
Story by Afril on SoFurry

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Lament Back-Story - M/M, M/F - Caressing/Masturbation/Language - July 06, 2011 By Afril, With help from Chaos Blackwing (cl) The Gay Furry Association

I promised someone I would write about the wolf who did Winter's Lament...

"Granfa... Why do we howl at the moon on cold nights?"

"Not at, cub... To. We sing To the Moon. To Mistress Winter - We are all she has."


The old wolf chuckled, and patted the little bundled-up-to-his-ears lad on the rump, biding him go out and play while there was light. Then he sighed... The Old Ways were disappearing. Not that That was such a bad thing - Clan Wars were Nasty. Border Wars even Nastier... But - Would his Little Village even Exist in a couple of generations, was the question. Even with pair of Felines settled in, there was a sense of decay. Of loss. The cubs didn't want to stay - They wanted to be in the Lower places... Where Lady Winter wasn't so harsh on her Children. Even his Wife had left - Everybody warned him, 'Don't marry a Wanderer, They don't stay in one place'. She stayed long enough to give him 6 wonderful cubs - Who mated and gave him even More cubs to dote on. Well, except for two...

Hevigo, his oldest, mated a tigress. There were no cubs, but neither Father cared... And then there was his Fourth, Ihbren. More Female than male - But Gods, that wolf could cook! Speaking of cook, the male came over for him to sip on something that tasted wonderful.

"If it's Mousetails, I don't want to know..." That got a giggle and a kiss on his ear.

"Fahter," Always the formal Fahter, not Da or Fa. "It's Mountain Moss." The wolf yelped as his robed butt got swatted... Then stole another kiss, this time on the gray/white cheek. "Supper will be done soon." The grain sacks may be about empty. The dried meat pared down to soup bones... Yet, Supper would be Ready when the Sun went down. The bell would be rung, and if a stray nose led someone to their table, there was Always enough. Yet... The old ways were dying. His village was dying... Hells, He was dying - Or so it felt when he woke. Damn slippery rock. Damn weak ankle... He dipped a sharpened twig in the Way too expensive 'ink' and wrote still more lore on the hide he had been scribbling on for a while.

* * * *

It took the old wolf a moment to notice he had an audience. Several waifs with too bright eyes stood silently, while his youngest held up a trembling hand... Ah, a mouse. Probably found in their wanderings... Well, Death was no stranger to them, and Mice only lived a couple of Summers. He took it and cupping his hands, blew warmth over the gray ball of fluff. Hmmmm... An ear-scritch didn't move it. A belly rub brought no giggles. So... He took a pinch of powdered SnowFlower and rubbed it onto the little black nose. At first nothing happened...

Then the body trembled. It shivered... It - Sneezed very loud and long, and Hard! Another one shook the little body and the mouse opened one eye to Glare at the wolf - 'I was Asleep, you...' The little hands rubbed at the mouse's face, trying to get rid of the irritation, while it squeaked something probably very nasty... Which turned to silence as the dark eyes followed a crooked finger to see several very wide-eyes cubs staring at it like it had marched up and said it was 'King of the Village!'. The little fluff-ball was transferred back to the cub's hand... Who suddenly whooped and turned so all the others could poke and touch and rub the now very much Awake critter.

"Granfa Isa Majikal! He brouts the mousie back ta Life!" And off they went to show the miracle to the entire village... 'Granfa' laughed - There would be no talk of putting traps in the grain-sacks This Council meeting. Ow! Another twinge from - Everywhere, made him sigh. It was time... He had put it off long enough.

Walking was painful, but he had endured worse. "SnowFawn..." That was the name his wife whispered into his ear as he lifted his light-gray son up to the sky. "When the weather again is warm, I think I am going to see where your Mother went. See if you have any siblings... Maybe even find you a Husband?" Red ran from ears to collar on the male, but the gray tail wagged something fierce. "Would you like to stay... Or come with?"

'So I can still surprise you...' "Just because we share a bed, doesn't mean we are Lovers - Now, if I was several Summers Younger..."


Oh - So, Now I'm 'Da'... One of the perks of being old is one can say the most outrageous things, and nobody will do more than growl at you. "Mind, you will have to watch yourself - I hear female bruins Love to 'break-in' young virgin wolves like yourself..."

"DA!" He could get redder?

