Flight of the Fallen Angel

Story by Phantomgraph on SoFurry

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#1 of old_stories

An old story of mine. Originally written in emacs (bla)

Flight of the Fallen Angel


By Phantomgraph

Sarayaki Silvermane 'Sar' (c) Ken Price

Falcor Riverdance 'Falc' (c) the author

AraKaraath Half Dragon (c) Ara Maus

2D Woof 'Aneirin' (c) Ara's Mate

Rekk (c) Rekk... *Grins*

This is a work of fiction, rated PG. All characters © their owners. It wasn't created to hurt or insult, only a interesting little story that captured my weird mind one day. It is based on what little I know of some friends of mine. Hopefully I'll keep all of them }:8>


Sarayaki didn't like the look of it one bit. Not at all. Every thing in his soul told him to run, fast and screaming. Everything that is except for one thing, and that one thing was talking to him, dragging him back to the reality that he knew he would have to face.

"She's a bute isn't she?" The excited and proud voice of that other thing was saying.

"It looks small, and dangerous." Sarayaki said calmly in response eying the matter that was weighing so heavily on his mind.

The other laughed one of his belly laughs. It boomed though the hanger like the blessed sound of angels. His mate was laughing now. Some how it instilled confidence in him, gave him a shinning glimmer of hope that he was not truly in fact about to die.

"Come on Sar, meet the other angel in my life." The blue dracine said and hurriedly began closing the distance to the odd craft that was the only other thing in the hanger.

Sarayaki sighed deeply and began to follow the dragon morph. In his mind he cursed the dracine, but it was only halfhearted and he knew it. Despite all the fearful things he was about to endure he knew his dragon would keep him safe. He always did. In the end the only thing he could think was 'blasted dragons'.

The dracine was speaking again, but Sarayaki wasn't really listening. Technical mumbo-jobo he knew it would be. He knew his dragon well, and his psionic mind knew his lover was spilling on about the virtues of the little craft in front of him.

The dracine was summing up his little speech and Sarayaki brought his mind out of the fog of thoughts it was in and actually truly looked at the craft, and stopped dead in his tracks. Their were three sets of irregular lettering on the craft. Two depicted the name of the beast, and the others looked like a child had painted them. The first that Sarayaki had seen were the child like lettering, and they were disturbing. It read 'abandon all hope' and was most definitely one of his dragons weird twisted jokes. The other two were the ships name proudly drawn in brilliant crimson red and solid gold. 'Fallen Angel' it proclaimed, not exactly an inspiring name for a air craft.

"Can't we take a commercial flight?" Sarayaki said flatly. He knew they would be late if they did, but he didn't like the look of the little craft. It's engines were way too big and the cockpit was way way too small. In his mind he summed it up in as an engine with a couple of lawn chairs strapped on ... the later most likely for looks.

The blue dracine looked at him with a hurt puppy dog look, and Sarayaki examined his lover carefully. Dracine were very hard to read, and his lover was even more adept than most, but that playful glimmer that had first attracted him was still burning brightly in the creatures azure eyes, and Sarayaki knew no real damage had been done. Only twice had he managed to say something to extinguish that light, and both times it had broken his lion heart. 'Gentle, strong.' came to his mind, and he loved his mate even more in that moment for once again being his strength when he himself had none.

The dracine stuck out his bottom lip and quivered it. Sarayaki knew his lover was teasing, trying to relax his unease. He had often wondered how it was that he knew just what buttons to push to melt his heart, how he could read his mind like a psionic, yet the dragon had no such powers. He wondered if he to had such telling eyes as his, but dropped the thought.

"Odd name for an aircraft Falc." Sarayki finally said eying the stenciled lettering under the cockpit. It of course proudly proclaimed the pilot's name, his mates name. 'Falcor Riverdance' it read, but no mention of his mates rank.

Falcor brightened instantly, his usual animation and energy returning with blinding furry. "I built her before the academy. I named her that because I thought she was so beautiful she had to have built by god himself." the dracine said quite obviously beside himself in pride.

"It's ugly." Sarayki said flatly. "It looks like something out of the twentieth century."

Falcor laughed. "The design came from a twentieth century aircraft. Harriet jump jet or something like that. I forget the name."

"It's still ugly." Sarayki said.

