Digi-Night: Waking up and Jumping Forward

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#8 of Digi-Night

Digi-Night: Waking up, and jumping Forward

Days went back since the battle at the mall; Leomon was taken in, but refused to tell the knight anything about the sex master he spoke about to Link. Though telling them where the other ones were in exchange that he would be left free to wonder the Digital world. They didn't like the idea, but accepted none the less, putting a tracker on him so that if he was lying about where these places were, they could find, and kill him. Link was out into his own bed back home, Saira and Guilmon at once asking questions of what happened, having seeing it on the news. Rena couldn't really tell what happened, only saying that he was there at one moment; and then a Digimon was there who was him. A Flamedramon came over to check on him, with a human doctor as well, they told the three that Link held both human and Digimon DNA in his body, no doubt that his human sate was like a rookie form for him. And that since it was the first time he ever transformed, it took much of his strength from him. Asking the doctors if this was common, they told them that it was in some sense, though the human and Digimon would fuse for a few moments to increase their power; but it would only last for a while and they would revert back to their own forms. Never had they heard or seen a human take a Digimon form fully and take control as if it was their own.

Many humans and Digimon came to the home to see if Link was fine, and to help sooth the sadness Rena, Saira, and Guilmon was feeling. it didn't help a lot, but help a small bit for them.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, Rena belly grew larger with each passing week, and with each week she was worried that Link was nothing but brain dead now. Saira and Guilmon soon moved out into their own place but coming over to help Rena with anything she needed. One day, while Saira was busy cooking the food and Guilmon pacing outside Link door with Rena inside, the yellow Digimon sat on a chair, holding her growing belly with one hand, her paw tracing lines over it as she felt a small kick, and then heard a groan.

At once she looked up to see Link body stir, it was the first sound he made since in his coma like sate, she stood up. Not to fast to hurt the child, but as fast as she could. His head moving, showing the grown bread that was left on his face as one of his eyes started to fluttered, until one opened into a haze like sate.

"Rena?" he gasped as the Digimon started to cry.

"Saira, Guilmon!" she cried as Guilmon rushed in fast to see his Tamer and best friend with his eyes opened.

"Link!" he cried running to his side beside Rena holding his shoulder and hugging him almost to tears. Saira came in and was crying then as well, running over to hug his other side as the human and Digimon cried.

"Uncle Link!" she cried. "You're awake!"

"W...wha?" he asked in a sleep like sate looking around. Seeing Rena and then seeing how large she was now, his eyes grew wide as he moved a hand to hold her paw. "How...how long was I out?"

His niece brought up food for them all, Link was eating it down like it was going to run from him, asking for more as Saira went back down, Guilmon passing him his plate as Link thanked him and ate that as well.

"So yeah," Guilmon spoke while sitting on the bed as Rena laid beside her mate right side and him on his left. "I guess the Knights found about three of the sex groups Leomon told them about, more families are getting their loves one back because of you!"

"Because of..." he burped lightly as he held his chest. "Me?"

"Yeah," he answered the human. "It seemed somehow, the fight you and Leomon had, and the deal he asked for, made him speak up; the Knights are giving you most of the praise since they don't like the spotlight."

"Great..." he trailed the word off as he pushed the plate away. "So let me see if I got this right? You guys moved out into the house up the street, I've been knocked out for about...four months and three sex slave places are gone?" the two Digimon nodded as Saira came back in, Link already eating away. Once he was done he pushed the food away and sigh, turning his head to look at Rena who held his arm in a vice like hug, her face buried in his shoulder. Saira nudged Guilmon, moving her head toward the door as the red Digimon nodded, following after her as she closed the door behind them. It was quite for those few moments, lovers being close as the Digimon now began to openly weep. "Hey, hey," soothed Link as he rubbed her head and back lightly. He knew that she was in pain, worried for him for all those night wondering how he was going to be. It was weird, even though he was asleep, he could at times hear her voice in his dreams, telling him that she needed him. He wanted to think it was all just part of his dreams, but he knew it was really her. "It's alright dear, I'm fine now see?" she looked up at him, her face matted from her tears as she held him more.

"Link," she sniffed back some tears. "Do you remember the first night you met me?"

"How could I forget?" he sigh looking away. "You were in such a mess, I swear you looked as if you came out of a dog fight." She nodded her head looking down slightly.

"And remember when you called me your...wife?" again he nodded. "Link, every time I seen you laying there, not moving, I felt useless. When I needed help you cared for me, nursed me back to health and even let me stay with you. I'm glad now, for I have you to call my mate. And when you said that word, the word your human female loved to be called one day, it..."she smiled lightly looking at him. "It made me feel pride to be your female Link, and I...I just felt like I failed you when you were like that!"

