As your majesty wishes...story ver.

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Inspiration by

Ten years ago the northern tribe of barbarian wolves known as the Raiders of the Sun who had been living in peace in their surrounding territory of the frozen mountains of Mohammad had been invaded by the army of the nation of the Four Suns. Having been living in isolation for the last hundred or so odd years the tribe had been caught off guard by large assortment of men who had planned to engage them since they had become somewhat complacent in the knowledge that no one would ever come so far north to bother them being that the only other tribes that far into the north were the Ice Bear clan and then Snow Tiger clan, both of whom the Raiders had been in good standing with after decades of conflict. So when it came as that the heavily armed soldiers suddenly showed up to breath down the necks of the northern wolves it turned to their complete shock when the barbarian men and women came to counter them with weapons in hands and savage snarls curling over the edges of their muzzles in readiness for battle.

The ensuing clash had been a longstanding one that lasted an entire month with the Raiders fighting several hundred of the soldiers in the middle of the Northern caps cooler spring months. The small clan only had a number of three hundred but each male and female who could pick up a weapon fought with a burning passion that had sent the army retreating several times, though not without suffering injuries and losses of their own. The advantage of being at home made it easier for the wolves to fight since they could easily adapt to the frosty mornings that sent many of the soldiers to the infirmary from pneumonia, while using the days when the snow would blanket the ground to launch raids onto the armies storage supplies and cause many of them to retreat back to the south to request food and supplies for the injured. This in turn gave the Raiders the chance to recover from their wounds and bury the dead, all whom were given the honor of funeral pyres to set their bodies to the heavens and back with their ancestors.

It was turning to the second month with the Raiders having lost almost fifty of their tribesmen when the king of the Four Suns, a towering golden lion wearing enough armor to cover his entire body save his dark golden mane, appeared on the battlefield with his personal guard and had offered terms of surrender to the Raiders in return for their allegiance to the kingdom of the Four Suns.

Of course the leader of the barbarian wolves scoffed and rejected the offer in pride, but offered his own challenge to the golden king that if he could best him in combat that his people would surrender themselves over to his nation. However, if the king was defeated then he would surrender himself to become a concubine for the leader of the Raiders to show that their people, no matter the number, were great enough to be met on equal foot whether in battle or in the bedchambers.

The challenge was accepted and the battle between them was fought in the middle of a brisk afternoon atop the northern mountains with snow blanketing the ground. The leader of the wolves brandished a twin set of hand axes while the leonine king carried a broadsword and shield crafted with the emblem of his kingdom on both his weapons in his left and right hand, respectively. The two faced off together with their people circling around, both sides cheering and baying for their respected leader to slay the other, and then charged for one another to begin a conflict that lasted three days.

Sweat, blood and fur covered the circle where both men danced together with the fate of two people riding on the outcome and in the end the two found themselves crashing into each other in one mighty show of force that ended with their weapons falling from their grips to land on the opposite side of each other as both toppled onto the ground in exhaustion.

Neither the army of the Four Suns nor the remaining Raiders of the Sun knew what to do after that but both carried their respective leaders back with them to heal while glaring at one another for the next several days. When the leonine king and wolf leader awoke the two of them came together, bandages covering them both while wounds bled just enough to be called grisly looking, and decided to settle their differences over stiff drinks in the middle of the same battleground where they had fought. Commanding both their people to stand down the two leaders drunk themselves into a barrel of guffs and laughter than was shared by their people and by the time they were finished both were so drunk that they ended up forming ties with one another in a more carnal passion than they had planned. The wolf leader both taking the feline king and being taken by him in the middle of a cold spring evening with their people looking around without knowing what to think afterwards, but many wandering eyes followed by eager promises and hotter passions afterwards when darkness covered the sky.

Afterwards the leader of the barbarians had claimed an alliance with the Four Suns kingdom, if only in word alone, while also claiming the other as his consort.


