When your girlfriend is a witch don't piss her off 3
When I did what I could to let Barny know what happen all I could do was bark and snarl.
"Now hold on there dude. Don't get all crazy on me."
After all it was not me it was" Mike who left you in here."
"But I still have to decide what I am going to do with you I never really planed on doing and baby setting for anything here. All I wanted to do was watch the house and get layed. I cant get no action at my parents so I was going to come here and stay and party and get me some ass while Mike was gone."
Barny petted me and looked around.
"I wonder if Mike has any family that would take you off my hands so I can get to what I wanted to do?"
What? I had to think of something quick if I got out of this house before I could get changed back I was going to be in trouble anything could happen then.
And only one thing came to mind.
I rammed my nose into Barny's crotch and started sniffing and whining.
"Whow dude what's your problem buddy?"
I pulled back and nipped at the front of his jeans and tried to get to the zipped tab.I was despirit I had to stay here and I knew there was only one thing on Barnys mind and would guarantee he kept me there.
I really did not want to do this but I could not see a faster way to keep my spot were I was. Now if he would go for it. Was he as horny as I thoguth he would be?
"What are you some sort of a queer wolf or something?"
"When I seen you dressed in Mikes clothes I have to admit I was staring to wonder what the fuck was going on but I think I am starting to see."
"All right lets see what you got for me."
Barny unzipped his pants and pulled out his hard dick and then waved it at me.
"Is this what you want buddy."
"You want to have this to play with."
I yipped and jumped and wagged my tail.
Sure I did not really want to do this but I had to make him think I did.When I came in and started to lick the tip he patted me on the head and smiled.
"Hey you really know what you are doing don't you?"
He took off his pants and sat on the couch with his ass off the edge and held open his lags.
"Why don't you be nice and clean them balls for me."
I licked his balls and washed them with my slobber I then dipped my tongue under then and slipped my tongue over his asshole. He jumped but really seamed to like it. There was nothing bad about the taste in fact I found it somewhat appealing in many ways.
"Yeah baby eat it eat that bone and it will give you a real treat."
Well I knew what he mean but I could not stop now. I had to finish.