Lonely Fox

Story by darkwolf_162000 on SoFurry

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PLease note I am 1/2 the owner on this and the other owner I haven't heard from in a long time so I went through the rp and I turned it into a Story line. I am hoping to adding on to the story. :) Here is the story Hope you all Like it.

Characters in Story- Luke (Wolf), Genris (Fox)

Kind of Story: Romance

Rated: Mature

People whom started story: Genris & Darkwolf_162000

Chapter 1

Unlikely meeting

Genris sat in his favorite bar. The bartender just handed him his drink, a vodka sprite. He knew it was simple, but he liked things that way. He looked around the bar...it was a busy night. Nearly every table was full. He was lonely and hoped that someone would at least say "Hi" to him. Mean while in a distance in the bar there was a young wolf sitting at the bar as well. He was also lonely and he was in a bad mood as he gotten off his job and he didn't like the news he was told what so ever. He ordered a drink and he wanted a malt liquor. After a while he was looking about a spots someone that looked lonely like him and he Moves over to the area trying not to get bumped by the crowded bar. When he got close enough he sits down and says in a deep tone;

Unknown wolf: Hey... Your alone as well I am guessing?

The fox's ears swiveled as he heard the voice. He turned around to see a tall wolf behind him.

Genris: Y-Yeah... I'm uh...Genris by the way. Nice to meet you

He smiled. He was a little tired and very lonely, but he didn't want to make that too obvious. The last thing he wanted would be to put off someone who decided to talk to him. He looked over the wolf quickly, trying to keep his eyes off his rather muscular figure and on his face. The young wolf saw he responded to him and the wolf replied back to Him;

Unknown Wolf: Names Luke.

Luke was a very well toned and muscular wolf for his age. He then replies to Genris again;

Luke: So you come here often? Reason I am asking I haven't seen someone like you here. Been trying to meet new people and I noticed that you looked new so I came over here and to say hi.

After Luke said that he saw his drink was coming towards him and he nods his head and he took a good swing of it and made a sound of relief. Genris grinned, he liked strong wolves for certain. And on some nights, anything taller, but it seemed like he won the grand prize. Here was a tall, strong wolf that seemed nice.

Genris: Yeah I'm here every so often. I kind of like it because you can fade into the background if you want, or talk to almost anyone. There are a lot of new faces every time I come here.

He looked away laughing a little. He was trying to act casual, but he felt that there was an aura of loneliness and maybe even arousal. Luke was noticing there was something coming off the fox and it made his nose twitch. It was something he normally smelled whenever he was done with something but he looks around and spotted there was some people getting freaky and he pinned the smell on that but then took another swing of his drink and he turn to the fox while he took another drink his muscles grew then went back and Luke says to Genris;

Luke: Your right, this place is big enough where anyone can fade into the background. That could be why I never see you here as well. Like to get out of here and talk more private the noise is getting to me.

Chapter 2

Departure to somewhere

Genris grinned as he watched the wolf's muscles just seem to expand. He was impressed that the wolf was able to take his drink so casually. His ears perked at the wolf's suggestion. He really liked the idea.

Genris: Uhh sure I guess. Do you live nearby?

Genris quickly finished his drink. He was a little tipsy already, but he didn't care. He had a very good idea of where this wolf wanted to go with him tonight, and he wasn't about to say no to such an impressive character. Luke was drunk himself and he was liking the fella a lot so he figured that he is nice and goes somewhere more quite to get to know the person better as he was still smelling something but he was still pinning it off on the people getting freaky. Luke then finished his drink and he lifts himself and while he did so his body expanded by 2x the size he was before he sat down and then when to normal from the way he sitting before and Luke then tilts his head in the direction he wanted them to go. Then as starts to walk, Luke was bumped and he braced himself and he didn't catch himself on time and was falling backwards towards Genris.

Genris caught the enormous wolf, without thinking. The wolf was huge and almost crushed the fox in his weight. The fox laughed to himself: "Too obvious." He didn't care though, it was a free chance to feel just how tight this wolf's muscles were.

Genris: Whoa there big guy. Let's get you out of here!

As his arms wrapped around the wolf to help walk him to their destination, he felt the wolf's tight pecks and arms around him, and he began to wonder if he was this thick, big, and strong everywhere on his body. Luke felt being caught by Genris and felt him as well as he was being carried by him. Luke was flexing his arm that was over Genris and was seeing if Genris was one of the types that flexed back from others flexing as there have been other male known to flex back to display their strength as well.