There were a lot of things one had to do in order to survive the change of the world. Some things were more painstaking than others while some were just annoying enough to be humorous. However on this night, a certain barbarian was finding out just how deeply the well of his patience ran when he was commanded to undertake a certain task that only a fool would have been privy to undertake. Times had humbled the barbarian and his people and as he stood before a younger male with more power than him in the kingdom he grit his teeth while trying to remember every lesson on control that his father had ever knocked into him when he was but a pup.

Deep sapphire eyes looked up at him from a face too innocent to really understand what was about to happen, but as the barbarian stepped into the room and closed the door behind himself he breathed a long sigh before straightening his back and then walking over to the son of his 'king'. The wolf growled at this but didn't bother to fight the fact as he knew that there was nothing to be done about his situation but obey. Being the eldest son of the leader of the Raiders of the Sun he had been made to discipline himself under the guidelines of the Four Suns nation and there was no way he could return to his father and take over leadership of his people without suffering through learning the ways of the so called 'civilized' world. His father would not be swayed on this matter no matter how much he advocated his displeasure at being made to humble himself before a bunch of gutless half-warriors who knew only how to fight underneath their armor plates and behind shields made of wood and steel.

Why his father thought that the rest of these people would have something to teach him, Krom had no clue however, his father's word was law and he was almost seven years later after the formal truce that had been signed by the two leaders after their amorous coupling. Standing in front of a boy who looked too skinny to be a warrior and too young to be a man Krom fought with himself to keep to code that he had been brought up to believe in by his sire and his people: give honor to those who are greater until they stand in a show of being lesser.

That was easier in practice but in actually one word alone by this younger male had bayed Krom to come to his room and take him as his father had been taken by the leaders of the Raiders of the Sun. That thought made the large scarred wolf smirk some as he reached up to tug at his twisted beard while licking the edges of his fangs. His malestalk hadn't graced anything other than his own palms in the last few months and Krom would take only delight in plundering the virgin backside of the slim looking feline gaping up at him in awe. Not out of any true malevolence but out of the fact that he hadn't gotten any tail, male or female in too long a time.

Being as tall as he was (2.5 meters), and having a body that was filled to the brim with muscles upon muscles, it turned most females away from him save only the most adventurous whores that he had let delve into his bedroom at the tavern whenever he took the night out away from the castle. The people around the kingdom where so small, both males and females, that Krom had become something of a challenge for the women to take in between their legs and something of ridicule to the men who had become envious of his greater stature in the loin category. Few males would lift their tails for him, even though many in the city were sexual amorous enough to sleep with both genders and those that did were bold enough to try only did so once and were left limping in pain towards the healers when they were freed from the impressive stalk that Krom supported between his heavy thighs. The fact that it was in his nature to tie to anyone who shared his bed with him made it so that his the bulbous knot ended up splitting half of his bed partners open, with many a males crying out in surrender when they had taken the fist wide mound of flesh into their backsides and underneath their upturned tails.

Stories of his passionate, if not almost frenzied ways in the bedroom, circled the castle like wildfire and got into the ears of just about everyone who knew where to ask so it had come to Krom's great shock when the little prince, just now entering his fifteenth birthday and believing himself man enough to take on the warrior, at least in the bedroom, had bay him to lean down and commanded the bigger male to come to his room later that night. Now as he looked over the naked feline who coiled his impressive tail around his left leg in bashfulness while crossing his thighs over his slightly erect maleness, Krom thought that maybe he could instill the truth of the nature of the Raiders of Sun onto the future ruler of the Four Suns kingdom and leave his mark so that all would know that his people were not to be trifled with. Walking over to the smaller male to where his loincloth covered sheath pressed mere inches in front of the young feline's muzzle, Krom grunted and unlaced the straps covering his waist with slow and easy measure, wanting to make sure that his 'prince' would get as much satisfaction from this ordeal as he would by enjoying every second of the primordial act that was about to take place between them.