Falcor chuckled and taped a contact on the side of the ship. Instantly a small ladder formed from hidden plates in the hull and descended down while the domed top slid back and up to allow the two entry. "Just board the damn plane." he said in a voice that told Sarayki that the time for procrastination was over.

Sarayaki sighed and took hold of a rung and began to pull himself up completely in disbelief that he was doing it. For him it was like something else, some powerful being was animating his body, forcing him into the tiny plane.

Once at the top of the ladder Sarayaki peered down into the tiny seat that was to be his. He felt dizzy, and looked at it like he was looking over a cliff and down into a deep chasm. He froze. The seat, the craft, the space was so small.

"Come on ya old lion." Came the voice from under him. "Move the lion butt."

Sarayaki growled deeply in the owner of the voices direction, but it was only returned just as fiercely mockingly.

The next thing Sar felt was two claws on his rump and he found him self in the gunners seat. He thought about it for a moment and couldn't remember exactly how he had gotten their, just a hazed feeling of tossing a paw over into the tiny craft then the feeling of a cross harness being strapped to him. Then the air was blowing across his nose and he was there, strapped into one of the said lawn chairs actually inside the little craft.

Falcor was fitting a headset on him and adjusting the boom microphone and speaking. Sar wasn't sure how many times his mate had repeated what ever it was he was saying but it didn't matter, the old fear the old panic and pain was welling up something fierce and though he was fighting it, he was loosing.

"Can't .... breath." He choked out, the world spinning around him.

After some time, how long Sar couldn't say, he recognized his voice being called and closed his eyes and concentrated, listening. It came slowly be he began to calm down.

"Sar, Sar, it's alright. Don't worry. Theirs plenty of air. Just relax. Here let me adjust the air nozzles for you." The voice was saying then he was hit with a blast of fresh air that made him inhale deeply. "Their, that's better isn't it." His mate said. "Just lean back and close your eyes." The voice was filled with kindness and love.

Sarayaki did as he was told and the panic began to flood from his body. He listened at first to the sound of the air, then various clicks and beeps as his mate, the pilot powered up the craft. He forced the thought of the plane from him mind, taking an odd comfort in the criss-crossed straps across his chest.

Sarayaki had always hated his claustrophobia and considered it his biggest fault. Bravely he struggled to open his eyes and won just as the whine of the jet engines began.

Sar was a little taken aback at what he saw. The plastic bubble was already closed and as he looked over to his left he could see the tiny tip engine spinning up to life. From his right he heard it's mate begin to whine to life as well.

Suddenly in his ears Falcors voice boomed. "O.K. Stand by to fire maneuvering jets.... 3....2....1.... Whahoooo.." At the last the lion genetic watched the brilliant blue flame of the engine form and expand. The plane itself only shuttered the tiniest of bits and Sar was forced to choke back a tear as he realized his lover was gentle with both of his angels.

"Angel, open the hanger doors." Falcor's voice came over the headset and shortly their after brilliant sunlight began to flood the hanger. He watched as the little plane slowly broke free of it's resting place and turned gracefully toward the light. Thousands of thoughts filled his mind but the one that rang true was oddly 'the light at the end of the tunnel'.

"KOA Flight controller, this is Fallen Angel, be advised we are exiting the hanger." Came the voice of Sarayaki's lover speaking in pilots enunciation.

"Rodger Fallen Angel, you are clear to proceed." Came a ghost voice in Sarakayi's headset.

Suddenly the blinding sunlight burst into the cockpit and for a moment the lion was unable to see. He could feel the plane accelerate a tiny bit, then come to a gentle stop.

When his vision returned to him Sarayaki looked about and felt surprisingly better. The dome was so clear and clean it was as if he could just jump out right though it. With a sudden leap in his heart he realized his phobia was gone, or at least it was at this moment.

"Hey, is this thing safe?" Sarayaki said into the boom microphone and was surprised at how confident his voice sounded.

For his response, the dracine only lifted his nose into view and cracked a grin. Oddly that was the best response Sarayaki could think of, and he tried to relax.

"KOA Flight controller, be advised we are starting the main engines." Came the voice of Sar's lover in his headset.

"Oh Shit." Sarayaki whispered.

Suddenly as the flight controller approved it, their came a whine that would put any twentieth century jet to shame. At first it caused Sar to wince it was so loud then it suddenly diminished. Sarayaki wondered if the engine had not started when he realized that the pitch was slowly increasing. He was puzzled at first then he realized that their must be some form of noise damping system in the headset.

