia said, earning a smirk from her two sisters. "So I wasn't certainly going to convince them otherwise. So I'll leave it up to you. If you want to do something with us today, we won't hold it against you nor my concept or love for you will change at all. If you don't want to, that's fine as well."

The fox merely looked at the wolfess, dumbfounded.

"I think he needs a little convincing," the tigress spoke with a sly grin. With that, each girl moved their hands to their back, undoing the clasp of their bras at the same time as they loosened from the front, their arms quickly moving to take off the straps that hung from their shoulders revealing their bosom to the male fox. Surprised and awed, he still had time to notice something he hadn't really paid much attention until this moment. Not only from tallest to shortest the order was of Syria, Mia and Laphine at the bottom, in terms of breast size they followed the same order. Syria had the amplest bosom of all, which was still modest at a low-C cup. Mia had a simple but still lovely middle-B cup and with Laphine at the bottom with a borderline A to B cup.

True to Syria's statement, it seemed this was all the convincing he needed, in a way. He looked at Mia, inquisitively. "I already told you, we won't hold it to you for today, so long as you stay reasonable," she smiled. Yet, he still looked a bit daunted. Surely, it was too good to be true.

"Alright, this is our last resort!" Laphine spoke as they all raised their legs a bit, their hands at their hips grabbing the hem of their underwear as they started to remove it. To say Ashley had a pitched tent by now would be a complete understatement, and it was even at the point were it was actually becoming painful but he only kept watching as all three girls simply tossed their panties aside, legs partially spread open for the vulpine to see them in all of their glory.

Tentatively, he stood up. Truth be told, he loved Mia very deeply, he really did. But he had always found Laphine a bit too cute sometimes. He hoped the other two wouldn't mind if he started with the feline as he approached her, who further blushed. "Do you mind?" He asked, just to be sure.

"Nuh-uh," she shook her head with a smile. In reality, she was hoping he would try something with her.

Nodding, he spoke. "Just remember, if any of your wants to stop this for any reason, please do tell," he said before he closed in on the feline. His head dove to her neck, which he started to kiss and lick every now and then, his two hands busy on her bosom as they fondled them to the best of his ability, twitching and pinching every now and then at her nipple before his left hand snaked to her back, caressing her as he continued to kiss her neck, earning a soft moan from her lips. Arching her back a bit from the attention, Ashley started to move her right hand down her stomach, stopping a bit above her entrance. Moving his face away, he looked at the feline for a moment who nodded in acknowledgment before he started to caress her labia with a single digit, earning a shudder a mew from the feline.

"Hope you don't mind then," Syria spoke as she appeared from behind, grabbing the hem of the shirt of the fox as she helped him take it off, his hands currently stopping what he was doing so his shirt could be taken off. Mia was already working on his pants; the buckle of the belt and zipper undone, she started to slide them down with a bit of his help, leaving him clad for the time being only in a pair of green boxers, his manhood poking against the fabric of the cloth. None of the girls were the least surprised by this.

With his left hand, he pushed down the feline as his right hand kept playing with her insides, his head planting kisses from the length of her neck, down her bosom and stomach and stopping by where his hand was, earning giggles and squirms every now and then with each kiss. Removing his hand, he took a whiff of the air, sensing the sweet aroma that came from her insides before taking a tentative lick. A soft moan mixed with a mix escaped Laphine's lips, her back arching just a tad as his tongue kept probing her outsides, but not going inside just yet. As his boxers were started to be removed, he helped the two other girls by moving his legs so they could take them off as he parted further open the lower limbs of the feline to have better access to her. He was now equally naked as the three girls as well.

He used both hands to aid himself in pawing and licking off the young feline. While both hands were being used to open up her entrance while his tongue started to lick inside, he used his right index to play with the little nub above her nether lips, earning yet another soft moan and gasp from the feline. As he was doing this, he felt his manhood being grabbed, though he wasn't sure if by Mia or by Syria.

"Hold on..." Ashley suddenly muttered, abruptly stopping his actions as he turned over and laid down in bed, lifting the feline by the hips so she was now straddling his head, granting perfect access to her interiors. At the same time, it was also easier for the two other girls to do whatever they were going to do.

His left hand moved up to caress the stomach of the kitten, playing with her fur below her bosom line while he used his right one to gain access to the insides of the feline, his tongue snaking inside once more, probing her from side to side as a mew or two escaped the lips of the girl. His fingers starting to move to aid his tongue, creating a rhythm in a steady fashion, which was partially disrupted by the sensation of his own manhood being licked by both other females, as he watched from the corner of his eyes for a split second before returning his gaze to his task at hand.