Luke: Sorry about that... Normally I am good at keep my balance when I get bumped but I have had lot to drink as well.

Genris laughed and was forced to flex his own muscles as he helped the wolf walk out of the bar. He let the wolf guide the two of them to his place.

Genris: I'm sure you are big guy. So where are we headed?

He could smell the wolf's scent. It was clearly arousal and he liked it. His imagination wandered as he thought about what this wolf wanted to do with him. He had taken plus sizes before, stallions will prepare you for damn near everything else. The fox preferred wolves though, they were usually hung and that good mix of aggressive and gentle. After Luke points out that he lived down a few blocks from the bar he then smells the scent again and knew for sure it came from Genris. Suddenly, Luke's muscle grew on their own and his body grew 2x again and this time stayed huge and then had enough strength to stand on his own and he stops and he picks up Genris and threw him on his shoulder as he felt something in him to do and was starting to move a bit faster than they were staggering. Luke was still drunk and everything but he somehow was able to manage his balance now and was getting the need to hurry up and get to his place that seemed like it was too far away. Genris almost murred. This wolf was one hell of a dominant fellow. Something about his muscles growing and shrinking as he just moved the fox's body around like a ragdoll was so arousing. He began to sport a little bulge as he rested on the wolf's muscular shoulder. He got to feel his arms, chest, and back, thick with tight, strong muscles. He could barely wait to see what this wolf could do to him at his place. Mean while Luke was moving faster to his house, he was moving so fast that he almost lost Genris on his shoulder and felt him bounce on his should and accidently grab Genris's bulge and was holding him down from there but Luke thought he had him by his leg and was holding on tightly there and Luke didn't notice it at all but thought it felt weird the entire time until they reach his house.

Genris felt the wolf's big paw on his rapidly swelling sheath. If this wolf didn't let up he was going to be hard without even seeing what this wolf looked like naked! He held back any murrs though, he wanted this wolf to incite them to the point where Genris couldn't hold them back.

He kept thinking about how long the wolf could go in bed, hoping that he just doesn't stop. It had been a while since he had company for a night, and he needed the release badly.

Chapter 3

Luke's Home

Soon after feeling the weird feeling getting bigger in his paw Luke knew where he had his paw and noticed that This Fox was liking it and Luke started to squeeze and just held it there until he made it to his house. Luke then Looks at Genris and Gently lifts Genris by his crouch and made sure he had his pants more than Genris's cock and says to him;

Luke: Genris? Why didn't you tell me, why didn't you tell me my paw on you cock?

Luke had a look that he was going to do something to him right there but held back and put Genris on his shoulder and placed his Paw on Genris's ass and was pressing on it and rubbing both his ass and Genris's cock on him and Luke had Genris's cock between his arm pit and flexing as well as Luke opened his door and closed it. Luke had an evil smile on his face as he closed his door. Then Luke proceeds to moving them into the living room. Genris just grinned.

Genris: Cause you didn't seem to mind. Plus, I wanted to see how you'd react. Now are you going to give me something in return for letting you have all this attention?

He felt this wolf's muscles against him and loved it. He wanted this wolf to completely overpower and dominate him and he couldn't wait. He pushed his paws into the wolf's shirt and began to feel his muscles himself, wanting more and more. While Luke was carrying Genris, he hears him and he stopped and Luke says to Genris;

Luke: Alright then... Since we both have that out of the way.....

Luke then took his paw off Genris's ass, and put his paw on his back now and then moved his other paw on Genris's pants and completely ripped off his lower garments and then Adjusted Genris's cock and put it back in his armpit and then flex again . Luke's cock was starting to poke out more and Luke's muscles was reacting again but his body was acting more what and how Genris was reacting as it was Making Luke starting to sweat and the more sweat he was getting the hornier Luke was getting. Genris murred loudly. It was impressive to see the wolf tear off his clothes so easily. He was disappointed though. He wanted to see the wolf naked and see his muscles flex and grow.