"Hush now Rena," he leaned close kissing her lips with tendering love. "You did not fail me and you are not useless." His hand trail to her grown gut as her paw lay over his hand. "I don't care what happens to me understand? I will fight Death himself to see that you and my child are safe from harms way, I will fight the Digimon King, I will fight anyone who dares tries to harm my family!" he smiled lightly rolling away from her for a moment going to his side of the dresser, Rena gave a puzzle look as he pulled out a small black box from the dresser and passed it over to her. She took it and gave him a puzzle look, as he nodded toward the box; and she opened it slowly.

She gasped.

Inside was a single ring, a diamond matching her yellow fur stood on the white band that held it together. The diamond was cut to make it shine in what little light that made it though. Getting off the bed with a grunt, Link made his way to Rena side, taking the box from her paws with the ring still inside as he went down on one knee and gave a warm smile. Already knowing what he was doing, Rena began to cry more, but with tears of happiness.

"Rena," he spoke lightly, low enough that no one in the room could hear but her fox ears. "Before you, I never really dated, and now I know why. I was waiting for someone, someone I knew I would love, and that someone is you. Back then I didn't care if we were to be shunned out because of the cross species, but now I know people don't care and it only strength how much I love you, and now..." his hand went back to her belly. "You are holding my child, something I did not think to happen let me tell you that," she laughed at this as he went on. His hand removed, and brought it over his chest as he boxed his head. Rena saw this many times in old movies, of when knights would submit their love to the women they cared for. "Rena, I want to spend what life I do have, I know that Digimon can live almost forever, because of your Data thing, but I ask you know, here on my knee. Renamon...will you marry me?" swallowing the lump in her throat, she was able to say the one word she wanted to say.


"Link man you need to relax!" one of Link friends, a human named Brandon and also the best man stood by the closed door wearing his tuxedo. Hair for once was not in spikes, but pushed back with slick. His tan skin was clearly seen even in the dim light of the room as his green eyes followed his friend movement. Having known Link for a while, he never seen the now known half human half Digimon like this as he paced back and froth almost biting his nails.

"I don't know if I can do this!" he cried pacing faster back and forth. A year passing since he asked Rena to marry him and the day she accepted happened to be the day of their big day. A few month back Rena gave birth to a baby female Digimon, looking like a small smaller version of her mother, without the breast. The two decided to name their daughter after Link mother, Nina. Their child Bonnie was smart for her age, just a few months old and already she could speak a few words that could be made out, and walk on her own. She was no doubt with Saira and Guilmon as they waited by the alter, waiting for Link to come out. After Link proposed to Rena, he began to train under some other Digimon to control his Digimon self, so far he could transform at will into the form, and use some attacks, but the longest he could withstand the form before reverted back to human was a hour. Rena made a kinky respond saying he should wait until he could go two hours to 'try out' his new form. "Dude I'm getting married!"

"Not if you don't stop acting like a chicken shit and get your ass up there!" Brandon called back as a knock came to the door.

"Is he coming?" came a female voice as Brandon sighed.

"Yeah honey," cried Brandon, the voice belonging to his girlfriend. "Mind coming in to help him out?"

On cue the door opened, and wearing a light yellow dress was the bride maid, a female Flamedramon. She was slimmer then most of her kind, and being here longer held breast like Rena held. What also made her different was that she had hair! This was rare for most Digimon who were scale. Her long slender tail curled around herself as she crossed her thin but strong arms.

"You better not ditch her Link," she made a small growl. "Because if I have to I'll drag you up there and super glue your ass!" Link gulped and Brandon laughed.

"Gotta love that about her," he laughed again. "You should see her in bed; she loves to be in charged!"

"Only when you don't wanna be hon." the two kissed lightly as Link breathing slowed down to a slight fast breath.

"Okay," he answered. "I'm good," he gulped lightly as his friends led him out. "I'm getting married." He repeated out loud again.

Standing on the left side of the Alter Link waited, on his side was the group of men he chose to stand beside. The closest was Brandon, since he was the best man, beside him was Guilmon, only wearing the top of the suit as he fuddle with it looking like he was gonna tear it off. On the other side, it was empty for now, still waiting for Rena bride maids to come in.

"Hey Link?" the human looked over to see Guilmon speaking to him. "You alright, you're sweating like crazy."

"I'm just nervous I guess," he answered looking out into the crowd. One side held humans, the other Digimon. Half he didn't even known no doubt, but everyone seemed to know him and Rena, so they didn't mind the extra that would be coming, they even helped with the planning of the wedding. The two about to be wed didn't have to pay a cent! The music started, and everyone sitting stood up as the door behind them opened up. Link daughter who wanted to be the flower girl, walked out throwing bits of flower all over the floor as she held her eyes closed. Wearing a small blue dressed which matched her blue eyes, no black behind them like her mother. She looked more human then Digimon in a way, the folded legs Rena had she did not, and her paws were human like hands, with the fur and nails of course. Her tail was long and fluffy and her ears not as long but still enough to show. Behind her came Brandon girlfriend holding her bundle of flowers and behind her came Saira. Her dress was yellow like the Digimon before her. Her hair long and tied in a pony tail, face filled with makeup as Guilmon face turned a brighter red as she winked at him when the two stood in their spots; Saira holding Nina in her arms.

