The Wag II: December 7th

Story by Trim Six on SoFurry

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#2 of The Wag

Apparently lots of people really fucking hated the rape scene at the end. While some parts of the ending did, in fact, suck, I'm going to warn everybody with sections that say "RAPE" and then "NO MORE RAPE" in them. So if you don't want to read out the rape scene, look for these clues. :3


"Wake the hell up."

Kit slowly blinked as he opened his eyes, the entire room was rather hazy. It was dark and blurry, but slowly his eyes began to adjust. Though unable to see clearly, the fox could hear something. There was a soft pant going on behind him. Kit shrugged it off--just a dog. He slowly blinked his eyes open, then turned his head. There was Randy.

"Chris', kid. It's only 4:00AM, why you tahrd?"

Kit didn't really know himself. Usually on a weekend he would stay up this late just playing video games, or talking to people on the Internet. After finally coming back down to Earth, the fox blinked. And blinked. He looked around the room. A soft sound of desperation escaped him as he spun around and around, until he stood up on his knees--only to find him pulled back down to the floor by a pair of ropes strung to two hooks on the ground. This made the cheetah smile happily.

"Mmm. You ain't goin' anywhere for tonight. You'll be goin' somewhere tomorrah though. That guy you were fuckin' is coming back for you, and I don't want him to come for me or anythin', since I see him so damn often."

Kit started remembering what happened last night. He smiled softly at the affection of the wolf that pulled him into the stall and showed him what to do, but then he blinked his eyes open, realizing that the animal who tied him down tonight is the same animal who raped him not a few hours ago. This caused Kit to start whimpering.

"Awww, yer cute when y'whine." The cheetah whistled, and the soft sound of claws tapping on the hard-wood floor resonated throughout the studio-apartment. The cheetah smiled, rubbing at the quadrupedic German shepherd's ears. The cheetah's paw rubbed along the pup's belly, then slid down to his sheath. The dog let out a soft yip and a gentle murr of pleasure. The cheetah just grinned even wider.

"Make sure my dog don't do anything yet."

Kit simply nodded submissively.

The cheetah smiled at this and went out to the other room. As Kit lay there, the dog padded over to him and sniffed at his cheeks. Kit's tail started to wag a little bit from the affection of the dog. The shepherd gave the kitsune's cheek a soft lick, before the sound of footsteps and soft clinks and clacks of metal came back to the room.

Randy flopped onto the couch, setting up a tripod and a camera, with a shit-eating grin on his face. He whistled to the dog, who instantly dashed to his side. With his left paw he scratched at the shepherd's ears, getting swift wags and paw-thumps in response, and with the other placed the camera on the tripod.

"This is gonna hurt," the cheetah said. His tone was rather cold.

Kit gulped a little. He started to wince already, fearing that he was going to get raped again. "Wh... what are you going to do?"

The cheetah just kept that grin on his face. It got wider. "I'm not going to be the one doin' anything, foxy."

Kit just gave the cheetah a confused look. That is, until he saw the camera was not being touched anymore. He trailed his eyes along to where the cheetah's paws were, and found them fondling the bits of the shepherd.

* RAPE *

The cheetah's eyes were lidded, his tongue lashing out to lick his chops. The shepherd just murred, his tail wagging as his nonanthro sheath began to fill up with desire. The cheetah shot a powerful look to the kitsune. It was so powerful that it made the boy wince.

"Present yerself; get on your hands and knees and lift your tail."

Kit's ears flattened so much that they matched the shape of his head. He simply nodded and scooted into position. He shifted his hands and uncurled his fingers; he shifted his thighs and braced himself. He was hypnotized, watching the cheetah beat off his pet. Slowly the shepherd's length came into view, the pup whining out as he started twitching and bucking at the air. Randy sensed this, hitting the record button on a whim. It beeped and buzzed, signifying that it was ready. The cheetah smirked, and then dragged the shepherd by its scruff all the way around to the presenting Kit.

Kit was blushing furiously in his ears right now. The cheetah was about to have his dog mate him! Not only that, but on camera! Kit's mind was swarmed with ideas. Left and right, front and behind, what Randy had planned for him was just going back and fourth. The kitsune stopped thinking finally, pausing as he felt a lick at his anus. He groaned deeply, his upper body starting to fall down submissively. Regardless of the situation, it felt nice. The cheetah smirked and just padded away, knowing now that the shepherd would do the rest.

The shepherd's right front paw lifted as he lapped and lapped away, the kitsune continuing to groan. The cheetah was looking over, not very pleased, but he wasn't disgusted either. Disappointed would definitely be a better word, although there was an idle bulge in the cheetah's pants. It started to grow as he watched his pet's length start to extend and his hips start to thrust. Randy smirked and unzipped his pants slowly.

