Roth Tales 06

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#6 of Roth Tales

On his back in the dark room Michael lay still in the empty bed. Eyes closed he'd been ...

On his back in the dark room Michael lay still in the empty bed. Eyes closed he'd been trying to drift off to sleep for hours without success. The mansion's staff was long gone for the night so there was no movement or sound within, and beyond the walls clouds veiled the stars and moons. Not a single light shone anywhere but still sleep would not come.

He and Ben had left Roth International's headquarters soon after Ben's parents and come straight home. His young boyfriend had been silent the whole way, staring out the car window. Not that he minded, he'd known his husky long enough to plainly see the boy's thoughts on his face. Michael knew just how close Benjamin had been to his parents. As a young pup, no matter where they were, the home had always been one of love and happiness. The fallout from today had been written in pain on Ben's features. While driving he remained silent as well, leaving the husky with his thoughts like he wanted. They'd come home and after giving him a kiss Benjamin had gone to his room and shut the door. Then nothing. Even the meal brought to him was left untouched outside Ben's door until the staff had taken it back. When the cook had told him about Benjamin not eating Michael felt an icy wrench in his gut, hoping that his husky was alright. Before bed he'd gone by the boy's room but it remained firmly shut, no sounds within. Now late this night he was more worried than ever, and afraid.

The otterfox's brow furrowed in the darkness. The stark walls of the nearly bare room felt like they were miles away, as bare and empty as he felt inside. He himself had been alone much of his life. There had been his parents, long since gone; a first love that had eventually left him, and nothing since. Ricardo and Jan Roth were both good friends, close friends, a few other acquaintances here and there, but none could fill the aching emptiness in his heart. Nothing now.

Nothing but the husky upstairs.

Michael got to his feet, naked for bed as was his custom, and strode to the door. Almost always conscious of the possibility of being exposed as a homosexual the pressing loneliness he felt tonight overrode common sense, tonight he didn't care. He turned the knob and pulled it open, feet padding down the hall. Going up the stairs to Benjamin's room he walked silently hoping he was going to be doing the right thing. Arriving at the still shut door he reached out a paw, hesitating for just a moment, he didn't want to invade Benjamin's privacy too soon. But, there wasn't any harm in looking in was there? Just to see if he was alright. If Ben didn't want to see him he could always just back out. Unbidden by thought his paw turned the knob and the latch released with a barely audible click. Standing with the door cracked he could see the boy's bed against the wall and there the husky was laid out upon it, completely bare. The boy's sides moved slowly with even breaths, back towards Michael. Then he saw one of the triangular furry gray ears turn his way and Ben's tail started wiggling. Michael saw and fur stood up on end, but kept quiet.

"Ben?" he whispered, opening the door a couple inches.

"Michael." Came the very quiet reply. "Come in."

Michael slipped in, closing the door softly behind. He padded over to the boy's bed and sat beside him. Then to his surprise the husky reached out and gripped his arm, pulling him down to the bed. Not one to argue he laid down with Benjamin, the twelve year old nestling into his arms.

"Couldn't sleep too huh?" Ben said, ears going back again. He wrapped his arms around one of Michael's and hugged it close to his chest.

"I hope I haven't upset you. I know you need some time. I was worried, I wanted to see if everything was alright. I...I was lonely."

A kiss was pressed to otterfox paw. "Thank you for letting me have that time. No, you haven't upset me at all. I was just thinking of coming down to see you actually." There was a pause. "You were really lonely? And came to see me?"

"Yeah." Michael squeezed Ben tight.

"That's...thats just what I needed to hear." There was a sniff from the young man. Then a smile in his voice. "Now, what would an otterfox be lonely for?"

"Lonely for someone special to hug. Lonely for someone to talk to. Lonely for someone to love."

Benjamin nestled his furry rump against Michael's crotch, rubbing his tail base against Michael's sheath. "I'm all of those, aren't I? Lonely for someone to mate too, maybe?"

A flush of heat came over the otterfox's face. "You sure you're okay?"

