
Story by Teddy on SoFurry

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You Shall Go To The Ball

F/F O/M Furry

Boodie sighed and looked around, how did she get herself into these things, sure it was for a good cause and all that, but so dreadfully boring and dull, it would have been far easier just to write them a cheque for the charity, rather than having to get all dressed up and eat tepid finger food and listen to the same old boring furs, she scanned the crowd, yep, same old predictable faces, all the usual suspects who inhabited these do's.

She looked at the flyer on the table, it promised several 'FUN' money raising events, and the evening was to be capped off by a 'Slave Auction', she groaned, 'how very 1970s'. Where you got the pleasure of bidding for the company of some minor B or C grade celebrity for the Grand Ball the following evening, technically you had them for whole day, but the idea of spending the entire day in the company of some vapid minor celeb set her fangs on edge.

The list was pretty uninspiring, and only a few names that she couldn't put a face to, but nothing leapt out at her, she would of course be expected to bid and bid rather handsomely for someone, she heard a tentative 'ahem' at her shoulder and looked around and groaned inwardly, bloody hell, it was Melinda, the organiser, and long time friend of her parents. 'It is so good to see you here dear, I know you don't like coming to our little soirees, but as I told your dear Mother, it's all in a good cause'

Boodie smiled politely, and mentally damned her Mother to all hell for 'volunteering' her participation at the 'soiree'. 'Of course Melinda, always ready to support a good cause and I brought along my chequebook, I'm aiming on snaring myself one of those gorgeous Foxes for the ball tomorrow night'

Melinda simpered and her tail wagged ever so slightly, 'Oh yes my dear, we had a great response this year to our call for volunteers for the slave auction, it should be the highlight of the evening' she leant forward conspiratorially, 'it was my idea you know, some of the committee wanted to go for something a bit more modern, but you know, sometimes, the old ways are the best ways, thats what I always say'

Boodie nodded politely and kissed Melinda on the cheek as she wafted off on a cloud of expensive and rather fragrant perfume, promising to pass on greetings to her Mother, 'Oh yes, I shall tell Mother how wonderful this evening has been and then I shall kill her.'

The evening passed at what seemed like a crawl, with various silent auctions and sports memorabilia being auctioned of, try as she might, she could not bring herself to get interested in bidding for a cricket cap worn by some dead cricketer, nor signed shirts and balls either, finally after what seemed like an eternity, Melinda grabbed the microphone and announced that the highlight of the evening was about to take place, she simpered and pouted, extolling everyone to dig deep and remember 'It's for the young ones'.


Boodie shuddered, simpering in a vixen of her advancing years was not a pretty sight, she looked again at the list, of the names on there that she knew, only three at most would she bother bidding on, she ran her talon down the list, he was a bore, he was a pretty boy, that one had a nasty reputation, he drank too much, her talon poised over a name, Cottontop, hmmm, didn't ring a bell, had to be a lagomorph with a name like that, doe most likely, Cottontop didn't sound like the name of buck.

As she expected the pretty celebs and the witty ones commanded the best price, well after all if you're going to be stuck at a grand ball with someone, it had better be someone you could talk to, or least enjoy the scenery with, she'd been engaged in a battle with Melinda, of all foxes, for the company of a witty motivational speaker, but Melinda had outbid her, and she was a bit annoyed, Melinda could always go to the ball with her husband, why did she need a companion.

Lost in her fuming Boodie missed the announcement of Cottontops' name as she stepped onto the stage, but she didn't miss the collective gasp of pleasure and the several whistles of appreciation, she looked up and blinked, and then stared, Cottontop was a stunner, long shapely rounded legs, a generously rounded bottom, tiny waist and a stunning set of breasts, medium length velvet ears and an impossibly cute face, with a pert little smile, wearing a smart halter top and a short mini skirt.

Boodie remembered to breathe, she shut her muzzle and quickly looked around, she could tell from the looks on the faces of the crowd that this auction would reach new heights, and by fair means or foul, she intended to be the one taking Cottontop home as her 'slave' for the day.