The scent coming from Krom's body was heavy with sweat since he hadn't bathed after his training with the guards today so that left a bitter tang in the muzzle of the young prince as he breathed in deeply while at the same time bit his lip in anticipation. The heavy fluff of grey fur that Krom sported around his frame was drunken up by the wandering eyes of the younger feline as he tried to keep his composure while sitting in front of such a masculine male the likes of which he could only compare to his father with. Golden fur brushed and polished to perfection stood up in places as the young royal watched as the first set of ties were unclasped and hung down the barbarian wolf's waist revealing just the cusp of a the prize he so desperately wanted to take stock of. Light danced from the candles around the room as the night air from outside ghosted through the curtains and tickled the only illumination causing shadows creep up across the walls and almost dance together in mocking gestures of what was to come.

When the ties were unknotted, Krom snatched the loincloth from around his waist and threw it to the side somewhere out of sight. Finally freed of its prison his heavy malestalk rose up and pointed out directly in front of the prince's face with his seed coating the mushroomed head of his crown as it dripped down onto the stone floor. Down below fat orbs of flesh dangled like ripe fruit from the branches of trees between his thighs making the wolf reach down to fondle himself as pressure was finally released from being kept so long contained by the somewhat cumbersome piece of clothing Krom preferred to do without.

True to his youth the prince looked on in awe as he reached up unconsciously and ran a slim hand over the length of the impressive maleness, both testing the weight of what he could barely believe that was an actuality and curious to the true girth of the half hard length bobbing in front of him. Deft finger didn't even grace half of the growing stalk but that failed to draw any kind of warning in the young feline's mind as he leaned forward and ran the tip of his muzzle across the broad expanse of male flesh. The first contact made both him and Krom shudder as the larger wolf grit his fangs together to keep from reaching out and taking control of the other male's head to force his length down his throat, but again the younger royal took no notice as he purred deeply and scented the intoxicating smell of masculinity right in front of his nose. It deep and thick, like the male who supported it and the prince felt rationality escape down into his own loins as he purred and bumped the tip of his nose across the heated flesh over and over, baiting sticky male musk to seep out and coat over his nose like a glaze.

Krom clenched his hands together hard enough that his claws dug furrows into his palm while his toe claws grit into the stone beneath his feet as his hips quivered in longing. All it would take it a brief second just to reach out and grip the boy's head into his paws and mount his face as roughly as he desired to but he was not a young pup anymore, he had learned from his training that the best way to conquer a foe was to conquer one's own impatience and let the situation open itself to where you could gain the best advantage. So he waited; waited as the price opened his much too small muzzle to try to take him in between his lips, managing only to get part of the head inside of his mouth, and nearly howled in agony when a dexterous tongue snaked into the slit of his crown and started to tease his inner tube. Krom's tail lashed out behind him with the force of a storm as the wolf silently prayer to the gods above for strength not to violate the other too soon. All it would take would be the right tough and Krom would lose his control and shove himself so deep into the other that the young feline would be left whimpering and shivering for months to come at the mere scent of the big barbarian whenever Krom walked through the halls of the castle. However, first he needed to control himself and keep a level head so to maximize the fleeting moments that the two of them had together because Krom was sure it would there would never be a repeat experience after this.

The wolf was more than sure that once the young prince had the 'barbarian styled' mating that he desired that he would never want anything to do with the older wolf ever again and would be more than happy to have him gone once he ascended to the throne.

A smirk crossed Krom's features at the thought before it turned into a deep moan when small hands reached down below to grab at his testicles and began to knead them together. The touch was experienced because there just enough pressure mounding the two fat sacs together without causing unnecessary pain. Krom looked down with slit eyes to see the prince's blue orbs staring up at him with mirth as the boy managed to fit the entirety the head of the wolf's mushroomed cock into his cheeks, both which bulged out comically, before sucking deeper than any paid barmaid Krom had known before. By the gods it felt so good, his palm just couldn't compare to the warmth, the slickness and the grip of a wanting mouth and without meaning to Krom tipped his hips forward just enough to choke the younger male. The prince coughed and bit down lightly without meaning to while his claws bit into the flesh of the barbarian's nuts making Krom hiss and bark out loud in twisted pleasure. While some of the males of the Four Suns kingdom liked to have gentle and passionate couplings with one another, the Raiders of the Suns preferred just enough pain to make it meaningful when they copulated without leaving wounds that a healer would give a curious eye to when the bout of frenzied play was finished with.

