Seeker Origins: Chapter One

Story by Hemlyn on SoFurry

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#13 of Seeker Origins

Year: 2080, May 14th.

Time: 13:25pm.

Location: Club Nova Streets.

It'd been over two weeks since my I 'graduated' and became a Seeker; more than enough for my wounds to heal and leaving plenty left over to get my head around it all. But being a Seeker wasn't just about jumping across rooftops with a rucksack full of drugs; I learnt that lesson from pure experience. Being a Seeker was being in control, keeping your turf clean and all the junkies, addicts and dealers in their place; and that was my job - not alone, of course...

I was now part of a four-man group, called 'The Bunch'; not the best name for a group, but it wasn't as if we had enough people to be called 'The Sadistic Seven' or anything like that. Our job was to keep the streets outside the Club 'safe', and to keep our clients happy; meaning there were no cut-throats, addicts or dealers to put our clients in a bad mood, because when that happens, things always had a way of affecting us.

For example, the current situation I was in involved some small-time drug-dealing gang; they'd set up shop in some abandoned warehouse a couple of years back, but as long as they were honest and kept to their area, we didn't care. Now though, they were trying to shove us out of the way, making their way onto our streets and selling a bunch of synthetic shit, claiming it to be 'naturally produced', and that was where our clients came in; one of our wealthiest 'friends' found out about these synthetic drugs by experience; needless to say he wasn't a happy Bear, so it's our job to make sure he's happy any means necessary.

Our group consisted out four people; me, a Fox, a Feline and a Dragon; yeah, the same three guys that I was with during my initiation; the same bastard Fox and Feline that broke me, and the same Dragon that came by afterwards.

First, there was the Red Fox, Viggo 'Sir' Frasier, the leader of the Bunch, and the only one of us who did the talking; that was because he could charm and yell his way out of anything, even with a gun pointed at his head.

Then there was the Feline, Brendan 'Rex' Santiago, the Driver of the group; because how else would the Bunch get around without a Driver? I didn't even need to think twice to tell that he and Viggo were good initiation told me enough about them.

Lastly, there was the Purple-Dragon, Joshua 'Pump' Mason, the muscle of our group; none of us ever remarked his first name...or the colour of his scales for that matter, under penalty of a fate worse than death...depending on how you look at it.

I was the fourth and last person in the group, nicknamed 'Statue' for...well; I don't think I need to explain why. I was the 'bitch' of the group, taking direct orders from Viggo no matter what, whether it was to shoot someone, or even follow him into a fire-fight - although that second part hadn't happened yet - I would obey silently, without emotion or expression; but it wasn't as if the Fox gave me any completely insane orders, otherwise he wouldn't be the leader, would he?

"I'm going to ask you again." Viggo said sternly, directing his attention to two Drug-Dealers we managed to catch in an alleyway; a White-Fox and a Canine. I was standing by his side whilst Pump and Rex were to the side of each dealer, barely one metre between us all. "What was in your boss' head when he decided to replace his stock with a bunch of synthetic crap?"

"It's no big deal though...right?" The White-Fox stuttered, darting his eyes from Viggo to me, then to Rex, then to Pump, then back to Viggo; we had both of them pressed up against the wall of the alleyway, safely out of the way of any crowds. "Besides, it's all the same; this stuff is cheaper, but it does the same stuff, right?"

"Statue, hit that Fox for me." Viggo said, glancing at me for a brief moment; I glanced back with no expression - not even a nod as I stepped towards the Fox, beginning to snarl at me as he was standing at least one foot taller than me; everyone in the alleyway was, even my group, but I didn't let that put me down.

"What are you looking at, glass-hole?" The Fox suddenly lashed out to the Canine's humour, fully snarling at me and brandishing his sharp, yellowed teeth and bloodshot eyes as I was barely an inch away from him.

There were two plus-sides to having a tail longer than my entire body-length; first was how it could be applied to a lot of situations, from picking up a glass to down-right fucking someone with it. The second advantage was the sheer strength of it whenever I struck someone with it; the Fox was about to learn that advantage first-hand. In one quick movement, a twirled about gracefully, lifting my tail and whipping the Fox along his left cheek, making him stagger back slightly from shock and from the force of the impact.

" fucking piece of shi-." The Fox stammered in anger and shock as he stepped forwards to strike me, but before he could even raise his paw, I had taken one step towards him, bringing my right knee up to his gut and staggering him back again; that was one of the advantages of having a could armour it up - in this case, binding a rounded sheet of iron to the knee-areas of my suit.

