Leetah: First Date

Story by Fieval on SoFurry

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#2 of Leetah

Dimitri pulled up to the sidewalk in front of where I was standing, but I was too ... too something to move. It wasn't quite being scared, but it was sort of like that. After weeks and weeks of almost constant anticipation, of imagining this moment (often when I was just drifting off to sleep or at the peak of orgasm), now that I was actually there, and it was really happening - I don't know! I was sort of worried that it might all just be a dream, but I was also a little bit scared that it maybe wasn't going to live up to what I'd been imagining for so long, you know?

But when the window of Dimitri's car rolled down and I actually saw his big, thickly-maned face looking out at me, I forgot about being scared or worried. I just started feeling all bubbly inside, and a big grin spread across my muzzle that I didn't even notice. The lion in the car must have noticed, because he smiled back at me. I heard a low rumbling sound coming from his throat as he leaned over and opened the door for me.

He had just started telling me to climb on in by the time I had already placed my butt squarely in the seat and shut the door behind me. He chuckled at how eager I was and ran his eyes pretty blatantly over my outfit. I had never seen him with that kind of a predatory look before, and I won't lie - it was awesome. Just the expression on his made me quiver. He was still making that noise that's sort of the way a big cat purrs, even though with them it's much deeper and way more dangerous-sounding than friendly. It probably wasn't really, but it felt like it made the whole car shake, just a little.

He reached a big paw out to start rubbing my ear, and it sent shivers down my spine. His fingers were so big and warm, his palm nearly covered my whole head. I let out a kittenish mewl and grabbed his paw, tugging it down just enough so that I could gnaw on one of his fingertips. I don't know why, I just had to do it. He chuckled and rubbed his fingertip over my tongue, before he started to speak in that delicious, golden-brown baritone. I kept sucking on his finger while he did.

"Katie... That's quite a little secret you had, wasn't it? You had me totally fooled, this whole time. I thought you were just a sweet little girl kitten who maybe had a silly crush on me." He smiled, and I remember the way the light from the street glinted off one of his fangs. "But it turns out that you've been a naughty little sissy," his index finger was still exploring my muzzle, but all of a sudden he tightened his grip with his thumb and his other fingers, "And I bet that you've been aching for a daddy-lion to come along and find you."

The rumbling in his voice was getting louder, and he was leaning forward slightly, across the center console. I didn't notice it at the time, but I had started shaking, out of excitement and pent-up arousal (mostly excitement, I very rarely let myself get too pent-up, even though it can happen very quickly). But apparently Dimitri thought it was for a different reason. He leaned back, and the expression on his face softened. "Hmm. I may have gotten a little overeager there, kitten. You got me very excited, but - I want you to know, that if anything I'm doing is too fast or too much for you, just let me know."

At least, I think that's what he said. It was something like that, anyway. I wasn't really listening. I was staring into Dimitri's eyes, which were still just as steely blue-grey when he was leaning back as when he was leaning forward, when he had something closer to his more normal expression on his face, rather than a predatory gleam. It didn't matter. I wanted him, either way. So right as he finished talking (or before he finished, maybe - like I said, I wasn't really listening) I leapt across the center console and into Dimitri's lap. I wrapped my arms around his head, running my fingers through the thick fur of his mane, and pressed my muzzle against his.

Normally, I'm not the pouncer, I'm the pouncee, but I am still a lion-cheetah hybrid, so pouncing something that I want is genetically encoded in my DNA. And I wanted him, so I guess my natural instincts took over. I squeezed either side of his chest with my knees, and just feeling how broad and thickly-built he was made me all shivery. I sort of started dry-humping against his shirt while he reached around behind me and grabbed my butt.

We made out like that for a couple minutes, probably. I can't really be sure how long we were at it, because my mind was elsewhere. I was making little muffled, high-pitched mewling noises while Dimitri was continuing to rumble deeply in his throat. I could actually feel the noise he was making in the middle of my chest and - yeah, I could feel it in my crotch, too. It was a nice feeling! If you ever get the chance to rub up against a big feline while he's purring or growling or whatever you'd call that noise that's sort of in between, I really do recommend it.

As we kept going, I was definitely getting more excited than Dimitri - even though I could feel the obvious bulge in the front of his pants, I was the one who was panting raggedly and moaning. I could tell I was already getting pretty close to, you know, the main event, while he still had some warming up to do. But that's not too surprising, really, since I'd been thinking about him for weeks, and he'd only just found out about me.