Genris made sure to look down at the wolf's crotch, where he saw the bulge growing. He licked his lips. It was a good bulge and it was getting bigger. A little drool escaped his lips....He wanted to see it, now. As Luke was walking over to his couch and he put down Genris. Luke says to Genris;

Luke: I see your wanting to see it..... You wanting it badly?...... Then your going have to prove it.

Luke was growing more and more in his crouch and it was poking out between himself and the pants Luke was wearing now and Luke's was pushing forward towards Genris and still growing as he looks down at Genris.

Genris: What do you want me to do then, big guy?

Genris licked his lips, his cock already throbbing and squirting pre onto the wolf. His eyes stayed fixed on the wolf's growing bulge. Luke smirks at Genris, Then Luke goes and says to Genris;

Luke: Your wanting it? Then Take off that shirt....... Then I want you to..... Use your teeth to undo me.... How does that sound?

After that Luke's cock grew even more and was clear past his belly button and still throbbing and was getting thicker even more. Then Luke Takes off his shirt himself and reveals his upper body and revealed his body was over ripped and looked even more Muscular then he was through his shirt and seemed like he was still growing in muscle still. Genris vigorously tore off his pants. He was impatient. It felt like he was going to climax just from the smell and the sight and the feel of this wolf's muscles. Luke's cock fell out and hit Genris in the head and he wasted no time in gripping it and taking it into his mouth. Luke grunts loudly as he felt his cock hit Genris's head and then grunted louder as it entered his mouth and Then placed one paw on Genris's head and waited to push down on his head to make Genris take his over whelming cock and make Genris deep throat his cock. Genris murred around the huge cock, still swelling in his mouth. He took it down his throat, eager to taste it and to have the big wolf cum in his mouth. His nose dug into the wolf's crotch fur as he took all of it into his mouth.

Chapter 4

The Pulsating Wolf

As Luke was starting to head fuck Genris, And Luke was going to town on Genris was feeling every muscle in Genris's throat become more tight around his cock. Little did Genris knew that Luke was a wolf that had a severe long and thick cocks for wolves and Luke was wanting to unleash it, but never could as he somehow gagged the person from his over whelming size and thickness and Luke was leaking a good amount of precum into Genris's throat and it wasn't stopping either as Luke was getting ready to explode all into Genris's throat while they were on Luke's couch. Genris was thinking he was over his head with this wolf. His cock just kept growing in his mouth. He was worried as it grew and grew, pressing against the walls of his mouth. He gripped the wolf hard and pumped with his paw, pulling off the cock and opening his mouth, waiting for the wolf to explode into him.

As Luke grunts loudly and his cock just flops down and was throbbing up and down in the air. Luke looks at his as his pre-cum hits all over Genris's face and says;

Luke: oh.....ummmmm... I forgot to mention.... I have an over whelming sized....cock. icon_redface.gif

Luke then Moves his paw to his head and starts to scratching it. Then he looks at Genris with a smile. Genris climaxed as the wolf said that. He didn't care how big he was, he wanted it. He rubbed the wolf's pre-soaked cock tip over his face and body, pawing it fiercely, wanting to get it to grow to full size. He smelled it and licked it up and down, his eyes jumping all over the wolf from his muscles, to his face, to his cock. Luke then Grabs Genris And he picked him up and held him to his face and he Kissed him on the muzzle and then Luke's cock went from up and down to straight up and was thickening more than ever and was getting more longer. Luke positions Genris just right and entered Genris's ass and felt him going down on his cock and Luke was pushing him further down on his cock as he was still kissing Genris erotically. Genris moaned loudly into the wolf's erotic kiss. The giant, still growing cock was pressing against all his walls. He came again, this time all over the wolf's big, muscular chest.

He pulled away from Luke, his mouth wide, tongue flailing in ecstasy. He was addicted and wanted more. Luke smirks at Genris and Luke lifts him slightly and them Slams Genris on his cock and suddenly howls as he was feeling his cum faster than Normal and Luke says to Genris;

Luke: Genris?..... If... your...... wanting....any...of... my....cum... you...beeeeeettter.....Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllll........Meeeeeeeeeeeeee.......NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!

Genris screams, Cumming again all over the wolf.

Genris: God yes!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!!

Luke then Turn the Tables on Genris And yanked him off his cock and just as Luke flips him around and slams his muzzle onto his cock Luke just cums hard into Genris's Mouth and slides him down on his cock and was moving him up and down rapidly. Genris chokes on the torrent of delicious wolf cum that shoots into his mouth from the giant wolf's cock. He drinks as much as he can, with tons of it falling out of his mouth, drenching the wolf's enormous cock.