The whine continued to increase it's pitch, past several very painful frequencies for him, higher and higher until he was forced to speak over the noise. "Is this thing ever going to light?"

Sarayaki watched the nose of his lover appear over the seat in front of him. He could tell his lover was yelling into the microphone strapped to his headset. " She's building up oxy and speed, don't worry, this is normal."

"Great" Sarayaki mumbled as the tiny ship began to shudder.

"Don't worry, she's a little rough on the ground, but she's like..." Falcor was saying but the whine of the engines cut him off and Sarayaki could no longer hear him no matter how much he strained to listen.

Feeling suddenly cut off he leaned forward as far as his harness would allow him and peered over the seat. Sar looked over the thousands of lights, contacts and instruments that controlled the craft and found a dragon tongue rapping around his nose in a simple kiss. His heart warmed with strength and he searched the control panel for a clue as to what was to happen next. His eyes locked on a series of lights that seemed to be counting up and he realized their meaning. Their where two lights left, then one, and as his dragon kiss faded their was a massive blast of deafening sound.

The Angel found her wings with a massive blast that propelled her into the air unlike anything Sarayaki had ever experienced. Straight up she climbed, slowly at first then gaining momentum, the massive shuddering of the craft quickly fading she rose a mere four stories, then, like a miracle she hung their, suspended in space floating above the ground like a proper spacecraft. The incredible sound of the engine diminished and Sarayaki looked about trying to fathom what he was seeing.

Nearly screaming now to be heard above the defining sound of the engine the dracine laughed... "better hang on to something." was all Sarayaki could make out before the tiny craft leached forward and somehow became louder than before.

Sarayaki would have used his paws to cover his ears if it weren't for the fact that he was nearly ripping the paw hold bars nearly out of their welded positions on each side.

The Fallen Angel lurched upward and on her tiny wings came at long last to life. The noise became unbearable, then it became nearly the only thing in the universe, then with a sudden ever louder bang the sounds just vanished. Opening each eye carefully Sarayaki looked about.

"It's alright, we just broke the sound barrier, the noise is still there, it's just behind us now."

"What the hell are you doing?" Sar panted, still trying to get hold of his nerves.

"Flying." The dracine said simply with a little laugh just before pushing the throttle forward.

With a head spinning and gut wrenching jolt the Angel burst even faster into the air and with a second slam she overcame the second and then the third sound barrier.

The fourth and fifth slid equality under her wings as they metamorphosed to a shape that the air would find easier to flow over. Forward swept wings now she slammed into Mach 4, then five then six.

Some how Sarayaki was able to relax just a tiny amount. His death grip on the hand holds laxed and he looked out over in amazement at the wings as with each sonic barrier they transformed to match their new speed.

All in all, considering the speed that they were traveling the ride was rather smooth. Sar surveyed the instruments and was lost in the the world of his lovers language. Most considered dracine nearly guttural trash talk but deciphering the actual written word was nearly impossible for any but a dragon kin. Strange glyph's glared at him some glowing others simply painted on indicating a dizzying array of complexity.

"Hay Lion, how ya doing back there?" Came Falcor's voice in Sarayaki's head set.

"Alright." Sar growled, a little to shaken even for him, and he regretted it almost instantly.

"Good, cause now you really really got to hang on." he laughed "Angel, stand by for main engine shutdown and ready for engines 1a through 2c" The dracine said and the plane happily chirped back with an acknowledged tone.

Sar groaned as Falcor counted off, "5, four, ready, steady, set, go!" The great whine of the engines blended off into the indigo night that the sky had become just a moment before six tiny points of red white light burst forth forcing Sar back into his seat.

With amazement Sar watch the liquid blue flow out of the sky until it was all below him. The old familiar feeling of weightlessness overcame him and with astonishment he whispered "We are in space."

"Yep." Falcor said proudly and simply. "The first civilian trans atmosphere craft. The Angel is designed to fly the majority of her trip in space. Saves gas."

Sar sighed and Falcor tapped a few contacts and the ship lurched forward and rolled over with her canopy toward the earth.

"How does she re-enter?" Sar said rather dazzled by the view. He had seen this exact layout millions of times before, but this was one of the few times he had ever witnessed it with his naked eyes.

The dracine laughed, "Very carefully." he started, then tapping a couple contacts, "Re-entry in T minus one minute thirty eight seconds, Mark!"