She opened the bidding for Cottontop at $1000, and it quickly climbed to $10,000, Boodie looked around to see if she could spot who was still bidding against her, and she spotted a Thylacine, he raised his glass at her and smiled, she nodded her head and increased her bid to $15,000, they matched each other bid for bid, when finally at $50,000 he dropped out.

Melinda rushed over as soon as the auction ended and thanked her for her generous contribution, Boodie nodded and smiled, but all she wanted was to meet her 'slave' face to face, she couldn't believe that she'd done that, spent so much money on a date to take to the ball, and a female at that, but she'd gotten carried away in a rush of blood to the head, if she was a male, she would have known which head the blood rushed to.

A tap on her shoulder startled her and she jumped and turned around, it was the Thylacine that had been bidding against her, 'congratulations' he said, 'it was a close thing, but you obviously wanted her more', Boodie nodded 'she's stunning, quite the most beautiful doe I have ever seen' the Thylacine smiled and nodded, 'she is at that, very beautiful, and very very friendly, just be nice to my Bunny'. Boodie blinked and frowned 'Oh is she your wife?' He shook his head, 'my partner, but she's a very friendly Bunny, for the right one' he smiled and leant down and whispered softly into Boodies' ear 'and I think you're the right one,' he whispered something else, and Boodie blushed and nodded, and he smiled and disappeared off into the crowd.


Boodie stood there for a few minutes and tried to pull herself together, a loud 'Yoo-hoo' from across the room jolted her our of her reverie, it was Melinda, with Cottontop, Melinda was smiling widely, her face looked like it was going to split in two, she was ecstatic, the evening had been a complete success, she thrust Cottontop at Boodie and left them with an exhortation to get to know one other, she was off to crow politely at the other committee members who had little faith in her fund raising ideas.

Boodie smiled at Cottontop and held out her paw, 'I'm Boodie and I can't believe I just paid that much for you' Cottontop laughed and took Boodies' paw, 'I don't believe it either, why did you?' Boodie laughed and blushed a little, then looked at the floor before looking Cottontop in the eye, 'I saw you and I just had to have you, you're the most stunning Doe I have ever seen, you're so beautiful'.

Cottontop blushed also, before smiling and squeezing her paw, 'I saw that there was quite a bidding war, but I couldn't see who your opposition was'. Boodie laughed, 'well I managed to see most of them off, there was just one who was particularly troublesome, a rather handsome Thylacine, your partner I'm told'. Cottontop nodded and smiled, 'he said he was going to bid, though I don't know why, if he wants me to be his slave, he only has to ask', then she blushed again, as if realising what she'd said.

Boodie laughed and softly stroked her paw, 'he came over and congratulated me after I won, he said I had to take care of you and then he said something else to me', Boodie leant over and whispered something in the soft velvety ear, Cottontop blinked and a shy smile appeared on her face, 'he said that to you?' Boodie nodded and Cottontop smiled widely, 'do you know what it means?' Boodie shook her head, a puzzled look on her face, 'he's given me to you, until the end of the ball tomorrow night, and I get to come home with you.'

Boodie blinked and smiled, gently caressing the paw in hers' 'OH! so thats why he said to take care of you,' Cottontop nodded, 'I think as soon as he saw who he was bidding agaisnt, he knew that I would like you very much, and wouldn't mind belonging to you for a short time' she smiled, 'he was right, he knows me very well I think'

Boodie kissed Cottontop on the cheek, and nodded, 'I like you too pretty bunny, thats why I couldn't stop myself, this is just an extra added bonus, I think we shall leave now, before Melinda comes back to thank me again for spending so much money, she has my cheque, perhaps she'll think she can get me to buy something else while i'm feeling so generous.'