Grabbing the youths head with his massive paws, Krom pulled his hips back while steadying the young royal and popped his slime covered tip out of the feline's mouth with an audible popping noise.

The prince panted and coughed, slime coming from his mouth without him meaning for it to, but before he could get himself under enough control to look up at his bed partner Krom grabbed the feline around the waist and then tossed him chest first onto the bed. Like a bag of rice the young royal flopped down once and then lay still before turning his head and looking indignant at the bigger male, but just as he did he got the shock of his life when the barbarian wolf climbed up on top of the bed with him and then placed himself fully over his golden furred form while positioning his spit-soaked malestalk right at the crux of his behind. The fact that they were facing the opposite way that was intended for the bed's usage was of little concern to the prince as he began to realize that he might have bitten off more than he could chew with this barbarian. The other didn't so much cover him as he literally blanketed the entirety of his lanky form to where the only sign of him that could be seen was he tail waving out around Krom's side. Adding to his uncertainty was the fact that the big wolf's cock felt so much like that of an arm running along his rump that it fit inside of the grove of his cheeks and still had enough to spread them open without even entering him yet.

Taking a thick gulp of air, the young royal faintly wondered if he could still call everything off, that was before a large shadow covered him and a deep growl echoed inside of his ears making his entire body freeze in place.

Krom watched as the feline noted the difference between them and smiled completely feral-like when he dipped his maleness between the valley of the feline's rump, letting the young royal feel exactly what was going to be spearing through the insides of his flesh in mere moments. A thick grey tail waved up almost over the wolf's head and began to wag with enough force to make a breeze throughout the room as the barbarian gripped the sides of the prince's shoulders and held them tightly enough to be called painful while leaning down to growl right into the studded ear of the smaller male. Muscles bulging with repressed force, Krom scented the fear and repressed desire that came from the very pores of the smaller feline's body as realization began to kick in that he was in for a night that he would never forget when he had asked for the other to take him like the barbarian clan of the north. The wolf licked hips lips when he could see the fur at the scruff of the kitten's neck rise up in agitation, but it was far too late for any regrets now. There was no chance for Krom to hold himself back, especially not when his maleness was primed like the blade of a sword and thirsting to delve into the inner depths of his willing victim underneath him.

Trailing his paws back down the sides of the younger male and feeling the spine seem to almost lock up in trepidation and a touch of anticipation, Krom found his handles over the hips of the young feline and readied himself for the first strike.

Hips rising into the air, tail flagged his like a war banner and knees resting firmly onto the bed Krom positioned his slime coated maleness at his target and then drove himself home in one brutal thrust into the fleshy inside of the prince. The yell that came out of the young prince made Krom's fur point up into needles as every strand of hair along his arms and scruff rose up to stand at attention. The call was so loud that the wolf was surprised the King hadn't woken to send his guard out, however, that just made the wolf growl in glee as he realized that he could get away with a lot more than he thought and considering that the walls around them were at least six inch thick the wolf planned to take good care of fulfilling the orders of his 'prince'. With his cock buried deep and resting just a spare few inch inside of the other Krom grunted and pulled his length out fully in one smooth motion and left a gaping hole open between the cleft of the young royal's backside before hammering home once again and forcing another cry out of the younger male's lips.

