Woodland Relations

The sun hadn't even risen by the time the young weasel woke up, his eyes blurry from a night filled with dreams of chasing rings that wouldn't fall down through the forest, never quite catching up to them as he ran and ran. Shaking his head to clear...

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That Which Remains

All that has died will rise again, the ashes no longer bound to fate The tears of centuries long forgotten will cascade down a waterfall But in that timeless eternity spent, there is one thing that remains to date That love and companionship, the...

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Thirty Day Fallout

Just one month ago, my life had been dramatically altered after one part arrogance and two parts unjustified conviction. I had fought a panther, not for my life, but for the freedom to choose what to do with it. After a fatal mistake, I had stolen...

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Blame the Weatherman

_"Road conditions are expected to worsen over the course of the next few hours as the heavy snowfall and blizzard like weather system crawls through Ann Arbor. The wind is blowing steadily at twenty-five to thirty miles an hour with gusts reaching...

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Luggage Transfer - Commission for Setekh

Those who have traveled through space for a long period of time will agree with me when I say that it's nearly impossible to maintain relationships with much of anyone. With the accomplishment of light speed velocity, we can cover almost any distances...

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Education of a Kind

It had been a week, a long week, since I had lost my chance at freedom as well as my dignity in the arena. After coming down from the high of the orgasm I experienced on display for everyone, with my limbs strapped down, a collar around my neck and...

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Nightlife at the Beach

I love the waves, the way they flow and twist about, singing a song to me as I glide along their surface. Otters are born to adore the water, and what could be a better place to indulge myself than in the glorious tides off the southeastern coast of...

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Lakeside Rendezvous

The moonlight poured over the lake as the lithe white lion laid near its shores, admiring how the stars and lunar globe sparkled in the calming glow. He sometimes swore that the sound of the small rustling ripples were more majestic than his own roar;...

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Embracing Under the Twilight

The sun was just cresting below the horizon, signaling the end to its daily vigil and inviting the starlit sky behind it to take over while it slept. Each one popped out, the brightest at first, the faintest ones remaining tentative before eliciting...

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Almost Escaped

For as long out as I can remember, I've never felt this close to cracking To fucking things up, doing a terrible job and hoping that I'm sent packing From the military, from success, from people in general I've never felt so useless Through what...

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Long Distance Relationships

My hand stretches as far as it can go The muscles in my arm groaning If I could tear the fabric of the universe to do so I would, if only to hear you stop moaning The untold distance of thousands of miles Full of mountains and waters, obstacles...


Finding the Purr Again - Part 1

**This isn't going to be a series, but rather a story with a definite beginning and end broken up into most likely three or four parts. Thanks for reading and don't hesitate to post comments for me afterwards.** The cheetah shivered in his damp...

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