The White-Fox had doubled over, now sitting down with his back against the wall as he cradled his stomach from the pain; I took one step back, returning to Viggo's side and folding my arms. Our attention now turned to the Canine still standing, shaking as if an earthquake was going on inside his body; even the rucksack he had on his back was shaking violently. Viggo took one step towards the Canine, backing him up against the wall and planting one arm against the surface, keeping him where he was.

"I'm going to speak clearly, so you can understand it." Viggo sighed, his muzzle barely an inch away from the Canine's; "this is our turf; you and your friends had best clear out of here and stop selling our clients these synthetic drugs. If they were the same as the natural kind, we wouldn't be here, and your friend would still be standing" Viggo pulled the Canine from the wall and indicated for him to take his rucksack off; "I think we should hold onto that for a while as compensation; you do know what compensation is, right?"

The Canine nodded slowly as he removed his rucksack, handing it to Viggo, who smiled in turn as the Canine ran away, his friend quickly getting up and running off as well, regardless of how much pain he was in. Viggo turned to us and nodded towards the exit into the streets; we all stepped out of the alleyway and into the nearly-empty streets, with the exception of the few vehicles passing by. Viggo motioned towards the limousine parked just outside the alleyway we were in; we all calmly stepped into the back, with the exception of Rex, who stepped into the driver's seat.

"That's what I hate about these fucking dealers." Viggo sighed, tossing the rucksack into the limousine and leaving it on the floor as we shut each door and set off; "if they can't take a bit of heat they shouldn't be dealing...or sampling their own products for that matter..."

I nodded and blinked once as Viggo turned towards me; Pump stayed silent and closed his eyes, probably in 'deep thought'; most Dragons were like that; they'd close out everything around them and think for hours, kind of like a coma you could slip in and out of whenever you wanted...the closest I ever got to that was a pair of earplugs and a shot of alcohol...

"Something's bothering you." Viggo stated, crossing his arms and lifting up the rucksack with one footpaw, bringing it up to the empty space between the two of us; "I could tell one you drove your knee into that junkie's gut; so tell me, what's up?"

"Why not just talk to the leader instead of those junkies?" I asked, taking off my helmet for two moments, hearing a small hiss from my re-breather as it detached, leaving only the thin sheet of fabric covering the back half of my head.

"There's one thing you need to learn about keeping our clients happy." Viggo said, leaning back in his seat and smiling at me; my expression was still blank, though he could tell I was going to listen to everything he said; "they made a deal with these...well, dealers. If we were to just stroll into their warehouse and force them into doing what our clients demanded, they'd get a little edgy; and when people get edgy, they're bound to make even more mistakes than they initially made, causing more bad than good; but if we use a light touch, push about one or two of their workers, then we're giving them a hint. People feel more comfortable taking hints than taking hits, so everyone's happy, and we don't end up losing any clients."

I nodded and blinked once again, watching as Viggo unzipped the rucksack, revealing several small plastic cases full of Equaliser-3, one of the 'safe' drugs invented around the same time that Vega City was constructed. The Drug could be taken in three different ways; first was rolling it up in a sheet of paper and smoking it; second was to simply inhale it through the nasal passages, though the effects sunk in faster; the last way was to dissolve it into a liquid and drink it - alcohol was a preferred solvent, but it wouldn't take long before you were passed out.

"Consider this a gift of good faith." Viggo smiled, handing me one case; I blinked once, then smiled back at him - something he did not expect me to do. "It's synthetic, so it's a lot safer for you than the natural version of it; less chance of you catching something from it."

I nodded and placed my helmet back on, starting with the frame, then the sheet of clear plastic, and finally my re-breather, hearing an airy hiss as it clicked back into place. I laid the case down on my legs and placed my claws on top, not yet opening it...not until we were back at the Club, at least. Fortunately for me, we were off for the rest of the day, or at least until something else popped up for us to take care of. Viggo turned to me again and nodded towards the case on my lap; I turned to meet his gaze and blinked once, receiving a wink from him as he grinned slightly. We had a habit of having 'silent' conversations; right now, he was practically inviting himself up to my room once we got back. I winked and grinned back in agreement, receiving a nod as we both turned back and faced forwards, not saying a word until we got back to the club.


Year: 2080, May 2nd.

Time: 14:05pm

Location: Club Nova, Room 27.

The door to my room slammed open as I crashed through with Viggo, forcefully locking his muzzle on mine as he forced us back onto my bed; I casually tossed my helmet to the side, landing softly on the carpet as the Fox got to work on the rest of my body. He began by undoing the three large clips that ran across my chest from my left shoulder to my right side; he was still forcefully kissing me as I unzipped the limb-areas of my suit, finally letting it all drop to the floor as I got up from the bed, leaving Viggo lying down, inviting me forwards.

