The Wake-Up

Story by Green Fuzzball on SoFurry

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#2 of The Pup

-------Authors Note-------

Thanks for all the support on The Meeting. As a reward I decided to write another (and hopefully better) chapter on Alan's new found "amenities".

The following contains lots and lots of Gay relationships and a series of other things which may shock some people, so read the tags before the story.

Anyway, On with the "Show"


Alan's trip back to conciousness was a slow and languid one. He phased in and out of soft, warm dreams and the soft, warm bed he lay in. The comforting heartbeat that pressed into his chest from his mate kept him in that beautiful doze. Eventually the waking world grabbed a proper hold on him and he opened his eyes. Directly in front of him was the back of his lovers head, Mark's hair was a tousled ball of bright gld in the morning sunlight. Alan snuggled closer, inhaling the scent of sweat and sex from his bronze neck, picking up the almost spicy scent of 'Wolf on his skin. Mark suddenly drew in a deep breath and shifted on the bed, turning over as he woke up himself. Alan looked down at him from a propped elbow and smiled. Mark returned the smile with change before quickly swooping up and drwing Alan in to a long, loving kiss. Alan shifted positions until he was over Mark, held only millimeters apart by Alan's elbows, not breaking the kiss for even a second. Marks hands slid down to grope Alan's lower back and ass, even as blood rushed to Alan's member.

The smell of cooking soon interrupted their ministrations however, and the sharp sizzle and pop of a large fry up kept their attention. Quickly throwing on the rudimentary clothes that were haphazardly thrown around the room, they went to investigate the source of this miraculous meal. In the small kitchen area Karl was back in his fully-human skin surrounded by what seemed like mountains of raw and cooked meats. Mark slid past Alan and quickly snatched up on of the glistening sausages from the pile, snacking it up in less than a second as he slid onto one of the stools. Alan followed him and they watched as Karl cooked up a veritable storm.

"I'm guessing that the others are coming round today?" Mark asked sliding some more food into his mouth. Alan soon followed suit, popping as many varieties of meat into his mouth as Karl replied,

"Yeah, thought that I'd introduce Alan to the some of them before the proper meet tomorrow," Karl said, also joining in on the gorge fest. Alan quickly at his fill and headed down to the ensuite bathroom in Mark's room. He picked up two towels from the hotpress, and after a second took another, already being able to predict some of his mate's desicions. Sure enough, the water had barely begun to heat up before Mark slid in behind Alan, his bare feet squeaking a little on the wet plastic. Alan turned and stepped back a little, giving Mark some room underneath the spray as well.

"Seen as we're about to clean up, you want to get a little dirty?" Mark asked, rubbing his thumbs over Alan's nipples. Alan grinned for a second before catching Mark's wrists and pulling him into one of those glorious kisses. Slowly he slid down, kissing and licking his way down Mark's defined muscles, gradually getting closer to Marks awaiting organ. He paused for a second on his knees, just watching Mark's cock twitch in tandem with his breath. The tell-tale discolouration of Mark's growing fur soon began spreading around his body, encasing him in a bright gold pelt as his defined muscle gained mass, not quite to bursting, but that degree of buff that was perfectly arousing. Alan quickly caught Mark's cock in his mouth before his sheath pulled it out of reach. He explored it's ridges with his tongue as it quickly changed forms, gaining a full inch in length as it's point spilled down Alan's throat. Mark moaned in pleasure as he lightly humped Alan's still human face, his heavy balls gently slapping his lovers morning scruff. Alan felt his own change beginning as his mind clouded with lust, it gradually became easier to deep-throat his partners oversized cock as his muzzle stretched out of his face, his longer more dextrous tongue found it easier to massage his ballsack, gently rubbing the dangling orbs as they swayed underneath that glorious cock. Mark began to speed up his thrusts as their respective changes finished. He grabbed the back of Alan's head and began to piston himself in and out of his lovers mouth. Alan dropped his hands from where they had been groping Marks ass to his own cock and balls, jacking off his own wolven cock in time with Mark's heavy thrusts. It took Mark only a few minutes to build up the waves off his orgasm, his knot practically exploding into Alan's jaw, safely behind the gleaming fangs, even as Alan gripped the base of his own cock and blew his load onto Mark's furred feet, practically screaming around the cock in lust. He raised the hand not tieing his knot and pressed Mark's crotch deep into his face, smelling the remnants of his musk as the streams of water tried to carry it away.

After a minute of lustful aftershock, Karl knocked on the door and warned them that the first car had pulled into the lot below. Alan stared up at Mark in worry as Mark's still drooling cock pulsed in his mouth. Mark merely laughed at his expression and patted him on the head.

"Shush Puppy, when I shift back I'll be able to slip out," He consoled him, already rippling with the change. Almost agonisingly slowly his knot deflated, merging into the smooth skin of his now human member, Alan licked the last few drops of cum from the tip, causing Mark to shiver as he tasted his mate on his tongue. Alan shifted back as quickly as his inexperience allowed him to, while Mark lathered them both up and washed the last of the sweat and sex from their bodies. Giving one last grope to Alan's softening cock, Mark flipped of the stream and stepped out of the bath, grabbing the towels and tossing one to Alan.

"Come on, it's time for you to meet your family,"

* * * * *


Afterword: Again, I'm not sure if I'll continue this for another chapter, it's all dependent on how much you guys like it, so leave any and all feelings and criticisms that you have and I shall try my best to alliviate them.