The Continual Growth of Abby

Story by strawberry_reian on SoFurry

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Abby was in her workout room, settled onto a bench that was recessed into the floor so that she didn't bang the weights on the ceiling. At the sound of footsteps, the husky's ears pricked. Racking the weights, she sat up and looked towards the door.

"Abby!" Heros yelled before coming into view, as if looking for her. "Oh good, there you are," he said stopping at the door. "I'm heading out to go get supplies!"

"Alright," Abby said. "See you soon!"

He turned vanishing around the door frame. When she heard the door shut, Abby resumed pumping iron with a shrug. It was strange for her boyfriend to be going out so late at night, but she tried to pay it no mind and focus on her workout. Even then, she only did another couple reps before the orange husky sighed and racked the weights again. With her concentration broken, she was very much aware of the fact that even though she was lifting over half a ton, her massive arm and shoulder muscles barely strained to accomplish the task. Climbing up out of her work out pit, the orange husky glanced in one of the many mirrors strewn about in her improvised gym and sighed. Her measurements had not increased in nearly a month, making her fear she had reached a plateau. A idea that made her very sad.

Abby had done everything she could think of to get back on track from increasing repetitions to doubling the amount she was lifting, but nothing seemed to help. She had even resorted to begging Heros for some sort of scientific solution! He vehemently declined though, saying he could not do anything more to help her grow if she could not do it naturally - at least right now anyway.

That little bit of admission crossed Abby's mind as she stood dejected in front of the mirror. Maybe he was planning something to surprise her and if that was the case, maybe part of his plan was already in the castle. Acting on her hunch Abby searched high and low in the expansive structure, but found no evidence that Heros had anything special in the works.

Dejected, she returned to the gym and slumped onto the edge of her workout pit. Elbows pressing into her firm thighs, she tried to figure out how many times she could lift a whole ton. Eyes flicking up to look at the bar, she realized the hollow steel wouldn't be able to handle the weight and got up to find an acceptable alternative. Rummaging around in the closet she finally found a solid steel bar. As she turned with it, the tip roamed absently catching on what she thought was the edge of a wall stone. Tugging harder, she heard the sound of canvas rending.

Behind the canvas was a pair of double doors that had been sealed with boards nailed into them. Over the boards was a sign that read 'DANGER! DO NOT ENTER. This means you Abby.' Laughing at Heros' attempt to hide things from her, she knocked the doors open with a relatively light tap. They flew backwards, hitting the walls with a loud crack. The wood of the door fractured with the force, making her contemplate how she could hide the fact that she was in here.

She soon moved on in her thoughts, realizing that was not what was important. Heros was trying to hide something, and Abby intended on finding out what it was. As she peered into a vast room beyond the door frame, she realized it was somewhere she had never been before. From the way it soaked up the light from her gym, it had to be the same size as the grand hall of the other end of the castle. Walking cautiously into it, her foot falls echoing in the vast space, she forgot about the heavy bar she was carrying. Until it bumped into something with a hollow chime that was dampened a little. Spinning to see what she had bumped into, Abby inadvertently swung the bar too far behind her. With a resounding crash, it collided with another metallic sounding something.

Realizing that she was surrounded on all sides by things she couldn't see, the husky put down the bar and back tracked to her gym to pick up a flashlight from the emergency kit. Returning to the torn canvas, she eagerly stepped into the unknown.

The first thing she noticed was what she bumped into. It was an industrial barrel with no label or other indication of what it's contents were. Flicking the light around the room, she found the whole space to be full of similar barrels, though many were much older than the one next to her. A suspicion about the purpose of this room crept over her making it almost impossible for Abby to not rend the lid of the barrel and peer into it.

Within was a green goo with a silver sheen. She watched the liquid sparkle in the light until she absolutely had to touch it. It was cold around her finger as she poked it, but aside from that wasn't any more remarkable than green jello. She held her finger up, inspecting the goo and expecting it to begin to drip down towards the floor. She moved her paw around, urging the liquid to run off, but it did not.

Instead, her skin absorbed it. The green goo slowly disappeared under her fur, leaving no residue. Abby shook her paw, wanting the stuff to go flying off, but no such thing happened. By the time she stopped, her finger had grown, becoming twice the size, but still well chiseled at each digit. Her muzzle opened at the discovery, impressed with what the boring liquid actually was.