I was getting really, really close after a while, just from being that close to him and smelling his scent and hearing his breathing and feeling his fur on my fingers, but just as I was teetering on the edge, I accidentally pushed my butt back against his steering wheel and honked his horn. It kind of broke the mood. I pulled my muzzle back from his, obviously pretty surprised, and then looked back over my shoulder at the steering wheel. Then I started giggling.

I said I was sorry, but he just chuckled and raised one of those big paws to rub my ear and cheek and the side of my muzzle - all at once! I told you he had really big paws. He said it was okay, but that we should probably be heading back to his house. And then he started helping me back into the passenger seat, but I stopped him by grabbing onto his shirt and shaking my head.

See, I had been dreaming about being close to him for so long, and now I was so wound up, that I didn't even want to wait that long. Dimitri smirked, and he seemed to enjoy how eager I was, but he still started to tell me that I needed to be patient and wait for just a few minutes before we could really have fun. While he was telling me that, I was sliding off the lion's lap and wriggling to the floor in front of his seat. It took me a moment to be sure that I could sit here comfortably on my knees without getting in the way, but the SUV he was driving was pretty roomy - if I didn't know better, I would have thought that it had been designed with just this sort of thing in mind.

The look of surprise on Dmitri's face as I settled in between his thighs and started to nuzzle at the hard, warm bulge in his pants was fun to see. I giggled and winked up at the big lion while I moved my paws up to start undoing the fly on the jeans he was wearing, cooing, "I'll just play around down here until we get back to your place. Drive safe!" as I worked the zipper down and let the proof that the lion was enjoying me as much as I was enjoying him come flopping out of his pants to bap me on the nose.

I know I had just seen Dimitri's lionhood in the webcam snapshot he had sent me, but seeing it close up and for real was totally different. Once I could feel how thick and hot it was with my own paws, and how I couldn't even wrap my fingers all the way around it, I was just speechless. I've known a couple of pretty big guys have perfectly appropriately-sized packages, but since they're so big in other ways, they don't seem so impressive down there. This was not an issue with Dimitri.

While the lion started to pull away from the sidewalk, I think he was saying something about how illegal this was, but I wasn't listening. I was too busy trying to get to know every inch of Dimitri's erection, sniffing it, tasting it, rubbing it against the sides of my muzzle. I explored from the tip down to the base, or at least as close as I could get with the lion's pants still on. I was tempted to try to wriggle them off his legs, but I figured that would probably make driving a bit too tricky. His scent got so much richer down there, and it was frustrating that I couldn't keep exploring.

But I figured out a way to keep myself occupied. I pulled my muzzle back to his tip and opened up as wide as I could manage, so I could wrap my lips around his shaft, holding as much of him as I could in my muzzle, and I started to nurse. I heard Dimitri let out a deep, rumbling groan, but it would have been hard for me to believe that he was enjoying it more than I was. At least I wasn't distracted with having to pay attention to the road at the same time!

I was definitely in a happy place during that drive, though. We could have been on a cross-country road trip, for all I cared, rather than just heading across town. I sort of went into a trance once I got into a rhythm, working my muzzle on as much of Dimitri as I could fit in my mouth. Admittedly, that wasn't a whole lot, and when my paws kept running over the rest of his length, I could tell that there was still some looseness to the skin, and I realized that he could get even bigger than he already was.

That was just too much for me to take. I kept one paw on him, but the other one - without me even thinking about it, really! - slid down in between my own thighs and tugged up my skirt so I could start rubbing myself off through the front of my panties. One nice thing - well, I like it anyway - about being so little down there is that when I paw off, sometimes I can do it like I was really a girl, just kind of rubbing my palm against my crotch. So the combination of having my paw wrapped around Dimitri's monster erection and his tip stuffed in my maw, while I was jilling off (you haven't heard that before? It's when girls paw off - 'jilling off' instead of 'jacking off', get it?) inside my pink panties, sent me tumbling almost immediately towards a really big orgasm.

It was just about then that the car stopped and I should have heard Dimitri closing a garage door, but my mind was focused on other things, so I didn't notice. I knew I probably should have waited, but I wanted to get off right then, and as you've probably seen from prior experience, self-control is not my strongest area. I was at least kind of hoping that any noises I made would be muffled, so that Dimitri wouldn't notice what I was doing - or maybe I sort of wanted him to catch me, that could have been it, too.