Boodie laughed and Cottontop joined in, and they walked out the door, followed by more than one admiring pair of eyes, as they waited for her car to brought around by the valet, Boodie asked Cottontop about how she ended up as a 'slave' in a charity auction, Cottontop laughed 'I go to University with Melindas' son, as soon as Melinda saw me she started on at me about doing my bit for 'the young ones' and to shut her up I agreed' Boodie smiled, 'yep, thats Melinda, subtle as a sledgehammer, however she was right about one thing, you would be an asset at any 'slave' auction, did you see the looks on the faces of some of those foxes, they were literally drooling over you'.


Cottontop nodded, 'mmmm, I was a bit worried about that' Boodie took her paw and squeezed, 'oh you would have been safe, if anything had happened to you, Melinda would have taken the fox in question apart, limb from limb, her reputation is very important to Melinda, not to mention, i'm sure your Thylacine' 'his name is Eyeya' Boodie nodded, 'I'm sure Eyeya would have been watching your winner very carefully, and no doubt would have had words in his ear'.

Cottontop eyes widened as the limo pulled up and Boodie opened the door 'your chariot awaits, sweet Bunny'. Giggling they both climbed in and the door was shut behind them, 'alone at last' Boodie said, waggling her eye ridges, Cottontop smiled and nodded as Boodie caressed her cheek, 'you are so beautiful Cottontop, I think I am very lucky to have won you'.

The journey back to the humble abode that she liked to call home, was over far to quickly for Boodies' liking, not that she was nervous, just that she was enjoying sitting closely next to Cottontop and holding her paw, stroking her fingertips over the soft velvety fur on her palm and fingers

Boodie ushered Cottontop inside and closed the door, it wasn't that big a place, well for just her, it seemed a bit pointless having a huge house that she had to rattle around in, her indulgences lay in other directions, rather than large mansions and very fancy cars, even the limo was hired, she preferred rather less ostentatious modes of transport, her indulgences were in the expensive sound and home theatre equipment, the state of the art computers and other assorted electronic gadgets and toys.

'Can I get you a drink, or something to eat, I don't imagine that you were fed that well, I know Melinda, running everything on a very tight budget to maximise the returns' Cottontop nodded, 'I'm starving actually, I was too nervous to eat, or drink, in case I had to rush off to the loo'. Boodie smiled, 'Now I wonder what I can tempt you with, come into the kitchen and we'll see what's in the fridge'.

Some 10 minutes later Boodie was putting the finishing touches to a mushroom and cheese omelette for Cottontop, along with a glass or two of some chilled wine, she served it up and gestured for Cottontop to sit and eat, smiling as she tucked in, 'thats what I like to see, someone with an appetite'. Cottontop smiled somewhat wryly, 'mmmm yes I guess so, but it shows' she said, casting an eye on her rounded bottom and thighs.

Boodie grinned, shaking her head, 'oh no, you're perfect as you as are, so pretty and shapely, not a stick insect like some you see'. Cottontop blushed and Boodie smiled again, 'very pretty indeed, as I said to your Thylacine, quite the most beautiful doe I have ever seen, which was probably the reason why I paid so much for your company to tomorrow nights Ball.'

'Speaking of which, do you dance' Cottontop shrugged her shoulders, 'well I can dance, but I've never waltzed before, I've never been a ball before'. Boodie smiled and laughed, 'well there are one or two waltzes, but mostly the band plays more up to date music' she sighed, 'and I'll probably lose you before the night is out anyway, the place will be filled with handsome young males of every species, you'll catch someone's eye.'


Cottontop shook her head, 'no, I'm yours until the end of the ball, Eyeya told you what he did for a reason, and even if I didn't like you, which I do, I would stay anyway, besides, I think I'm far safer with you than I would be with any of those males'. The look Cottontop gave her was direct and for some reason it made Boodies pulse race and she blushed.

She shook her head and stood up and put some music on the sound system, 'so young Bunny, come and show me what you can, or can't do'. Some twenty minutes later Boodie was applauding as Cottontop executed a waltz almost perfectly, 'well done, very well done, you picked that up very quickly, I am impressed'. Cottontop smiled 'I had a good teacher', her ears pricked as the cd changed to slightly more modern, slow and sultry dance, 'Mmmm, let me show you what I can do with proper music'.