Heros was making more growth stuff and he did not tell her! Anger flashed through her mind, but it quickly subsided into a warm and tingly feeling. Perhaps he was still perfecting it for her birthday. Or maybe a Christmas present. Her mind reeled through the possibilities, each a little more extravagant than the last.

He won't mind me testing it out, right, she though to herself. The husky woman giggled at the thought before easily picking up the barrel and carrying it out of the room. She went around the corner to her work out area, putting the barrel down and looking around as to what to do next. She wanted to be able to test her new body as it came, that way she could give detailed results to Heros once he got back.

The husky paced around the room, looking for a place to make the goo in the barrel a bit easier to access. After all, sticking a whole arm in the goo and then having it grow would not be very good for the integrity of the barrel. She stepped down into the work out pit and thought of something brilliant!

"I'll just make a swimming pool of the stuff!" she exclaimed, running back to the barrel of green goo and grabbing it.

She threw it over her shoulder and allowed it to pour out, rather surprised at how thick it was. It was a slow process, almost worse than molasses running down hill in January! The husky began to tap her foot in impatience, not believing she opted for this rather than just delving into the barrels one body part at a time. Her eyes rolled back as the last few drips finally came out. The goo barely covered the bottom of the pit, but at the same time, it was not being soaked up.

"My boyfriend is a genius. The stuff must only be absorbed by organic things," she said with a smile as she turned to go get more barrels.

"There must be a faster way of doing this, though," she said, looking around for something to help expedite the process.

She entered the storage room again, this time picking up two barrels. As she turned to go back to her pit, her eyes came across a drill. An idea popped into her head and a smirk grew across her muzzle. The muscular husky picked up the power tool and took it with her, this time dashing out the room and to the pit. She put the two barrels down at the edge of pit and knelt next to them.

The orange and white husky got the drill bit lined up against one of the barrels and slowly started to pull the trigger that made it turn. She was careful not to apply to much pressure against the barrel, since she did not want it to explode. Slowly, a hole was created in the barrel and the goo began to drain out and into the pit. Abby moved to the next barrel and tried the same thing, this time applying a bit more pressure. A hole appeared in a faster amount of time, but that did not seem to mean that the goo would start to flow any quicker.

She watched the thick green stuff flow out, shimmers of silver happening when the light caught it just right. Once the stream slowed down, she dashed off to grab another two barrels from the not-so-hidden room. By the time she got back, the goo had stopped flowing from the previous two barrels and was now sufficiently covering the bottom of her work out pit.

The goo was not deep enough for her to submerge herself though. She sighed, hoping this process would not take to much longer. She drilled even quicker this time, making the hole closer to the bottom of the barrel. She did not bother to watch this time, opting to go gather more of the barrels and put them in other spots. Her mind reeled with possibilities of what could happen if she just dove in head first to the stuff. Her muscular arms flexed and tensed as she lifted another two containers and her leg muscles pumped as she jogged out to where she was setting up for the best night of her life!

As she set up the next two, though, she realized that diving in wouldn't work considering the depth of the pit. She bit her bottom muzzle in disappointment before quickly shrugging it off.

"Oh well," she said out loud, getting to her knees and drilling through the barrels with ease.

This routine continued until she had emptied a total of eight barrels into the pit, leaving another ten more like them still in the room. She stood up and looked at her handy work, a proud smile across her muzzle. She took away the empty containers, first tipping them farther to see if any more would come out. Once she was satisfied that they were all empty and out of the way, she moved back over to the pit and sat down, contemplating what to do first.

"Arms? I mean, the finger is already started," she said, pulling her paw up in front of her face to inspect the already enlarged digit.

She leaned over, her back muscles bulging around the strap of her tank top. Her shoulder blades separated as she reached forward, her paws skimming the surface of the green stuff. If she was going to do this, she may as well stretch too, right? She touched the thick liquid and watched it be absorbed into her body, paws growing at an alarming rate. The muscles made intricate patterns under her skin, which she marveled at. She never really paid much attention to her hands and to realize how many muscles were actually in her paws.

She clenched them under a layer of the goo and watched in awe as the growth spread up her forearms. The green stuff was disappearing much faster than she thought so she lifted her arms out of her little pool. They continued to grow though, the muscles rippling outwards with no signs of stopping. Her skin molded tightly to the new muscles, fitting each divot and crease carefully. Both of her Opponens muscles reached out another five inches from before, making her paws much wider from thumb to pinky digit. She contemplated what she would do with this kind of reach and imagined begin able to just squeeze a watermelon in to many pieces with one paw.