But the thing that happened was that just as I teetered over the edge and started tumbling headlong into a quivering, earth-shaking orgasm, Dimitri pulled himself out from between my lips and started to say that we were home. But before he could get more than a word or two out, I squealed in a girlish, high-pitched voice and started making a pretty unmistakable series of ragged, panting, grunting noises while my eyes rolled back and I bucked my hips against the air.

Dimitri watched me with wide eyes until I started to calm down, slumping against one of his knees and shallowly gasping as I tried to catch my breath. He quickly popped open the door and reached both of his paws underneath my armpits to lift me up into his lap. He was still carrying me as he stepped out of his car and shut the door behind him, growling low again as he rumbled, "What did you just do, you naughty little sissy?" I think he was trying to be purely threatening in a mean, dommy sort of way, and don't get me wrong, he was doing a pretty good job! But he couldn't quite hide how pleased he was at seeing what I had just done.

And of course, his cock was still out, bobbing in front of him as he held me in his arms. I was just dazed and twitching a little bit, but I was mostly hanging limply in his grip while he reached down and slid my skirt down my legs and off in one swift motion. It's much easier to do stuff like that when you barely have any hips to speak of, or at least not nearly as much as a girl probably would. Then he lifted me up in the air, his huge strong paws gripping my torso so he could raise my sticky, panty-covered crotch up near his muzzle. He sniffed at the mess I had made and even gave the pouch on my panties a teasing lick with his wide, rough tongue. I yelped when he did it.

He grinned broadly at me as he adjusted my position, slipping me into one arm so he could tuck a finger into the waistband of my panties and wriggle them down my legs. Even though I had just stickied like 45 seconds ago, I wasn't all the way soft, and I felt like I was going to get stiff again quickly. Dimitri noticed that, too. "You naughty, naughty girl. You couldn't even control yourself for fifteen minutes! I don't think I have to tell you that you are in for quite a punishment, young lady."

He didn't really have to tell me. I kind of figured it was coming, and if Dimitri hadn't taken the lead on it, I probably would have asked for it. I was starting to come out of my post-sticky daze, so I just smiled bashfully and nodded at the lion as he looked down at me, as sternly as he could manage. He took my sticky panties and pushed them against my lips, rubbing them there until I opened my muzzle and he pushed my undies right into my maw. Then he pinched my jaw shut as I let out a muffled whine.

He growled again and nipped at my ear. I could hear his breathing getting more ragged, and a quick glance down his front showed that he was still very excited. He wrapped his left arm around my waist and held me like that, with me facing behind him, and my arms and legs dangling in the air beneath me. Can you picture it? You probably guessed why he was holding me like that, but just in case - the thing was, he had full access to my butt, this way. And he was going to take advantage of that.

Dimitri yanked on my tail at first, tugging it up and getting it out of the way of my butt. Then he gave one of my cheeks a solid, stinging slap with one of his big paws. I'd been spanked before, and I'd been spanked by guys who were rougher about it, but none of them could swat with quite the same kind of heft that this big lion could. I don't know exactly why I enjoy a nice, stern spanking the way that I do, but Dimitri had clearly practiced, because his technique was just awesome. I mean, hard enough to hurt in that good way without hurting too much. He just naturally knew where the sweet spot was.

So even though I tried to play along by squirming and whining like I was a cub undergoing a severe punishment, the fact of the matter was that I was really, really enjoying myself, and I couldn't quite suppress that fact. Even as my rump was getting pinker and pinker, and it was definitely stinging, I was just getting more and more excited. The squealing noises I was making sounded more like a kid at a birthday party than one that was in trouble, and every time I whined and pleaded for him to stop (mumbling through the sticky panties stuffed in my muzzle), I couldn't hide the grin on my muzzle or the giggling in my voice.

That would have been a problem, but Dimitri seemed to be in a similar situation. He was chuckling in between swats, and even his deep-throated growling seemed more like big-lion purring. He started carrying me out of his garage, continuing to swat my backside periodically. By now, I'd managed to get stiff again, and my little pokey was brushing against his forearm. As he marched deliberately through his kitchen and living room, I got a look at his style of decor, and even though I wasn't able to pay too much attention to it, I could see that he had a really nice, understated sense of style and pretty spartan tastes in decorating. I almost wanted to say something about how much I liked his furniture, but then he swatted my butt again.

"I'll have to give you the full tour some other time, Katie. At the moment, there are much more important matters that need tending to." I realized that he was probably still all stiff himself, bobbing around while he carried me through the house and spanked my behind. Just thinking about his lionhood got me squirming all over again. "Besides, little kitten, there's only one room you're going to need to see tonight."

