Godson chapter 2

Story by cutelionx on SoFurry

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#2 of Godson

Chapter 2

The sunlight was too bright when Will woke.

"Damn, my eyes," he said blinking profusely. The world swam in and out of focus, but the room was no brighter than usual, the blinds weren't even open. Primary colours leapt out at him assaulting his vision with brightness, he blinked to clear his head, but realised he could see perfectly, he wasn't being affected by the shadow in the room; he could see it was there but he could see through it like water in an aquarium. The brighter colours were more visible but nothing was hidden in the shadows.

It actually felt kinda good but he was spooked, why could he do this he wondered. As he made his way downstairs his mother was already up and cooking his birthday breakfast.

"Haaaaappppyyyyy biiirrrrthday, you look good this morning, got a healthy glow or something," She observed rolling the r in birthday in her feline way but she had a serious expression despite her exuberant exclamation "... look I need to talk with you about something!" she rushed into the second part.

"I know mom but I don't want a party or anything like that, you know me I'm quiet and want a day to myself" Will tensed at the second part but there was no avoiding mom today.

"But that's just it you aren't quiet and I know you want a party but can't have one and it is not about parties," she sighed '"I need to know whether you are going through any changes now y.."

"I don't need the 'changes' talk mom I'm 18 and I have lived through all that now, it's a bit late." Will scoffed, his mom had always been a little behind the times with help about his life; why was she acting so strangely about it though?

"No son it's not that... it's about changes you will begin experiencing now you are a man. Changes because of your father. You aren't a normal child and he promised he would explain it by the end of today you will know but you must understand that in the years to come don't lose your morality, I don't know if that will even matter to you but I always hoped that I would raise you in a way that would..."

"Look mom you're freaking me out, but ... yesterday he... dad ... left a message for me in my room, am I going to get to meet him?" Hope snuck into Wills determinedly calm voice.

"NO!" she shouted with a force that surprised herself as well as Will, "I mean, no, not yet anyway, he's left you in an awkward position that only he can advise you in and I want you to hear what you need to know from him, it would seem hollow coming from me besides I wouldn't know everything there is to tell you."

"Right, well mom I am going to go to school 'cos this conversations kinda weird, I might be out late for once so I'll see you around 10, I might go out again after that. I want to speak more about dad when I get back." Today was a day Will was determined to enjoy, little did he realise how much he would.

The bus journey was relatively tame, at least compared to normal. The seats near him that were normally anathema to those around him were the ones that filled up first as and Will felt oddly conspicuous sitting in the midst of conversation and he noticed quite a few people looking his way. 'Creepy what's going on with everyone today' thought Will

_ 'Get used to it'_ came an eerie reply whispered in his ear.

"What the f..." Will spun around and realised he was shouting at two freshmen who just burst out laughing, "That's all the respect I get," Will muttered to himself as he turned around.

"Faggots talking to himself!" someone shouted

"Oi leave him alone!" a freshman hare replied from nowhere.

Will looked up surprised and the entire bus went silent.

"I...I...I mean what a faggot!" stammered the young hare before blushing and retreating back to his seat, not before a load of abuse was hurled his way.

On his way through the doors of his high school he swerved to avoid Jamie and Dylan the two jocks who had the longest held vendetta against him, Dylan was the fox Will had stood up to and inadvertently started the crusade to ruin his life around a year and a half before. Despite his adamance that he would stand up for himself he kept his eyes down and hurried off to class but not before Dylan had a chance to shout,

"Run away dickhead! You dirty little shit."

A couple of snide laughs came from the people either side of him but much less than normal Jamie, his cheetah lackey was unusually quiet. He pushed past a group that were taking up the corridors and heard a couple of people muttering the usual comment but then heard a breathless:

"Sorry sir"

He almost stopped dead,


"Sorry," he heard a girl mutter but no sir this time. Must have been a mistake, slip of the tongue he thought to himself.

As he walked towards class he noticed how with each step he felt a bit better with each step, it seemed some people were being a bit nicer than they had before, not by much but at least he wasn't public enemy number one.

As he settled down for class at his standard back seat he resumed his favourite pastime of looking at Jamie's ass whilst zoning out of modern history. As the teacher began to listlessly drone on he became gradually more and more absorbed, Jamie had the most perfect ass, two smooth bubbles that put just enough pressure on his jeans to show off their perfectly formed shape. The cheetah certainly kept in shape and the star of the track had perfect thighs to match his rear. Will worked his way up before hearing a slight growl, he snapped his head up and saw he had been caught, his secret would be out and his life would be worse than ever.

"Grrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmm," the growl slowly changed into a feeble purr, "whatcha doing?"