Her wrist bulged, fitting into the rest of her hand perfectly along with adding a new level of strength that she did not think could exist. Her forearm flexors and Brachioradialis were perhaps the most beautiful so far. The intricacies that existed between those two muscles where what really caused all the new shadows in her arm. She never imagined having such a big forearm! She stretched across her body, swinging her arms up, down, and around, examining how each muscle flexed and retracted under her skin. This was much faster and more effective then all the working out she was doing!

She bent close to the pit again, this time getting her elbows so that they were touching the goo. Quickly her skin absorbed the green liquid really fast once again. Her eyes followed the liquid as it inched down the wall of the pit, dissipating much faster than she thought it would. She wondered if the remaining barrels would be able to fill the rest of her out or not.

The question was answered in some form once the growth began. Her biceps began to fill out, at first doubling, and then soon after tripling in size. She twisted her arms around and observed her expanding triceps. They were always a muscle that gave her trouble, but finally they were well defined. She extended her arms, making the biceps on top relax--yet they remained well defined--and the triceps contract and tense. They popped up, giving her about an extra five inches around her arm!

Abby giggled excitedly. She laid down on her back, putting it so her tailbone was right on the edge of the pit. Her arms crossed over her chest and she noticed how dis-proportioned her arms were from her body. She knew how to fix this, though, quickly leaning back so her back was in the goo. After a few second she sat back up, looking at how much of the goo she absorbed. The waiting was awful, since for her back it seemed to take so much longer.

But then the husky felt pressure on her back. She turned her head and could feel the neck muscles acting differently. She cast her eyes downwards and noticed her greatly enlarged shoulders, her trapezius and deltoids becoming massive and filling out the rest of her arms. Abby rolled to the front her new found upper torso, realizing how much muscle she had gained in that area. She stood up and walked over to the wall mirror, examining her back. The straps of the tank top she was wearing were completely engulfed by her body, and tears were appearing through out the cloth.

The muscle tissue grew to build a nice support for her head, coming up nearly mid-neck and slopping down beautifully from there. The mass farther down created wonderful valleys and peaks, her skin hugging each of the new contours. The husky pulled her arms in towards her chest and nearly fainted at the rippling it caused in her back. She turned around and looked at her front, suddenly disappointed. The goo only seemed to be able to adjust one section at a time. Abby glanced back at the pit and realized that she needed more of the stuff in order to cover the rest of her body.

And with that she marched off, making sure to stretch her new muscles as she went. Entering the room, she stacked one barrel on top of another, creating two sets, and picked them up. She easily carried them out of the room, only needing to bend a little at the knees to get through the door frame without hitting the top of it. Even with two of the large barrels, it was not a strain on her body and her new muscles were actually enjoying the work out.

She set them down and drilled them, not waiting for the goo to be completely in the pit before once again dipping into it. There was a bit left to begin with, after all. She got it so her upper chest was touching it, right above her breasts. This time, the level of goo did not decrease since it was being fed more of the thick liquid anyway. This made it harder to judge how much she had absorbed, however, and when she pulled away from the pit she wondered if she had been there too long.

Her answer was soon to come, however, as her front began to expand. She blinked as her breasts bounded outwards, cleavage overflowing from the top of her shirt before the cloth just ripped down the middle. She moved her paws to feel her abs, her digits running over each of the little--and still growing--hills that were forming. She had always been proud of her abs, but now, they were just magnificent!

Her paws drifted upwards to her still pumping breasts, digits resting over the nipples. She gave them a light squeeze and moaned as some of the green liquid oozed out, dripping slowly down the curve of her under breast, just to quickly be reabsorbed and distributed to other sections. She separated her tits a little bit and gave them another squeeze. Once again they leaked out a bit of the goo, but this time it made it down to her sides, quickly absorbed and resulting in a pump up of her obliques.

"This is the best thing ever!" she exclaimed, jumping up in the air. The tips of her ears brushed against the ceiling.

She bent down and looked at the pit, then turned her head to the streaming goo just to realize it was all done. Abby shrugged and turned her body around so that her feet were right above the shimmering liquid. The husky slowly put her foot-paws in, allowing them to submerge. After hesitating, she placed her foot-paws flat against the bottom of the pit. The green liquid shimmered silver as it was displaced with her movements, sill rippling ever so slightly once she stopped her movements. Even with most of her pit filled, it only came up to her ankles.