"I am, but, I'm not. Does that make sense? I've thought a lot about my parents and me, I still don't know exactly what I want to do yet. I don't think I want to stay here though." He took a breath. "But it doesn't matter about them, not while you're here. What I want most right now is my otterfox." He smiled mischievously in the dark, white teeth flashing dimly. "I want him in my ass bad."

"Are you sure you want that? You've had a hard day." Michael rubbed his paws over the boy's chest, over his flanks, then lower around his waist.

"Absolutely. And hon, you don't have to ask, ever." He hiked up his fluffy tail, sinking his furry ass crack over Michael's sheath, squeezing it between his gray and white cheeks. "I'm your bitch after all, aren't I?"

The adult moaned, the heat slipping over him made his fleshy pink shield-flare pop out of his sheath, smearing goo over Benjamin's pucker. "My bitch?"

He blushed, shivering. The warmth that had blossomed against his sensitive skin folds made him want Michael even more. His instinct to mate was fully awake, encouraging his boyfriend by rubbing himself against the emerging otterfox sex. "One that an otterfox could take whenever he wanted. One he'd want to fuck all the time."

"But does a bitch have one of these?" He ran his free paw down the curve of Benjamin's white puppy plump belly to the soft pre-adolescent sheath. Michael cupped it, rubbing slowly between the husky's furry legs. The touch of the downy crotch fur against his pads made Michael's cock swell, stiffen. "Mmm, you have a cute sheath you know."

"Ah...woof!" Benjamin moaned, closing his eyes, spreading his legs as he lay on his side with Michael, letting the adult molest him. "Silly, you know what I meant."

Working lower he fondled the sac with Ben's acorn-sized balls inside. He rubbed them gently between thumb and forefinger, pleased to hear another woof of pleasure. "You like that hm?"

"Oh yes, please don't stop." He gasped, digging paws into Michael's arm. The heavy breath brought a fresh wave of the otterfox's musky scent and he sucked it eagerly through his nose, savoring the strong adult. In Michael's arms he could tell how much the otterfox cared about him just from the way he moved, careful, gentle, as he explored.

"I think I can do one better than just this." Michael breathed the words into one of Benjamin's fuzzy soft ears. Thumb rubbing over the supple black skin of Benjamin's sheath front he couldn't stand it anymore. The boy was his, and he needed the husky just as much as Ben needed him. Fully stiff he braced against Ben's rump, angling his swollen red cock and pushing it beneath the straining canine tail. There was a moment of compression as his broad, smooth, flare overcame the resistance of the boy's pucker and then the muscles in Ben's ass reflexively clenched, enveloping the head of his shaft in canine heat. He didn't stop there. Michael shivered as he pushed his thick shaft all the way into the boy, the muscles of Benjamin's passage following the contours of his cock.

Ben opened his muzzle in a drawn-out howl of silent pleasure, welcoming the twinge of penetration followed by the full feeling slipping deeper into his rump. He pushed back against his lover, unconsciously digging his claws into Michael's caramel colored arm fur. "Please...fuck me."

Michael blushed at the very adult words coming from the boy he'd helped raise. But he did as he was asked, taking it slow at first, rubbing his dick through the tight pink ring of Ben's pucker. The moans from the husky brought a glowing warmth to his heart as he started to mate. Pushing into such a tight asshole made him grunt, but slick pre-cum leaking from his cock was helping lube Ben's walls, making it easier. He began to push in further, submerge his sex more fully in his young boyfriend. The heat and gooey friction of Ben's passage on his cock was driving him now, tugging with his flare edge at the husky's tailpiece as he humped.

All the while Ben playfully squeezed on Michael's thick shaft every time the otterfox was fully in, panting happily as he used his wet passage to try and tightly hold onto the dick probing his ass. He resisted Michael's humps too from time to time, clenching tightly enough where he could feel the head, the narrow neck behind the flare and then the stiff meat behind push in against his resistance. He enjoyed every inch of it. Enjoyed the soft bumping of Micheal's thick warm sheath against his slowly bruising tailpiece. Within the confines of Michael's arms he rode the otterfox's sex, pumping his furry haunches with Michael's movements. Everything melted away, the pains and disappointments of the day washing away on the ebb and flow of the cock pounding his backside.