He carried me through a pretty normal-looking door and then flipped me back around so he was holding me up in front of his chest. When I got a look at the room I'd been carried to, my jaw dropped, and the panties that Dimitri had stuffed in there came tumbling out. It was a nursery! It looked a lot like a normal nursery at first, just that everything was bigger than usual. Lots of soft foam and plastic and round edges and cartoon decals and block letters on everything, and stuff like that.

But after looking closer for a moment, I saw that not everything was quite what it looked like. The first thing I noticed was that there were cuffs attached to the head of the changing table, and two pairs of cuffs on the bars of the crib. There was a string of ominous-looking plastic beads hanging out of the toybox (you know what thoseare for, right?) and I spotted a pacifier sitting on the plastic tray of the high chair in the corner that looked funny, too. The rubber bulb was unusually large, sort of phallic-shaped, and the plastic shield had what looked like a belt that would go around the back of a fur's head. It was cock-pacifier-gag! It was three of my favorite things, all together.

Dimitri must have noticed the way my eyes were focusing on that one item in particular, because he carried me over to this corner of the room and sat me down on the tray, leaving my legs dangling in the air - being surrounded by all this oversized baby furniture and one huge lionstud was certainly going a long towards making me feel very small. I liked it! Then he reached down for that special pacifier, which quickly found its way into my still-gaping muzzle. The straps were fastened around the back of my head before I really had a chance to react, and I was quite efficiently gagged before I had even finished looking around the room.

The big lion stroked the side of my muzzle and smirked down at me, purr-rumbling deep in his chest again. I squirmed in place and grunting, making muffled noises into the cock-ifier that my mouth was stuffed with, while Dimitri turned towards the nearby chest of drawers for a moment and began digging for something. "There now, kitten. No more fussing out of you. You're a pretty good suckler, sweet-cheeks, but every sissy could always use more practice. So just enjoy your special pacifier, princess."

"Ah, there they are!" he announced triumphantly, as he pulled up a pair of pink plastic things from the drawer. I didn't recognize them until he had already slipped the first one over my paw, forcing it into a tight little useless fist. They were locking bondage mitts! He nodded approvingly as he adjusted them to ensure they fit properly, "Your won't be able to get into much mischief with these on, Katie-pie. No more repeats of what happened in the car." he let out a particularly predatory growl as he took one of my wrists in each of his paws and brought them together behind my back, then clipped the mittens to each other! "Especially now, you naughty girl."

Once he had my arms cuffed in place behind my back and my muzzle quite thoroughly gagged, Dimitri took the opportunity to explore my mostly-helpless and largely exposed body with his paws. He patted my hip and pinched my cheek and tickled under my chin, all while cooing about what a cute little kitten I was, even if I had been very naughty. He slid one of those huge paws up under my shirt and pinched my nipple, and the way I squealed made him grin and rumble again. Then he nudged my thighs apart and began to tease me about my kitten-bits. He 'awwed' and grinned and brushed his fingertip along my relatively short length. I won't say exactly how it went, but I will say that in terms of size, I didn't compare too favorably to Dimitri's pink finger. He seemed to love that, from the way he kept lavishing attention on my privates, saying how adorable they were, and how much they looked like they belonged on a real little kitten.

All this teasing me about how little I was (which I didn't mind at all, by the way, since being so subby and girly would just make a big or even average-sized package an inconvenience) must have gotten the lion all riled up, because suddenly his big paws slipped under my armpits, and he lifted my butt off the high chair's plastic try, depositing me on my quivering legs on the floor, which was not carpeted but rather covered with primary-colored, foam alphabet puzzle squares. Then he started undressing, dropping his clothes in a pile around him, until he was standing there in front of me in all his glory. He was stunning - and by that, I mean that when I was staring at him, I kind of felt like I'd just gotten tazed.

I dropped to my knees and shivered, slurping eagerly on the big rubber bulb in my muzzle, whimpering like a needy kitten as my tail flicked around behind me. He stepped closer to me, his erection still bobbing in front of him, a bead of precum dribbling from his tip. I couldn't help myself. Since I couldn't lick it up, I rubbed my nosepad against it, sniffing eagerly at the lion's scent again. I rubbed my muzzle against his whole length, until I was able to bury my nose right underneath the base of his shaft, nuzzling in against his hefty, hanging balls.

