Forest's Branches (Forest Stroll part 2)

Story by dog455 on SoFurry

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This was a request filed by KateTheMarten on sofurry. It was very fun to make and I hope you enjoy it! Sorry about not posting this sooner, I have been having trouble with my internet and now am forced to use a very very VERY old laptop. I am also going on vacation tommarrow so don't expect anything new in the next 6 days. Please enjoy the story though :D.

Song I listened to: Slipstream by Yuki Kajura

Forest Stroll Part Two

Thank you KatetheMarten!

Kate the marten moved onward through the enchanted forest, feeling it throb with life in the moonlight. Light reflected off the trees, giving it a creepy glow through the forest. Kate skipped on.

Kate passed through leaves and disturbed their peace making them fly into the air and innocently land on the ground. A night wind rushed through the forest, calming the labyrinth of unique trails and turns. The moon glowed in the sky and sent a messenger in the form of moonlight down to earth.

As Kate walked, the pendent around her neck swayed and turned. The spirit inside of the mystical object churned within. A white mist inside of the pendent swayed back in forth in a hypnotic pattern, the same with Kate's eyes as she looked around the forest.

Kate's instincts led her to the end, feeling the moonlight hit her face, warming her. She heard something stir outside and her brown fur stood up.

"Who is there?" Kate said as her claws started to show menacingly. The forest wind instantly stopped and everything was still.

The man stepped out form behind a tree he was hiding behind. He started to walk towards Kate and somehow the man knew who the newly transformed Kate was. The man had gray eyes and straight black hair in a ponytail. He was wearing a tee shirt with his favorite band on it with jeans. He was wearing black shoes, which scraped against the dirt with every step he took.

"Kate?" He said as the man's curiosity was aroused as he saw her newly acquired form. Kate recognized him instantly.

"Tsar!" She said excitedly and tackle hugged him. Her fur went back to normal and was not sticking straight up anymore. Tsar laughed and hugged her back in a loving embrace. The girlfriend and boyfriend were back together.

"Kate, how did you become like this?" He asked curiously and he touched her fur and poked her ears.

Kate smiled and put Tsar's hand down and pointed to the enchanted forest. "The forest is full of spirits, come on, let me show you around!" Kate smiled and started to tug on Tsar's arm.

"Wha-wait I am coming!" Tsar said while laughing and following Kate into the forest. Kate then noticed something hanging from Tsar's neck. It was silver and reflected light. It was a dog tag connected to a chain.

Kate's tail swirled as she ran into the forest. It was almost midnight and spirits seemed to spring up from unlikely places as a stag ran by in front of Kate's path. Its antlers gleamed and it almost seemed like it was smiling then it disappeared, trailing deeper into the forest.

Tsar watched in awe as the sprits traveled past them, disappearing and reappearing right before their eyes. It seemed the spirits were watching every step they took, compelled to great the newest addition to their family. Finally they made it to the shrine where Kate was changed into a spirit herself.

"Tsar." Her face suddenly serious, "Do you want to become a animal like me?" Kate held out a hand waiting for a response or a gesture.

Tsar nodded and took Kate's hand. "Anything to be with you." Tsar held Kate's hand and Kate guided him toward the shrine that she was transformed at. The shrine was nothing more then an open area with a tree line forming around it. The tree line made the shrine into a circle.

"I do not know what animal you will change into." Kate added in while clutching Tsar's hand gently. Tsar nodded. The forest wind was picking up again. A spirit was coming.

Tsar and Kate felt a cool and calming wind rush through the forest. The wind rustled leaves, disturbing the quiet peace of the forest. A blue orb started to float to the middle of the forest and glow with an obscure light. It seemed like a tiny ant in a sea of brush, isolated to that area. It started to float towards Tsar, warming him in an array of light.

"It seems this is your spirit." Kate said poking the orb that was about as big as a marble.

"So what do I do now?" Tsar asked as the spirit floated ever closer to him but before Kate could respond the orb rushed into Tsar's dog tag and it started to glow the blue light that Kate's pendant glowed.

Tsar was surprised as grayish-brown fur started to creep its way up his ankles and back. White spots started to form going from his lower back down to his newly formed tail. His clothes started to rip from his newly gained muscle as his body started to shape into the animal he was destined to become.

The fur on Tsar's chest started to turn white and his nose started to bulge outward. Tsar felt something on his head as antlers started to grow. Tsar's eyes turned into a more intense gray. Tsar's feet started to move outward and turn into hooves as his shoes ripped and tore from the process. Tsar was now a full stag-moose, an extinct species. Tsar was proud of his new form also.

"So how do you feel?" Kate asked curiously as she realized that the human Tsar was never coming back. She liked the newly transformed one better though.

"I feel great!" Said Tsar happily as he started to jump and flex his muscles in his legs to get acquainted with his new form. Tsar's dog tag still hung from his neck. It was not glowing anymore.

Kate showed Tsar around the forest. The sights, the smells, and the wonders of the forest were amazing to Tsar and he found that this life was more interesting then his human one. He can start a new life with his girlfriend. That was the greatest part.

Kate and Tsar walked out of the forest, talking about what they were going to do next when Kate stopped by the lake where she saw the spirit that transformed her. They took a break and sat down by the lake. The water reflected the moonlight and the fish swam soundly along.

"Thanks for everything!" Tsar said, "I had fun." And smiled brightly at Kate. Kate looked at Tsar and said, "I had fun to, but you know what the best part is...." Kate said looking over at Tsar smiling, feeling his grayish-brown fur, "I have you." And pulled Tsar near her and kissed passionately.

The stars never shined so bright.

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