"Sorry I didn't mean t... I was..."

"You were checking out my ass." It was a statement

"Yeah look I..." Will tried to explain

"Does this help?" Jamie asked swooshing his tail side to side and sticking out his rear, "please, feel free, touch it!"

"Erm no I'm fine" Will stopped straight away this had to be some kind of trap or tick though he couldn't see how the seats at the back were always empty so nobody could see him.

"Fine!" said Jamie growling again and he didn't look back again.

Will couldn't focus, what was all that about, was his secret out was he in the clear, was Jamie hitting on him? First his eyes, then the two polite kids and now this; what was up today. He was lost in thought and barely heard the bell ring and was last out of the class.

"Will," the teacher called him back, "nice to see you in class today, I see in the register that it's your birthday, hope it's a good one!"


"Hurry off its break and I need to work!"

What was that about, will shrugged, whatever it was the teacher had had his wish, he was having a good day, Will had discovered some ability to see in the dark and the normal abuse wasn't all one way and Jamie was being oddly ... accepting, something was definitely different.

He walked slowly to the restrooms down the quieter corridors where he had found himself avoiding trouble quite a few times. He was jolted out of his train of thought when Dylan pushed into him "what were you doing earlier cocksucker, trying to avoid us?" Dylan circled him and began to force him back towards the lockers.

"Get lost!" squeaked Will

A blank look dawned on the bigger fox "where are we what are we doing here?" he shook his head and an angry look returned to his face as he repeated the question.

Will was feeling a bit braver after the pause and said more confidently, "leave me alone," the fox promptly turned and simply walked away leaving a somewhat bemused lion who scurried to the toilets.

Will walked straight to the sinks and splashed his face, astonished at what had just happened. He was almost shaking and could barely stand. As he came back up for air he felt someone grab him and twist him round

"What, am I not good enough for you? I tried for you, but you rejected me." As Will focused he realised it was the Cheetah Jamie.

"Look whatever I did I am sorry!"

"WHAT, why would you be sorry, I'm sorry for whatever I did, was I to eager," Jamie paused as Will backed off a bit. "Ha your so cute when you act silly master!" laughed Jamie suddenly With that he grabbed the back of Will's head and roughly kissed him, his tongue filling Will's mouth. Will resisted for a moment and then succumbed, well what's a lion to do?

Books dropping to the ground Will pulled Jamie closer to him feeling the smooth fur under his paws. He could feel his cock straining in his boxers and began to undo the zipper on his pants,

"No allow me master," murmured Jamie breathlessly, Jamie's pants dropped quickly exposing his 9 inch barbed cock, he lowered himself to Wills crotch and dragged the zipper down with his teeth, Wills cock flopped out and was immediately and all 7 inches were engulfed by the Jamie's warm muzzle. Pleasure arched through Wills body as if electricity was coursing through his veins. Jamie was raw with his technique but made up for it in enthusiasm his tongue sliding over the underside of his cock. Bobbing his head with each movement along his shaft the cheetah felt more and more at peace, the taste, so mild yet salty tasted so good. Why had he ever been cruel to this Adonis among furs when he could bring so much pleasure beyond what he had ever experienced before, he wanted more and more with each passing moment and suddenly realise what he needed: he needed to be filled.

"Stop please..." Will panted suddenly realising what he was doing.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, believe me, just what's going on?"

"What's going on is, I am going to drag you in the cubicle and you are going to fuck me master!"

With that Jamie dragged him into the cubicle and bent over, Will was taken over with a kind of primal instinct, he knew what he was going to do, he would take this mortal and make him his own! Where that though came from he didn't know but it was too strong to ignore.

He drove his cock into its tight new home, Jamie whimpered slightly before moaning as he felt Wills cock move inside him. Both of them seemed to act as one as Will started to grind his hips slowly back and forth getting as much pleasure as he could from each movement, Jamie tensed as each thrust went in making himself tight and each movement and contraction almost pushed Will over the edge. Jamie wrapped his muscular thighs around wills waist holding him tighter.

"This is..."

"No talking bitch you are mine" Will spoke with a force he didn't know he had in him.

There was no further communication. The Cheetah was leaking pre began to smear it on his shaft and masturbate as his new master took over all his desires and he fell in line with his new role as slave. There was no feeling better than this; he knew why girls had flocked to him before. They just needed a man's cock to fill them, he wouldn't be wasting his on those unappreciative sluts, here before him was all he would need ever again.

