Furmont Academy

Story by Steamtrain on SoFurry

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Students join a very exclusive college, with a very different mentality in its approach to teaching, and whether the students are rich are poor, they receive the same treatment, welcome to Furmont Academy.

Furmont Academy

The halls of the school were filled with the sounds of its students, all returning from the summer break, some joining the school for the very first time, it was safe to say that they were going to a school like no other. Furmont Academy was a special college, its students were picked at random, rich or poor, class, or no class, all students received the same treatment, it made things somewhat understandable when none of the students wished to leave. All students were required to live and stay on campus during their stay, and unlike most other colleges issued a mandatory uniform for its students, offering red plaid skirts for the girls, and black pants for the boys, both topped off with the issued white polo, with the school crest on it. There were many things unique about Furmont, one of them being that, it was more like a high school than a college. Mina, one of the many new freshmen, was squeezing her way through the crowds, dancing around the bodies like a ballerina.

The black cat sighed in relief as she stopped at her destination, she gave her purple hair a quick brush, and straightened her skirt, she wanted to make a good first impression and was looking forward to meeting her two new roommate's. Reaching forward for the golden door knob, it seemed to be pulled away from her as the door opened from the other end, being greeted by the figure if of a white rabbit, the girl's slender form and cleavage seeming to suit her uniform, as the fabric clung tightly to her curves. The bunny seeming to blush with embarrassment, staring at Minya, like a deer caught in the headlights "hi, I'm Minya" she greeted cheerfully, smiling at the obviously shy girl "H-hi" she stuttered a little and then dived back inside. The door way was now clear and so Minya stepped in eager to meet her other roommate, and set up "I'm Fifi" the rabbit reappeared, sitting on her bed, and smiling, giggling a little, it was long before they both started giggling. The bathroom door swung open and out came the other roommate "hi, I'm Jag" the feline purred, smiling brightly at the two of them, Fifi again began to blush a rosy red, and not many would blame her, she was certainly beautiful.

The bell's ringing echoed throughout the halls and rooms giving warning that they must get to class, the halls were again flooded with the murmuring and chatter of students, but things soon settled down as they entered their class. Professor Moontail smiled at her latest batch of students, the emerald dragoness enjoyed her work so very much "Welcome, for those of you who don't already know I am professor Moontail, your Science teacher" she pulled a small remote from her lab coat pocket and pressed a button. Two layouts appeared on screen, one female, the other male "and to start things off this year, we will be looking at the different odors emitted for attraction, otherwise known as pehrmones". The topic seemed to stir a response, the biys wolf whistling away and making cat calls, the girls blushing, or licking their lips, Fifi, shivered in her seat, trying to hide how the topic seemed to arouse her slightly. The dragoness looked around the room, spotting one girl with her head on her desk, wearing a pink hoodie, covered in little white paw prints "Miss Hayuku?" the white wolf lifter her head "I'm afraid you will need to go to the heads office" the professor straightened her glasses.

"B-but.." "I'm sorry Miss Hayaku, but you know the dress code" the wolf whined and did not argue, picking up her things to leave, whilst the lesson continued on as usual.


Hayaku sat in the waiting room, staring down at the floor, the gold plate above the door beside her reading "Head's office", the door slowly opened and out came a call "next" with heavy sigh she pulled herself from her seat and entered. Stood by her desk was none other than the headmistress, her white blouse supporting her large and ample chest, part covered by her black blazer, her skirt was dangerously short, and she seemed to carrying a riding crop in her paw. "Ah Miss Hayaku, I see you are breaking the school's dress code" the lioness smiled at her, purring a little as she spoke, patting the crop against her free hand "p-please... it won't happen again" she lowered her ear submissively. The headmistress could not help but giggle, as she walked around the whimpering student, to lock the door " I know you won't dear" she responded to her, turning a chair around to sit in it "come here" Hayaku whimpered, but did as she was told, only to be pulled over the lioness' lap. "What are you." She was silenced by the lifting of her skirt and the feeling of a slight breeze "oh my, pink panties as well" she let her paw slide down and rub gently over her cheeks, brushing over the satin fabric.