Over and over Krom kept stabbing at the insides of the feline, trying to force himself inside of the other with every thrust and only getting partially more of his malestalk inside than he did before. The inner depths of the feline were so tight that it made the wolf whimper some as he had never taken anyone so unprepared in the past and the feeling of it was better than any battle could ever be as he kept loosening the other up more and more with his sex until he finally had almost half of himself inside of the young prince. Looking down at the whimpering feline, shuddering just as he imagined he would be, Krom grunted in mild disgust as he thought of the times before when he had taken his friends back home in this way when he had been the other's age and how they all had howled and grunted at him to mate them harder and to take them deeper. The differences between the two cultures was more apparent now than ever before and as Krom leaned over and pressed his hips down fully into the feline, he wanted this moment ingrained on the young royal's mind for years to come.

You don't fuck with the wolves of Raiders of the Sun and think that you could get away unscathed. You came to them knowing that they would take everything you had and then some once they were through with you and then you looked up at them with mercy before they allowed you the honor of walking away with your tail intact.

Grunting and grounding his hips into the younger feline, Krom could feel the tight vice clamping down around him and wondered just how far he was inside of the younger male's belly before he angled his hips back and then started to withdraw.

Down below the prince was hissing and writhing like a moth on a pin as he felt the length of maleness slide free from his body once again. Gracefully thinking that there couldn't be anything more painful than what he had just experienced the prince had no idea what a night he was in for as his own feline maleness dug deep into the sheets of his bed and covered his belly with his pre from the mind numbing rapture that he had just suffered through, that was before Krom began to actually start to fuck him.

Krom snarled as he started his heavy hammering without any change from his original position. There was no slow methodical movement of his hips, nor any grace period to allow the prince to get used to what he was being initiated into, there was just a face paced pounding of flesh and fur against one another as the barbarian gave all that he had to the boy beneath him while sating himself in the pleasure that came from rising screams from the other. The times in his tribe before he had become a man had been spent with boys his own age play fighting, hunting, and making passionate lovemaking with one another while leaving the dribbling of their youthful exuberances inside of the tailholes of the others. It was almost unheard of for one of the males Raiders of the Sun to go out into the world without having had a male stuffed up underneath their rumps and fucked so hard and deep that they always remembered their first time atop and underneath another youth. The pain of having a knot stuffed inside of you and the pleasure of burying your own inside of a good friend was what made the ties between their clan so strong and to this day even Krom's father remembered the time when he had been taken by his best friend who happened to be the healer of the tribe.

Grunting and tipping his muzzle down at the young feline, Krom watched the myriad of expressions that flashed over the other's face as the prince felt every vein of the girth that was shoved up underneath his tailhole. If he could have looked down Krom would have seen that his cock was actually spreading the other open even wider than the width of the prince's wrist and that a large bulge was running through the feline's lower abdomen as he was roughly taken by the long stalk of flesh. However, all that was meaningless formality to the barbarian wolf, the only thing that Krom wanted was to take control of the other through his actions and breed the feline deep enough that his scent wouldn't come out of the fur of the prince and linger wherever he walked for days to come.

Jacking his hips up the wolf struck deep into the depths of the younger feline over and over like a miner digging for gold, never showing any sign of faltering and gaining momentum as he ran his hips against the supple backside of the other in a flurry of motion. Thighs smashing down into the younger male the wolf inadvertently sent his cock up throughout the bowels of the other until the prince could actually feel his tailhole starting to go numb. The smell of their sex fogged up the room as sweat began to drip down the wolf's frame and onto his smaller form while Krom's muscles bulged from exertion as his tail beating like a war drum against the head of the bed. There in that moment with only the two of them together, dancing a dance that told of a unification that went deeper than any ceremony, Krom felt no greater glory would ever compare to this moment when he bested the son of his 'king'. Listening as the little one yelled out again and again, his screams like a prayer in mercy to the ancestors of the barbarian wolf's tribe, Krom let his lips crest into a devious smirk as he grunted and thrust faster and harder into the other. The bed seemed to almost buck beneath them whenever the wolf spiked his hips up from the young feline's backside before the entire frame dropped heavily against the floor and almost seemed to knock into the stone as it wanting to go through into the lower floor.