The old male took his son's head in his hands. "This much I will tell you - Have all the Lovers you wish, But... When you hold someone's heart in your hands, You had Better hold it carefully. And should your own heart jump out of your muzzle and into Their paws... Then My Son - I don't care what Gender or Species... They become Ours. Our Clan. Our Pack. And if Someone dare open their yap too loudly about your choice - Just remind them your Second Father is an 8-foot tall Mountain Tiger. Now go and tell your brothers, we will discuss it after Tonight's Singing. Go - Before I spout any more nonsens... Mmmmmmm!"

Hells Frozen Fires! A male isn't supposed to kiss you with such a passion you want to rip his robe off and toss him on his belly... Not even a DaughterSon - Hah! The bears would only wonder why he took so long to bed the male. His sons would be honored. And the felines would want to Watch... He swatted the robed butt again, this time more firmly. As soon as the wolf had swished his way out the door, the GrandSire stole a small bowl of soup, a piece of bread and a mug of water for tea. He didn't need much anymore, and they could Wake him for the Ceremony.

He tapped his stick on the hide... "When the Night sky is open. When the moon is full and bright. Sing to her, My brethren. Sing of Winter's Lament."

Eh... It would do. Only so much one could scratch onto a piece of hide. He stretched, idly wondering what it would be like to have more than a kettle-full of hot water to wash with. To Want to shave one's fur off... Sometimes he Envied the pot that bubbled over the fire, wishing he could dive into it and melt... A second piece of hide was more carefully written on - This one would hang in the ClanLodge, and had to be done Right. He rolled both up and put them with his possessions - A wolf needed little and Kept little. A small bottle containing loose hair from his wife and cubs. A patch of feline fur, woven into a 'paw' - MatingGift. A pretty stone that reminded of his cub-hood, skipping such stones across the unfrozen lake. A patch of moss that grew where nothing else would.

Cleaning off his small table, he pulled a grass-stuffed blanket out and spread it over the wood. Once he could sleep on the ground, with nothing but his fur. If he tried that Now, he would not even be able to get up and call for the Healer. A quick pee in the 'SmallHouse' out back, and he lay down. With any luck, his son would be quite some time finding everyone. And with the cubs still outside, he had the house to himself... *Squeak* If it wasn't the Same mouse, it was a close relative. It too wanted a quiet place to sleep, and both old males were 'splitting wood' pretty loudly when the rest of the clan returned.

* * * *

Manners to Hevigo's wife meant not yanking his robe off, and humping him in the middle of the Village Square. So when she saw 2 rolled-up hides, she didn't even think to ask - She just snagged the smaller one and looked at it, puzzled.

"Mate?" he turned... And gasped, reading the words his Sire had scratched in the leather. The others also gathered around to see what was in their brother's hand. And then the hide was rolled up, replaced, and they all went outside to practice. The tale would be sung that night to Honor the Silver Lady.... All but one went out, that is -

Crow didn't get her name from the black fur-stripes that encircled her body. If anything went missing, she was the one questioned about it - Even if she didn't Personally snag it, she knew where it was. And even if she couldn't Read Wolf, she could make a mirror-like copy of it - If it was important to her Husband, it was important to Her. Besides, her Fahter not only read the barbaric tongue, but could do a passable job of howling. She knew Trade from just about every species that bothered to talk, as well as both Feral and Hunter-sign. And of course, all the Important yips and yaps - The ones that made husband's gray ears turn red when whispered into them... At least until she proved whatever it was she was boasting about.

Hevigo bet he would Never marry outside the Village. Then he bet the felines would not stay long. Then he bet he would Never fall for that 'Creature With No Shame', who growled such lewd things in his ears as they sat 'chastely' in the moonlight...

"What? No way... I bet you - My virginity, you can't do that." Poor wolf lost That bet too.

At the Mating Ceremony, he sighed... "I would bet you my Heart.. But you have already won that."

And did she Have to toss him over Her shoulder and carry him into their Hut, like a sack of grain? The female wolves all gathered outside, pretending to look for Something - They had their own bets on what the male would screech out, all starting with 'Don't...'

'Don't stick your finger...'

'Don't lick me...'

'By The White Goddess - Please Don't... Stop!'

Many a Husband found Himself howling as the wives picked up tips from listening to the new couple.