Unfortunately, Kit was unaware of what was to come. The rim job he was receiving was putting him in a great fit of pleasure, which could be noted by his own bulging sheath. Suddenly, Kit lifted his head. He felt something warm on his lower back, and it was crawling up faster. There was something poking behind him, and there was no more lapping under his tail. He turned around and stared the shepherd right in the face. Not a moment later, the kitsune's neck was engulfed in the shepherd's jaws, and the full nine inch long, two inch wide dog dick was shoved up Kit's rectum. The young fox arched and whined loudly in pain, which simply caused the cheetah to grin wider. At this point, Randy pulled out his length and started stroking himself. Now the fun had begun.

Kit's paws, both feet and hands, curled up into fists. He let out loud whining sounds as his asshole was being spread open forcibly. The instant the shepherd penetrated him, the dog pulled out, and shoved back in again. It was all so fast for Kit; it hurt too much. Randy, however, thought otherwise. He was leaned against the side of the couch, jerking himself off, watching his pet fuck the obviously pained fox.

The shepherd's paws curled up and hugged against the kitsune's belly, the dog's hips pounding relentlessly into the boy, loud sounds of pain and equally loud sounds of sex wafting through the air, bouncing off the walls. A low growl sound started rumbling from the dog's throat as he mated the fox. Kit lowered his head submissively, crying now, his mind swimming and wondering why he ever left the house. It was saddening him, his self-esteem destroyed at this point. He wanted it to be over.

"I told you it would hurt," the cheetah muttered. Kit looked up at the cheetah, his tears matting down his fur. He looked so depressed at this point. This just turned Randy on even more. His cock head was dripping with pre as he stroked himself. As he continued to get that look from the fox, he snarled at him.

"You keep looking at me like that, I'm going to shove my dick down your throat and force you to suck me off." This immediately caused the kitsune to turn his head and gaze at the wall a few yards in front of him.

The dog's perpetual thrusting just wouldn't stop. What seemed like hours just kept dragging along; the horny dog just kept ravishing the young fox's body. After a while, Kit started muttering "stop," through his slight bawling, the tears dripping onto the floor below him. Randy moaned as he started jerking himself faster, licking his chops, gazing longingly at the video camera as it taped every last second of what his pup was doing to the fox. After what seemed like another hour, yet was only about a minute or so, Kit got his wish--it was just unfortunately in the wrong form. The shepherd slammed his body hard against the fox, then bit Kit's neck harder, drawing blood. Kit yowled loudly in pain, feeling the shepherd's knot tie to him. He could feel himself being impregnated by the dog; he could feel every last drop of semen filling his anus. It caused him to cry harder, and lower his head. He was defeated.

Randy groaned again. "Fuck, that's hot," he muttered to himself. He started to pant a little harder, and then released his dick. He strolled over to the fox, kneeled in front of him, and started jerking himself faster. He let out a low groan, and emptied his balls all over the kitsune's face. This just caused the fox to cry harder, his head lowering as his facial fur was covered now in the cheetah's semen. Randy just licked his chops and smiled, pulling his body away and looking at the scene before him.

"Mmmmm... good boy. Good boy. We have a new bitch, don't we?"

Eventually, the shepherd released the boy's neck and started to pant, slowly crawling off of him, and attempting to walk away--but was pulled back by the knot. The fox yelped loudly in pain as the knot tugged at his body.

After recuperating from his orgasm, the cheetah padded over to the camera, and shut it off. He pulled it from the stand, folded up the tripod, and padded away again. There was silence in the room, for once, aside from the dog panting softly. It was a very eerie silence, though serene. Kit slowly slumped forward and continued to cry, burying his cum-stained face in his arms.

The cheetah returned, padding over to the rope and untying it from Kit's wrists. He tossed down a rag and grinned down at him.

"Clean yerself up and go to sleep. T'morrow we're going back to The Wag."


* * * * *

Randy was pulling Kit along by a leash. The cheetah's apartment was so close to the bar that was easy for him to walk. The kitsune's head was lowered in obvious shame as he hobbled along, the painful ritual from earlier having effect on his movements. All his pride had been taken from him in merely a day--he was raped, raped again while being video taped, marked, and pulled on by a leash. It was hard for him not to cry at this point.

After an idle stroll, they finally found themselves in front of the wag. There was a random alley cat leaning against the wall, not a few feet from the door. Kit turned to him and opened his eyes, hiding his fear. He cleared his throat.

"Sir... do you know the date?"

The cat turned, blinking his deep, crimson eyes at the fox. His eyes trailed along the leash, and soon a chuckle left him. He always thought those BDSM couples were cute.

"Yeah. It's the 7th, dude."

"Ah, thanks."

They both walked in. There was music playing. KMFDM's "Revenge" blared through the speakers as people bounced on the floor. There was idle chit-chat going on where people sat at the bar. The cheetah looked around at the scene and smiled.