It didn't take more than a minute. Ben's canine shaft had spilled out, throbbing hard. Michael gripped it, pawed it. He marveled at its shape, pointed end and thickening hard knot at the base, it's heat. His pads and paw fur quickly became sticky and slick as they were soaked with Benjamin's cock goo and pre-cum. The racing heartbeat in Ben's cock was incredible, driving his own dick harder into the husky's blissfully warm butt. He gripped the husky just like a bitch and pulled him back against his crotch. Desperate for release he bumped rapidly against Ben, squeezing his eyes shut and hugging stiff and tight to the boy's ass.

"Umph!" The sudden snap of tension made his cock jerk as the first thick rope of cum shot out. It had enough force that it made Ben tighten up on him, trapping his half-breed bulb inside. Not a full knot but enough for the husky ring to grip onto.

"FUCK!" Ben shouted, eyes closed, whole body trembling as he received squirt after squirt of hot white otterfox semen. He panted, chest heaving, tongue lolling and drooling on the sheets as he felt Michael's wet heat cling to his passage walls deep inside. Every spurt was accompanied by an expansion and contraction of the dick stuffed up his asshole, and each one pressed against his prostate and he... "I'm...gonna!"

Michael panted, shivering as the young cock in his paw shot. There was just a sliver of moonlight where he could see the first gush come so hard that the column of husky cum spattered off of a desk chair across from the bed. He wrapped his massive gooey paw around Ben, rubbing slow and hard up and down it, milking the boy goo from his lover. He lay there, fur fluffed out, eyes closing again, soaking up the heat of Benjamin's ass and adding his own to it through his dick. His mind overwhelmed he lay there in euphoria.

It was long moments locked together in bliss before Michael's spurts started to slow. Still buried in the husky a tremor shook him from black, foxish, nose pad all the way down to the tip of his otter tail. Ben squeezed all the more fiercely on his otterfox. The pain wasn't as severe this time even though the mating had been much more intense. The hot blissful ache was much more present and he smiled, panting rapidly. He was well and truly bruised, but not from mean or rough treatment. This ache coming from love. Ben embraced it, welcomed it, let the heat and glow it caused spread through his limbs as he lay limply against his lover. Deeply satisfied he burrowed into the musky and now slightly sweaty otter fur surrounding him.

Michael took a long quavering breath. "God, Ben."

The husky leaned his head back and extended up, kissing Michael's chin. "You said it hon."

Blushing in the dark in the dark he nuzzled back. "Hon... I love the sound of that when you say it."

"I love it even more when you say it." The husky yawned, the warmth of Michael's fur hugged around him, the thick plug of otterfox dick in his ass, the glow and exhaustion of the mating were all working to make his eyelids droop.

Without taking any thought for the morning Michael held Ben close. There was protest from his logical mind, something about what if they were found together by the house staff, but it was quickly drowned out by the absurdity of even attempting to leave Benjamin's side now. Everything but the moment lay forgotten as the boy slowly went limp in his arms. It didn't take long until the warm husky body was asleep in his embrace. Laying head between Benjamin's ears he closed his eyes, following his lover into blissful slumber.