Boodie nodded and once again took Cottontop in her arms this time Cottontop wrapped her paws around her waist and held her close, they moved slowly in time to the music, Cottontop sighed softly, Boodie looked at her 'something up?'. Cottontop shook her head, 'no, you just feel nice,' Boodie smiled 'so do you hon.' Boodie ran her paws gently through the fur on Cottontops' shoulders, lightly caressing her, and almost without realising, she started purring softly in Cottontops' ear.

Cottontop smiled, 'I didn't know Dragons purred'. Boodie nodded 'one of my many talents and charms' Cottontop giggled, 'mmmm you'll have to show me what else you can do'. Boodie spoke softly in her ear 'I intend to, in great detail, if you'll let me.' Cottontop smiled and nodded, blushing lightly, they danced for the next two songs, neither willing to let go of the closeness and delight in the feel of each other, until the music changed, Boodie turned off the CD and took Cottontops' paw in her own and led her upstairs.

Boodie turned on the lights, quickly dimming them, and lighted a couple of scented candles, walking over to Cottontop she reached out her paws and drew her close, holding her softly, caressing her fur with her paws, she lowered her muzzle to Cottontops' neck and nibbled at the soft curves gently, she smiled as she heard the soft sigh of pleasure from Cottontop, the she gently placed a kiss on her lips.

'You really are so beautiful Cottontop' running a talon down Cottontops' cheek and along her shoulder and down between her breasts, 'may I undress you?' She heard a soft gasp from Cottontop, as she nodded.

Boodie smiled and reached behind Cottontops' neck and unclipped the halter top, purring softly as it dropped to the floor, exposing the large firm globes of her breasts, she purred and gently drew her fingertip around the undersides, murring with pleasure as Cottontop trembled softly under her touch, Boodie gently cupped the firm mounds in her paws and ran her thumbs over the erect nipples, circling them gently, teasing across the tips with a light graze of her talon, she looked at Cottontop, an unspoken question in her eyes, Cottontop nodded and Boodie lowered her head and lightly flicked her tongue across her nipple.


Boodie purred as Cottontop moaned softly under breath, as she gently took one nipple in her muzzle and sucked on it, licking and nipping gently at the firm nub, her paw caressing and stroking the other breast, Cottontop panted softly and ran her paw over Boodies head, pressing it against her breast.

Boodie lifted her head and kissed Cottontop passionately, her paws roaming across her body, stroking her fur, caressing her breasts, shivering softly, she broke off the kiss, and looked at Cottontop, 'mmmm you are so delicious, I want to taste you all over' Cottontop reached behind her and unzipped her skirt and let it drop to the floor, Boodie murred with pleasure as Cottontop stepped out of her panties and stood there naked.

Boodie smiled 'ohhh you are delightful' and pulled her close, her paws cupping the rounded globes of her rear, rubbing against her body, 'I feel decidedly overdressed now Bunny dear'. Boodie stood there smiling and purring softly as Cottontop swiftly undressed her, murring with pleasure, and pulling Cottontop close as her dress dropped to the ground, fur against fur, rubbing against her softly, feeling her warmth and soft body.

Boodie held out her paw and gently drew Cottontop down onto the bed, pressing her back into the pillows, then sliding in next to her, leaning up on her elbow and gazing in appreciation at Cottontops' delightfully rounded and sexy body, she smiled and kissed her softly, running her paw across her cheek and down her shoulder, lightly down and across the swell and curve of her breasts, along her warm furred stomach, her paw caressing and stroking down between the warm vee of her thighs, gently cupping her mound, her fingers softly exploring Cottontops furred sex, Cottontop sighed delightedly as Boodies finger slipped gently in between her slightly pouty lips.

