Unexpected Places

Story by Sharz Miguazin on SoFurry

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Disclaimer "Do not read if you're under 18, turn around and go home. This story contains homosexual acts between two male anthropomorphic skunks so if you don't like it, don't read it"

"Oh love, why must we part? This isn't goodbye my love, for as long as you hold me close to your heart, I will be there with you, always. Then until our paths cross once more, I implore to thee, I shall forever wait for you, with open arms, and an open heart. I will never forgot the love we had, and I will cherish it, almost as much as I cherish you. Goodbye my darling, may the heavens watch over you, always"

"Why do you watch that wubbish?" someone asked. Zhras looked behind him. At the doorway, barely five, was his younger sister Tiffany. He replied with a semi-sadistic smile. "Educational purposes. We're doing a study on how brain cells are lost by too much television viewing" She looked at him with a funny inquisitive look that only a child could possess. "Then why are you smiwing" His smile grew wider, and followed up with a chuckle "My dear sister, the answer is simple. After viewing that, I can guarantee that I just lost well over a thousand"

Shortly afterwards we find Zhras in the bathroom, prepping himself for his usual days work. No, he wasn't off to a nice high paying job, no-no, not this skunk. His job was special. He took it upon himself to end any and all possible seeds of love before they blossomed, saving as he thought everyone involved from a future of misery and disappointment that they did not deserve. He looked in the mirror every day because he thought he downright the sexiest fur alive, gods gift to women, even though he didn't believe in love.

Zhras was 6 foot 1, rather big for his age, a mentally inefficient 12 year old trapped within an 18 year old body. As he did a once over on his fur with a brush and some water, he couldn't help but smile brightly. He was good looking, and he knew it. Hell, even if he wasn't, he would of still thought so. As things stood, Zhras soon found himself posing in embarrassing positions, as he flexed his muscles and brought both biceps right up to the glass, grinning and grunting as he repeated phrases to himself like egomaniacs tend to do, betting himself mentally that if he wanted to, he could have 2 girls hanging on each arm by nightfall. He always told himself that. He never did though, not once, not ever.

After a short breakfast consisting of a mere poptart on his way to school, Zhras jetted out the door, making his way through various street corners on his way to school. This was Zhras's usual way of getting to school, mostly because he was always late due to himself spending forever in the bathroom. "Next time, I'll be ready on time" he told himself. Yes, he did always tell himself that, too.

Zhras soon found himself walking up the steps to his school as he made his way through the losers and worthless scum that littered the landscape. Once he opened the doors he made his way a few hallways down and found his target, opening his locker, he spoke to his only friend in high school, another skunk by the name of Jack. "Hey Jack" he asked, turning towards the mirror he installed "how's my favorite skunk in the world?" Jack wasn't so quick to respond, in fact he stuttered a bit, casting nervous but undetected glances down Zhras's body. "I'm..." he started, but Zhras cut him off.

"I was asking the mirror" Zhras boasted proudly. Jack looked sadly downward at the floor, a defeated skunk, as he quickly regained his composure with a new predominant idea. "Hey Zhras, are we still up for tonight?" "Yeah yeah, don't go all primal on me, it's just a movie" Zhras didn't know how thrilled Jack was. "How could he?" Jack thought. But Jack knew, oh how he knew. He would carry that sexy skunk to his bedroom after the movie, get him on his bed, spread his legs open, and.....

"Jack, I love you!" Jack jumped up in a flash after hearing his fantasy lovers voice. "Gotcha!" Zhras chuckled to himself. He had no clue that Jack was in love with him, or that he was even gay. But lately he had discovered that Jack jumped to alert so quickly when he said it that Jack often bumped his head on something, an infraction which Zhras himself found hilarious, in his own sick little mind. Zhras's laughing fit was quickly brought to a close however when he heard the opening bell go off. "Darn" he thought, wondering if the timer had been tampered with. "I bet the guy who works on those is in love with someone" Zhras blamed everything on love, always.

School dragged on forever until just as Zhras was about to give up hope the final bell rang and Zhras walked out of class, eager to find someone wrapped in the embrace of disaster, lost in the mind blowing numbness of horror that some called intimacy. Find it he would too, as he noticed a male and female mouse form kissing openly in the hallway. He immediately broke up the couple with his paws, looking at the female dead in her eyes and going "You know, a little Primatene goes a long way" The female immediately proceeded to injure his cheek with a loud "thwack" of her paw, but unfortunately a tank shell couldn't of injured this guys ego. He still managed to walk out of school whistling to himself like the jerk he was. His mission for the day had been accomplished.

An hour later had the arranged clash of titans between insensitivity and lust meet head on as Zhras opened the door to his friends home. Jack once again found himself taking glimpses of his friends lower regions, always hoping he wouldn't get caught, though Zhras was so high on himself ten skunks could be staring at him and he wouldn't notice. Zhras walked into Jack's abode like it was peasant central, Drawing forth his usual niceness as he noticed Jack's less than average standard of living he stated "Dude, your house sucks" Jack disregarded this comment out of love and lead Zhras to the living room, where he sat down while Jack brought it upon himself to make popcorn for his guest. This was going to be a night of surprises.