"Hi daddy!" she called out making everyone in the room laugh lightly as her father smiled and gave her a small wave. All eyes went back to the back of the room, as Link held his breath seeing his soon to be wife walking down the floor.

Her dress was long and white like most dresses were at a wedding, her arm band marking was seen on the front, but not the color it would have, an outline of it though still good enough to see. She wore a necklace that she her symbol again as she walked slowly, matching the beat of the music as she looked up and smiled at Link, who gave a smile back. When she was close enough, he brought a hand out toward her that she took as he helped her up, standing beside him before they both turned to each other.

"I'm glad I didn't see you before the wedding," Link told her softly. More though I'm glad you didn't see me."

"Yeah," she answered with a small giggle. "Twilight told me what you were going though," Link laugh lightly rubbing the back of his head as she only smiled. "Don't worry," she told him. "I've seen many human weddings movies, I know that one of the other always has cold feet, are you worried of leaving your time single ship behind?"

"Worried, hell I'm glad I'm about to be married to you, some may dread it, but I'm looking forward to it."

The one to marry the two stood where he was to stand and spoke what needed to be said, first Link and then Rena said their vows, and then their I do's. Once done, they waited for him to say the one thing they wanted to hear.

"By the power within me, in this holy of all places," he brought his arms out. "I now pronounce you husband and wife," he turned to Link. "You may kiss the bride." He smiled as the two leaned closer, lips touching as the crowed erupted into cheers and clapper.

"Now what can I say about Link," Brandon held a glass in hand as Link held his face in his hands. After Rena changed out into her dress to downgrade into a party wedding dress, the large group made their way toward the park where they would drink and eat, and as the best man, Brandon had to make a speech. "Let see here, for the longest time I thought he was gay, come on man, waiting until your eighteen to get laid?" the group that stayed laughed as Link groaned. "Anyway, I know Link well, he has a good heart and will do just about anything to help a friend or family member, like the time he almost like his neck in the blender remember that Link?"

"Okay, okay we get it ha, ha!" Link cried as he stood up making Brandon and the other laugh.

"Anyway let me cut it short, Rena, just be glad you got yourself a nice man like Link; and Link, let us not find you in a ditch because you pissed her off!" again even more laughter as Link only shook his head, Rena petting her husband shoulder laughing a bit, causing him to laugh as well too. Nina was just looking toward the food before her; they made a rule not to eat until all the speeches were made, even though Brandon was the only one. Rena saw this and her daughter looked to her with hopeful eyes as she nodded. With a smile Nina started to eat as well as everyone else.

"When do we get cake mommy?" she asked swallowing what food she had in her mouth as Link smiled.

"The cake comes after we go inside the ball room alright honey?" she told the young half Digimon half human who nodded back to her going back to the food. With everything that was going on Link excused himself for a moment and went outside.

It was near dusk now, the orange light of the sun slowly fading behind the buildings and trees as he stood by himself, hands folded behind his back, eyes closed as he let out a breath of air.

"Needed some air hon?" turning around he came face to face with his newly wife as he nodded looking back at the sun set, she held him in a hug behind him as his arms went around her own. "I know something is pulling at you," she spoke lightly looking at the back of his head. You're never silence unless you're thinking of something."

"You know me well now huh?" he mused looking back at her. She gave him a coy smile as he smiled back and turned fully around. "But you're right, I am thinking of something."

"Your mother?" his grip tightened a bit, he was shocked that she got it on the first try and it pained him that she knew. "You know she's watching over us Link, and I know she's pride of you."

"You think so?" he asked as Rena looked up at her life mate.

"Link," she held his clean shaved chin in her paw. "You helped many even when you didn't need too, took care of me as well and helped your niece when your sister left you. You fought a Digimon with just your strength and lived to tell it, I don't think she is pride, I know she is." With lump in thoart he turned away and took a shacking breath.

"My mother always told me," he told her. "That she would watch me get school done, watch me get my own home and then a wife," he looked down. "I know today is to be a happy day for us but still...I...I just miss her so much Rena."

"I know Link, I know," she told him hugging him to her. But I'm sure she wouldn't want you being upset like this over her, she would no doubt want you to move on."

"I know," he told her. "Rena, do you mind if I just stand out her by my own for a bit? I just wanna think."

"Alright hon," she answered leaning up to kiss him as he kissed her back, his hands on her hips with her tail slowing wagging behind her. When she broke the kiss she gave a smile, and left him alone as he looked up sighing.

