One Thing Leads to Much More

Story by Riverweasel on SoFurry

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Ahhh, the same old disclaimer. Hey kids, be sneaky enough that you don't get caught if you're not the correct age. Anyone not a fan of male on male action, stop clicking on stories with that tag. To the rest of ya'll reading, comments are always welcome. This will be continued in later stories, but as I have a very busy life in the army, I cannot give any guarantees on when the next ones will come out. Best wishes to all and enjoy.

It was the culmination of six years of college, the end of the constant drain on his mind and body as he studied relentlessly for his master's degree in astronomy. Refusing to be one of the total nerds, the snow leopard had incorporated soccer into his life orbiting around the cosmos and it had quickly become his second passion. In order to stay in the physical shape necessary to compete in the college's best team, the feline kept a rigorous ninety minute a day workout, breaking only on Sunday.

To be honest, the workouts were always welcome because it allowed him to take a break from looking at his textbooks and writing yet another essay. Not that he didn't enjoy the classes; science had been his favorite subject throughout high school and when he took the semester long astronomy course his junior year, that was it, he was hooked. Enrolling in Cambridge University with a 3.94 GPA, the Russian born, British raised snow leopard had excelled in both soccer and class, nominated twice for scholar-athlete of the year and graduating with a high distinction, finishing in the top 5% of his stacked class.

Graduation had been yesterday. His family had come all the way from Russia and Siberia for the week, littered with all his aunts and uncles, most of his cousins and his parents and sister. He hadn't seen any of them since he had taken a visit home after his first graduation before enrolling for the last two years. It had been a celebration to remember. Everyone had taken the opportunity to visit the main cities in England, going to Bristol, London and a few others nearby cities. His family went with him as he took them on a tour of the university as well as some of the museums and of course, Buckingham Palace.

Delscher couldn't have asked for a better way to end his stay in college, so he didn't ask anyone, rather taking care of matters himself. The entire soccer team went out to both celebrate their third place finish in the country's soccer tourney, and doubled it with a going away party for the seniors who were leaving. He came back to the school that night more wasted than he ever remembered. He had grabbed a taxi back with two of his pals; Trevor, an England born cougar, and Sandrel, a cheetah who was a transfer student from Africa.

The ride was mostly uneventful, all three of them just laughing non-stop at jokes a sober fur wouldn't have even chuckled at, but no one cared. Once they arrived at Delscher's apartment, the snow leopard stumbled in, followed by his two friends, and headed over to the sink to wash his face, trying to wake himself up a little bit. As he turned on the faucet, the snow leopard had caught a glimpse of two tan paws sliding around his cream furred waist and down his pants to grope at what was very surprisingly, a very hard cock.

Unable to control himself against his loins at all in such a heavily drunk state, a thick moan escaped from his maw, his tongue lolling out to the side as the second paw slid further down to massage his balls while the first began softly tracing up and down his shaft. The next thing Delscher remembered was lying chest to chest on top of Sandrel. The cheetah and he were locking maws and lips as if they were mates who hadn't seen each other in years. The lips muffled the deep moans coming from him as he ground his own dick against the cheetah's hard wood, while a long cougarhood slammed in and out of his ass.

He felt Trevor excitedly thrust as deep as he could, the barbs pulling at the flesh inside his ass. Drunk as he was, he couldn't feel any pain, but rather a pleasure rooted so very deeply within his crotch. Drops and splatters of drool fell upon his back and neck, while spurts of ever thickening pre-cum spit into his hole. Sandrel's spotted paws danced around his back, tickling his spine, squeezing his sensitive rump, pulling his head in for a deeper kiss. Trevor's claws dug into his waist and abdomen, doing everything he could to hold traction as he rutted into what must have been a beautiful ass.

The dark rosettes of his own snow leopard paws barely moved, as Delscher was too far gone to do anything more than hold on. His paws traveled only from the back of the cheetah's neck to his shoulders, holding on hard to avoid ripping at the bed sheets beneath them. Rapid and erratic thrusts were replacing the fluidic pummels from the past, the puma losing the battle against his orgasm. The cheetah below him broke the kiss, using his paws to push his head back, exposing his neck to the cheetah. The cat below him clamped his jaws around him, cutting off his windpipe, and firmly wrapped his paws around his back.

Before Delscher could even try to get up, Trevor's paws grabbed his shoulders and pressed him down, eliminating any chance to get his neck away from Sandrel's clamped jaws. The teeth hadn't penetrated, but the pressure was too strong for any air to get into his lungs. With no way to get out, the snow leopard relaxed and stopped fighting in order to conserve his energy, hoping to extend his lungs current stock of oxygen.