His left hand moved further up, this time playing with her breasts as his tongue kept piercing her insides, two of his fingers added to the endeavor as he now pawed and licked off the feline. A lick here, a swipe here, and he started to create a nice pattern, his tongue eventually working into a circling behavior against the walls of her tunnel while his fingers spun in the same motion but in the opposite side. This seemed to have quite an effect on the girl, as her mewing and moaning started to pick up quite hastily.

Several drops of her juices were starting to collect inside his mouth, but he wasn't gulping them down just yet. He was set on trying his best to finish off the girl quickly, as it wouldn't be long before he himself was sent over the edge by the way the other two girls were toying with him. He started to increase the speed of his ministrations, his left hand stopping what he was doing to focus better on the underside of things, her mewing and moaning getting a tad louder before it all ended in a flick of his tongue.

Exploding from the inside in a warm shower of pleasure, accompanied by a long drawn-out moan, the feline arched her back before releasing some of her fluids into the waiting mouth of the fox, which he lapped vigorously at, all the while attempting to prolong the sensation of the girl. Panting and breathing loudly, she savored the first release of her life at the hands, and tongue, of someone else before succumbing forth, catching herself with her hands against the mattress, barely avoiding crashing atop Ashley.

"God..." She muttered, partially out of breath. Moving to the side, she bent over in order to kiss Ashley squarely on the lips, her tongue probing his insides in a passionate kiss as she even tasted herself off his tongue. His tongue suddenly started to move a bit erratically as he himself was sent over the edge, with Syria's mouth taking in all of his manhood along with every single drop he had to give her, gulping it all down except for a single droplet that trickled down her chin.

"Wow," Laphine muttered, her body falling asides from Ashley, eagle spread as she lacked the strength to do anything else. "Not even I... He was... Oh God, just wonderful," she said, smiling satisfied.

With what energy he had left, Ashley lifted his tail and started to play with Syria's cunt, using the bushy tail of his to tickle and play with one of her most, if not the most sensitive spot she had. "Hey! Stop it," she protested. "That tickles!" Giggling, she did nothing to bat the tail away while the owner of it sat in the edge of the bed, his lips moving forward to kiss Mia in the mouth while his right hand snaked down the tigress' waistline, probing around until he found the little nub right outside her entrance, in which his tail was still busy around. Using only two fingers to play with that little spot of her, he tugged, pinched and rolled around earning a soft growl of pleasure from the middle sister, whose hands were now busy caressing and fondling her own breasts.

As the kiss between fox and wolf stopped, she led both her boyfriend and sister into the bed behind them. As her right paw moved down to feel for his erect manhood, she left herself fall in bed, legs spread apart, her glistening folds inviting him in. Taking a moment to position himself, he stopped playing for a moment with Syria before entering Mia for the second time in his life after she gave him a nod of approval and that she was ready. He moved forward, his member plunging inside Mia's depths, earning a soft moan as he filled her, Ashley making a soft gasp of pleasure. The tigress wasn't losing time though, as she sat atop Mia's waist before Ashley's right moved back to his mark in her mound, his mouth instead now playing with her breasts, aided by one of her paws as the other kept his head in place, all the while his position was locked as Mia had surrounded him with her legs.

His movements were slow and steady thrusts at first, trying to sync his hand and groin together as he worked on both girls at the same time. For a moment, he tried to use his left hand to play with the large orbs of the tigress, but due to the position he was in and the small movement allowed, he needed the support so he desisted and moved it back to the mattress. In a sudden gasp of surprise and pleasure, and surprise no less, Mia and Ashley noticed that Laphine had somehow sneaked under them, laying across the floor with her head licking at his member sliding in and out of Mia's entrance, which was also receiving part of her ministrations, all the while she was fingering herself with her left hand, as the right one was used for support against the floor.

Soft moans, growls, and mews left their mouths as they continued like that. Mia was feeling herself close to release already, but wondered how far Syria would be considering she at most had only a few fingers inside her. Her hands forth to aid Ashley's, her right one teasing her entrance alongside the fox's while her left one worked on the base of her tail instead, earning a shudder of pleasure from the tigress as she did so.

"Mia, I'm..."

"Almost, ahh! There!! Hold on a bit..." She answered back, moans escaping her mouth even more frequently with every thrust from the dog fox and she couldn't help avoid the movements of her hands becoming more and more erratic the closer she got from peaking, her clouded mind not helping matters much and her younger sister's licking wasn't certainly helping either. Ashley kept going, trying to hold himself back as much as he could until it simply wasn't possible anymore. In one final thrust, he growled as he released his seed inside of the wolfess, the warmth that started to run inside of the her tunnels along with the throbbing of his member was all she needed, climaxing into a long moan, her liquids along with a bit of Ashley's pouring from her entrance for Laphine to lick at while her nails dug into the martress and her arched back lifted even Syria momentarily. Her contractions helping to prolong Ashley's release increased the throbbing inside her, which in turn helped her last longer as the raspy tongue of the young kitten did wonders on her outsides.