That was the strongest source of his musky aroma, and it was awesome. It was just intoxicating, how thick and masculine and overpowering that smell was. The rest of the room had a pretty heavy lingering scent that most nurseries have - diaper changing supplies, alcohol from baby wipes, and stuff like that - but I couldn't smell anything but Dimitri. It was like catnip to me. It started making fireworks go off in my brain, and it made a couple other parts of me suddenly feel like they were in need of attention. Really, really badly.

Dimitri was watching me sniff at his crotch and he chuckled a bit, folding his thick arms across his chest. "I almost can't believe how eager you are, Katie. I was really prepared to take it slow with you, but you seem so enthusiastic. It's really adorable, and I love seeing you this way, I'm just worried that I'm going to get carried away." Just then, my whiskers brushed against a very sensitive place, and his big body rumbled.

He reached down and gripped the base of his cock in his fingers, giving it a squeeze. "On the other hand, I really do need to take care of this." He rumbled again, and as he grinned, showing off his fangs, I swear it felt like the whole room was shaking. When I saw his other paw reach for a bottle of lube that was on the changing table ('what was it doing there?' is what I would have wondered if I was thinking more clearly) I couldn't contain myself anymore. I spun around and spread my knees apart, dropping my shoulders to the floor and flicking my tail up and over my back.

So, just to recap: From the top down, I was wearing a ribboned barrette in my headfur, a snug-fitting pink t-shirt that said 'Princess' across the front in purple script, rainbow-striped knee-high socks, and pink Converse allstars - the high-top kind. I had a pacifier gag wrapped around my head that was filling my muzzle with a rubber, cock-shaped bulb, and I had a pair of pink mitts forcing my paws into fists and cuffed together behind my back. And I was down on the foam, alphabet-block floor with my knees spread, my weight forward on my shoulders, and my tail hiked up, presenting.

I just wanted to make sure it was clear what was going on.

I watched over my shoulder as Dimitri drizzled lube over his shaft and gave it a few quick pumps in his paw. Then he knelt down behind me and turned his attention to my backside, groping my rear before leaning down and rubbing the bridge of his broad muzzle underneath the base of my tail, and bringing his tongue up over my rear, which made me squeal again. Then he started squirting the cold, slick goo underneath the base of my tail and in between my cheeks. Then he started rubbing a fingertip against my tailhole, growling down at me as he did. "You are such a naughty lioness, Katie. Lifting your tail like that. You want to get mounted, don't you sissy?"

His voice was reverberating in my head. If I hadn't been gagged, I would have been begging him. But I was still squealing and grunting and nodding my head, doing everything I could to let him know that yes, I definitely did want that. He pushed his thumb into my backside and squeezed my rumpcheek in his paw.

At this point, I must have started shuddering again, like I'd done in the car. Just like last time, it wasn't because I was scared or upset or anything like that. I was just so excited that I felt like I was going to explode. It happened to me sometimes, pretty rarely, but never twice in the same night. If I wasn't gagged I could have explained myself. But Dimitri was worried about me, again. He stopped what he was doing and slid his thumb out of my slickened tailhole, patting my backside more affectionately than predatorily.

"Hmmm," he started, in a tone of voice so casual that suddenly made me worry. "Maybe I should slow down a little bit, Katie-cub. I don't want to hurt you, princess." This was not what I wanted to hear. I looked back over my shoulder at him and furrowed my brow. He was eyeing my backside and looking unsure of himself, still pumping his glistening hard-on with his paw.. "How about I just get cleaned up and then I can use your muzzle, babydoll?"

This, of course, is the problem that you get into if you get all attracted to somebody because they're so sweet and kind and considerate, and then you want them to turn into mean, tough, brutish, dominant guys once you get them alone. Sometimes, being too considerate is not what you're looking for. And if I hadn't been gagged, I might have calmly explained to Dimitri that while he was being very nice, gentle and patient wasn't exactly what I was looking for, just at that moment. And if I had been thinking a bit more clearly, and not been in a fog of eager arousal, I would have gotten him to undo my gag so I could have talked about what I wanted.

But I was in no condition to do that. I didn't want to talk, and I didn't want to wait that long, anyway. I had been dreaming of Dimitri taking me under my tail for months, and I was so close! I whined for a moment, but then I worked my way back up to a standing position and turned around, facing the big lion, who was still kneeling there. I must have had a pretty intense expression in my eyes, because he seemed surprised by it.