Long, shuddering thrusts from above followed, the cougar pulling back to his tip before swiftly sliding back in, his ball sac slapping hard against the white ones underneath him. Starting out slowly, Trevor quickly increased the speed, each movement faster and more extreme than the last. Guttural mewls escaped through shaking lips, each wicked hilt sending ripples of energy through his limp body, forcing out air from his chest. The pace continued to rise; his balls aching from the constant abuse and from their ever increasing need to unload their cum. Loud growls were followed by urgent grunts, every inch of cougar meat pulling at the snow leopard's flesh before burying itself back inside his pucker.

Sandrel never let go, his paws around his lower back, and the cougar's paws pressing hard upon his shoulders keeping him locked within the cheetah's hold. With barely any air left in his lungs and no hope of sucking any in, Delscher's instincts finally won over. His white frame began convulsing, and then thrashing as his final struggle to break free and fill his lungs with desperately needed air robbed him of his last seconds.

Mercifully, the cougar above him finally slammed home one more time, grinding against his rump, trying to bury his entire crotch within the thrashing leopard. Screaming to the heavens, Trevor bore down upon Delscher and grabbed the back of his neck in a vicious mating bite. Pain lanced through his shoulders and back as those fangs pierced skin and lifted his neck up. Finally, the jaws blocking his airway let go, but at the angle his neck was at, sucking in the little tendrils of air he could manage was all the energy he could spare.

The paws holding his shoulders moved down to his waist and pushed down, grinding his throbbing shaft against Sandrel's own. Pulling back one last time at a torturously slow pace, Trevor growled dominatingly, and started pummeling his asshole. The burn in his ass was worse than sandpaper against his dick, but it quickly faded to a numbing pleasure that pulsed through his whole body. Seconds later, the paws on his ass moved up and locked around his ribs, pulling his frame up, muttering out one last growling hiss before he finally let loose.

Spunk poured into and around his ass as the continued thrusting made cum go everywhere. Plenty splattered on his cheeks, his sphincter spitting the cream all about. Even more laced the walls of his flesh and began filling up his whole rectum. The heat and fullness inside him grew until there was no more room and globs of puma spunk leaked out of his pucker. Finally the thrusting stopped and Trevor hilted inside the snow leopard, pouring his torrent of cum into the already filled cavity of Delscher's butt.

Cum drooled out of his ass, soaking both his crotch and the cheetah's below him, while more streamed down his legs and onto the floor. Finally, the flow slowed down and then came to an end, leaving the snow leopard gasping for air and for his own release. Being mated so thoroughly had increased Delscher's need for release to the point of explosion. Trevor let go of his neck, trickles of blood flowing down to stain the white fur, leaving the leopard full access to the air he had been craving.

Setting his taken feline back down on his own paws, the cougar took his two paws and firmly gripped the leopard's and cheetah's cocks together. Both spotted cats groaned, the snow leopard adding a small mewl. Licking the back of Delscher's bleeding neck, the cougar began his work. Massaging both dicks together, Trevor used his paws masterfully, eliciting deep moans and hisses from both the spotted cats beneath him. Deft work had the leopard shivering; shooting throbbing shots of pre onto the silky-smooth chest fur of the cheetah to mix with the already thick pool Sandrel had created himself.

Delscher didn't even last a minute, too stimulated from the fucking to last any amount of time. Sandrel didn't even try to hold back, simply thrusting against the paw pads and neighboring cock, pulling himself towards his climax faster. They both came at nearly the same time, the snow leopard letting out an exhausted, but very satisfied moan as he roped his cum onto the cheetah's chest and muzzle. Sandrel tensed and then burst, letting out a sigh as he joined the cat above him in soaking himself. Leaving his maw open, the cheetah gladly drank all the spunk that landed in his mouth, purring as he came. Delscher could feel the purrs vibrating the cock pressed against his own and the purrs vibrating the cock still buried in his ass. As the last few drops exited his shaft, and the beginning moments of the afterglow set in, the snow leopard laid himself down on top of the cheetah, closing his eyes in pure bliss and falling asleep.

That had been his very first gay experience, and it had blown all the moments he ever had with females to shit. Now, over a week later, Delscher still couldn't get it out of his mind. He had been fucked by one of his best friends, and had cum afterwards in unison with the cheetah he considered his other. No other sexual endeavor in his life came close to how alive he felt, and that was even when he was completely drunk. This past week, the snow leopard had spent in denial that it had to have been the alcohol behind the incident, which otherwise he never would have participated in something like that.