* * * *

SnakeTalker watched his daughter slip into their cabin. Even here, she found intrigue... Being an only cub didn't help. Neither did her Mother passing away from a fever when she was young. They were 'only' Lovers, but he took the little one as his own. They said she was a Thief - Huh, Kettle and Pot to his mind... He knew she hoarded. And why... One more reason to tell the other Felines to Shove their Clan-Crap up their collective Asses... If Traders were in such low demand, he would go Elsewhere. Which is how he eventually found this quiet Wolf Village, where his Daughter's heart had been stolen by a gray male who did everything but roll onto his back and whine for the female to his rub his belly - Now, what they did in the privacy of their hut was Their business... Even if Everybody could hear them.

He had only seen Crow cry twice - Once when they put her Mother's body in the Fire of Cleansing. And once here... She had walked across the Village, told to return the pot she had snatched - It wasn't ornate, or even special. So why would anyone Take it? The feline shrugged.

"It would have been returned anyway... It does not fill the hole inside me. I must look elsewhere."

Ears back, the female wolf took it from her, then lifted the tigress' chin. Placing the urn back into the trembling hand, she Hugged the feline.

"Sister, if you ever need Anything of ours, you have but to ask for it." No hisses. No pointed fingers or slapped ears... Only acceptance. Crow allowed herself to be pulled inside the 'House', where she cried out her anger, her pain... And laughed until she cried again when a female cub politely asked if She might someday have a pair of tits as huge and firm as the feline's - Or if she had to be content with 'Only' having ones as big as her Mother's.

Stepping into the hut, he watched her unroll a hide, and stare at it as if to burn it into her memory. Then she turned it sideways, back the other way, and he chuckled... "What sort of dead mouse has the huntress found today?"

The only time the Elders asked about the buck that lay across her shoulders, the feline had shrugged. "I stalked him for the better part of a morning. When I was close enough, I reached between his legs and grabbed his balls. He went *Urk!* and fell over. Finding no heartbeat, I brought him in for the Healer to decide what should be done."

That was easy... The buck died of shock, and could be added to the Village supplies. The feral males quickly learned to stand, trembling, while the feline caressed them. A sexy butt would get a kiss, a fat pair of nuts would get a raspy tongue cleaning them... And if they got 'Excited' - They never lasted long in her Muzzle either.

"Second Father wrote this, but I can't even make out a single word... It may as well be in Dragon!"

The tiger shook his head. "You do not know High Wolf - This is the language of Ceremony, not conversation, Daughter. For a copy, you did it very well."

It took until dark to translate it into Tiger, which was much richer than common Feline. And they too added their voices to the Moon that evening...

* * * *

"So, you are leaving us when the Warmth comes again..."

Another cold day, and the two males were sipping tea. "Yes... I wish to see my Wife again. See if there are Other cubs that might claim me - And I them. Find someone for SnowFawn - Unless You wish to..." The tiger sputtered, and shook his head.

"I have enough of a time keeping the 'Buzzbugs' from chewing holes in my house Now - The knotholes would double Overnight if I were to take another male to bed with me..."

Curiosity was ok in a cub - But really! He finally announced to all the phantoms that whispered to each other while they watched his every movement that - "Perhaps it would be easier if I were to walk naked to the Village lodge and let every female - Including the ferals, come and caress me to see if I will fit..."

The shadows around his hut were a lot more cautious after that outburst.

"Even though my daughter urges me to go, I have been to the Southern lands. I prefer it here."

* * * *

"What?! You are going to let that SwishyButt Wolf escort SecondFather down the mountain? I would, but I have not quite gotten through Half of the 20 Positions of Happiness with My woof." Being a Trader meant one had a little of everything - Including scrolls on how to be 'Extra-Special' in bed.

She only half-meant what she said... Ihbren was the one who cried on her shoulder, whhen they bathed in the Lodge. Who moaned his deepest secrets to, when she shoved two fingers all the way up his ass, jerking yet another long sticky rope of wolf-cum out his cock, to splatter on his belly.

"Why is it you turn your head every time I stand up? Are you afraid of my -"

The wolf placed a hand on her muzzle. "I know what it is called. And I know I came from one... But unlike most males, I do not chase after them. And even though I am sure yours is very pretty, it is your Father I dream of sleeping beside - Sister."

The tigress laughed as his muzzle burned red... "If you do not find anyone in the Heat to your liking, Return... I should be able to talk Father into Bedding you at least a couple of times - If only to experience a hot wolf-butt. Or is it the Bucks your muzzle drools for - They Are longer than my fingers..."

Crow kissed the male, making him moan and press his hot face against her chest - To protect his muzzle from further abuse, of course.

* * * *

And so when the thaw came, the two wolves picked up their packs and walked the downward pathway towards warmer valleys, and untold fortunes.

The End