"Hurry your lazy ass up!" Zhras shouted as he impatiently waited for his food to arrive. Zhras watched the movie with utter disdain, pointing out every flaw and personal wrongdoing that Zhras felt the movie inflicted upon him. Jack however, loved the movie, finding it captivating in a sense. More importantly however, every second brought Jack one second closer to that ultimate prize, the end of the movie, upon which he would tell Zhras how he truly felt; and, according to him, they would fall in love and live happily ever after.

"This movie sucks, I'm out of here" Zhras muttered "No, please don't go!" Jack felt his dreams crashing down around him. "Why?" Zhras asked. Jack suddenly grew pale and cleared his throat. "Zhras, there's something I need to tell you" "Go on" Jack thought for a moment. "Zhras, did you ever find it weird how I always jumped up so suddenly when you said you loved me, or ever find yourself being stared at by me out of the corners of your eyes?" Zhras didn't even have to think "A little, come to think of it, but there's nothing to worry about, I know some very good shrinks, they'll take real good care of you"

That was a mental blow to Jack. "He thinks I'm crazy?" Zhras was preparing to leave once more before Jack placed a paw on his wrist and looked into his eyes and looked into his soul, as he gave him a warm smile that could melt the coldest of hearts. "Zhras, the reason I've been acting so weird around you....this isn't easy for me to say, but... I have to. Zhras, I... I... love you" Jack waited for it, the grand "I love you too" he had predicted and foresaw all these years, upon which Zhras would leap into his arms and be carried off to bed, where they would have wild, passionate yiff until the sun came up the next morning.

"You watch the love channel too Jack?" Jack was bumfuzzled. "Yeah, I heard a saying just like it a few nights ago. Really corny stuff, real smack yourself in a face with a dead fish for being alive corny stuff." Jack felt like he was going to cry, but he wasn't nearly ready to give up yet. Taking an offensive stance for the first time in his life, acting upon his greatest desire, that courage finding skunk shoved Zhras down with blindingly accurate speed and precision as he looked pleadingly into his eyes one last time and kept his paws tightly pressed into his chest "Zhras, listen to me. I love you, really. You're the only fur I've ever wanted in life, and I want you to be mine. Always." Zhras was now in shock. He didn't even try to say anything, his sarcasm lost forever in a blast of reality, Jack proving his desire for him by tightly sealing his lips to his.

Then the moment was gone, all gone. Jack loosened his grip and pulled his head back, and Zhras continued to stare blankly at the blasphemy that just occurred. A long pause was endured before Zhras made the first move, bringing his paws up to his eyes to rub as if the moment itself was simply a trick played on his mind. Jack meanwhile, was completely stunned. That kiss was everything he hoped for, everything he longed for, for the past several years. Now he had it, and it was wonderful, far more than anything he could ever have dreamt possible. He wanted more, and he wished he knew how to get it.

"Did... Did you like it?" Jack stammered out finally after what seemed like an eternity. Zhras didn't know what to respond with. He certainly did, but him and love went together like apples and oranges. So many conflicting emotions raced about in his head, no longer just sarcasm and rejection, they were now matched by new romantic urges that Zhras unsuccessfully fought back, not quite understanding why, but still finding himself wrapping his paws around Jack's neck and pulling him back into another embrace, and another, and another.

It took a good many moments before Jack was released from this new lip-lock. This was met with another long moment of silence. Zhras was trying to keep his head from spinning, as love was certainly never something he would of thought himself fond of before. Panting slightly, Jack simply gave Zhras an oh-so captivating smile he hoped would be used to capture Zhras's heart for many, many years to come. Jack's heartwarming approach soon ended up paving the way for more enticing moments, moments of tight hugs, kisses, and body carresses as both furs explored new possibilities and new actions previously unknown to such a love deficient furson like Zhras.

After a few more minutes of long overdue affection, it was off to the bedroom for both of them, paw in paw. Clothes now no longer necessary, a simple eyesore that had to be removed, and certainly would be, as they found themselves acting on their primal urges, and loving every moment of it. Jack was about as love struck as one could be. His every wish coming true as he lead his lover up the stairs to his room, and Zhras offering naught but the slightest of objection. They kissed once more at the top, and then made their way down the final section of hallway. "Oh, what was to await him there" Jack shivered as he wondered.

By time the two furs made it to the doorway, they were both already in a state of disarray. The groping and fondling that occurred beforepaw had led to the removal of several articles of clothing, and now both skunks found themselves equipped only with their boxers and left them with some seriously ruffled fur as they continued to grab and caress any part of the others body they could get a hold of. Tails, arms, legs, even butts, nothing was safe from the fuzzy paws of these two individuals. The combination of lust between a forever hopeful lover and the first time experiences of his partner lead to some highly arousing passion as they made their way to the bed and laid down, eager to participate in the next part of the action.