There was no other feeling like it. For the second time in as many days Benjamin found himself surrounded by Michael's comforting warmth and scent. He stretched out, fingers and toes splaying, fur standing up, ears going back as he pressed his head into Michael's chest. A wave of relaxed tension flowed down his body as waking muscles went hard then loosened again. His yawn was interrupted as the stretch came to his rump. The stretch clenched it and he was immediately reminded of the deep ache within. It was enough to make him wince but at the same time he smiled. The previous night was still fresh in his mind and he savored it, rubbing his fuzzy butt against the otterfox behind. Michael had withdrawn sometime in the night but he could still feel gooey wet otterfox cum in his ass. Pressing his sore swollen pucker against the adult's sheath he found that the warmth of Michael's body helped soothe the ache and he sighed. There was still an arm around him too. Ben followed it, lifting up the paw at the end. Brought it to his nose where he could snuffle it and blushed. The scent of his own canine cum was strong on it and he squirmed remembering how good it felt being pawed off. He started to lick at the warm rough pads, nibbling at the supple black otter webbing between Michael's fingers. He ran his tongue over the skin and grinned happily as the still softly snoring otterfox around him twitched. The salty taste of his own cream made the pointed tip of his penis part his sheath. Closing his eyes he washed up Michael's fingers. Then he felt the paw jerk a little and a long loud intake of air.

"Well hello there." Michael's eyes were only half opened as he looked down at the husky nestled against him. He was still tired but the wet ticklish licks had finally penetrated the haze of exhaustion. "Did you sleep well?"

Benjamin kissed Michael's fingers, nuzzling them with his sensitive whiskers. The sheets rustled from his boyfriend's muscular otter tail flexing and he smiled as the otterfox went into a luxurious stretch of his own. "Very well actually."

"You did huh? I thought you'd have a harder time since..." He reached down to the boy's rump, giving it a squeeze.

Ben let out a quiet yelp of pain. "C, careful there, hon."

"Sorry. I hope I wasn't too rough on you. I really got lost in the moment there."

The husky rested his head in the corner between Michael's chest fluff and arm, closing his eyes as the pain faded again. "Not at all, I just have to get used to it. I do want you to do what feels best for you." He test wiggled his backside, wagging his tail through otter fur. "You know, the vids are wrong I think. You don't make much of a mess back there."

Michael blushed. "We otterfoxes do tend to be quite fastidious."

Ben went quiet. He relaxed, enjoying the nearness of his Michael. Lazy thoughts drifted through his head, gently drawing his claws through the valleys of Michael's otter webs.

"I, well, I can try to, um, be less clean about it if you really want."

Benjamin's eyes snapped open and he reached back. Slipping a paw over Michael's sheath he gave it a squeeze. "Silly otterfox! It's not you. And not that at all."

"Eeep!" He panted from the young paw in such a sensitive place. "What is it then?"

"I'm going to take dad up on his offer to have me graduated."

Michael's ears perked up. The news along with the boy's paw kneading softly on his sheath waking him quite quickly. "Going to join him and your mom then?"

Ben looked disgusted. "No, sorry, but I think it's time for me to get out on my own."

"Your own?" A shadow of worry passed over the otterfox's muzzle.

"Not totally on my own. I'll still need someone to keep an eye on me." He winked slyly up at his lover. "Somewhere away from here though. I've been thinking a lot and I want to be around you more." He gasped, Michael's paw finding his own sheath and giving the belly of it a stroke.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about that too." Michael murrrred softly, the warmth of the boy's furry cock cover making his finger pads tingle. "The house staff gets in the way, don't they?"

Ben nodded, shivering from the renewed afterglow that the touches brought. "That, yeah. But, I don't want this to be only about us either. I need to learn hon. I need to get my paws dirty so to speak and stand on my own." He slipped a paw into Michael's, gripping and getting gripped back. "Then after I learn, I would still need someone to help me."

Michael smiled. "Ben, you have everything exactly right. And it would be an honor and a pleasure to assist you. I accept."

The husky broke out into a smile and a giggle. "Won't mind working under me? Probably have to pass you off as my secretary after all."

He winked with a grin of his own. "Oh, I think we know who's working under who. And, what time is it?"

Ben glanced over at his nightstand. "Ten."

"Ouch. I'm going to be in trouble." The otterfox moved to get up but the husky on his arm resisted, not letting go. "Hey now."

"Aww, but I guess you have stuff you gotta do."

"Yeah." Michael rubbed a paw through his head fur, slicking it back. "I'm betting Ricardo will want some reports finished up I was working on. I was supposed to have them done by this afternoon before the whole Liggett mess. Gotta get them out before I get into trouble."