Purring she started caressing with her paws, gently rubbing and caressing her way up Cottontops' body, with light feathery strokes, leaning down, Boodie gently kissed an upright nipple, Cottontop sighed and Boodie slowly kissed around Cottontops' firm breast, down and around, along the sensitive underside, with her paw Boodie gently caressed Cottontops' other breast, rolling the nipple between her fingers, leaning down she flicked her tongue across her nipple, then gently suckled it into her muzzle.

Cottontops' nipple felt good under her tongue, flicking across the tip made Cottontop shiver with delight, Boodie gently bit the tip and hearing her moan, quickly checked to see that it wasn't in pain, Boodie continued, her paws roaming over Cottontops' body, stroking down her ribs and across her stomach and down her legs and gently parting them, Boodie scraped her talon up the inside of her thigh, up and around, but not touching Cottontops' innermost delights, then down the other furred leg.

Starting at the ankle Boodie kissed up her leg, up the inner thigh, just

brushing her lightly furred pussy, and then down the other side, she murred at the sight of the light sheen of moisture glistening on the pouty lips, gently running a finger along the closed lips, Boodie gathered up the moisture and brought the finger to her muzzle, delicately she licked the droplet of her finger.

Slowly she rubbed her fingers up the closed lips of Cottontops' pussy, under her gentle probing Cottontop opened up like a flower, exposing the fleshy pinkness of her inner lips, the aroma rising from Cottontop was very seductive, Boodie explored with her fingers, stroking and rubbing, she brushed Cottontops' clit and was astounded by the force of her reaction, Cottontop moaned softly and then surrender herself to the sensations.


Boodie lowered her head; slowly she extended her tongue til the tip brushed

across her clit, Cottontop shivered and moaned, 'mmmm, that feels so good'. Boodie ran the full length of her tongue over her clit, and then down and around the outside of her pussy, she grabbed her legs and lifted her lower half off the ground and placed her legs over her shoulders, with full access to her delightful pussy, Boodie licked and sucked, her tongue darted here and there, dipping often into Cottontops' wetness savouring the taste, Cottontop moaned under her ministrations, her own paws coming up to stroke and pinch her nipples.

Cottontop gasped and moaned, her body shuddered as Boodie tongued her clit and pussy, then Boodie buried her nose into Cottontops' mound and gently sucked her clit into her muzzle, her body stiffened and she moaned loudly, bucking against the overwhelming burst of pleasure, taking the tip of her clit into her teeth Boodie bit, gently and then harder, Cottontop screamed and Boodie pressed her head firmly against Cottontops' crotch as her orgasm crashed over her, Boodie purred and darted her tongue deep inside Cottontop, murring with pleasure as she tasted the sweet honey from her pleasures.

Boodie smiled and gave Cottontops' sweet pussy one last lick, enjoying the whimpering moans as Cottontop writhed still slightly with the effect of her orgasm, she lowered Cottontops' legs back to the bed, and lightly kissed her way back up to Cottontops' face, she kissed her deeply, sharing the taste of her juices with her, and wrapped her paws around her, holding her close as her breathing slowly returned to normal, gently caressing her with a wingtip.

Cottontop shivered softly and smiled 'ohhh, that was wonderful, mmmm thank you so much' Boodie purred, 'my pleasure sweet bunny, you are so delightfully tasty and responsive' Cottontop quivered and gently ran a paw along Boodies side, caressing her wing, she smiled as Boodie trembled, 'Mmmm well I think I owe you a little something as well, after all Eyeya did give me to you for the night, I should make you feel good'.

Boodie smiled, 'Oh but you did make me feel good' Cottontop nodded 'but now I want to make you feel even better, may I?' Boodie shivered and nodded, murring softly, 'Mmmm, good, so just lay there and relax' and with that Cottontop kissed Boodie gently, licking at her lips, nipping gently on her muzzle, Boodie trembled and sighed happily.

Cottontop smiled and looked down at her, 'I've never been with a Dragon before, especially a lapdragon, you have beautiful wings, so pretty, and I love your colouring, it suits you, rainbow for all your different moods' Boodie nodded and blushed slightly, Cottontop giggled and kissed her again, lightly stroking her, 'and I love the way you feel, so soft, your plush, feels very nice under my paws, your body feels good too, so rounded and soft, yes, Eyeya was very right, you are just the sort I like, I'm glad I ended up with you'.


