The hunted

Story by Jon Girard on SoFurry

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The following story is meant for adults only. It contains NC relations between a wolf and a rabbit anthro. These characters are mine and from my mind. Any resemblance to others chars or people is completely a coincidence. If you would not like to read about this then use your BACK button now... if not... then read on. WARNING :: There is death and ummmm.... consumption at the end of this story.

  • * * The area is calm and serene, and the forest is a live with its natural wildlife as a small rabbit approaches a hot spring. She looks around timidly, being sure there is no other intelligent life around before shedding her clothing and spreading out a blanket to lie upon. She reaches into her bag and takes out her lunch, eating it slowly and enjoying it. Once done she gets up and slowly wades into the hot water. The steam helps to relax her aching muscles and joints. This particular rabbit is not your normal rabbit, but rather a half-breed. She is half Elven and half rabbit. She is very beautiful despite her odd heritage and has always been sought after by the males in her village. This is why she comes all the way out here, near the center of the dark forest to bath. Back home she always feels as though she has eyes on her, most of the time she does. She stands about five foot four with light tan fur. There is a patch of white on her chest, which continues down to her crotch. The insides of her ears are also as white as snow, and of course... so is her tail. Once her small body has adjusted to the temperature of the water she begins to bath. She uses no soap, but then again the water is hot enough where it is not necessary. She is sure to clean her ears with care; seeing as they are long they tend to get a bit dirty. When she starts to clean the area between her legs she stops, not wanted to distract herself from her bath... not yet anyway. As she bathes, another creature is moving through the forest. He is an animal, a large wolf to be exact. This animal does not look very friendly and is out hunting for dinner. His eyes are large and have a slight red glow to them. He is about seven feet long, not counting the tail, and stands a good four and a half feet from ground to shoulder. As he moves around silently he picks up the scent of his dinner... a rabbit. He moves quickly and quietly. Ducking in and out of the shadows as he makes his way north, following his nose. Finally he comes to a small clearing and his eyes spot what his nose sought. There, bathing in a small body of steaming water is a rabbit. Not a rabbit that he has ever seen though. This rabbit looks more like a human, walking on two legs. Its actions also portray that it is intelligent. He notices that it is a female when she turns around in the water. He licks his lips a bit, already tasting his meal. The young rabbit is unaware that she is being watched. Unaware that she has now become prey to a hungry wolf. Finally she finishes bathing and makes her way out of the water and lies out in the sun to dry. As she lies there the wolf sits, hidden in his shadows, waiting. Not long after she is finally dry and her hands slowly move to her chest and begin to massage her breasts, one in each hand. She makes no noise, but her face and hardening nipples portray that she is thoroughly enjoying herself. The wolf sees the movement and watches with curious eyes, his head tilted slightly to the side as he tries to decide what she is doing. No matter how hard he tries he cannot tell. He is not your average wolf, actually he is not technically a wolf at all, but he has had little contact with humans. That's to say that this rabbit can be thrown in with the large pool of creatures that he calls 'human'. He notices movement again as her right hand slowly slides down her chest... over her firm abs... across her tight stomach... to settle at her crotch. Her fingers glide around her opening, not close enough to excite her fully, but close enough to speed up her breathing. A slight moan comes from her mouth as she lightly runs a claw up her moistening slit. Once again not hand enough to cut herself, or for any penetration, but enough. As she continues to manipulate herself her juices begin to accumulate inside of her. The wolf picks up a new scent coming from her. A scent he likes for some reason so he continues to watch. It doesn't take long for her to lose herself in what she was doing. Not caring anymore for she thinks that she is alone, still unaware of the hungry eyes that are watching her. The new question is... what do those eyes hunger for more, food... or gratification? Her left hand, which up until now has been toying with her nipples, comes down to join her other at her crotch. She rubs her nub slowly with it while two fingers on her other slowly are carefully circle around her hole. Its petals are folded back and it is begging for a visitor. She finally gives her body what it wants as she plunges the fingers deep inside her warm, and wet body. She is moaning loudly and a small stead stream of her honey is coming from her, soaking into her blanket and driving the wolfs nose crazy with the new scent, now stronger then ever. Finally she stops herself, having to force her fingers from her wanting slit. She was just about to reach the point of no return. Just about to cross into sexual heaven for a moment or two. She brings her hands to her face, and licks off her sexual residue. Moaning slightly as she enjoys the taste that is only her own. Once she is clean she closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep. The figure in the shadows waits a while to be sure that she is asleep. He moves out into the open without making a sound. She is lying on her back. Once hand is draped over her stomach and the other is at her side. He cannot help but lick his lips again as he looks over her muscular body, wondering just how she will taste. As he moves in closer he catches that strange scent again and begins to sniff around quietly and carefully, trying to find it. Finally he discovers the source of the smell, her crotch, and he inhales deeply... loving the smell. A certain part of his body likes it too and peaks out of its sheath a bit. He finds a wet spot on the blanket she is on, and it has she same scent he is after. He tentatively sticks out his tongue and tabs the wet spot, bring it back into his mouth and tasting it. His organ comes out a bit more as he tastes the fluid and he wants more. He carefully laps at the liquid on the blanket until it has lost its taste. He