Hips smacking together while balls tapped in time with the wolf's thrusts, Krom grunted and huffed out heavy breaths as he felt himself go fully up into the other male while the first stirrings of his knot began to throb at the end of his cock. A telltale sign that he was about ready to enter the phase of copulation that would tie himself with the other, the bigger wolf pulled himself up in such a way that he made sure that every entry into the smaller feline would leave him with clear understanding of the new girth that was about to enter him.

Meanwhile, the young prince was in utter agony while all this was happening. There was no other pain he could suffer that would make up for what he was experiencing as Krom gave him exactly what he had asked for. It was like someone was trying drill something through his backside on up into his chest and as the barbarian wolf continued to fuck him deeper and harder, the prince could almost imagine that the other male was trying to do exactly that. The girth of the wolf's cock was so thick that it was like someone was punching him in the guts, whenever Krom would pull back his ass would get a minor reprieve but the second he felt relief there the barbarian was again trying to get back as deep as was inside of him before. Worse, since the wolf had only started with half of his sex inside of the prince, though the royal knew nothing of this, Krom's length dug deeper and deeper into him so that by the time the wolf was hilted the feline could actually feel something poking far into his body that it actually made him want to retch. How could anything get that far inside of him, the prince tried to wonder, before his mind blanked as something far too large to be real dipped against his cleft and he began to howl out loud once again.

If he could, the feline would have reached back there to see what it was but since his arms were locked down by the weight of the bigger male the young royal could only lay there and take what Krom had to give and silently pray to someone that this torture would end soon.

The shadows of the two males danced onto the walls as they came together again and again mirroring the motions of the wolf and feline onto the bed frame. The candles lighting the room flickered from the snap of wind that gushed from Krom's excited tail while the heavy musk between the two grew so dense that the sheets along with the drapes were left with the trail of male stink that would not come out without a good washing. Krom though, too focused on his task never bothered to notice any of this as he growled and pressed his paws deeper onto the hips of his mate, curling his fingers around just hard enough to cause some bruising as he let his lusts take over any kind of care or concern he would have had for his mate. His ears flicked in time with the motions of the young royal, the gemstones in outer cup shone like stars as the wolf lowered them down onto the top of his scalp when he leaned himself further across the youth's back, nearly burying the prince into the bed.

Krom's knot soon began to inflate from the onslaught of his passions and as the large sphere of his fully engorged knot began to smack at the rim the of the young feline's ass the wolf realized that the screams around him were actually started to get louder than his frenzied lusts could tolerate. Not stopping his thrust, but deciding that it wouldn't be worth it to knot the other and be forced to explain why the prince's tailhole was left gapping open the next morning and leaking his seed out like a well fucked female's loins, Krom lifted his thighs higher up and just so that he couldn't achieve complete penetration. Settling on sawing his malestalk into the others guts just hard enough to keep from breaking something important; the barbarian wolf continued his grating movements well on into the night.

Moans and yowls from the prince made perfect music to the barbarian as he used the extent of his well honed stamina to thrust and shove and beat back against the feline's slim thighs while grunting and snorting and breathing thickly enough that drool dripped down onto the sides of the prince's neck.

The minutes ticked by endlessly for the feline as he felt everything inside of him seem to just shut down from the awe-inspiring prowess of Krom's passions. Nothing would ever be the same for him after this night and as the young feline let his screams echo out for the barbarian's joy. The younger male knew now that he would never have another male so thoroughly and mercilessly take him again as this big wolf was doing at that moment. All the others from before had been nothing more than variations of civility and respect shown for the crown when the men the prince had commanded had come into his bedroom and had their way with him. And in the end they were all nothing compared to the veined menace inside of his backside. Krom had complete control over both him and their coupling and no order would ever make the wolf stop thrusting into him, not even if his father were to walk in and command the barbarian to halt would the wolf do such a thing. Blue eyes partially opened to see the bliss on the wolf's face and it was then that the prince finally realized what this barbarous wolf really was.

Krom was power incarnate.