I walked up to him and - using my muzzle, shoulder, and hip - I insistently nudged the big lion into laying on his back. It would have been a lot easier if my paws weren't stuck behind my back, but I wasn't going to let something like that stop me. Once I had encouraged him to get onto his back, I stood over him, straddling his torso - with how broadly he was built, that was not as easy as I thought it would be. Dimitri still seemed a bit confused, and he started to try to sit up, but I put one of my pink Converse All-Stars on his fuzzy, maned chest and pushed him back down.

Looking back on it, it was kind of a weird position to be in. The girlish boy in the gag and pawcuffs standing over the big, tough guy about to get whatever he wants, whether the big guy likes it or not! I was definitely not thinking about how silly the situation was at the time, though. I just needed to get stuffed, and I wasn't going to let a reluctant and overly conscientious lion get in the way of that.

Dimitri was still hard, and with him on his back like that, his erection was sticking straight up from the patch of rough, darker fur around his crotch. I could see that it was still slick with lube, and I could tell that the lion had gotten my backside good and ready before he started having second thoughts. I could barely even manage first thoughts at this point, I was so horny.

I positioned myself so my backside was hovering over the lion's tip, and I started to slowly - and carefully - settle back down, so I could feel him pushing up underneath the base of my tail, in between my perky rumpcheeks. I started wiggling around, trying to find just the right spot. When I felt the lion's thickness hit home, I gasped and shuddered and let out a muffled, high-pitched squeal, but at that moment I was even more convinced than I was before. I had just a sliver of Dimitri inside me, his hardness and warmth, but I wanted everything I could.

While he watched me with wide eyes and a gaping muzzle, I started to wriggle and squirm my way down onto his length. It was heavenly! It felt so good, I can't even describe it. But I'll try, anyway! He was close to the biggest thing I'd ever had under my tail, if not the biggest thing, but he was definitely the biggest guy, and he just felt so thick and hot, and made me feel so tight. I felt like I could feel his heartbeat in the throbbing of his hard-on, and my own heart was taking turns fluttering and pounding in my chest.

It was a good thing he'd already gotten himself (and me) so well-prepared, because it still wasn't easy, even despite my dedication. I had to stop and wait twice on the way down, just to let myself relax a little bit, and to catch my breath. And also, a little bit just so I could savor the feeling, because it was wonderful. It took me a long time, but eventually, I felt my butt settle onto his crotch. He was in me all the way!

Oh man, I wish every time could be like my first time. That was just the most perfect sensation. Really, it's going to sound weird, but we just fit together - barely, but that's what made it perfect! Maybe it's sort of dumb to think that something that's just physical could be a good sign about how everything else in the relationship is going to work, but just then I felt totally connected to Dimitri in weirdly profound and meaningful way, and I felt like this was the start of something really good!

And also, yeah, I felt as well-stuffed as I'd ever felt in my life, sure - that was probably part of it. But the other stuff was there, too!

Apparently, my eyes sort of lost focus and crossed as I was just losing myself in the sensation of sitting on Dimitri's crotch, with his lionhood buried under my tail. I made some gurgling noises that must have sounded a little bit odd, and I may have started shaking again. The big lion underneath me reached up to pat the side of my muzzle and ask me if I was alright. And that was when I stickied all over his tummy and chest.

Seriously, it was the biggest sticky mess I'd made in - well, a very, very long time. I might have matched it once or twice in college, but I definitely never surpassed. I squirmed and spasmed while I was cumming, and that only made it better! I felt waves of pleasure just rolling all over every bit of my body. It was so good, in fact, that it kind of stopped feeling like an orgasm, and became something different! I know that sometimes, a really, really, really good orgasm just feels like that, but while it's happening, it kind of feels like - oh, I don't know, a religious experience or a drug trip or something. In any case, it's just awesome.

Of course, I was making a mess in Dimitri's fur along his chest and tummy, but he didn't seem to mind. Up until a moment before I'd done that, he was still worried about me, and even though he wanted to enjoy himself (which was really all I wanted, too) he was concerned that he would be doing something I didn't like, or going too fast for me, or whatever. But I'd just demonstrated in the clearest fashion possible that I was enjoying myself, and that I wanted him to do the same.

I was just barely able to get my eyes to focus again when I felt a pair of big, strong leonine paws take hold of my hips. Then Dimitri started to bounce me in his lap, purr-growling deep in his chest and watching the expression on my face carefully. He still said something about how I should let him know if he was hurting me somehow, but I could barely hear him over the ecstatic squealing noises I was making into my pacifier-gag.