grins slightly as he moves his nose slowly to the rabbits crotch sniffing, glad to find the scent is still there. His tongue comes out again and slowly and lightly licks at a small pink area on the rabbits tan fur. Sure enough he gets the taste he was after but back up a bit quietly as a small moan comes from the rabbit. Seeing that she didn't wake he moves back into position and licks her again, and again, and again. He loves the taste and the smell and his organ is now almost half out of its hiding place within his furry sheath. The rabbit is moaning loudly now, and her hips are pressing up a bit against his tongue. It doesn't take long for her to finally open her eyes, to see the lover she thought she was dreaming about. Anyone could see the fear in her eyes when she sees this large black wolf standing at her feet, and he can smell her fear. To him, it is the best feeling in the world. Knowing that someone is afraid of you. Knowing their hearts double in speed. Knowing they stop thinking clearly. He looks directly into her eyes and they stare at each other for a few moment. The whole while the poor rabbit is shaking. Soon he tires of this staring contest and he moves his head again and goes back to licking at her. She shrieks slightly when she feels his tongue and quickly closes her legs, almost hitting him in the snout. He growls at her deeply, from the center of his body. He bears his fangs letting her know that she is not the one in charge here. Letting her know that he could easily tear her to pieces. She whimpers and her legs slowly spread themselves apart. He goes back to exploring her with his tongue, it going in a bit deeper with every passing minute. She is fighting, try her hardest not to enjoy the pleasure he is giving her. She cannot believe she is enjoying having this animal molest her. Finally she thinks that this is harmless. Her face is still saying she hates this, but she has given in to the feelings. The wolf begins to get more of the fluid he wants and she leans back a bit, resting on her elbows. It is then that she realizes the sheer danger of this situation as she sees a large red organ pointing right at her from under the wolf. She knows she has to get away, she knows she cannot... and will not be rapped by this wolf. She quickly jumps to her feet and makes a run for it. Her heart skips a beat as she hears the angry growl of the wolf. She doesn't get very far as she feels a sharp pain in her leg. She screams out as she falls to the ground, landing on her hands and knees. She looks back to see bite marks on her calf and shin. Blood is pooling around it as the wolf slowly approaches from behind her. She tries to crawl away, but screams out again in pain as the wolf rakes his claws down the back of her leg, about a foot below her ass. She begins to cry, screaming out as she feels the wolf push his nose against her slit. The wolf is now seeing something he is familiar with, the position of a bitch in heat, when she is accepting a mate. He knows not if it is true for this creature, but he also could care less. He leaps up very quickly and wraps his forepaws around the rabbit's waist. She screams out again, yelling in vain hoping someone will come aid her. She can feel the tip of his large organ poking around near her hole. He begins to hump at her, missing and missing. She hopes that he will give up and leave her be. After about a minute of this she begins to get weak. Be it from the weight of him on her back, or the blood she has lost... or both. She lowers the front of her body, dropping down to her elbows as she feels herself about to fall. This doesn't last long however as she shoots back up howling out loudly in pain. When she lowered herself she allowed him to align perfectly with her and he entered her, hilting himself in one hard slam. She can feel blood flowing from her opening. Her insides feel like they are on fire. It doesn't get any better as he begins to moves out of her... then back in. He Pushes inside her. He feels the wetness, the warmth, and he likes it. He can smell the blood oozing from her and it only urges him on as he begins to move in and out of her. She continues to cry, wincing every time he pushes into her, and yelling out sometimes still. She musters together every bit of strength she has and tries to pull away from him only to feel a large set of jaws surround her neck like a chew toy. She stops and sits there. Bent over on her hands and knees while a wolf has its way with her. He continues, getting faster and faster... coming closer and closer to the edge he is striving for. By now she is numb from pain and on the brink of unconsciousness. With his jaws still around her neck she dares not move. She can somehow feel as his organ starts leaking its pre inside her... deep inside her. Then she feels the first long get of wolf cum spray her insides. She can feel it overflow her small opening and mix with her blood as it leaks down the insides of her legs. As he is finishing... as she feels herself about to slip into darkness she speaks. More out of her own will then she thinks. "Why... why are you doing this?" Just before she slips away she hears something. She hears the wolf speak. She hears it answer her question and her breath comes short as he words hit her. "Because I can, because I want to... and most of all... because you never said no." With that she falls limp, her body giving in. The wolf thinks she is trying to move and tightens his grip with his jaws. This and her body falling causing his teeth to sink into her neck deeply. It is a good thing she died from blood loss, for this would have been a much worse death. The death he had in store for her the moment he smelled rabbit. He pulls out of her limp body, licking his own organ clean of her juices and her blood. Truly enjoying the combination of the two. Once he is clean is goes back to her. He brings his jaws to her neck and tears out a large chunk of fur, skin, muscles, and tendons. He chews and swallows, enjoying her taste. He continues to eat, devouring her. Leaving only bones after about an hour. His stomach being full, his balls being empty, and the sun beginning to dip behind the earth... he is tired. He lays down on the blanket left by his meal and drifts off to sleep... fully unaware that he is being watched. That he has gone from being the hunter... to being the hunted. * * * Well thats all, hope you like it. I am very pleased, much better then my last one i think. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts of this story, one of my others, or even one you would like to see me write.