He was a force like a tidal wave yet no less furious as a rolling storm as he fucked the feline over and over again. The movements he made were precise enough to be called categorized as the barbarian grunted, thrust, barked, and growled like a feral as he took the younger male without thought and without mercy. The massive testicles bouncing from off of the prince's lower end made the feline come to appreciate the greater force was at his door and surrender everything he was to the male that he had always looked up to in comparison of wanting to be when he came to age. All this time the prince had thought that he was in control and that he could handle whatever this unrefined, unwashed, and uncouth male could dish out. Maybe not in battle, but at least here in the bedroom where he had been privy to many a guard's so-called rough couplings, but those had been formalities compared to this.

The nuts against his own didn't ask to relieve themselves into his insides, they foretold a coming so great that the feline knew that he would leak the remnants of Krom's passion down his buttocks and on further down his legs until he would be left in a pool of the wolf's juices. The powerful sacs churned deeply with thick wolf milk and would soon gush fast into the prince's rectum and up into his guts where it would all slosh and the settle into his stomach where he would then carry it around for days in testament of Krom's masculinity. And as the wolf shoved deeper and further in, the prince realized that he would have no greater honor than to be the conquest of the wolf. To carry proof around that the Raiders of the Sun were the only true rivals of the Four Suns kingdom and that their males were equal, if not better than their entire army.

Then without warning it all at once came to a head. Krom lifted his head and let out a hissing bark as he dumped his seed into the feline beneath him with a furious set of thrusts and a heavy grip around the feline's waist that made the young prince moan in rapture. All at once grey furred balls drew up and clenched inside of their pouch as the barbarian shot torrents of seed through the long tunnel he had made inside of the young royal's backside. The prince gasped and yelped as he felt the too hot cum splashed through his rectum only to backup to where it trailed down around Krom's shaft and then out through the upturned ass of the feline. Gushes of white stained out down between where the two males were connected and as Krom continued to thrust and smack his bloated knot just against the outside rim of the other his entire groin got colored with stain of his seed making his musk almost triple in strength as it rose up into his nose and clouded over his senses. The prince could do nothing but lay there and take it all though. His body worn down and his energy drained to where the young feline couldn't even tell when his own orgasm snuck up on him and he sprayed his load of semen onto the sheets beneath him.

Sweat and the scents of rutting males ran throughout the small room as the two male collapsed together with Krom making sure to keep enough of his weight off of his prince so that he didn't smoother the other. The two panted and grunted as they lay in the afterglow of their passions while thinking about the aftermath of what was to come. Krom unconsciously gathering his arms around the waist of the young royal and buried his nose deeply into the feline so that he could smell the intoxicating scent of his musk stuck deep into the tawny gold fur of the other male who could never be his equal. Neither one was privy to the fact that the only reason their antics hadn't been heard wasn't so much that the screams of the prince had been buffered by the walls around them but that down the hall another wolf and feline were going at it hot and heavy that the screams from inside of this room swallowed up the yells coming from the younger prince. This, coupled by the fact that all of the guards that were supposed to be standing on duty were piled around a large wooden door and stroking themselves through their loin guards while listening to cries of their king as he was hilted deep by a certain wolf, made it so that the younger prince would get a full nights reprieve without anyone coming in to ask any dumb questions come morning.

It would also be to the prince's curious surprise that when morning came and the musk of his personal guard oozing off of his fur failed to turn heads or make the gossip rounds, the young feline would stand in confusion with a snickering grey furred barbarian at his side until they both noted a limp coming from the king that would be the main source of chuckles for every guard on duty that day.

Two sets of eyes, along with various others, would watch as the tail of the leonine king would drag heavily between his rump to cover over the sight of his leggings stained with the residue of his consort's seed as he walked around without trying to draw much attention to himself before roaring and ushering both youths to go and find something to do with themselves. The older lion's ire and limp would be understood later because of a set of loose lips that earlier that same evening the king would have taken a knot inside of his rump far bigger than his own fist and then hilted deep while being drenched in the sticky sap of the only other male who had been his equal both in battle and in the bedroom.