Will's mind was a blur where had this come from, homophobic bully that had tormented him was wrapped around his cock, he flipped Jamie over and almost came with the feeling of movement around his cock. He locked eyes with the cheetah and saw a deep hunger, there was a need there and he was only too happy to supply, he thrust harder and harder over and over again, this was his domain, he could do with this slave what he wanted and he would do it with no hesitation. He growled, for the first time in a long time and immersed himself in the pleasure. Jamie was masturbating furiously and began to clamp down harder as he came closer and closer to cumming.

"Not till I am there too you slut!" Will hissed through gritted teeth, the cheetah tried to hold it in and couldn't. He began to shudder as he came with a force he hadn't experienced before. The shuddering sent Will over the edge and he came at the moments later, pulling out slightly as he did so leaking cum onto the floor.

Jamie was there in a flash not allowing a drop of cum to go to waste licking up as much as he could. At the same time he was whimpering. He eventually stood back up.

"Sorry master I couldn't hold it in, please punish me if you must but I never meant to disobey you."

For some reason this odd moment of calm seemed to snap Will out of a kind of trance that had taken over his being.

"Why do you call me master?"

"Because you are my master, master"

"Well stop it there's no need."

"Ok sir!"

Will wasn't going to get anywhere with this.

'Why did what just happened ... happen?'

"I don't know sir, it's just when you walked past us this morning I realised how regal and perfect you are ... and then I saw you in history and I realised that you were meant to be my master, I just wanted to make you happy but you rejected me and I wanted to make it up to you. So I followed you here and this just seemed right."

"And you still feel the same way?"

"Of course, there's nothing better than to be with you and to make you happy, sir."

There was something that wasn't quite right, this day had been miraculous to say the least but there was no way of explaining anything that had happened. He needed to think but there was no way he could do that right now, here in a school restroom covered in sweat and more than a little amount of cheetah cum

"Right after we leave here I want you to act normally and speak privately to me again tomorrow, first though I want you to help me clean up."

The cheetah practically leapt at the lion and began to help lick him clean then help him dress, all whilst trying to touch as much of his new master as possible.

As they made their way towards the door the cheetah held back and made a faint whining noise.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Sir, you told me to act normally again once we walked out, does that mean I have to, *gulp*, bully you?"

Will laughed "I wasn't being too literal, ha, just try and not raise suspicions."

As they walked out Jamie stayed next to him and tried to casually slip his hand into the back pocket of Wills jeans.

"Right well that's definitely gonna draw attention," Will chuckled as the cheetah withdrew quickly. He leaned into the taller cheetah and gave him a quick peck on the cheek,

"Cover for me" he said and made for the exit as quickly as possible and keeping his head down.


As Will walked his mind whirred, he felt invigorated, as if somehow fucking the school stud had energised him. He also noticed in the fading light that he seemed almost swathed in a luminous glow, as if he was lighting the sidewalk he was on, it was almost unnoticeable but he could see it if he looked at the edges of his body or at the light pooled around his feet, what was that, I mean he'd heard of a healthy afterglow before but never literally! Nobody else seemed in the least perturbed. He wandered down the street and people went about their daily business; unaware of the day-glow lion in their midst.

He made his way slowly up to the hill where he always sat to think, it was late by now but the sunset was bright enough that the trees still cast a shadow. Sitting down, he sighed, relaxation wasn't going to be possible with his mind buzzing with questions. What was happening? Why was it happening? Was this all that would happen? Who was his father? Was this anything to do with him and his letter? What did his mom know? He set about the difficult task of dissecting the day's events, 'as birthdays go it had definitely been different' he thought.

"What's made today so different though?" he asked out loud.

"I think I can help there..."

Will spun round fur on end, there was standing what appeared to be an athletic looking snow white wolf with soft looking fur, swathed in shadow, no detail escaped will though, not now he could see through the shadow clearly.

"I have been sent here by your father."

His voice was lazy and he walked forward, somehow looking intense but as if there was nothing of interest ahead of him. As He stepped out of the shadow and his fur seemed darker, in fact it was jet black and sleek now that Will looked twice. As he turned Will gasped, the intruder had wings! Wings that faded as he watched but they had definitely been there he was sure, shoulder to floor length wings. The wolf raised his head and lupine eyes locked with his,

'My name is Jace and I am going to explain everything.'

Godson chapter 3

## Chapter 3 Hi all, only read on if you're over 18 yada, yada, yada. Jace and Alyxandr © their respective owners, Bighope and Alyxandrdingo "The Pretender, The masquer, The foreigner, He of the Trees; all of these are names given to your...

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Will sauntered over to his favourite spot in his home town, it was a rural town and he considered himself lucky for it. The sport was in a secluded field where the Lion could sit and relax for as long as he wanted. The view looked out over field after...

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