In some ways, that was true. If he had been sober when those cougar paws had slipped inside his pants, Delscher knew he wouldn't have been too happy about it and most likely the night would have ended in a much different situation than it actually did. But on the other hand, he had been drunk, and because of that, he had been open and willing to join in on one of the most memorable, wonderful and revealing moments in his life. Sex with another male, especially multiple ones, was what he enjoyed the most. It had taken a week to come to terms with what that meant, but now, all the snow leopard wanted was to get together with his two pals again.

With that decision, Delscher pulled out his cell phone and called Trevor. He hadn't made a call to either the cougar or cheetah since that night, as he had been left with just too much to digest and make sense out of. The phone rang, but after the fourth ring, went to the answering machine. After leaving a short message explaining that he wanted to talk and was open anytime, he hung up and dialed up Sandrel. Two rings later, the welcome voice of the cheetah greeted him.

"Hey, Del, good to hear from you. Been awhile since you last called, what's up?"

"Not a great amount of stuff, still just relaxing here, probably until the end of the summer, while I look for a job."

"Oh, that's cool. What kinds of jobs are you finding that would suit such a great mind as yours is?" Delscher couldn't help but chuckle at the comment. Sandrel had always admired him for his dedication to his schoolwork.

"Umm, well, I hear that Stephen Hawkins might need a replacement soon, so I'm working on a resume to apply for that one. You think I could pull it off?"

"Well, I would prefer that you replace the Stephen that could still walk, but otherwise, I think you'd be a perfect candidate."

"Ha-ha, I'll make sure to make my resume look the best that it can then."

"You should. Now, might I ask, what were you calling about?"

It was do or die time. Delscher knew that if he chickened out telling him this time, he'd never get it out. Taking a deep breath, he dove into the pool, hoping there wasn't a bunch of rocks just underneath the surface.

"It's about last week. With you and Trevor."

"Okay, what about it?" The snow leopard could hear the caution in the cheetah's voice, and bolstered confidence knowing he wasn't the only one a little unsure of where their relationship stood.

"Were you just drunk, or did you know what you were doing?" With the question asked, the answer could be as liberating as it could be horrible.

"Del, all three of us were drunk out of our minds, the only thing I remember about that night was when the three of us fucked. To answer your question though, yes I knew what I was doing."

The tension that had been wearing on him lifted as the cheetah admitted to being coherent and knowledgeable about what they did.

"Do you regret it at all? Do you look back and wonder if you might have made a mistake?"

"Del, this last week of no contact with you had me wondering if what I chose to do was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I still don't know. It all depends on how you felt about it and how you feel now."

"So, what you're saying is that if it hurt me-"

"If it hurt you, then I regret it with my whole heart. I could blame it on the drinking, but I barely even felt buzzed when I saw Trevor wrap you up from behind and heard you moan and then push back into him. From that moment on, I wanted you, and I still do. I want to hold you, to kiss you, to run my paws over your white fur, to hear you moan, to feel you hold me and kiss back.

I knew Trevor wanted you, but I think he knew how I felt too. That's how we all ended up together on your bed fucking. You're fucking gorgeous. I can't go around pretending not to like you simply because you're a guy too. You're beautiful, you're brilliant; I love you. I won't be a happy cheetah if you don't love me back, but I'll live with it and move on and we can still all be friends. I won't regret what I did simply if you say you won't be more than friends. What I fear is that what we did might tear our friendship apart."

Delscher wished the cheetah had said that to him face to face, wished Sandrel could see the tears pouring down his face, and wished he was here so he could give him the biggest hug ever. That time would come, for now though, he could at least ease his friend's fears.

"Sand, I do love you. I love you as a friend, I always have, you and Trevor both. Before last week, I never would have been able to realize it, but what you did helped me understand more about not just the two of you, but a lot more about myself. I am more than happy to be more than friends. Just don't make me choose between you and Trevor, if he does want me as much as you say he does. I don't think I could live with making a decision that would leave one of you hurt."

"Oh, Del. There's no need to make a decision like that. Trevor and I already knew that and neither one of us have a problem with sharing you. It's so good to hear you say you love me back. God, I think I might just be the happiest cheetah in the whole world right now. You think you could come over and we can both go over to Trevor's place and tell him the news?"

As said before, all comments are welcome, whether they be positive, negative, helpful or just the cliche "good job". Wish you all the best summers and winters.