Then all was silent except for the genital whirl of the air. Sarayaki stared 'up' and down at the earth below them. "God, it's beautiful." He said in awe at the visage whizzing below him.

"Yea well, ya get used to it after a while." Falcor quipped with a chuckle.

"How fast are we traveling right now?" Sar asked absentmindedly, his claustrophobia long forgotten now. He was home again, back in space with his dragon.

"One hundred thirty two thousand and some change." The dragon morph responded cheerfully. "One minute to re-entry."

"This is incredible. You never cease to amaze me Falc. You built this thing?" Sar said still admiring the view.

"Every bolt hand selected. She was the fastest hunk of junk on the planet for quite a few years. Thirty seconds. Ohms burn t minus three, two one..."

A beep accompanied the gentle sound of the nose thrusters rotating the tiny craft back into position with her belly toward the earth.

"Can't we just stay up here?" Sar sighed, already missing the view and quiet of space.

"We can't be late, we promised we would be there and I can't think of a better way of dropping in.."

"Your not going to... you bastard, you can't do that they'll skin you alive back at headquarters!" Sarayaki gasped.

Falcor snaked his head around enough so Sar could see another of his goofy smiles. He held up three fingers, then two, then one, the middle one of course at the exact moment the angel slipped back into the earth's atmosphere.


"They should have been here by now." The half dragon said for the fortieth time. "I should have gone and picked them up at the airport. Their probably lost wandering around the city looking for us right now."

Rekk sighed and sipped from his Pepsi while a rather animate wolf tapped away madly at his joystick. "They'll be here, don't worry you bloke, they probably just got stuck in air traffic or something. You know military flights Ara." The wolf said as the computer pronounced something along the lines of go go chu chu rocket.

"But they should have been here by now." The half dragon said still pacing the floor.

Rekk, who for most of the eve had been quiet, chirped in. "Ara, your going to ware the carpet out. Dwagon and Sar will be here in good time."

Ara sighed heavily as the distant sound of thunder cracked. He whirled and looked out the window into the darkness "Great, now we have a storm coming in." He said trying to see anything in the night sky that might resemble a cloud.

"Go-go chu chu rocket" the tv spat out and it's only player chided in again. "Ara, your worrying too much again. They are big boys, they can take care of them selves. Besides, their both military. If anyone can handle total insanity those two do it on a daily basis."

Rekk chuckled at that, and AraKaraath the half dragon walked over and hugged his lover. "Yea I know, I'm just worried." he said after cracking the wolf's ribs in a tight hug. "I've never met a greater dracine before. Besides Falcor and Sar are damn near folk....." He stopped dead in the middle of his sentence.

It had started as a slow sound, just a distant rumble, now it was increasing demanding attention.

Everyone looked around to try to find the source of the sound just as a framed picture fell from the wall.

"Earthquake?" Rekk called out as the noise began to deafen them. Knickknack's shuttered and danced on shelves as the trio looked about in a desperate attempt to make sense of what was happening.

The video game was forgotten, the Pepsi can fell from a hand. All in the little house looked around and were rewarded with confusion as the front yard suddenly became bathed in the purest white of lights.

Everyone slowly gravitated to the bay window and watched in astonishment as the source of the light slowly descended below the tree tops and hovered just a few feet off the ground.

Suddenly the brilliant lights of the Fallen Angel switched off and the cockpit lights came on illuminating the madly smiling face of Falcor Riverdance.

It took some time for every-ones eyes to adjust and recognize what they were seeing but when they did, the annoyance of the noise was forgotten and as they rushed the door the Angel flew backwards, turned slightly and took a 'proper' parking space, much to the amusement of the little houses occupants as well as the rest of the neighborhood who had also come out to investigate.

The Angel touched down and her engines began to quickly lower both their pitch and their thrust. The tiny craft settled on the street 'parking' itself like a car might, it's strobe lights boldly declaring it's underbelly and wing tips to the world.

The glass canopy atop the Angel parted and sped forward and up as the steaming latter reformed itself out of the hull and Sarayaki Silermane and Falcor Riverdance climbed out of the tiny air craft and into the welcome arms of their friends.

"Domino's pizza, you ordered one dragon and one lion with pizazz. That'll be 19.95 Please." Falcor said with a grin.

They were both given a hug by the trio.



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