Her skin began to absorb the liquid quickly. She watched as the tops of her foot-paws began to show, the liquid inching down the walls. She wiggled her toes and saw them appear through the goo. Nothing had grown, though, despite all the goo she had soaked up. As the last of the goo left the pit, she stood up in it, wrinkling her nose.

"We were doing so good too," she said towards the barrels. The only response she got was a single drip coming out.

Abby sighed and stepped up. As she went to raise her other leg she was knocked off balance. The one foot-paw had ballooned outwards, the muscles slowly filling in. She sat there, watching as each of her foot-paws gained a new dimension. She extended her legs out as they bulked up, putting her foot-paws up on the edge so she could get a better view.

Her calves exploded with muscles, her skin tightly forming around each new bulge that was created. She pointed her toes, making her foot-paws go straight, the muscles laying over her shins tightened up. She smiled, watching the expanding muscle that made her legs bulk up to nearly quadruple in size. Heros would be so happy to see her like this! Or, he would be after he got over the fact that she went into a closed room that clearly forbid her from entering.

She stood up, saddened that it had not been enough of the magnificent goo to effect her thighs and ass. She peeled off her shorts, not wanting cloth to get stuck in the newly forming muscles. She then started to pick out pieces of shirt, watching her breasts move in the mirrors across the room, along with the tensing and relaxing muscles that covered her body as she moved each body part.

Once she was finally done with that task, she started to walk back to the room. She watched her legs move in the mirror, disgusted by the gap that was between her knee and hip. Abby turned her head away and started to jog to the room, not wanting to feel the repulsed any longer. By the time she got there, her legs felt fatigued from the mismatch in size.

Abby stopped for a moment, allowing her legs to rest up as much as possible. She began to stack the barrels once again on top of one another, but as her knee buckled, she figured for now it would be best just to carry one at a time. She walked out to the pit and rested by crouching down to start drilling a whole in the barrel. By the time she was done with that, her legs felt much better, so she got up to go fetch another one.

She picked up another barrel, one arm holding it while her other paw started to drill. By the time she got over to the pit, the hole was made so she was able to just put it down and allow it drain. She walked around the barrels and went to kneel in a bare part of the pit, putting her hands on and edge so she could lean forward. This allowed her thighs to touch the liquid as it flowed into the pit and streamed in her direction.

The goo never made it past her. It instead was instantly soaked up by her skin, slowly each ounce was picked up by her body. As she waited, she did modified push-ups over the pit, working her new form so it did not get stiff and so she did not grow bored. Her upper torso bulged in different spots with each motion of the push up, from her shoulders separating and coming back together to her biceps and triceps trading places as she moved. After one hundred of these she lost count, but it was okay, since the liquid seemed to have stopped flowing anyway.

She sat back and waited, making note to tell Heros about the wait period for legs. Then that familiar tingle started to spread across her lap just before her legs grew. The quadriceps pushed out past her hips a little bit, making them match up with the rest of her leg. Her body was pushed up a few centimeters as her hamstrings filled out.

"Oh! That was fun!" she exclaimed as she shifted from side to side. Her legs separated slightly and she ran her paws along her bare thighs. The feeling of the curvature was even better than she could have imagined. She would certainly put all those women in the body builder magazines to shame now!

She stood up on her foot-paws, not using her paws to push herself up. She picked up one of the heavy hand weights and went over to the mirror. She pumped the iron, watching her arms and chest move. She put one of the weights down and took the other in both paws, hanging it behind her head to watch the triceps flex. Abby turned around and squatted, the weight still behind her head in her paws. She was able to watch her back flex in multiple ways and her new glutes tense up with the motion. The completed body felt amazing and looked even better, but she still wanted more.

She put the weights back on their rack and sighed. She did not think anything else could be done, but she had to try. So, Abby walked back to the secret room and got another barrel, taking her paws and grabbing the top. With a quick motion, she ripped the lid off, the plethora of green good sitting before her.


Her eyes widened in horror, realizing that Heros had come home. She head paw-falls above her head, meaning that he was on his way down to the basement. She bit the bottom part of her muzzle and thought for a moment.

"Where are you Abby?" he called out again, this time coming from the stairs.