"How can you move around like that?" The Fox mused, indicating my back with one paw whilst the other was holding the small case of Equaliser-3. I took a quick glance in the mirror to my side, looking at my spine, which always seemed to arc back ever so slightly at the upper-half; it came with being a Seeker. It was useless having a hunched back when you needed to have grace and speed; eventually my spine just shifted into place...not that it hurt at all.

"I manage." I replied bluntly, still looking over my thin, slender, patterned body, reminding myself of how alien I looked to myself from living inside a biosuit for most of my life.

My gaze returned to Viggo, who had already unlocked the case and rolled up a small portion of the drug, making it identical to a short cigarette; I followed this by walking over to the far side of the room, pulling a small bottle of alcohol and a couple of shot glasses from the mini-fridge just underneath my 'wardrobe'. I slowly got up and laid my other hand on the wall in front of me, putting enough pressure on it so that it was forced forwards by about an inch; I proceeded to pull the wall to one side, revealing two more biosuits, one white and red, the other dark-blue. Below my suits were two small, seven-barrelled revolvers resting on a large box of ammunition; I picked up one of the handguns, admiring how it fit nicely into my claw as the thick nozzle stuck outwards by merely an inch.

"Always creative, I see." Viggo remarked as I walked over to him, pulling the trigger right next to the small cigarette and sending off a single spark, lighting it instantly; the Fox took one deep puff of the cigarette as I lay down beside him, pouring two shots of the alcohol and sprinkling the last of the drug in each glass.

I handed one shot to the Fox as I took the remaining length of the cigarette from him, quickly inhaling the drug and burning out the last of it just before we both drank down our shots simultaneously, breathing out a heavy could of smoke each. The effects of the drug were almost instant as my tail began to twitch and flex violently and almost whipped Viggo across his chest if he hadn't caught the length and wrapped it around one arm, keeping me one the bed with my rear raised up high as he positioned himself behind me.

I felt a sudden storm of pleasure as the Fox lifted my rear up some more, giving my slit one long wet lick with his tongue; that was one of the effects of Equaliser-3. The user's body became twice as sensitive, and considering my vulnerability to drugs and alcohol, along with how sensitive my body was already...I was in pure bliss. My member came out almost all at once as the Fox gave my slit yet another long lick, using his tongue to dart inside and lick me from the inside; by purely instinct, I began to flex and make short humping motions with my lower body, though that did little to stop the naughty Fox from lapping away inside me.

"Mmm, you're enjoying this aren't you?" Viggo teased, pulling away from my slit and letting my member come out completely; by now, I was already leaking pre-cum and my body was practically begging to be filled.

Viggo simply obliged and smeared his paw with my pre-cum, now jerking at his own shaft and slicking it with his wet paw. Pre was practically flowing out of me, forming a small puddle and staining my white sheets as the Fox suddenly drove into me, making me moan in pleasure as his entire length entered me in one go; he suddenly bent over my back and reached down towards my own member, grasping it in one paw and rubbing the tip with his thumb, creating a slight burning sensation in the tip as he started moving his whole paw up and down my shaft.

It only took a few seconds of rubbing along my shaft before I released my seed, yelling at the top of my lungs as I felt sensations that made a regular orgasm seem like a walk in the park; the pleasure I felt was more than a jolt, more than a thunderstorm - it felt like millions of volts of electricity passing through every area of my body at once, making me release my seed again! My whole body constricted and relaxed continuously as I looked down at the pool of seed made on my bed, and still the Fox was jerking me off.

"I'm going to make sure there's no seed left inside you but mine." The Fox growled playfully as he made quick slamming motions, pulling his entire length out and forcing it all back in at once, stimulating me even further.

It seemed to last forever; I remember reaching my peak a third time, then a fourth, my seventh ejaculation, I'd completely given up trying to count and just let it happen, my mind now blank as I was left to enjoy the pleasure that Viggo and the Drugs provided. I finally let out a long moan as the Fox shoved his knot inside of me, letting it swell to two, then three, then four times the width of the rest of his shaft, locking him inside me as he released what had to be all of his seed inside me.

We were both left gasping for air whilst the Fox was laid on top of me, not supporting his weight anymore and pressing me down onto the bed, smearing my front with the seed that stained almost half the bed. I only lasted about a minute before passing out from exhaustion, drifting to sleep listening to the sound of my own rapid heartbeat...