Walking back alone Rena sighed, she knew he was in pain, but didn't know what to do. She was about to open the door toward the wedding party when she heard the sound of slow heavy clapping.

"Well, well, well Renamon," a deep voice came. "Seem you done yourself well." Looking over to her side, Rena backed away when she saw a man taller then Link by a few inches wearing all black, his shirt tight to his body showing his broad arms with rippled with muscles. His skin as pale as clouds and eyes as red as blood. No hair was seen on his head from afar, but up close stubbles were no doubt seen.

"Who are you," demanded the Digimon as the human laughed.

"Forgot your old Tamer already?" he made some tsking sounds as her eyes grew wider. "Quite shameful."

"Zant?!" she cried, the human smiling when she remembered his name. "What are you doing here?!"

"Well lets see, had nothing better to do so I thought I come see how you were doing," he moved closer as Rena backed away. She would've used a attack if he tried anything funny, but she knew that if she did, it would only cause panic and she knew that with no proof of what he did to her, he would no doubt win. "I heard you also had a daughter, she cute like you?"

"GO away Zant!" she cried hissing slightly bearing her fangs, maybe scaring him would get him to go, but he only laughed.

"The thing I don't understand is," he went on, pulling a knife as long as half his forearm out, causing Rena to flinch back. "All the time I raped you, you couldn't conceive with me; now I wonder why is that?" again Rena filched as her past she did not tell Link or anyone rushed back, him pinning her on the bed and rapping her from above or behind. She could easily defend herself, but she couldn't. She believed then that he was the master, and she was nothing but for his gain. "Oh well," he shrugged moving closer. "No harm in trying again right?"

"You're not touching me!" she growled lightly, she didn't care now; she was going to tear him to pieces if he moved any closer. He only laughed snapping his fingers. Two other humans, covering themselves in hoods and mask moved from the side of the building, holding a squirming young Nina in their arms as she trashed and kicked. "Nina!" cried the mother trying to move forward but stopped when Zant held the knife to the girl head.

"None of that now dear Renamon," he smiled. "Now, we have two choices here now don't we? You see, I could easily knock you out and then take you're child and have my way with her for the rest of her days until she gives birth to my children, then I'll just get rid of her and do my own children, doesn't matter to me." He moved closer, the blunt of the blade sliding down the girl side as she whimpered and started to cry. "Or, you both come with me, I give my word no harm will come to your daughter, but you will do what I say when I say it!"

"How about you let my daughter go before I cut all your arms off!" Zant turned to see Link standing afar as Nina looked over.


"Link..." Rena whispered lightly as Zant only laughed.

"So," he asked moving away from Nina toward him, stopping at throwing way. "You're mister Link, mister big shot who bet a Leomon by transforming am I right?" Link didn't say anything as Zant shook his head. "See if it was me, and I couldn't change, hell I ask to join the Digimon, I could always use a good fuck, god knows how many Rena gave me." Link eyes flashed bright red and black with anger as his body tensed. Rena saw how his body shook with rage as his teeth grinded together.

"Listen here you fucking prick," he answered low. "I'm giving you one chance to leave this place and never let me see you again, or I'm going to shove that knife somewhere you're not gonna be able to reach for; you got me?"

"Sure I'll leave, oh would you like me to bow down and praise you as well and call you king?" the other two humans laughed lightly as Zant shook his head. "Nah, you know what, I think I'll just take you're daughter with me, and I know you'll let us take her because I can just kill her before you can even reach us if you don't!" one of the men held a gun to Nina head causing the girl to cry louder. "Now, are we gonna have to make this a clean us mess or a goodbye mess?" Link glared then moved his body to the side looking at Nina who looked to him crying.

"Nina, listen to me alright?" the Digimon looked toward her father. "Daddy's gonna get you out alright? Like a magic trick, you're gonna hear some screaming and some weird noises alright?" she nodded her head slightly. "Now close your eyes baby." Doing what she was told she closed her eyes as Rena watched, to scare to look away. The moment the girl eyes were closed, Link acted.

From the time he learned of his new form, he gain speed and power a human should not have. One moment he was away from Zant, the next he was beside him causing the human to gasp as Link foot met with his head sending him crashing into the dirt, the other two saw this and was about to shoot the girl when Link ran to the one holding the gun, snapping his hand causing him to scream and drop it. Link other hand went for the gun and shot twice, shooting both the men in the head, making their cries die fast.

"Rena get her!" the Digimon was already acting, and ran to hold her crying child as Zant was already up running with knife above his head. Bringing the gun up in the air then down toward Zant, the short hair human gasped, as Link pulled the trigger.

Yes yes I know, there were some time skips in this chapter, but I've been brain dead for a while and this was the best I came up with, more story of the two will come up as well as some bonus chapters as well!