With a followed repetition of gropes and other yiffy actions the two skunks began working themselves into a frenzy, as both drawers were quickly slid off and half erect cocks emerged, a state that would soon change at the new activities presented before both of them, as paws were drawn towards their sexual objects of desire and lustful strokes were applied to each other, arousing them for a dramatic conclusion to the wonderful evening. "Hey Zhras, I want you to enjoy this, please, take me" Jack pleaded. Zhras more than half willingly complied and flipped Jack onto his back, raising his legs up over his shoulders and revealing his inviting tailhole for his member to throb upon.

Jack was lifted even higher by the taller stronger skunk Zhras as he softly brushed Jack's tail earning him a small murr before he moved it aside, giving him clearer passageway to his desired location. Zhras then smiled, patting Jack's headfur in a way that relaxed him, before starting on the long road of penetration that upon starting resulted in a small "yip" from Jack as he clenched his teeth. Jack then calmed slightly, using the petting from Zhras's paw as a means of coping with the pain as Zhras pressed himself in deeper, checking every inch or so to inquire upon the well being of his mate.

Zhras was as careful as he could be. He still didn't quite know why he was doing this, but he knew that since he was, he might as well enjoy it. It did feel rather nice to him, the tightness of another raising his desires higher and higher. He pressed inward slightly, a half inch or so, noticing Jack cringe even slightly and stopping immediately, not wanting to harm his life long friend and buddy whom of until recently, never even suspected the possiblity of his homosexuallity. Zhras then leaned forward and gave Jack a warm, heartfelt nuzzle as Jack nodded, and gave Zhras the go-ahead to continue.

Sure it hurt, but Jack was enjoying himself anyway. Here he was, being spread open by the sexiest skunk he knew, it was like some fantasy, some out of reach dream he has always desired but never acquired. Jack couldn't think for much longer than that however, as Zhras finished sending all 6 inches up his tailhole, and prepared for retraction. Jack was lifted up once more as Zhras's penis left him, inch by inch, still causing discomfort to Jack, but losing a little bit of it's zing every time Zhras moved, also increasing his pleasure bit by bit, much to Jack's enjoyment.

Jack was really into now, as Zhras began his reentry. He was encouraging Zhras onward with every wiggle of his rump, signaling now that Zhras could move faster, certainly doing so as he worked himself into Jack's innards and out again, precum starting to form at the tip of his skunkhood, used as lubrication while he continued to slide in and out at a hastening pace, causing the both of them to start murring happily, increasing the volume and intensity consistently in perfect contrast to the timing of their rising pleasure. Jack was in heaven, this was everything he ever wanted and more. The mental image he constantly derived from all those classes where he sat behind Zhras paled in comparison to what he was experiencing now. Zhras's cock brought to him a feeling of closeness and security that he had never known before. With every moment of that pulsing cock in his ass Jack felt like an unobtainable goal has just been obtained, that he truly had found love, and it was wonderful.

Zhras however was feeling something quite different. He willingly thrust his cock into his partner over and over, but he wasn't quite sure what it meant yet. He had never thought of finding anyone attractive, let alone another male. But he continued on regardless, precum starting to seep out of his lovers anus and onto the bed sheets while they both moaned, every one being one additional love making sound closer to their eternal bliss, the orgasm that they both wanted to have with each other.

It was Jack who came first, his cock standing straight up after the abusive pounding his tail hole received and causing white liquid to fire up a few feet and land mostly along his belly and thighs. It started seeping from there onto the bed for a few moments before Zhras reached his orgasm, filling up Jacks insides while they both panted heavily. They both stayed in this position for a few moments before Zhras pulled backwards, his cock sliding out easily and releasing as it slipped out a trail of cum which also stained the bed sheets before he turned his body and laid his back down onto the bed, looking at the ceiling in a dumbfounded state of shock. Neither fur knew what to say now, and so they just laid there in an awkward silence for what seemed like eternity. As usual, it was Jack who took it upon himself to break the proverbial ice.

"Zhras....that was....wonderful" Jack smiled and flipped on top of Zhras to give him another kiss, however Zhras turned his head to the side much to Jack's dismay. "Zhras...I just thought..." Zhras lifted up Jack as gently as he could and placed him on the bed alone. "I....think I should go now." he stated. Jack raised a paw up to protest, but this time no words would come and Zhras walked out of the room, down the hallway, and shortly after, out the door. Jack immediately flipped off the bed after that and went to the window and watched him walk off into the distance, waving but not being noticed, wondering what was to become of the two of them now with a mixture of happiness and sadness hidden inside for no one to ever see.

Nether skunk talked much to each other over the next several weeks. Jack stopped sitting behind Zhras in class, thinking the situation would be too awkward for him to handle, and probably being right. Everyone wondered what was so different about Zhras now, for even though he remained his arrogant self, it was clear that something was amiss. Time went on though, and inevitable confrontations did take place, as they should. It was on one of these days that Zhras was talking to his raccoon friend Carter. Noticing Jack walk down the hallway, and Zhras's fixated stare, Carter inquired as to what happened between the two of them. Zhras thought of a sarcastic comment for a moment, but then stopped, and looked Carter in the eyes warmly, much to Carter's shock. "My dear friend, let's just say, that no matter who the fur, anyone can find love in unexpected places."