I'll spare you the details of most of the rest of what happened that night, since it gets a little bit repetitive when you read about the same thing again and again (and again, and again!), but he took me there on the floor, and then after a bit of afterglow cuddling, he said that I probably needed a diaper after what he'd done to my bottom, and he was probably right. Before taking care of that, he didn't take my bondage mitts off, but he did uncuff them and he took the gag out of my mouth, so I could tell him how much he had blown my mind.

I had played around with cute, babyish clothes in a kinky way a bit in college, but it had never been my main thing. I was just into cuteness and naughtiness in a more general kind of way, and there was just something fun about wearing hair bows and pleated skirts and lollipops and stuff. But Dimitri was into all this adult baby paraphernalia (that's a word he taught me) in a big way. I was happy to go along with it - I would have gone along with just about anything, really.

I kind of started to get the appeal of it when he picked me up and laid me back on the changing table, then started going through all the tender little details that go with a diaper change. It probably becomes boring after a while for the people who are into it, but it was all new and kind of exciting for me. I was watching how deftly Dimitri used his big paws to flip me over or lift my legs or unscrew bottlecaps or whatever. He was so gentle for such a big guy! And the look of concentration on his face was fun to watch, too. It was neat to see somebody who got so much out of just taking care of somebody else like that. And it was surprisingly fun - well, more than fun - to be taken care of, too.

It also helped me enjoy it when I realized that Dimtri loved the way I looked in the diaper I was wearing, which was adorably baby-printed and unnecessarily puffy, but I had to admit it was cute. I kind of showed off for him a bit, crawling around on the foam play-mat floor, and adopting whatever babyish poses came to mind. The lion said that I wasn't being a sufficiently convincing cub, so he knelt down behind me and helped me get into the role by wetting my diaper for me.

The only other times I had worn diapers were with a silly friend of mine in college, and I hadn't really used them for their intended purpose. It wasn't because I thought it was gross - since I think the fluids involved can be kind of fun, honestly - but I just didn't see the reason for it. They were just cute to me, not functional.

Well, once I felt a very thoroughly soaked and warmed layer of diaperpadding squishing against my little kittenbits, diapers definitely stopped being just a cute accessory for me. It felt amazing! It was a warm, squishy caress that was partly fun because it was a little bit gross and naughty, but mostly it was fun because it felt sooooooo good. And it also didn't hurt that the diaper smelled very, very strongly of Dimitri, and made me feel like I was covered in his scent, like he'd marked me in some possessive, dominant way, even though he probably just thought it would be cute if I was sloshing around in a wet diaper, and hadn't even thought about it in a mean way.

In any case, it was surprisingly fun. I didn't even care that Dimitri had that pungent coffee pee smell! It didn't take long before I was on my back, rubbing my mittens against the front of my sloshy diaper and then stickying myself all over again. And apparently the show I put on was pretty good, because it got Dimitri excited all over again too, and he put a bib on me and took my muzzle this time, but only after I whined at him in babytalk to do it.

I ended up with a very sticky muzzle, which was dripping down onto my shirt and bib. I liked that everything in the room was easily washable or - more often the case - easy to wipe down with a wet cloth, so I didn't have to worry about ruining anybody's expensive bedsheets or cushions or anything like that. We were both kind of sweaty, sticky messes by that point, which of course meant we should just cuddle for a while.

He laid on his back on the floor, and I laid on his chest on my stomach. I could hear and feel his stomach rumbling while he kept one of his big paws on the seat of my diaper, which was weirdly reassuring and wonderful. We talked for a while like that, and I told him about how I was a hybrid, and what that had been like growing up, a lot of stuff that you already heard. I talked about my time at college and what I was doing at the coffee shop. I told him more about my yoga and showed him how I could put my legs behind my head and nuzzle at my own diaperfront. That's not normally what I do to demonstrate that particular skill, but it was all I could show off at the time.

I kept trying to get him to talk about himself, but he always found subtle and tricky ways to bring things back to me and get me talking again! He was so sneaky about it, I didn't even notice. But I did get him to tell me that he'd had the nursery put in since he first moved into the house, and that he used to have furs 'rent' that room when he would really just take care of them for a while, but he hadn't done that for some time. He did have people who liked to come visit him for a weekend or an evening of caring, but he said he wasn't enjoying that as much as he used to, and he was hoping to find somebody who could be more than just an occasional visitor.