The husky did the first thing she could think of. She picked up the barrel and in a move of desperation turned it upside down over her. The goo moved slowly though and she could hear her boyfriend closing in fast. Just as he appeared in the door frame, a scared and angry look on his face, the goo started to cover her ears.

Abby jiggled the barrel lightly, which also distracted the wolf for a moment since her enlarged breasts also moved. The goo slid out a little faster, and as it covered her face Heros snapped out of his little trance.

"DON'T DO IT ABBY!" he shouted.

The husky couldn't respond to him, her muzzle was covered in the green stuff already. In her mind she thought about the fact that he was too late. As the goo ran down her neck, she could feel her body begin to absorb it and process what it did. Once again, her neck muscles popped out, followed by her arms and shoulders. She let out a low moan of pleasure at the feeling and was only sad that she could not see Heros expression.

"Oh dear god, that is hot," he said with a sharp breath of air. That was all she needed to know that it was looking good already.

The goo hit her chest and she could feel her tits expand again, this time the nipples growing first for whatever reason. She elevated to her tip toes and fell back down to her heels quickly, allowing her breasts to bounce, and of course, give Heros a bit of a show while he stood there.

The goo continued its part downwards, this time going in between her legs as well. Her abs and obliques got another treatment, once again doubling in size, but even her cunt got some. The muscles in her sex constricting like that were was a feeling that she could have never imagined, it was like having three of Heros's cocks shoved into her at once. She whimpered in pleasure as the goo covered her ass as well, making the glutes pop and fill out, and earning another long moan from Heros.

The stuff left Abby's face, finally allowing her to see and speak. Yet, no words came out as she continued to moan from the increasing muscle mass that was filling her body. The remaining goo was now at her shins and foot-paws, allowing her to put the barrel down on the ground and drop her arms to her sides. Her massive legs began to grow once again, doubling from their previous size. As they grew, her feet slipped out from under her, causing the husky to fall backwards and into the remaining barrels of green goo.

They all broke open, causing her body to be absolutely covered by the slime. Her body absorbed it so rapidly that she had no time to get up and try to get out of it. Instead her breast quickly engulfed her torso, her shoulders tickling the backs of her ears. To make matters worse, with each burst of growth another barrel popped from the weight, splashing her with yet more slime.

Abby gasped as her legs shot out in a sudden burst of growth, knocking even more of the barrels into oblivion, their contents joining the growing puddle or oranges, pinks, and blues around her. Under her pulsing back she could feel the stone floor beginning to give way. Which wasn't surprising, considering that she now stretched from one side of the room to the other. A fact that made a thrill wash over her.

Still, falling into who knows what wasn't what she wanted to spend the night doing. Trying to sit up so the she might escape the room, she found that her abs had blossomed into such large mounds that it was difficult to do so. On some level she started to panic that she would be trapped, the sound of crumbling stone didn't help matters, but on most other levels, she was enjoying the thorough amount of pressure and force that was being created by her expanding body.. She looked over at Heros, who had backed up a few steps, his face showing both terror and utter arousal.

"Heros...Help!" she squeaked from her quickly disappearing head.

"I-I don't re-really know how! I was trying to get rid of this stuff!" he stammered out. "It was an unstable concoction."

Abby continued to grow at an alarming rate, eventually bursting through the wall that the door was in. The thought of bursting through the wall like this due to her size excited the husky to no end, but when would this stop. Heros dashed out of the way of the falling stones and sighed.

"The only thing we can really do is wait it out." he said with a sigh.

"Fwaits ish oot?" she tried to say. The growth was slowing, but only by a little bit. Her breasts were now pushing against the ceiling and her muscles had begun to nearly grow over top of themselves.

"Yup. It will eventually just pass through your system. The growth is already stopping," he said, trying to have a hopeful tone.

So wait it out they did, but even a day later Abby was still swelling larger. Then two days, then a week. Still the husky's body continued on it's path. Fortunately, as her skeleton grew to match her mass the stiffness lessened, allowing her to put her new body to work. Which was a big help seeing as the two of them had to take out a wall of the castle to make a door big enough for her. Even then, that door only worked for a few months before she outgrew it and as winter approached Abby was thankful that her fur had likewise thickened.

Some say you can still see her roaming the mountains of Austria, now the size of a four story building...and still growing.


Iron Author for Abby over on FA. Still have plenty of space available in the Iron Author Series!