"You need to learn your lesson for breaking the rules" she purrs loudly, the confused wolf was whining and blushing, she could not believe that the head was feeling her up in such a manner "p-please" she begged in vain. The crop was raised, and with a flick of her wrist made contact with her pear shaped rump, the sound echoing through the office, as Hayaku groaned, it was a little hard, and hurt her a little, she began to wriggle hoping to get free. "Stop now!" she growled bringing down the crop for another loud smack, this time on the other cheek, she could not help it, as she blushed and panted in the lioness' grasp "what a bad little girl you've been" the big cat grinned and gave another smack, rubbing the crop over the fresh red mark. The wolf moaned and looked up "I'm sorry... please... i-I learned my lesson!" she pleaded, hoping for mercy, but she was to receive none "mmm, I love it when they beg" spank, spank, spank went the crop, over and over again. Hayaku could do nothing, she felt so helpless against her Headmistress, she was not strong enough to overpower the lioness, she felt so very weak and humiliated, being spanked like a naughty child.

Her rump was stinging and seeming to glow a bright red, like a cherry "have you learned your lesson?" the cat purred into her ear, the beating seeming to stop, as the crop caressed and toyed with her panties. The gentle rubbing of the riding crops tip over her glowing ass seemed to sooth her more, making her feel better already, almost like some magical touch, she would never want to admit it, she would never want anyone to know. Each spank brought her a little pain, but it also brought her so much pleasure, Miss Hayaku seemed to have a kink for spankings, and the headmistress knew this all too well, she had all the students' secrets and desires on file. Another spank shortly followed, this time harder than it had been before, making her moan loudly in pleasure, her tail wagging with such speed, her chest heaving and rising with anticipation of another smack. "I'm sorry... ohh please" the wolf panted, her rump rising a little, a small giggle emitting from the head, she could certainly smell the excitement the girl had, Hayaku could feel her panties moisten more and more.

"Are you going to be good from now on?" she whispers into her ear, slowly sticking the end of the crop under her panties, making her gasp and shiver "Yes, Miss, I'll... be good" she jumps a little as the hard handle rubs against her crack, slowly pulling down her wet panties. Her tail was thrashing wildly "good girl, now I don't want you to think of me as just a mean Headmistress" she purrs loudly and smiles as the wet undergarments Hit the floor "I can be so much more" she whispers seductively and slips off her blazer. The white wolf in her clutches, too aroused to speak, only watching and waiting to see what will happen next; she murred as the tool of punishment slipped underneath her, and slowly began to rub against her wetness. A loud and seductive purr could be heard, and soon enough the blouse had been unbuttoned, showing more clearly the mountainous cleavage that was held back by her black strapped bra "Would you like that?" Hayaku nodded unconsciously, the crops end rubbed into her harder. The kinky cat grinned and pressed the handle into her mist pussy "Ohhhh!" she howled in pleasure, her sex throbbing around the new toy, welcoming it in so warmly, whilst her whole body jolted in joy.

"Mmm what a good girl" she grasped the head of the whaling wolf and pulled it up into her cleavage so she could get a better look, and so she could do more "someone is enjoying themselves" the lioness giggled. She looked up lovingly at her headmistress, panting and moaning to her heart's desire, her eyes full of submission; it was always one of her deepest desires to be dominated in such a way, to feel the rush of each smack, to shiver at every little touch. The end slipped in further and further, the leaking fluids acting like a nice lube, the lioness leaning in closer "what is it?, tell me what you want" she whispered so seductively as she dive in for the kiss. Her lips touching the wolf's and locking in a soft, and passionate embrace, Hayaku was moaning and murring, her paws running over the big cat's thighs, causing her to purr and coo. It felt like nothing she had felt before, she had always been slightly curious, she had always seemed to get the same feelings for girls as she did for guys, it was the first time she was kissed like this, being dominated completely, and left begging for more.

Their tongues rolled and played with one another's, rubbing together like two lovers on the dance floor, feeling and swaying into the rhythm of the beat, feeling their desire reach boiling point. The kiss was finally broken, Leaving Hayaku to moan louder, hoping and wishing for it to never end, the lioness' paws gripped the riding crop tight, and yanked it out as hard and fast as she could, the roughness of the handle scraped along her insides, dragging over her uttermost sensitive spots, the handle came out with a pop, it was all too much to bare. Her body rocked and jolted forward, her jaw dropped open to let loose an almighty howl, the clear and creamy honey dripping down her legs. The afterglow seemed to last forever as she nuzzled her head into the soft cushions of the lioness' bosom, curling away happily like they were her pillows, the soft and loving paw of the headmistress, petting the wolf softly. It was much later that they both redressed and Hayaku turned to leave "remember Miss Hayaku, you have detention with me Saturday morning" she winked ay her and gave her a smile, The wolf blushed and nodded slightly "Yes Miss". Welcome to Furmont Academy.