Genris wasn't done. He wanted more. After about 10 minutes of up and down motion and Luke getting his thrill out of it Luke finally starts to settle down and Slowly removes himself out of the mouth of Genris and he turns him about and seeing him soaking wet from his cum and seeing that Genris's cock was leaking nonstop on him as well from pounding his face in with His cock and Luke even returned the favor as he was covered in Genris's cum as his face was soaked from Genris's motions as well. Genris panted, staring lustfully at the giant wolf's cock. He wasn't ready to be done. Not by a long shot. He reached out and grabbed it, stroking it fiercely as he took the tip into his mouth again. He wanted the wolf to cum again, he tasted delicious. It didn't matter what it would take, the fox just wanted more.

Luke just looks at Genris and Moans loudly as he cock was being sucked again. Luke then felt his muscle grow again as he was getting more hornier as he never meet someone like Genris that wanted to nonstop sucking on him, And this was one of Luke's fantasies that he was going to take full advantage of and Luke then cummed more into Genris's Muzzle and was feeling more coming as Luke was feeling his cock grow further as well. Luke thought to himself;

"This guy may get me to my full length and then some if he continues at this rate..... And that ass of his is looking more tastier now........ I can resist no more!"

Then Luke grabs Genris and pulls him off his cock and flips him on his hands and knees and positions him and just slammed about 1/2 his cock in and was pushing in the rest of his cock slowly and hard at the same time as Luke was letting Genris know he wasn't done with him either. But little did Luke or Genris knew that Luke's cum was different this time around.

Chapter 5

Temperatures Raising & Filling

Genris felt another huge wave of hot, tasty wolf cum shoot into him and he drank as much as possible. A lot dropped out of his mouth and onto his chest and cock. He wanted more, but the wolf grabbed him and flipped him around. He was panting hard as his eyes stayed fixed on the wolf's enormous cock and huge muscles.

Genris came the second Luke thrust into him. He loved it. Every second of it. He felt something strange. He didn't care though. He was obsessed now. The wolf's enormous cock was pushing into him while he was bracing himself in the wolf's seed on the floor. Luke was feeling different as well as he had energy like he was on 17 cans of Mountain dew, And Luke was pushing it through Genris and while Luke was thrusting each time, Luke was feeling the space in Genris get tighter and tighter and harder to push in more and once Luke Looked down he saw he still had about 1/4th of his cock still hanging out and Luke was Growls as he was then getting so horny he was starting to force more into Genris and feeling the weird sensation get more strong and flowing through him and putting it into Genris. Luke started to feel his body become more tighter and started to feel that Genris was getting tighter too but the more he was feeling the more harder Luke was pounding into Genris. While Luke was pounding so hard into Genris's ass, Luke just grabs Genris's cock and squeezes it so hard that Luke saw it grow bigger and a whole lot more cum just exploded out from his squeezing Genris, but after Luke let go the cock stayed the size it was at from Luke squeezing him and Luke Squeezed again and it grew more. This was something new to Luke but he didn't pay attention to it. Luke then starts to nipping on Genris and rub his body onto Genris more roughly and feeling his cock grow more.

Genris felt it but didn't care. His cock was growing as he came. He felt the wolf's massive paws squeeze him. The feeling was so amazing. His mouth and eyes were wide, and his tongue was completely out of his mouth as he flung drool everywhere. He felt Luke's cock digging deep into him--all the way in his stomach.

He kept cumming with every squeeze Luke made. His balls churned and began to grow with his cock, producing more and more delicious fox seed. While Luke was feeling everything both on himself and Genris getting bigger, Luke was seeing Genris getting bigger and feeling muscle bulge out from Genris and Luke felt his cock pushing out more and more and this was making it worse as Luke was growing himself and then felt his muscle bulge out more than usual and suddenly Luke felt a sensation in his cock that made him hammer stop hard that there was popping sounds every time that Luke was pounding the shit out of Genris. Genris came again, this time squirting his face. He tasted his own cum now and almost immediately guided his growing cock into his own mouth and squeezed hard while pumping it. He started to cum and cum again into his own mouth. Drinking as much as he could with the rest splashing onto the floor and his paws.