Panting, the wolfess could no longer reach for her sister too well, but that was quickly corrected as Ashley softly pushed Syria down, her back resting on Syria's chest. As Mia's legs let go of him, he moved back, her filled opening now finding itself empty while Laphine finished licking as the fox moved down to instead lick on Syria's tunnel, her body further being toyed by Mia's hands on her breasts. It wasn't that long until Syria was pushed over her edge, with the fox's tongue still licking her insides while a drop or two of her nectar spilled into her sister's belly fur, being careful not to hurt her as she climaxed but in reality, it was only her and the sensations in her mind, a deep growl of pleasure escaping her insides. The wolfess noticed her younger sister had stopped licking, but didn't know it was because she had hit paydirt again, her right hand grasping the edge of the mattress as she almost laid on the floor, the section under her lower regions growing wetter and wetter with every passing second as she kept cumming.

Taking a step back, Ashley let himself fall on the other bed behind him while Syria rolled off from her sister, her chest visibly rising and falling as she breathed. "My God..." She spoke, a soft growl in her voice as she could still feel the afterglow of her orgasm.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Ashley tried to regain his breath as he wasn't anything to happen next. The movement of the mattress told him otherwise, as he opened his eyes and saw Laphine's face at his side, her flushed face smiling at him. "Think you can still hold on for a bit longer?" She smiled, blushing a bit further.

He remained quiet for a second before answering, not even quite sure of the answer himself. "If you give me a few moments, perhaps. I think so... Why?" He frowned.

"Well," she trailed before letting out of a soft mew. "I was wondering if, you know... You could to to me the same you did to Mia..." She started to twiddle her index fingers, her gaze lingering sideways for a moment, nervous.

"Uhh, Mia?"

"If she's fine with it, I don't really mind it," she spoke. Starting to sit at the edge of the bed while trying to clean the few droplets from her sister that had fallen on her stomach.

With a nod, Laphine quickly moved down, her raspy sand-paper-like tongue licking at his manhood as it started to regain its energies, standing and ready once more. Back into her feet, her hips moved above the fox, holding his member directly below her already soaking entrance. "Umm..." she fidgeted, being her first time after all.

"It's really up to you," Mia spoke, embracing her sister from behind. "You can take it quick and painfully, or slow and drawn out. I don't really know if one is better than the other," she said.

"What did you do for your first time?" She asked, her eyes gazing at the side to her face.

"Fast and painful. The pain subsides quickly, really."

Nodding in acknowledgment, Laphine started to move down, his manhood entering her entrance before letting herself fall down a bit faster, a sharp squeal of pain breaking through her lips as she bit them, her eyes clenching shut while the pain subsided. "It'll be okay," Mia reassured her sister from behind, her hands caressing her shoulders softly.

"I'm... I'm fine," the young feline spoke, lifting her body before started to move back down at a slow speed, repeating the process at her own slow pace at first. After a few tentative thrusts, and especially after getting used to the feeling all the while the pain started to quickly become replaced by an increased sense of pleasure, she started to speed up the pace. Picking a rhythm, Mia figured her help at relaxing her sister at the shoulders wasn't exactly the best now and instead climbed over the bed, her eyes looking at Ashley's who smiled in return as her hips straddled his face, just in perfect position to lick her off and so she could bend downwards to kiss and play with the petite breasts of the youngest of the sisters.

Having recovered, Syria stood behind Laphine and knelt down. Pushing her soft tail aside, she started to use her tails to play with both the underside of her entrance to heighten her sensations as her other hand played with the base of her tail, earning a soft mewl from her lips. She was now literally the center of attention of the four.

Since Ashley couldn't do much for Laphine, rather letting her pick hew own rhythm which she already had, he decided to focus on pleasuring her actual girlfriend. The sweet taste seething out from her entrance into his lips as his tongue played around, thrusting inside along with a pair of fingers from his right hand before moving out of play with her clit. Her soft moans escaping her mouth, which was still clasped around one of the small orbs of the young feline, who was increasingly moaning louder and louder, mewls mixing into her sounds as her breathing started to become more fast-paced.

"I..." She tried to speak, but it was too difficult. She started to rise and fall even faster, as with almost every sensitive spot of her body being worked on, she was quickly closing on into her release, and she was eagerly awaiting it. "I-I'm! Cu-cu, ohh~! MYAA!" She screamed, exploding for the third time of the day, and quite possibly the hardest of them all, her body falling down on Ashley, her head partially bumping with her sister's hips. Almost on the verge of releasing as well, the fox moved his hands down and used them to lift the feline a few more times, prolonging her climax while earning several more mewls from her mouth, whimpering in pleasure from each other thrust he did to her insides before the movements, along with the contractions of her insides finally pushed him off as well, engulfing her insides with his seed, earning another mewl or two from her mouth as she hugged him.