Boodie nodded, purring softly, 'The feeling is mutual Bunnydear' Cottontop laid a paw across Boodies' muzzle, 'shhh, no talking now, the only noises I want to hear from you are moans of pleasure,' Boodie nodded, murring her agreement, Cottontop continued 'I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel.'

With that Cottontop kissed her deeply, her tongue caressing and licking at Boodies, writhing softly together, her paws rubbing and stroking along Boodies muzzle and down her shoulder, along her wing shaft and back again, Boodie murred softly, sighing with pleasure as Cottontop continued her gentle exploration and caressing.

Cottontop smiled as heard the soft noises of pleasure, her paws rubbing and stroking, deftly caressing along the underside of Boodies breasts, moving lightly down to her stomach, running her finger pad through the soft plush, lightly tracing circles on her stomach, moving slowly further down til her paw pressed lightly against the top of Boodies mound, she smiled and continued with her finger pad, grazing the uttermost top of Boodies soft sex, her finger lightly teasing along the furred slit, gently pressing inwards, searching for and finding the small delicate little nub.

Boodie moaned softly as the finger pad caressed across her clit, lightly stroking and rubbing it, Cottontop lowered her muzzle to Boodies breast and ran her tongue across a nipple, gently sucking it into her muzzle, tongue flicking around the erect nub, caressing it in time with her gentle stroking on her clit, she murred softly around the nipple, enjoying the feel of it on her tongue, she smiled softly as she listened to the delightful quick breathy sighs that Boodie was making as she pleasured her.

Cottontop murred softly as she explored the warm moistness of Boodies sex, one finger gently caressing around her clit, the others lightly stroking and teasing the inner lips, dipping slowly into the tight warmth of her innermost delights, pressing lightly in, her fingers stroking in and out, listening to the moans of delight coming from Boodie as she slowly fucked her.

Her tongue darted across and around the nipple in her muzzle, she grazed it lightly with her teeth, listening to the gasp of pleasure from Boodie as she gently bit it, tugging against it, pulling it upwards in her muzzle, the small whimpers of pain/pleasure, turning into deep moans of delight as her thumb rubbed across Boodies clit, in time to the gentle fucking with her paw.

Boodie panted and moaned, her body shaking, trembling with feelings that were washing over her, she whimpered softly, back arching into the gentle thrusts of Cottontops' fingers, gasping at the feel of her clit being stroked and the feel of Cottontops' teeth on her nipple, her claws opened and closed, grasping the sheets, as her body finally surrender to the extreme pleasure that was Cottontop.

Cottontop heard the whimpers and moans and doubled her efforts, murring softly with pleasure as she felt the liquid rush of Boodies own pleasure coating her thrusting fingers, she gently pinched Boodies clit between her fingers and was rewarded with another deep moan and more delightful dragon nectar, giggling softly, she pinched once more, ignoring the whimpered moan of 'mmmm no more please no more' as Boodies' body responded with another wave of pleasure that left her writhing and panting on the bed.


Cottontop gently withdrew her fingers from within Boodie and lightly stroking along the very puffy lips, caressed the swollen and tender clit, Boodie gasped and moaned softly, trying to bat Cottontops' paw away, 'ohhh no more, please, nooo'. Cottontop smiled and lifted her fingers to her muzzle and carefully sucked the remnants of Boodies pleasure off her fingers.

Boodie reached up her arms and gently pulled Cottontop to nestle beside her, stroking Cottontops' soft ears, she kissed her lovingly and held her close, listening to her soft breathing, feeling warmth and satiation sweeping over her, closely followed by sleep, tomorrow would be a big day, and they both needed their rest, murring softly she whispered goodnight to Cottontop, and the both drifted off to sleep carried along by a raft of shared pleasure.

...To be continued

(c) Teddy 2003