Benjamin's ears slicked back as Michael sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He hopped off too, nearly stumbling from a strong spasm in his backside. He went to a knee beside Michael. "Hopefully it was worth it?" He looked up at the otterfox of his dreams, giving him puppy dog eyes.

Michael leaned down, giving the boy a kiss between the ears. "Completely."

As he was kissed Ben snuck his muzzle closer to Michael's sheath and gave it a kiss, a kiss that turned into soft licks, cleaning up the black skin and white fur ringing it. Ben felt the adult shiver and he gave one final lick before parting. "Good. Because I want more of that soon."

Michael blushed watching Ben work over his sheath. He squeezed paws tightly on the bedsheets. He let the few laps of soft canine flesh wash over him, lost in the moment. He still found it hard to believe how good it felt to have this boy's love. As Ben stood he drew the husky to him for another kiss on the muzzle. He lapped at the canine lips carrying his own otterfox scent and then had to force himself to draw back. Nose straining, trembling, he woofed quietly breathing in Ben's scent. "Sorry. It's just a bit hard to let go."

"Like I would ever complain about that." Ben stood there, tail wagging quickly no matter the ache beneath it. Lost in Michael's hazel eyes he rubbed his hind paws together. The caring and love reflected in them made his whole body feel warm. Then his ears flew up. "Oh! You didn't bring any clothes with you. Guess I better get you some huh?"

The reply was a very sheepish look. "You seem to have that effect on me."

With a laugh Ben shook his head. "Alright, I'll be right back. Just let ME get some clothes on hm?" He went over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of boxer briefs. This set was burgundy red with deep blue trim. He teasingly turned his back to Michael, slipping digitigrade hind paws in and drawing them up over his backside slowly. He tucked this tail through and was very happy to see as he turned around Michael licking his lips. "Unless you prefer your boyfriend to show off to everyone."

Michael couldn't take his eyes off the smooth curve the tight cloth made over Benjamin's butt but the words made his concentration snap. "Huh? You kind of lost me there. There was this sexy ass that spoke to me. Did you say something, sexy butt?" He leaned forward as if listening to Ben's buttocks, which earned him a playful swat on the nose.

"God, I can't believe you." He laughed. "You don't want me showing off to everyone do ya?"

Michael rubbed his nose pad, a twinkle in his eye. "He he. Well, I suppose not. Though it would be...interesting, wouldn't it?"

Ben blushed. "You're a voyeur like me huh?"

The otterfox squirmed, quiet, then nodded. "I...Yeah. Yes, I'm a bit of one at that."

"Wouldn't be jealous?" Ben ear perked as he pulled on a pair of designer khaki slacks and buttoned the flap over his tail.

"I might not mind someone looking." The heat in his cheeks increased. "I don't know who I would be jealous of though."

Smoothing down his shirt and tucking in the peach colored cloth the husky turned once again and gave Michael a kiss on the cheek. "You'll have to tell me about all of your kinks sometime. I want to learn all about you, what makes you happy, what makes you feel good." He stopped, looked into Michael's eyes uneasily. "Um, I, saw, a few group pictures on your computer that one night."

Michael nuzzled at Ben, looking unwaveringly back into handsome pools of gray. "I'm not that kinda guy. I like looking at it from time to time, but I really do want only one."

Relief flooded over Benjamin. His tail wagged again. "Good. I don't think I could share." He walked over to the door. "You wait right here, don't go anywhere. I'll be right back." A smile on his muzzle he eased out of the bedroom door and shut it quickly behind, padding downstairs.

Michael lay back on the bed, stretching out arms over his head as he mulled over the possibilities presented this morning. He still felt warm and fuzzy from the twelve year old's licks in his crotch and he closed his eyes with a big grin spreading over the corners of his lips. So he might be on the move again soon. That wasn't a problem. Nothing particular was holding him in Galawan, and serving as Benjamin's guardian secretary would probably prove particularly interesting. Whatever happened with that he was determined to help his lover succeed. This was shaping up to be a very good day.