Chapter four - Betrayal

Story by Kietro on SoFurry

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#4 of Kitsune Chronicles

yeah yeah...i know

i said the last one was the last chapter

oh well

might as well make something happen posthumous or however you spell that...

"Where am I? What is this place?"

It was a place of total darkness. I groped around, but met nothing, no resistance. This was very strange. Even on Earth, I could 'feel' the air. So why not now? The only reason could be...could be that...I am not on Earth! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I'm truly dead then. I expected to live a bit longer. Matthew...I'm so sorry. I fixed his life, but not entirely. He can't go on like this. He knows nothing of the Kitsune life. Nothing...just like what I am...I am dead, a formless spirit, nonetheless wandering in my own shadows. But I have to get back. What if someone spots him? He doesn' can't take care of himself in the form he is currently in. I must get back...somehow...

"NOOOOOO!!!!!!!" I yelled at no one, for there was no one. Usually, I preferred being alone when sad, but ever since Joka came into my life, I was happy. When sadness came, she caressed my soul, like she knew the secrets of life and emotion. Her aura around was intoxicating, but pleasurable. Why did she have to leave?

Why did I have to be so weak? She wouldn't have died if I hadn't been so careless. She could've lived. I told her to. I didn't want to see her get hurt. Why did she leave now? Just when I needed her the most....

It couldn't be helped. No matter how many tears I shed, nothing can bring her back. Her only existence is the memories I have of her. That is not enough. Memories can be forgotten. Soon, nothing will be left of her, and I won't have anything to remind me of her. Just thinking of that brings shivers to my body. I can't stay here. I have to get off this island, that is if there is a way. I don't even know where I am. There has to be somebody on this island. Wait... who is that? I started walking across the debris what was once the arena. It looks like another Kitsune. Its fur is a dark brownish color with sky-blue eyes. Amazing, it was very well built, but nothing compared to Joka. I cautiously walked up to her. Getting closer, I could see perfectly that she was, in fact, a Kitsune, and a female at that.

"Hello?" I spoke hesitantly for fear that she may attack. She slowly turned to me. She was a sight to see. Though her beauty was breathtaking, she could not even come close to how Joka looks.

"Hi! I'm Neoavioaka. You're so cute. May I take this honor of becoming your partner in life?"

I blushed at her comment about the way I look, but remained silent. She was still very intimidating because, though she was only a one-tail, she had a lot more experience.

"If you're just gonna stand there and remain silent, might as well take that as a yes. Coming?" She turned to leave but I remained rooted at my spot.

"Looks like I may have to take...extreme measures...hehe"

With that, I felt my mind go numb. Everything around slowly blurred, then, once again, I fell into the world of unconsciousness.

I was getting very impatient. No matter how hard I tried, I could not move my legs, much less try and move to another place. Who knows what kind of place I was in...

"Someone help!!" I shouted to no one. It was just to make myself know that I still have a voice. I could not detect a single breath of life anywhere.

"Calm down...You'll only go insane here acting like that..."

What was that? Am I dreaming?

"No, you are not dreaming. This place is quite real, and so am I."

"Where am I? And who are you?"

"This is a realm between realms. People who left loved ones are trapped here, in their own suffering. They cannot go backward or forward. As for who I am...I am Death..."

Oh my head...for the second time this day, I went unconscious. This is just where am I? It looks kind of like a bedroom, but built for a girl. There is pink everywhere. Sheesh...this must be that girl's room. CRAP!!!!!! I'm naked. There was nothing on me. Great...and I'm also tied down to the bedposts I'm laying on. The door suddenly opens, and that girl walks in.

"Comfortable? I really hope so. You are gonna just sit there and relax. If you try and move, those ropes will burn into your skin. You wouldn't want that, now would you? Now...time to take you for my own. Nobody seems to have claimed you yet..."

...end of part four...

this is very short because i had a demand...

still i also felt really bad after this...but its too short...i couldve lengthened it somehow but then the story line would get messed up...yadayada...

anyways...still waiting for emails...stuff like that...critism...

chapter 5 wont be out for a afraid...for various reason...want them? chat to me privately...there are somethings i cant explain to the public...