He pushed back against the wolf, a huge bulge appearing through his skin. He rubbed it with his paw, feeling the huge wolf cock inside him. He wanted the wolf to cum and fill him. After a point in going at Genris, Luke moves his paws over Genris's Body and felt now there was abs on him and Luke stops for a moment and says to Genris;

Luke: Okay.... Genris? I am noticing something.......... You and I........ Are growing....... Something is going on with us?.......

Genris drooled as he let his massive cock drop from his maw.

Genris: Yeah I noticed. Now are you going to cum or what?

The fox could feel all the changes, he even had one in his mouth. He didn't care. The feeling was amazing. Luke was constantly cumming then as he was getting ready to start again Luke ran his paw down on Genris's stomach and felt he had a six pack now and Luke's back was getting the shakes from it and it made him wonder what else has Genris gotten since they started to fuck around and then while he was doing so he was feeling his cock get more massive and Groans loudly and moved his paw straight to Genris's cock again and starts to squeezing it and jacking it more as Luke was noticing They were changing for some reason and it was Making both Luke More hornier and Luke's attitude was getting very aggressive as He was pounding harder and harder into Genris's ass and Luke was getting frustrated/ hornier from the rest of his cock not able to go further into Genris's ass. Luke then moved his Muzzle to Genris's and he commenced to Locking both His and Genris's together and was grunting and moaning while Luke pulled Genris on top of him and commenced even further to force Genris further down on his cock by moving his Legs Around Genris's waist and pulling him further down.

Genris moaned and began cumming even harder. He felt the wolf's enormous cock unload inside him. The feeling made him insatiably lustful. He could feel the hot wolf seed leak out his ass. Every pulse, thrust, and feeling made him hornier and cum harder. His balls and cock just continued to grow with every rope of cum that he shot. While Luke was pulling down on Genris's waist Luke was felt the cum coming down on him from Genris and feeling his own cum fall down on him as he was pulling down on Genris's Body until suddenly Luke felt a HUGE amount of his cum pulsate through his cock and his Knot was finally starting to form. After 3 hours so far Luke was starting to get his knot. Luke was still locked with Genris's Muzzle. Luke then was moving his other free paw down Genris's back side and he reached for Genris's Ass and forced in 1 of his claws in his ass and start to move wiggle it in there as he had a semi vibrator.

Genris felt the wolf's knot. He thought of how huge it had to be and how much it would make the wolf cum inside him. He couldn't wait. He tried to sink down lower and take it inside him. He wanted it.

Then he felt the wolf's finger in his ass and came again. He'd never felt like this before. His arms were muscular and huge, his cock huge and cumming endlessly. He loved it.

Now if he could just get the knot inside him. Luke was trying endlessly to get Genris down to his knot as Luke would know for sure That Genris wouldn't be able to leave him for a good LONG peace. After forced and making his way and dealing with his cock growing, Luke was somehow able to force all his cock into Genris's ass and finally got his knot that was not 3/4th done being completed at the entrance and Luke Just Grabs Genris and he pulls back just a little bit and he slammed it in there not allowing the body to adjust to Luke's knot and just heard a loud pop and Luke Tugged back on it hard to insure he locked himself in Genris's ass and then Luke released the locking action and took a deep breath as Luke couldn't control his cumming no more and it was making him jack hammer to hard that he was feeling Genris shake like a twig to him as he was feeling Genris's Ass being stretch beyond all reasoning.

Genris screamed as the wolf's cum bubbled out of his throat. The moment his knot had entered him, cum forced its way into his entire body. He hunched over and the cum splattered all over Luke's chest as Genris gasped for breath. His own cock spasmed and unloaded into the wolf's face. He felt more and more hot wolf seed enter him. The bulge of Luke's cock very visible in Genris' stomach. He came and came and came for several more minutes before his orgasm finally died and his cock began to soften.

After long time period had finally past Luke finally was settling down and lowers himself to Genris and says to him;

Luke: You enjoyed that Genris?

Luke was still hard as hell but he was finally at the point where he wouldn't be going wild anytime soon after what happened to Genris and Luke. Luke finally got to pump someone full of his cum and kept going and going until he was satisfied himself. Luke finally found someone he could keep doing it to and would allow him until he was done and not until the other person was done with it.