"No sign of the wolf. What a shame, you got stood up."

Kit lowered his eyes and almost started to cry again.

"We're going back to the bathroom." Randy hastily tugged the fox along through all the people, pardoning himself for bumping into people. Kit did the same, but silently. The cheetah pushed through the door with a sadistic grin on his face. Kit looked as if he were praying to someone, or something.

"The fuck..?"

A raccoon dressed up in a pair of slacks and a buttoned down shirt blinked at the wolf he was talking to. He rested his elbow on the bar.


The wolf turned. He had suddenly gotten an angry look on his face. This caused the raccoon to wince a little.

"Look, man, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I just wanted to buy you an--"

"No, shut up. That's not what I'm pissed about, you're actually rather cute. It's just... I saw something. I'll be back in a minute. If I'm not, you'll see me tomorrow." The wolf hopped off the stool and stormed over to the bathroom. The raccoon lurched forward and grunted.

"Wait! I didn't even get your name..."

Back in the bathroom, everything was silent. This just made the cheetah that much happier.

"Well. What a shame. No one here for me to take, and no one here for you to take. Guess that means I have to take you."

Kit just whined in refusal. "Wait!" He was shoved by his leash onto the couch, whining even louder. The cheetah pounced him and snarled down at him.

"You secretly like this, you little bitch--" the bathroom door opened, "--so I'd appreciate it if you'd stop with the whining. You're playing hard to get."

"I am not!"

"You are too. I know you liked my dog raping you last night. You're a good actor, you know that."

The fox whined again.


There was a very eerie pause in the room. It was as if time stopped. The fox stopped trying to plead, the cheetah stopped trying to force himself on Kit. Slowly, the cheetah turned his head.

"What the hell are you doing?"


"--I'm playing with my new pet, what's it look like?" The cheetah donned a sadistic grin.

Sly just snarled. "He ain't your pet."

"Yeah? Says who."

"I think I just said it, jackass."

"Nice try, bud, I'm a cheetah."

"Right, I believe you." Both of Sly's paws had curled up into fists.

Kit's mouth went agape. He couldn't believe it. The wolf was here after all. He wasn't stood up. Kit gazed up at the wolf happily, a bright smile shining across his muzzle. The wolf looked down at the fox, and melted right there. He smiled, but then blinked, realizing the situation.

"So I guess you're here to get your bitch back, eh?"

"Don't call him that."

"Bitch, bitch, bitch," the cheetah reiterated in a toddler-like tone. That sadistic grin was still on his face. He slowly crawled up off the couch and stood up, leaving Kit to himself.

"You got a real good one, here, wolf. He sure is a submissive one."

The wolf perked his ears, lifting his head. The fox's ears lifted too, but started turning pink.

"Yeah, he doesn't complain or anything. Even when he's tied--"

"Just keep talking, cheetah."

"--up, he doesn't do anything. It's absolutely wonderful--"

"Keep it up." The cheetah obviously didn't hear him. The wolf knew this.

"--how he acts. You know, he's a fine good actor, too. I put him on cam--"

The cheetah stopped talking. Though it wasn't by his own will. As he was pompously iterating what he had done with Kit before, he was given a right hook directly to his jaw. He yelped in pain and fell to the floor, grabbing his jaw. Sly's wolven instincts kicked in, and his foot slammed over and over into the cheetah's stomach. High-pitched whines of pain left the cheetah as that foot kept shoving itself into his stomach.

"Why'd you stop talking, cheetah," the wolf angrily inquired, "I said keep TALKING." The last word was met with a kick to the groin, which caused a gurgling sound of pain to leave the cheetah. This is where the wolf stopped, a low growl leaving his lips.

Kit just stared at the scene. He couldn't believe it. He darted off the couch and pounced Sly, not saying a word. The wolf gazed at his prince in distress and smiled a little. He looked at the cheetah, then pulled the fox into his arms and padded away. They quickly left the bar.

"Kit, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay now..."

"What'd he do to you?"

There was a pause as Kit started to think. The wolf looked around and sighed.

"Nevermind, not here. We need to get out of here. Where do you live?"

* * * * *

About a week later, a group of policemen went to Randy's apartment. They informed him that they had a search warrant, and would need to search the house. Randy refused to let them in. After moments of arguing and bickering, he was met with force and became handcuffed. One policeman watched him while the other two searched the house. Not only did they find Kit's video, but they found a plethora of others. The content on the tapes was of various animal types of Kit's age and younger either being taken by Randy's dog, or the cheetah himself. In some cases, it was both.

Randy was convicted of practicing bestiality, rape, sex with various minors, and child pornography with intent to distribute. He was sent to a high-security prison for forty years, no bail.