We talked for a little bit about the kink, and I said I had always found it cute but hadn't really thought about it too much, though I was definitely starting to understand the appeal in a different way. That was when I wiggled my butt against his hand and said that I was feeling dirty and needed a shower. Yes, I know that's corny and dumb, but feeling that big paw rubbing my ass for so long while I laid on his purr-rumbling chest made me all excited and it was hard to think of anything less lame to say!

He stripped me out of my clothes and carried me to the master bathroom, which was also awesome. I immediately could tell that this was a guy who liked his showers. The stall was huge, with black marble and a weird kind of multi-function showerhead thing that I had never seen before and totally didn't understand. Admittedly, I wasn't trying that hard to figure it out.

Dimitri stripped me out of my diaper and turned on the shower, and then he humped me again in there. First, with me just bent over in front of him, and then he actually lifted me up and had me wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. And he was so strong, it didn't seem to bother him to hold me like that at all! It was amazing!

After I came again and my sticky mess washed down the drain, I kind of mentally checked out for the rest of the evening. That was a lot more excitement than I was used to, and each time would have been in the list of the top times ever for me, so having a whole bunch of them in a relatively short amount of time eventually just became too much for me to deal with.

Once I was all loopy and out of it and dazed, Dimitri didn't get annoyed with me at all. In fact, he seemed to really enjoy me in that state. He held me in the shower and gently shampooed my fur, getting my relatively messy body clean all over. Whenever I would whine or fidget, he would calmly coo into my ear and squeeze me against his chest or groom my headfur with his broad tongue. It was a whole new kind of intimacy for me, to have somebody be so kind and caring in that way. It was nice.

After the shower was done, he carried me back into the nursery and got me ready for bed, which included another diaper, of course. I was pretty much drifting off at this point. I mumbled some kind of apology about being so worn out, but he shushed me and pushed a pacifier (a regular one) between my lips and told me not to worry. By the time he carried me to his king-sized bed and tucked me under the covers with my body curled up against his chest and my head resting on his arm, I was out like a light.

When I woke up, I momentarily had a silly fantasy about sneaking off to Dimitri's kitchen and cooking him breakfast before he got up, but then I realized that the thing he had dressed me in before bed made that pretty difficult. I would later learn that it's called a bunting bag, and it's like a fuzzy sleeper with mittens that zips up the back, but instead of two legs, it's just like a sleeping bag below the waist. It's something that very little babies wear, and it's really hard to do anything while you're wearing it. So all I could do was snuggle up against the snoozing, purring lion until he woke up. Which wasn't so bad, really.

He eventually did wake up, after I had drifted back to sleep. He spent a moment licking my face and my headfur, then he carried me back to the nursery to plop me in the playpen. He said it would only be for a little while, since he had to make breakfast. I whined that I had wanted to make him breakfast, but he just turned on the TV and set it to Spongebob, then left me for about twenty minutes.

He had quickly whipped up some pancakes, which smelled awesome, but to my surprise (it shouldn't have been a surprise, but it was - I'm bad at figuring some things out, sometimes) rather than take me back to the kitchen and let me eat, he plopped me into the high chair and proceeded to feed me a delicious plate of syrupy, buttery pancakes. Again, it was weird, but surprisingly nice. He was so patient with me, and always made sure to check that everything tasted good. He had a sippy cup of orange juice for me, but he wouldn't even let me hold it, so it might as well have been a baby bottle.

After breakfast, he got me out of the bunting bag and helped me (well, he pretty much did it all himself) get dressed again, in the clothes that I had been wearing the night before. He found time at some point to run them through the wash, but I have no idea when. He didn't take my diaper off, though, and just tugged my thong panties up over top, which looked pretty ridiculous, when combined with my short skirt. But he didn't think so. He said I looked beautiful.

Which was sweet and all, but just the same, I was kind of glad he didn't take me out anywhere before he dropped me off at my apartment. I definitely wasn't ready to go traipsing around with a diaper showing under my skirt. He walked me up to my door and leaned down to give me a sweet, gentle kiss, which was so nice. Even though I loved how big and strong and handsome he was, the thing that had really made me interested in him in the first place was how tender and kind he could be, and he kept surprising.

Once I watched him walk back to his car and drive off, waving the whole way, I floated into my apartment (or at least I felt like I did) and flopped down on my bed. I grabbed my stuffed panda bear Basho and held him up in front of me with one paw, while the other rubbed at the front of my diaper.

"Well, Basho, that was a pretty good first date, don't you think?"