Mia felt that he was losing his pace on her, and since she couldn't reach out too well for any sensitive spot of Laphine, her right hand moved down to quickly finger her off while her left toyed with her breasts, earning a quick but still good release as she showered the fox's mouth with her fragrant juices, which he eagerly lapped off, still helping the wolfess to prolong her sensations.

Falling to the sides, Mia kept her her left hand over her stomach, panting and breathing hard, a content smile on her face. Laphine kept trembling a bit, her arms still surrounding the body of the fox, her eyes shut but the angle of her face was enough to let him watch her relaxed and cute smile, a small flush spread in her cheeks.

Syria stood, licking the fingers of her right hand with which she had been fingering her sister. Sitting in the edge of bed, she looked down at the fox. "I hope you can still hold on for one more round, tiger." She winked at him, who smirked in return.

"Maybe," he let out. "I don't know," he said while Laphine started to try and get off of him, but lacked the strength as he helped her, falling to her side eagle spread with a a wide smile, her right hand resting over her chest.

"Oh come on," she spoke with a smile, veering over his body. "I know you can still hold on," she moved her head to his chest, kissing and licking at random intervals to see if that would invigorate him, her breasts rubbing against either his manhood or stomach, depending on the altitude she were at. Pressing her body against his, her mouth snaked around his neck, planting kisses and soft bites around it before he moved back with a small grin, moving down to the edge of the bed, she started to lick the tip of his member, earning a quiet shudder from him. But she got what she wanted, as it seemed he still had enough energy for one last time. Rising, she straddled his hips with her own, positioning herself atop the fox and guiding his erection into her expectant opening. With no second thoughts, she let herself fall down, plunging her virginity in one quick, swift but painful motion.

A pained sigh escaped her body, arching forth for a moment before she started to rise and fall in a very, very slow motion. It didn't take her long to increase the speed though, as the pain was quickly being overridden by the pleasure of the sensation of being filled up. Laphine had no energies left in her body. If it were for her, she could perhaps finger herself one more time off, but not even that could she do, much less any thoughts of helping her sister, so she remained like that, spread in the bed next to Ashley.

Mia still had a bit of energy in her body. Crawling next to her sister, she raised herself and started to kiss and bite the neck of the tigress. Her hands toying with either her breasts or the tip of the entrance of her mound below. The frequency of her moans and growls started to grow in intensity as she started doing that, her pace starting to become faster and faster. Ashley suddenly felt a hand on top of him, and looked sideways to the smiling cat, whose hand he grabbed with one of his own, sharing a smile with her as they laid down, the tigress still riding him off.

A few moments later, with the help of Mia, the middle sister was nearing the second orgasm of the day. She tried to fight it off, prolonging the sensations for as long as she could but her body had other ideas, her body arching forward, a large "Oohh~!" leaving her mouth and her tunnels milking Ashley's member for all it was worth as they contracted, her liquids spilling forth around and into his groin. Similar to Laphine though, he still needed a bit more. Grabbing her hips, he started to pull her up and down into him, whimpers of pleasure and yelps of surprise leaving Syria's mouth as he tried to finish himself off.

His release was finally triggered, exploding into her interiors, coating her warm canals with his seed as she fell forwards moments after Mia moved back, laying on her back on the bed. Hoping her sister wouldn't mind, Syria stole a kiss from the fox which he returned. With what little energy she had left and after she had recovered enough motor functions from her body past her afterglow, the tigress rose, a soft shudder escaping her as Ashley's manhood left her entrance before she crawled past him, turning around before falling down on bed, panting and heaving.

From the side, Mia hugged her boyfriend, weakly but surely smiling at him. "So, how did you like your surprise?"

Panting, the fox wondered on an answer for a second, a smirk forming in his face. "I'm wondering if I'll ever get any more surprises like this," he said, quickly earning a playful smack from the wolfess in the back of his head.

"Why you," she said before deeply kissing him.

"I certainly wouldn't mind," Laphine spoke with a blush. "You didn't do him enough justice with what you told us," she added with a sly smile. "Honestly, I can't remember the last time I ever felt this satisfied..." She stretched a bit.

"Well, he IS Mia's boyfriend. So it's up to her," Syria chuckled with a growl. "And well, him of course as well."

"I'll think about," Mia spoke, her head falling on his chest. "Too tired right now..." she closed her eyes. Yawning, the tigress curled up for a bit as she rolled onto her side. The fox embraced the wolfess on top of him and with a long sigh of content, closed his eyes. Feeling the most tired in his life. Laphine on the other hand, was already purring still spread in the bed facing up, a wide smile in their faces.

Truly, it was a wonderful day...